"Sir, Madame Diana's cell phone is lost. Please tell Anya not to worry. Mrs. Diana is with me at home," Hana said.

'Diana's cell phone is lost? But Anya said earlier that her mother called her!'


"Don't go anywhere. Take care of mom at home," Aiden already guessed what happened. After hanging up the phone, he immediately sent a message to Anya. 

"Your mother is at home. Hurry back!"

Unfortunately, after sending her short message to Tara, Anya could no longer open her cellphone.

She didn't have the opportunity to move a muscle. There were many CCTV around, whether it was on the elevator or the hall. Was Yura monitoring her from CCTV? Or was she hiding somewhere and watching her movements from afar?

When she got into the elevator and turned around, she briefly sent a text message with one hand while pressing the button with the other hand.

But now she didn't have any other chance. What happened if her suspicious behavior made Yura hurt her mother?

Even though she didn't know whether her mother was really with Yura or not, Anya didn't dare to take the risk.

After she got out of the elevator, Anya purposely turned in the wrong direction and tried to buy some time. Yura repeatedly threatened her so that she wouldn't play with her.

In the end, Anya could only walk in the direction Yura wanted.

She walked very slowly, buying time as long as possible while hoping that Tara got the message and Aiden found out that she's missing.

When she arrived in front of room 520, Anya raised her hand and knocked softly on the door. No answer or movement was heard from within.

At that moment, she could hear an incoming message notification sound. The expression on Anya's face was complicated as she peeked at her cell phone's screen and saw the contents of the message.

But Yura's voice came from across the phone. "The door is not locked. Come in quickly,"

Anya didn't answer. She immediately turned around and ran towards the elevator. Yura saw Anya who was running away from the monitor and threatened her. "Anya, don't you care about your mother?"

Even though Anya was worried about her mother, she believed in Aiden. If Aiden said that her mother was fine, that meant her mother was fine!

Anya already suspected that Yura was tricking her. She could not imagine what was in the room.

Anya immediately turned off the phone with Yura and immediately called Aiden. The phone was immediately connected.

"Aiden, I'm on the fifth floor. Help me!" Anya said frantically.

At that time, two men in black clothes and facemasks came out of room 520. One of them was carrying a syringe.

"Don't panic. I'll be there soon!" Aiden said.

"Before the elevator came, two men chased me. I… I ran through the emergency stairs," Anya immediately took off her high heels and ran on the stairs.

"Go to the sixth floor. I'll pick you up there. Hurry up and run!" Aiden had ordered his bodyguards to go after her. Some of them went to the upper floors through stairs, some went downstairs.

"Help! Please help!" Anya shouted while running.

Aiden stopped at each floor with the elevator to look for Anya's whereabouts. Once he knew his wife's whereabouts, he headed straight to the sixth floor. His hand pressed the elevator button repeatedly anxiously, worried that something bad might happen.

As soon as the elevator opened, Aiden immediately ran. At the same time, Anya had just come out of the fire escape.

Two men were seen pulling Anya's long dress, making her trip over her feet and fall. Aiden immediately ran towards them and kicked the man who knocked his wife down.

Aiden's bodyguards also arrived from upstairs and down. They immediately arrested the two men.

"Aiden..." Anya immediately hugged Aiden. Her heart was beating fast and her breath was short because she was running as hard as she could in a long dress.

"It's okay. Don't be afraid. I am here," when he saw his wife's barefoot, Aiden immediately carried her off the floor.

"Sir, we've caught them!" His guards reported.

"They... They came out of room number 520 on the 5th floor," Anya said from between her breaths. "They injected something at me..."

"What?" Aiden's eyes bulged when he heard that. How dare they inject something into his wife!

Aiden's guards immediately descended and entered room number 520. They found complete camera equipment used for filming. Apart from that, there were all kinds of items used for sex plays such as ropes, handcuffs, candles, whips and so on.

There was no one else but the two men and the room was supposed to be Natali's changing room.

After knowing that Anya was in danger, Aiden immediately checked the entire CCTV of the building and found that Anya was in the elevator. However, at the same time, Anya called him and said that she was on the fifth floor.

The person who planned this had arranged everything very well. They even manipulated CCTV footage.

The two masked men were led to room number 520. Aiden's bodyguards were highly trained and they were used to interrogating people.

"What did you give her?" Aiden stepped on one of the chasers' hands with all his might, as if trying to force him to confess his crime.

Anya hid her face in Aiden's arms, not daring to see all this.

"That... That's an aphrodisiac," the man writhed in pain.

"I know that Yura wants to harm me. Who told you about this room?" Once she knew that this room was Natali's room, Anya knew right away that Yura and Natali were accomplices. This was all their plan.

Previously, Natali also used Raisa to harm Anya. Natali knew that Anya had a sharp smell so she told Yura to use a syringe.

If the medicine was in the form of food or drink, Anya would know right away. That's why they decided to use a syringe and immediately grabbed Anya to inject her with the drug by force.

"Yura said that this room is the changing room for Natali. Right now, her engagement party is still going on so no one will use this room. In addition, it is impossible for anyone to dare to enter the room belonging to the prospective daughter-in-law of the Mahendra Family without permission. This place is safe," another man said.

Anya's body trembled in Aiden's arms. She knew what these two men were talking about.

In addition, after seeing all the objects scattered in that place, Anya's body trembled even more intensely.


If she had followed Yura's words and entered this room, she couldn't imagine what would have happened to her.

Aiden's eyes looked even more sinister. His voice sounded cold as he ordered, "Close all airports, bus stops, trains and toll booths. Before this engagement party is over, I want to see Yura,"

"Very well, sir," the head of Aiden's bodyguard said.

Aiden led Anya out of the room. Meanwhile, the two men in black who were kneeling on the floor could only beg for mercy. "Sir, we are guilty. We didn't know that this woman was your lover. Please forgive us!"

"It's too late," Aiden looked at his bodyguard. They all immediately understood what their master wanted and closed the door tightly.

Anya could feel her body heating up while she was still in Aiden's arm. Her face flushed red and her consciousness seemed to drift.

She muttered softly, "What are you going to do with them?"

"You don't need to know," Aiden's face was grim. He was really furious.

Anya felt that her whole body grew increasingly uncomfortable. Her brain seemed unable to think. 

"Aiden, please take me to the hospital..."

Aiden didn't answer. He walked to the elevator and headed straight to the top floor, to the presidential suite.

With a cold expression, Aiden laid Anya's body on the sofa. Even though his face was cold and stern, he still treated Anya very gently.

He was really angry, but he was also very worried about Anya.

He went to the refrigerator and took a bottle of cold mineral water. He opened the cap of and gave it to Anya.

Anya immediately accepted it and drank it at once.

The cold water eased her a little, but the heat seemed to not subside.

She curled up and hugged her body. Her whole body felt hot, her shoulders were trembling.

Seeing her husband was silent, Anya asked weakly, "Are you angry?"

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