Harris just watched it all from a distance and kept silent. He was there to make sure that Natali didn't die.

In the end, Natali got to taste the same evil she was planning to do with Anya. 


Aiden was very cruel. He injected the aphrodisiac drug into the two men, but left Natali conscious. He wanted Natali to realize how evil her plan was.

Natali's cries and screams echoed throughout the basement of the Atmajaya Group's mall. But sadly, the place was too remote for people on the outside to hear it.

In the hospital inpatient room, Deny woke up from his sleep. "Natali..."

"Husband, you are awake. Are you hungry?" Mona asked softly.

"What are you doing here?" Deny just looked at her coldly.

He didn't let Mona attend Natali's engagement party. After the engagement party ended, Deny immediately returned to the hospital.

His mind had become chaotic in the past two days, probably because he was too tired. He could even hear Natali crying and asking for his help in dreams.

"The doctor said you don't have an appetite. I was worried so I stayed over here. Now let's eat something," Mona immediately prepared the porridge into a bowl.

"Get out. I don't want to see you," Deny said coldly.

"Husband… Are you still angry about that video? Anya purposely provoked me. I was so angry I said the wrong thing. Don't take it seriously."

Deny just snorted at the absurd excuse. "The Tedjasukmana family will be yours, huh? Are you expecting me to close my eyes and not wake up again? Kidney failure is not a serious disease. Even though I couldn't get a kidney donor, dialysis could still keep me alive for the next 20 years even. Your plan will fail!"

"Husband, I was really angry because Anya provoked me so I couldn't control what I said. I said it out of anger. I really really love you. How could I want you to die? How can I live without you?" Mona started crying.

"Get out of here. I don't want to see you. Your tears won't change my decision," Deny closed his eyes sadly. "How is Natali?"

Mona looked embarrassed and said, "I was still talking to her this afternoon from the phone. Irena is very nice to her. But Raka has been missing for two days and cannot be reached,"

"Disappeared after getting engaged? How insolent," Deny groaned angrily. "I have always known that Raka cannot forget Anya. The Mahendra family was willing to accept Natali only because they wanted my land. Natali will suffer in that family,"

"I've been trying to comfort Natali. Raka is a good boy and we also saw him grow up. He is a responsible man. I'm sure Raka will not treat Natali badly," Mona said.

"I hope so. You have to pay more attention to Natali. Raka disappeared for two days, I was worried that Natali would be treated badly in the Mahendra Family. Just now, I dreamed that Natali was asking for help and was crying while calling out my name. I asked what happened to her, but she couldn't say anything. I was so scared that I woke up covered in sweat," Deny took a deep breath.

"I'll call her back tonight. Don't worry. Everything is fine," Mona took the bowl of porridge on the table. "Let me feed you,"

However, Deny raised his hand and spilled it on the floor. "I don't dare to eat the food you brought. What if you poison me?"

"My husband… I have lived with you for many years. Don't you trust me?"

"I don't know what you are like, I don't know how you really are. When Diana was pregnant with Anya, I told you to never see her. But what were you doing? You came to her on purpose, making Anya born prematurely and Diana couldn't get pregnant anymore. I already said that I would take responsibility for you and your unborn child, but you forced me to divorce Diana on purpose. If it weren't for what I wanted, I would never have married you,"

Mona was surprised. She never thought that Deny could think of her this way.

"Diana refused to give you a son. So what's wrong if I bore you a son?" Mona said, defending herself.

"Diana didn't refuse to give me a son. It was all because you shocked her during her first pregnancy. It made her unable to become pregnant again. Do you think I wouldn't find out about that?" Deny said, pouring out all of his anger.

Mona got up from her chair and said angrily, "Deny, do you regret divorcing Diana and marrying me? At the time of the divorce, Diana wanted to take Anya away. If you agree, nothing will happen to our marriage. But you let Anya stay in our house. At that time, I was pregnant with your son, but you forced me to take care of that damn child. This is all your fault!"

"Diana was injured and had to go abroad for treatment. How could she take care of Anya at such a time? Don't you have a heart? You consider your daughter as your precious treasure, but Anya is also my daughter," Deny replied. "Do you think you are much better than Diana? During our years of marriage, how can I be proud of you? You can only waste my money. Your attitude sucks and you're not elegant either so it embarrassed me every time I had to take you to events!"

"So what do you want? Do you want to divorce me?" Mona looked coldly at Deny.

"I don't want to be with a woman who longs for my death and wants to control all my property. For Natali's sake, I will not divorce you. But I don't want you to appear in front of me again," after saying that, Deny shouted at his assistant.

His assistant then immediately rushed into the room.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" The assistant asked respectfully.

"Get this woman out of this room. Don't let her enter this room again without my permission," Deny ordered.

"Deny, I am your wife but you even kicked you out. Do you think I don't know that you are still thinking about Diana? Are you really doing this to me just because of that damn woman? Just because I sold the perfume recipe?" Mona screamed hysterically.

"I will not divorce you for Natali's sake. But if you act up again, I will make you regret all your actions," Deny looked so disappointed in Mona that he couldn't feel any feelings for his wife.

"You…" Mona gritted her teeth angrily. But for the sake of money, she decided not to act rash and cause trouble. "Husband, I know you are angry. I'll be back when you calm down,"

Deny didn't see Mona even after the woman came out of the room.

After Mona left, Deny could only take a deep breath.

"Don't expect to live in peace," he thought.

His feelings for Mona seemed to crumble, replaced by raging anger. But he still loved his daughter, Natali.

Thinking back about his dream, he decided to call Natali. But the call didn't connect. Natali's cell phone was also off.

He didn't trust the Mahendra Family, but he had no other choice but to ask them where Natali was.

Unexpectedly, he found that Natali left without saying goodbye to anyone and just disappeared. The Mahendra family's driver was confused about finding her.

Deny felt a bad feeling and immediately called Anya. "Anya, this is Dad. Natali disappeared. I can't get out of the hospital. Can you help me to find her?"

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