Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 337 - The Illegitimate Child

"Madame?" Deny asked, confused.

"Madame and Master have been married for a long time. You should have known about it since she came to Mr. Bima's birthday party. The Atmajaya family would not just let Madame get hurt. This time, you insisted on protecting your wife. It's the same as fighting the entire Atmajaya Family. The woman your wife hurt is not Anya, but the third daughter-in-law of the Atmajaya Family, the wife of the current president of the Atmajaya Group," Hana stepped forward and defended Anya.


"Mrs. Hana..." Anya called Hana in a low voice, asking her to stop.

However, it looked like Hana hadn't finished. She didn't even call out Anya's name as usual, but deliberately called her 'Madam' and kept emphasizing it.

"Madame, I can't help myself even though they are your family. They intend to hurt you. You can't be too forgiving. Let them know who they are fighting right now. Since you are part of the Atmajaya Family, you'd better tell them all and make them realize who you truly are,"

Hana said it very smoothly and firmly. She advised Deny not to challenge Aiden again.

"You are married?" Deny asked in disbelief.

All this time, he had always loved Natali, even more so since Natali became engaged to Raka. However, after learning this, Deny realized that he chose the wrong daughter!

It was clear that Anya was much more 'valuable' than Natali.

"My mom left me a message before falling into a coma again. She intended to sell the Tedjasukmana Family house and give half the money to you. From now on, she is no longer related to you," Anya said coldly.

Deny immediately panicked and said, "Anya, you have to trust me. I've never intended to hurt you. I will find out who kidnapped you. If that woman really did it, I won't help her anymore,"

Anya sneered inside her heart. Previously, he called Mona as 'your stepmother', 'my wife', and other favorite names. But once Deny found out that Anya was married to Aiden, he immediately changed her title to 'that woman'.

This was what the man she'd always thought as her father was truly like. He was like a rapidly turning wind, following the stream as long as he could save himself.

At first, she felt a little depressed because Deny was not her father. But now she felt much luckier.

"You are Natali's father. I don't have a father. Your daughter, Anya, was dead in your hands ten years ago," Anya turned and walked back to her room.

She didn't want to talk to Deny anymore. Anya really knew her father. After knowing that Anya was the Atmajaya Family's daughter-in-law, Anya could already guess what Deny would do next.

Deny would take the initiative to go to Aiden's place and pose as his father-in-law, asking Aiden to let Mona go.

Or he might go to the Atmajaya family's house, discussing Anya's marriage to Aiden.

And he might do other strange things…

Anya grew anxious thinking of all this.

Anya returned to her room and saw a brown envelope lying on the bed. The envelope contained the DNA test results of her and her mother.

She was really confused at this time. No matter what the outcome, it wouldn't calm her still…

If she was really her mother's daughter, then who was her real father?

If she was not her mother's daughter, then where were her biological parents?

Why did her mother call the Love Mother and Child Hospital before the coma? What did her mother really want to know?

While thinking about it, Anya guessed.

Did Indah and Keara know that she was not Deny's daughter and told her mother about this? Was that why her mother fell into a coma again?

Thinking of this, Anya no longer hesitated and immediately opened the brown envelope. When she saw the DNA test results and found out that she was indeed the daughter of her mother, tears of relief flowed from her eyes.

"Mother…" Anya covered her mouth and cried silently.

"Anya, are you okay?" After escorting Deny away, Hana felt anxious and worried about Anya, so she decided to see Anya's condition. She could faintly hear Anya's crying from outside of the door.

"I'm fine, Ma'am," Anya immediately wiped her tears and took a deep breath. She put the test results back in the envelope.

As soon as Anya opened the door, Hana looked anxiously at Anya. "I've escorted your father out,"

"I don't want to meet anyone from the Tedjasukmana Family," Anya calmly said.

"Okay," Hana nodded.

Anya brought the brown envelope to Aiden's study and kept it in the safe. After that, she returned to the room to call Aiden.

"You didn't sleep?" Aiden's soft voice came from across the phone. Anya felt her heart warm to hear her husband's voice.

"I was just going to bed after this and suddenly wanted to hear your voice. Are you busy? Am I bothering you?" Anya asked shyly. She felt like a teenager in love, calling her boyfriend after only being separated for a while…

"No matter how busy I am, you are still the most important to me. Deny came to see you just now. What did he say?" Aiden asked anxiously.

Anya knew that the CCTV at home was connected to Aiden's cellphone. Even though Aiden didn't see him, Harris would know and couldn't hide Deny's arrival from Aiden.

"He wanted me to forgive Mrs. Mona. Mrs. Hana told him that we were married and advised him not to offend the Atmajaya family just to protect Mrs. Mona," Anya paused and then continued, "Aiden, what if he goes to the Atmajaya Family house to see your father?"

"My father is a cunning old man. He has his own way of taking care of Deny," Aiden wasn't worried at all.

Anya was silent for a moment. Was that really how Aiden thought of Bima?

However, after hearing Aiden's story, Anya also felt that Bima was not that simple man. He could even have a son by Imel, but still not give the woman an official name.

And Imel couldn't blame him at all…

Even though Bima knew how to deal with Deny, Anya still felt she should call the Atmajaya Family to let them know the news first.

"Should I call your father and explain the situation?" Anya asked.

"Just call Ms. Maria. He knows how to deal with dad, "said Aiden.

"Okay. I'll call Sister Maria," Anya thought for a moment and finally decided to tell Aiden about the result of her DNA test. Aiden was her husband and Anya believed in him. "Aiden, I've seen the result. I really am my mother's daughter,"

"Hmm… Then, I will immediately take care of everything so you can cut ties with the Tedjasukmana Family. Don't be mad at your mom. Once she wakes up, she will tell you everything," Aiden said softly.

"Aiden, has your opinion of me changed? Don't you like me anymore?" Anya asked carefully.

If she wasn't Diana and Deny's daughter, she might be someone else's daughter.

But in reality, she was Diana's daughter, just not Deny's. That would mean she was the illegitimate child Diana conceived at the time of her marriage to Deny.

Anya hoped she was really her mother's daughter. But after the result came out, she realized that she had become an illegitimate child.

"Anya, you are you. You didn't do anything wrong. Let your parents take care of the problems themselves and we can live our own lives. You should also be aware that you have no relationship with Deny and the Tedjasukmana Family. Next time, you don't have to mind them," Aiden said.

"Aiden, do you think my mother and Uncle Galih..." Anya wanted to ask, but she didn't dare to continue...

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