"I'm not as smart as my uncle. If I get hurt and can't get engaged, my grandfather can ignore my arranged marriage and marry his girlfriend," Nico muttered unhappily. "Who knew if he accidentally hurt me like this!"

When she heard this, Anya really wanted to burst out laughing. But she couldn't do it in front of everyone so she hid a little behind Aiden's back.


Meanwhile, Bima's face turned red with embarrassment. Nico accused him of deliberately abusing his own grandson to marry his girlfriend.

"Tara, help Maria," Tirta immediately told her granddaughter to help Maria get ice and a cold compress for Nico's head.

"Come on, I'll help you cool the swelling," Tara helped Nico to the kitchen.

Once they left, only the six of them were in the living room.

"Doctor Tirta, my father asked you to come to witness his marriage today. He wants to get married before his children and grandchildren," Aiden said calmly but in a cynical tone.

Bima immediately coughed and felt even more embarrassed. "I don't have to get married now. I'm not in a hurry,"

"Bima, isn't Nico only 26 years old this year? Nico wasn't even engaged yet. Why do you even want to get married first?" Tirta said disapprovingly.

"Imel has been waiting for me for years. I don't want to upset her even more. Ivan also had to wait for his body to recover before holding a wedding party. I'll wait for Nico to get engaged first. My wedding could be postponed temporarily," Bima said awkwardly.

"Right. Wait till Nico gets engaged first. Find a mate first before you get married yourself. Who are you going to match Nico with, by the way?" When asking this, Tirta did not look at Imel at all.

Much of the responsibility of the Atmajaya Family had been left to Aiden. Bima had retired from his job and only took care of things from the behind the scenes.

Now, Ivan suddenly returned to Indonesia to recover. Meanwhile, Imel insisted on getting married and becoming part of the Atmajaya Family.

Who couldn't guess what that woman wanted?

Tirta had been the personal doctor of the Atmajaya family for many years. He knew, as long as Aiden didn't let Imel be part of the Atmajaya Family, that woman would have no opening to enter!

In the past, Ardan also tried to stop Imel from being part of the family. Now, of course Aiden wouldn't let Imel do whatever she wanted.

Aiden was even more difficult to talk to than Ardan. Apart from that, he was quite strange and unpredictable.

Since Tara and Anya were close friends, Aiden was very nice to Tara's family. Of course, if he had to choose, Tirta would choose to side with Aiden.

"Imel, is it okay for us to postpone it?" Bima held Imel's hand. "Nico is going to do matchmaking. Ivan is also recovering. After everything is finished, I promise to marry you,"

"Bima, we are not in a hurry. As long as I can be with you, I don't care about getting your last name," Imel wanted to grit her teeth, but her face still showed a cute smile.

"You are always understanding to me. I'm very lucky to meet you. Ivan is very similar to you. I hope he won't be in trouble because of his tolerant nature one day," Bima took a deep breath.

"Who intends to bully my fiancé? You have to step over me first," Keara came into the room smiling.

"Keara is here!" Bima patted Ivan on the shoulder happily.

Ivan understood it. He immediately stood up to greet Keara, "Keara, you're back,"

"I heard you just had surgery and came home to recover. I brought you medicine to improve blood flow," Keara gave it to one of the servants.

"Thank you," Ivan said politely.

Anya grabbed Aiden's sleeve and whispered softly, "Do we have to stand here all the time?"

There were only Imel and Ivan in Bima's eyes. Even though Aiden insulted Ivan, the man didn't listen to him at all.

It was like punching a pillow that would keep coming back into shape.

Now, Keara was coming. Aiden and Anya's presence there was instantly forgotten.

"Sit down if you are tired," Aiden took Anya's hand and led her to one of the sofas. Before Ivan and Keara could sit down, they sat down first.

Anya felt confused. Who said she was tired?

She just felt that she didn't have the opportunity to say anything from the start. She could only stand in her place watching everyone argue.

Now Keara had come. Shouldn't they have taken the opportunity to sneak out of the living room secretly?

Who knew that Aiden thought she was tired and immediately pulled her onto one of the sofas to sit down.

The sofa in the family room consisted of three seats. Bima was sitting on one of the long sofas. Imel on his left and Tirta on his right.

Meanwhile, Aiden immediately took Anya to sit on the sofa for two.

There was only one seat left. Only one space for Keara or Ivan to sit down.

Keara immediately reacted quickly and said attentively, "Ivan, your waist is hurting. Sit down. Don't stand too long,"

"You sit down. I'll accompany you," Ivan pulled Keara's body gently and told her to sit on the chair. He stood beside Keara, like a knight accompanying his queen.

Keara's face blushed slightly. Actually, Ivan wasn't bad at all. His appearance was no less attractive than Aiden. He was very gentle in nature and he knew very well how to make a woman happy.

If he ever had a flaw, he only had one. His mother was the mistress of the Atmajaya Family…

However, this actually was not a big problem. And still, Imel would marry Bima and become part of the Atmajaya Family.

Ivan himself lacked almost nothing. But Keara's heart was not for him. Keara thought that Ivan loved and cared for everyone around him so much that he forgot to love himself.

Anya sat on the sofa, and didn't dare to move at all.

Meanwhile, Aiden was leaning back on the sofa lazily, holding Anya's shoulder with one of his hands, showing his ownership.

"Ivan, sit here. Mother will go to the kitchen to see when we can eat," Imel immediately gave her seat to her beloved son.

After Imel left, Ivan sat beside Bima.

"Tirta, look at my children," Bima said, smiling.

"Your sons are truly extraordinary. Keara and Anya are very beautiful too. How did you get this lucky? Even the daughter-in-laws you get is extraordinary," Tirta said enviously.

"I am flattered by Doctor Tirta's praise. I heard Tara has her own clinic and is very successful. Doctor Tirta is also very lucky to have a granddaughter like Tara," Ivan said with a smile.

"Tara has a very cheerful personality. She has great medical skills and a business spirit. Doesn't she intend to open a stomatological hospital?" Keara asked.

Tirta shook his head. "That child is extraordinary. But she will get married sooner or later. I don't want her to work too hard. She better keep a small clinic like this. The income earned is good enough and this job is not tiring for her,"

"Do you want to match Tara? How about I help you find a candidate?" Bima asked.

"I don't think my granddaughter will agree," Tirta took a deep breath.

Anya was speechless hearing this conversation. If only Tara knew that her grandfather was talking about matchmaking and marriage, she would have fled this place as soon as possible.

Aiden just watched all of this without saying a word.

Anya couldn't join in their conversation either. Seeing Ivan and Keara who could blend in so easily, she felt weak. 

"Why do we have to sit here and suffer?" Anya asked in a low voice.

"Let's just say I was taking you to the cinema to see everyone's acting skills," Aiden's voice wasn't too loud, but everyone in the room could hear him.

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