"What are you going to do, Aiden? You were blind and paralyzed in a wheelchair for six months. Haven't you learned enough lessons? It's all because you are cruel, even to your own uncle," Nina continued to babble in front of Aiden.

"Madam, please watch your attitude. No matter what Aiden did, he did it for the company. As his relative, you are talking too much about him," said Anya unwillingly.


"You cheap woman. How dare you talk back to me. You are nothing, just a toy! It's not your place to talk here," Nina said angrily.

Aiden wanted to clean the company from criminals and had to expel his own uncle. It's true that it's cruel.

Andre held a high position in the Atmajaya Group company without doing anything for years. He didn't do anything wrong, but that's because he didn't do anything.

He only received his salary without carrying out his responsibilities.

"Please get rid of this crazy woman," Aiden did not want to hear Nina's voice again. He didn't care if Nina insulted him cruelly or anything, but he didn't want to hear anyone insulting his wife.

Anya was surprised and immediately pulled Aiden's shirt. How could Aiden kick her aunt out?

"Aiden, don't be like that. She is still your aunt," Anya said.

"I only respect those who deserve respect," then he turned to several of his bodyguards. "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and do it!"

"What are you doing? Don't you know who I am? I am Aiden Atmajaya's aunt!" Nina shouted loudly. The servants tried to stop her from causing a scene.

Seeing this incident, Andre did not dare to step forward and pretended not to know his wife.

"Aiden, your aunt drank too much wine. I apologize for her. No offense. I'll take her away from this place," Andre said, trying to apologize for his wife's behavior. He didn't even dare to do anything when his wife was dragged outside by several guards.

"Uncle, come to my office tomorrow afternoon," Aiden treated Andre casually because it was Nina who was being rude to him. Meanwhile, Andre was innocent.

Andre felt a little touched by Aiden's forbearing attitude. "Okay, I'll come to the office tomorrow."

Anya saw Nina struggling. Her fat body made it difficult for several guards to carry her.

"Aiden, it seems like I'm the only one who gets to feel your tenderness," Anya said while still looking at Nina.

"I'm just being gentle with you," Aiden whispered in Anya's ear.

After arranging all the servants to clean up, Maria walked over to Aiden and Anya. She felt very happy when she saw Aiden and Anya standing in front of the door holding hands.

"Let me finish the rest. You guys rest," Maria said with a smile.

"Anya's leg hurts. I'll take her to the room," Aiden said. Without further ado, he immediately carried Anya.

"What are you doing? Put me down!" Anya's face immediately flushed red and she hit Aiden's shoulder.

Maria laughed at her. "There, go. Don't make out in front of me."

It wasn't only Maria who got to see that. Some of Maria's family members also ​​witnessed this.

"Maria, since when did Aiden become that soft?"

"His attitude depends on the person. Last Christmas, the daughter of an overseas investor took the initiative to lean her body on Aiden. However, Aiden dodged it and made the woman fall to the floor, embarrassing herself."

"Anya is very lucky. Aiden loved her so much."

"Aiden is indeed cold blooded. He just had not found the right person before. Who said Aiden couldn't behave that warm? Just watch, I heard Anya's leg hurt. Without waiting, he immediately picked her up and didn't want to put her down," Maria said with a smile.

"My leg hurts too. Who wants to carry me?"

"You are fat. No one is strong enough to carry you."

"What about me? I'm thin but still no one wants to carry me."

The jokes made the quiet room a little busier. Some of Maria's relatives then accompanied her to escort the other guests who were going home while having a little chat and sometimes throwing jokes.

At least, the crowd comforted Maria a little.

Keara returned safely, but Nadine, who disappeared with her, was still missing. Today's party was very lively, but Maria could not get rid of her loneliness.

Aiden carried Anya back to the main house. Once inside the house, he asked a servant to bring slippers.

Seeing Aiden carrying Anya, Bima's face immediately looked fierce. "Doesn't she have legs to walk on herself?"

"Aiden put me down," Anya's face flushed with embarrassment at Bima's insult.

"I like carrying her. If you don't like it, you better close your eyes," Aiden didn't want to let go of Anya until a servant brought her sandals. After Anya replaced her high heels with more comfortable sandals, Aiden put her down.

Anya stood beside Aiden wearing comfortable sandals like she was in her own house. She didn't dare to say anything.

Keara called out to Anya in a friendly manner. "Anya, sit here."

Anya only smiled faintly, but she did not move from her place.

"If there's nothing, we'll go upstairs," Aiden said coldly.

"I want to talk to Anya. Come with me to the study," Bima rose to his feet, walking towards his office.

Without realizing it, Anya immediately looked at Aiden nervously.

"Just say it here," Aiden held Anya's hand, trying to calm her down. He would never leave Anya alone.

"I'll go first," Keara felt self-conscious and prepared to leave.

However, Bima stopped her. "No need. Sit down."

Keara looked confused, but in the end she followed Bima's words.

Aiden took Anya to sit on the right side of the sofa. Meanwhile, Bima returned to his seat.

Bima raised his eyebrows. He looked at Anya and said coldly, "Aiden has changed the construction drawings for the second phase of the development project for you. He said you don't want your garden to be destroyed. I want to know the reason,"

"My mom is a famous parfumeur and I'm still working in the perfume industry right now. A parfumeur needs their own garden," Anya said frankly.

"If you need a garden to grow your own herbs, I can buy you a fertile land at the foot of the Mid Valley mountains. I will buy your garden at the same price as the market price, without deducting a single rupiah," Bima said.

Anya was stunned to hear this. Although the plan was possible, the Mid Valley mountains were actually too far away. It was possible to transfer all the plants to the foot of the mountain, but it would be very difficult for her.

In addition, some plants might die during the transplanting process.

"Plants cannot move around as easily as humans. Once moved, all the plants in the garden will die," Aiden immediately refused.

Seeing that Anya was silent, Bima tried to soften his tone and said, "I heard you made a vanilla garden and it took a long time to grow. You're not only investing money, but also time and energy. I'll allow you to maintain the vanilla garden, but you have to remove all the flowers and trees. All the losses you experience will be borne by Atmajaya Group,"

Anya looked at Aiden. This time, Aiden didn't speak up for her.

The garden was the result of her mother's hardworks, of her blood, sweat and tears. She could not make the decision without her mother's permission.

There was no way she gave Bima permission to destroy her garden without telling her mother. But if she refused, she would offend Bima and her life in the Atmajaya Family would be even more difficult.

What should she do?

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