Anya bit her lip and stopped. Then she glanced nervously at Aiden.

"You guys talk first. I will wait outside," Aiden understood the meaning of Anya's gaze and immediately left the room.


Diana frowned. "Why can't you ask in front of Aiden?"

"Mother, I look very much like Uncle Galih's daughter. Not only did my father suspect it, but Uncle Galih's wife too. Of course I believe in you, but…"

Diana interrupted her with a serious look. "Are you two that similar?"

"I'll show you the photo," Anya immediately remembered when Keara asked to take a photo with her at Bima's birthday party. She looked for the photo on her cellphone and immediately showed it to her mother. "Actually, if we look carefully, we are not that similar, but at a glance..."

Seeing the photo, Diana was also surprised. "Why is your face similar to her? But I really have nothing to do with Galih,"

"Did Uncle Galih ask you?" Anya asked.

"Yes. He asked me if anything had happened between us when we met and had a drink the day before I got married. He also suspects that you are his daughter," Diana stared at the photo on Anya's cellphone. The more she saw it, the more confused she became.

"If the two of you don't know each other and aren't friends, no one will think all kinds of things. But this coincidence is really strange," Anya said.

"No wonder your father is suspicious of me too. But nothing happened between me and Galih. That night, after he was drunk, Indah took him home herself," Diana said, mentioning the name of Galih's current wife.

Anya held her mother's hand and said, "Mother, I had no intention of suspecting you. But I just want to know the truth and tell you about this matter so that you are not surprised if someone asks this later,"

"I understand. Don't worry. Mother would never have done such a bad thing. You also have to be brave to defend yourself. We didn't do anything wrong. Don't be afraid of what other people say," Diana said softly.

"Alright then. I will take care of everything according to your arrangement. Half the money from the house for my father and half to pay for Uncle Galih. I'm also going to sell our little house to an uncle who sells vegetables so we can buy a new garden," Anya said, repeating all of her mother's orders. "I've used your recipe to make new products. But I'm still working on developing it,"

Diana nodded. "There is one more. If you are planning to have children, you have to start preparing for your own health and your child's health. I didn't want to stop working when I was pregnant with you, so your body has become weak since childhood. It's all my fault,"

"Mother, don't I look well now?" Anya held her mother's hand with teary eyes. "Mother, I don't blame you at all. I'm really grateful that you have given me this life,"

Diana's eyes became hot at the words of her daughter. "You have to stay healthy and live happily. Because you are the only one mother has in this world,"

"I'm very happy, Mom. In October, I will launch my new product. I made it based on your formula. This perfume will not lose to Imel," Anya said confidently.

"I believe in you. You're the best daughter in the world," Diana smiled and stroked her daughter's head.

"Too bad I have to have dinner with Aiden's family tonight, so I can't accompany you. I'll be back tomorrow. Get some rest, mom!" Anya said.

"You don't need to come here. Tomorrow is Saturday. You and Aiden should also rest. Go have fun and come again Monday," Diana said with a smile.

"How do you know tomorrow is Saturday?" Anya said in surprise.

Diana raised her head, pointed to a clock on the wall. "There is a date,"

Anya laughed listening to her mother's answer. "I'll be back in college starting next week. I won't have much time to accompany you. So tomorrow…"

"Can't I sleep peacefully for a day or two? I always heard your babbling in my ear when I was still in oma. Go on and have fun. Don't worry about mom. Mother is fine," Diana said, half teasing her daughter.

"Are you sure you don't need me?" Anya asked worriedly.

"You just got married. Your husband needs you much more than your mother. Seeing that the two of you have a very affectionate relationship, it looks like I will see grandchildren soon. But I'm not ready to have grandchildren, I'll look old," Diana teased.

Anya's face blushed a little when she turned towards the door of her mother's room. Aiden was holding his cell phone and talking on the phone.

"I thought God closed his eyes and didn't want us to live happily. Mother has lost everything and even health so we live in misery. But now I realize that God still loves us. I'm so happy right now. You have to recover quickly so we can go home!" Anya said with a smile.

"Everything will be alright," Diana felt a little tired so she closed her eyes. "Come home. Mother also wants to rest,"

"If there is something, contact me. By the way, there is a small mirror in the drawer next to mom's bed. You can use it," Anya said, winking her eyes.

Anya did not tell her that the scars on her mother's face had lessened after taking Aiden's medicine.

Currently, the skin on her mother's face still looked a little brown. In the past, they thought it was impossible for her mother's face to return to normal. But now, things were much better.

Her mom would be so happy to see her face starting to get back to how it used to be!

"After resting today, I will call you tomorrow," Diana said.

"Then I'll go. Rest well, mom," Anya adjusted her mother's blanket and left the room.

Aiden was standing in front of a large window. Nobody knew what he was talking about on the phone, but his face was very stern.

"She should have known what the consequences were when she dared to put medicine into my drink. Don't expect her to get out of prison anytime soon. If she wants to come out, she'll have to die first. Only then can you bring the body out," Aiden said in his deep voice.

Anya could hear what Aiden was saying and her feet stopped stepping a few meters away from him. She could guess that Aiden was talking about Raisa.

Raisa had been in prison for several days. Raisa, who lived like a princess, had a pampered life and was always obeyed, never thought that she would be spending her time in a prison cell for a year. She suffered for every minute and could not take it anymore.

"Uncle, Raisa was bitten by a mosquito and caught dengue fever. If she doesn't get treated right away, she will really die," Nico was really fidgety like a boiling pot that kept jiggling around. He was afraid that his friend's younger sister would really die.

Aiden immediately gave new terms. "Tell Raka, if he doesn't want his sister to die, he has to sell the land owned by his company in the city center."

"Middle of town? Do you mean the land in the middle of a commercial center? Raka wouldn't want to sell it," Nico said.

"Then just let Raisa die," Aiden hung up the phone coldly.

Anya saw Aiden hang up and go straight to him. "My mother is resting,"

"Let's go," Aiden told one of his bodyguards to stand guard at the door and tell the hospital staff not to let anyone but family visit Diana.

Aiden took Anya's hand and headed for the elevator. While waiting for the elevator, Anya looked at Aiden doubtfully. "Does Raisa want to get out of prison?"

"Hmm... Your cell phone rang," Then Aiden reminded her with one sentence. "Maybe Raka called you."

Anya was silent for a moment and took her cellphone from the bag. As Aiden said…

"Mr. Atmajaya, your guess is very correct. If he begged me to help him get Raisa out of jail, what should I say?" Anya asked.

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