"Should I accompany you inside?" Aiden asked when he saw Anya looking at her house with sad eyes.

Anya shook her head and answered firmly, "I want to solve this problem myself. If I can't, can you help me again?"


"Hmm... But you have to bring some bodyguards just in case," Aiden said, looking at his bodyguard.

Anya nodded her head and obeyed Aiden's words.

Aiden didn't get out of the car. He only saw Anya and a few bodyguards heading towards the door of the Tedjasukmana Family house in silence.

Anya still remembered the last time she was in this house. Natali framed her, making her suddenly wake up in Aiden's hotel room the next morning. She stood there asking for an explanation, but her stepmother beat her up badly.

Meanwhile, Aiden frowned in the car. He knew what happened two months ago. Thinking it over made Aiden feel unhappy.

From the intercom, Mona's servant could see Anya standing at the door. The servant did not immediately open the door and report to Mona.

"Madame, Miss Anya has come!" said the servant.

Mona walked to the window and stared out coldly. She saw the Bentley car that was taking Anya as well as the figure of the young man sitting in it.

"Nat, look. Is that Nico?" Mona felt that Aiden was not that young. Maybe the man in the car wasn't Aiden, but Nico.

Natali came to her mother, looking outside the window and said after deep thought, "Looks like it's not him. I'm sure it's not Aiden. Aiden isn't that young,"

"Anya seems very famous. Why didn't Aiden accompany her here?" Mona said, confused.

"Who knows. Don't pay attention. We're not moving either. Raka will arrive soon," Natali said indifferently.

"Let that little bitch in and see what she wants," Mona replied in an arrogant tone.

The servant then opened the door. Anya immediately entered her mother's house, which was occupied by three shameless people who didn't know their place.

Natali was seen sitting on the sofa lazily. Her hand was holding a fork, stabbing a grape and casually popping it into her mouth as if nothing had happened.

Anya walked into the family room. Before she could speak, she heard Mona criticize her. "You shameless little whore! You seduced your sister's fiancé and now you still have the face to come to this house!"

"This is my house. Why can't I come back here?" The smile on Anya's face looked cynical, only one corner of her lips curved. Her eyes immediately brushed Natali's face, which looked calm. "Natali, if I were you, I wouldn't dare to be this relaxed. Do you think Raka doesn't know anything about Raisa's problem?"

"You..." Natali was really angry. Her anger reached her head, but she could only play dumb to cover it all up. "I don't know what you mean. Raisa's problem has nothing to do with me,"

"Anya, you really are a mess. You already killed my son and snatched Natali's fiancé. Now, just because someone supports you, you dare to do whatever you want in our presence. Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you, you bitch! Get out of this place! You are not accepted in this family," Mona deliberately raised her voice to insult Anya and tried to overwhelm her.

Anya looked at Mona who was screaming like crazy with a calm face. "Mrs. Mona, do I need to remind you again? This house belongs to my mother and her name is still recorded on the certificate. I've been kind enough to let you all stay in this place, but now I don't want it anymore. Get out of this place. If you are brave, get out of this house and don't live in my mother's house anymore,"

"You bastard, who are you telling to get out of this house? Try saying that one more time!" Mona glared at Anya. "This house is a compensation for my son's death. You can't take it back!"

"Your son's death has nothing to do with me. You are the one who acted cruelly and this is the reward for your actions. You beat me to a pulp. The medical records are still in the hospital. You fell because of your own fault, while I just tried to protect myself. But you took the opportunity to take my mother's house. I am not the old Anya. I am no longer weak and can be bullied like I used to," Anya said firmly. Her eyes remained cold at Mona, no matter what the woman said. "Today, pack all your things and get out of this house!"

"You bitch! You're the one who made me miscarry and can't have any more children. Now you want to kick me out of this place!" Mona's eyes swept towards the bodyguards accompanying Anya and guessed that the men were Aiden's messengers.

However, that didn't mean she didn't dare to beat Anya. After all, Aiden wasn't there. Who could protect Anya?

She raised her hand and swung it as hard as she could to slap Anya, but Anya avoided her.

She avoided it again, again and again.

Until finally Mona's body shook and fell to the ground. She then screamed in pain.

"You insolent child! How dare you do this to me. I will kill you!" Mona rose from the floor and took one of her husband's golf clubs. She rushed over to Anya to beat her.

One of Aiden's bodyguards was about to protect Anya, but stopped when he saw Anya holding an expensive antique vase. "If you step closer, I will destroy this vase."

Seeing that his madame could still fight back, the bodyguard decided to keep quiet.

Aiden had told his bodyguards not to be so reckless. As long as Anya wasn't in any danger, they had to let Anya solve the problem by herself. She must learn to deal with people like this.

Mona saw that the vase Anya was holding was her husband's favorite vase. It was painted white and blue, made of porcelain and was very expensive. She was shocked and screamed. "Put down the vase. I'm warning you, that vase costs over one hundred million rupiah. You can't break it!"

As soon as Mona's voice was heard, Anya let go of her handle on the vase. The vase fell to the ground with a loud sound and broke into pieces.

"Oops, my hand slipped. Everything is your fault because you startled me," Anya looked at the broken pieces on the floor. "How much did this vase cost?"

"You damn whore! You did it on purpose!" Mona took one of the broken vases and headed towards Anya.

Anya reacted quickly, hiding behind Natali. If Mona wanted to hit her, Natali would be the one who would get hit!

"Get off me quickly!" Natali shouted. She struggled to get rid of Anya's hands, but Anya was holding her so tight.

"Don't hide, you bastard!" Mona didn't want to hurt her daughter. She immediately gestured to one of her servants.

As soon as the servant wanted to step forward, Aiden's bodyguard immediately stopped them. He immediately grabbed the servant's hand and twisted it back.

The other servants could only step back and tremble with fear. They didn't dare to interfere in this matter.

Anya still held Natali's body as her shield, making her very upset. Natali shouted at Mona, "Mother, hurry up and put down the broken vase. I don't want my face to hurt!"

Mona immediately put it down and approached Anya carefully. "Anya, don't act rashly. How about we talk calmly? Let go of Natali!"

Natali was indeed a daughter from a rich family. She was spoiled and powerless. How could she fight Anya who worked in the park every day?

She would not be able to get away from Anya's grip so she tried to ask her mother for help.

Anya's hand gripped Natali's shoulder tightly as she said in a sarcastic tone, "If you guys didn't do all this to me, I wouldn't have acted this way. I don't want to talk to you. I just want you to get out of this house right now. If you don't want to, don't blame me for using violence,"

After saying that, Anya shook one of her legs to kick a cabinet. This time, a golden vase of flowers fell from the cabinet and shattered to pieces.

"You crazy! Don't you know how much the vase costs?" Mona shouted angrily.

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