"How dare you little brat talk to the elderly like that? Why do kids nowadays have a bad heart?" the grandmother was crying when she said this.

Her cry made several people who had just parked their car look curiously. One of them were two men in black t-shirts and sunglasses.


Most of the people chose to pay attention from afar or ignore them, but the two big men approached them instead.

"What are you two doing? Why do you bully this elderly woman?" The two men in black stopped them.

Aiden's bodyguard looked at the two men worriedly and said to Anya, "Madame, hurry and get out of this place. Do not worry about me,"

"I can't leave you alone," Anya saw the two people trying to block their way. It's dangerous if Aiden's bodyguard was left alone…

"You want to go? You can't go!" The old woman who was crying on the floor grabbed Anya's feet and prevented her from running away.

"Grandma, what are you doing? Let go of my feet," Anya felt panicked when she saw the two men in black getting closer. But this old grandmother was still holding her leg.

"Grandma, get off my friend's leg! You will injure her," the guard shouted.

"Why are you so cruel? I'm old but you still want to leave me," the grandmother cried while still holding Anya's leg.

Not far from where they were, several people looked their way, thinking that this was just an ordinary quarrel between parent and child.

Seeing the man in black getting closer to her, Anya felt panicked. If the two of them really intended to injure her, she and Aiden's bodyguard would not be able to fight back and could not escape.

Feeling that she had no other way, Anya immediately shouted loudly, "Please, help! There are robbers!"

The old woman on the floor panicked when she heard Anya screaming robbery. Meanwhile, Aiden's bodyguard immediately understood Anya's plan and helped her, "Please, someone is trying to rob us. Please call the police!"

When the two men in black heard Anya and her bodyguard scream, they immediately ran and rushed to cover Anya's mouth.

People start gathering when they hear Anya's scream. They saw the man in black covering Anya's mouth, while Aiden's bodyguard was fighting his partner.

"Something happened!" Someone shouted.

Some people were scared and didn't dare come near, but they rushed to call the police. Several other people called the hospital staff.

Anya's mouth was covered with a handkerchief. She tried her best to struggle and kicked and hit with her whole body. But she fought a big man. No matter how hard she tried to free herself, she couldn't escape.

She panicked even more when she could smell a strange smell from the handkerchief covering her mouth.

She tried to hold her breath, but the handkerchief covered her mouth for too long. Her consciousness was fading away, her strength plummeted and her body was getting weaker. In the end, she lost consciousness.

Before she fainted, a tear rolled down the corner of Anya's eye.

'Aiden I'm sorry. I should have listened to you and went straight home. I shouldn't interfere much in other people's business… '

The man immediately took the unconscious Anya into a black car. Meanwhile, Aiden's bodyguard was still fighting his comrade and couldn't beat him.

Until there was one brave man who stepped forward and intended to help. However, the man in black who had been blocking Aiden's bodyguard immediately fled to the other side.

Aiden's bodyguard and the brave man tried to catch up, but the man managed to escape and got into the black car.

"Sir, Madam has been kidnapped. The kidnapper was using a black Mercedes Benz SUV. I saw the license plate number 345, but I could not see the front and back letters clearly," the guard tried to catch up while calling Aiden to tell him the situation.

As soon as he got the call, Aiden immediately dispatched his subordinates to check the CCTV on the highway and look for a car with a number plate in the vicinity.

However, not long after, the car just threw Anya to the side of the road and just left ...

Aiden rushed to the location found by his subordinates and found Anya passed out by the roadside.

Without thinking, he immediately got out of his car and ran over to her, his wife.

"Anya, Anya..." Aiden supported Anya's body with his arms and tried to wake her up.

Anya could only feel dizziness in her head. Aiden's voice sounded very clear in her ears. She wanted to open her eyes but couldn't get up.

"Hurry up and find those people!" Aiden shouted angrily.

Several police officers also joined in the chase because they received emergency calls from people nearby. One of them stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Aiden, has Miss Anya ever been in trouble with anyone…"

"Don't ask me! It's your job to investigate it!" Aiden's face was ice cold. Not a single person dared to step forward to ask him again…

He carried Anya and returned to his car, telling Abdi to immediately return to the hospital. Meanwhile, all of his other bodyguards remained there to find the suspected kidnappers.

An hour later, Anya was lying on top of the hospital bedroom with an IV needle stuck in her arm.

"Mr. Aiden, according to our examination, Miss Anya is fine. But we found needle marks on her arm. Looks like someone took her blood sample,"

Aiden really wanted to kill Deny right then and there!

Only because Anya refused to have her kidney tested. Deny purposely kidnapped her own daughter and took her blood sample by force.

"If the blood sample is for a kidney transplant compatibility test, how long will it take for the results to come out?" Aiden asked with a grim face.

"Usually, it takes several hours to check blood type. After that, it is still necessary to carry out tissue examinations and a blood match test between the donor and the recipient so that the organ will not be rejected. The process takes three to four days. The operation can be carried out only when the three of them match," the doctor replied.

Aiden nodded, but his eyes were glued to his wife's face. "When will Anya wake up?"

"Supposedly, Miss Anya will wake up for a moment… Oh! Miss Anya is awake," the doctor saw Anya's eyelids moving. Then, he called her in a low voice, "Miss, can you hear my voice? Is there any discomfort or pain in your body?"

Anya then slowly opened her eyes. Seeing Aiden's worried gaze, Anya knew that Aiden managed to save her in time.

"Aiden…" her voice was hoarse. Her eyes were also red and she looked like she wanted to cry.

Aiden immediately held Anya's hand gently and calmed her down. "Don't be afraid. I am here,"

"They... They took my blood," Anya said in a weak voice.

Aiden nodded.

"I want to call my father. He said he would not force me," Anya said in a sad voice.

Seeing that Anya was fine, the doctor immediately took the initiative to go and let the two of them discuss their personal matters.

"Get some rest first. You can call him later," Aiden said.

Anya nodded and looked at her husband's face with guilt, "I'm sorry..."

At first, Aiden really wanted to scold Anya. But he knew that Anya was a woman with a gentle and kind heart from the start. It's not his wife's fault when she wanted to help others…

Wasn't that the kindness that made Aiden fall in love with Anya?

It wasn't Anya who was at fault, but the people who tried to take advantage of her kindness.

"You are not wrong. But please don't trust other people too much," Aiden said.

"What happened to that grandmother?" Anya asked.

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