Aiden looked at Anya's completely clueless face. His wife was so innocent that she didn't understand that Keara tried to humiliate her before.

His little wife even thought of Keara as friendly!


"What do you see?" Anya reached out to feel her own face. "I just ate cake. Is there any cream stuck to my face?"

"Hmm..." Aiden lowered his head and kissed Anya's lips. "Now it's not there anymore."

Anya's eyes widened again and she gave Aiden a strange look. Today, Aiden was acting very strange. It was unusual for him to openly show affection in front of a crowd. Was it because there was Keara in this place that Aiden wanted to make her jealous? 

"Aiden, what's wrong with you today?" Anya asked, narrowing her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Aiden pretended not to know.

"You don't usually show affection in public," Anya looked at him suspiciously.

Aiden hugged Anya's waist gently. "Do you think I purposely showed our affection in front of Keara?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Is that true?" Anya felt a little gloomy.

Aiden's behavior was really strange today. How could she not have noticed the change in her husband's attitude?

"I want to show it to everyone," Aiden replied as he looked at his jealous little wife.

Suddenly, Aiden's cell phone rang, forcing him to release his embrace from Anya's waist. Aiden looked at his cell phone screen and said, "Go over to Nico and Tara's place. I have something to take care of."

Anya nodded her head obediently and walked towards Tara.

If there was something Aiden had to take care of head-on, it meant the matter wasn't trivial.

How Aiden handled Raisa was out of Anya's control and Anya felt bad about asking Aiden. She didn't want her husband to get the wrong idea.

Keara saw Anya parting from Aiden while chatting with Maria. She immediately called Anya a little loudly. "Anya, come here! Sit with us!"

Anya looked at Keara with a reluctant gaze and then looked at Tara helplessly. "I'll be there," she said at last.

She really didn't want to sit with Keara because she felt more comfortable with Tara, but she had no reason to refuse, especially since Keara was always friendly to her.

"Go. You have to be careful when talking to your husband's ex-lover!" Tara said anxiously.

"Tara, have you ever loved someone? It feels like you are very experienced," Anya said half jokingly.

Tara just rolled her eyes to see that her best friend could still joke. "It doesn't take much experience to see that Keara is not a simple woman. She can deal with anyone very easily and speaks without the slightest mistake,"

"I want to be like her," Anya said in awe.

"If you become like Keara, I will be afraid of you. I prefer you now," Tara said.

"Thank you, Tara. I will still be the sweet Anya," Anya replied with a laugh. Tara just glared at her friend, wanting to smack her with something. But she did not dare to do it because she was afraid of Aiden.

"Come back with the delicious foods," Tara replied.

"Okay, I'll be right back," Anya said before leaving Tara and walking towards Maria and Keara.

After all, Keara's status was Ivan's fiancée. Even though Ivan was not present at the event, everyone still considered Keara a member of the Atmajaya Family.

Bima really liked this one prospective daughter-in-law. Of the three daughter-in-laws, he only disliked Anya the most.

Seeing Anya coming over to her, Maria reached out with a smile, "Anya, you and Aiden stay at the house tonight."

Anya glanced slightly at Keara. Would Keara also stay at this house tonight?

Thinking back on Tara's advice and warnings, Anya guessed Keara would also stay at this house tonight. Anya felt a little reluctant to live together with Aiden's ex-girlfriend.

"It's up to Aiden," Anya said with a smile.

"Anya, you are too obedient to Aiden. Indeed, a woman must be gentle, but you also have to be firm and have your own opinion, or you will be overwhelmed with your partner," Maria suggested. "Listen to my advice. Stay overnight. The three of us can chat together,"

Anya only winced hearing that. "Sis, I also want to chat with you. But I have to follow what Aiden says,"

"I finally found out why Aiden likes Anya. Anya is very kind and patient," Keara said with a smile.

Anya smiled back but didn't answer. She did not feel the sentence was a compliment.

Was she kind and patient, or just plain weak?

"Yes, I also like Anya. I enjoy talking to her. If only Nadine were here, I wouldn't be lonely," Maria took a deep breath as she said this.

Anya pretended not to know and deliberately asked, "Who is Nadine?"

"Aiden didn't tell you?" Keara asked suspiciously.

Anya just shook her head and looked at Maria with a confused expression.

"Nadine was Nico's sister. She went with Keara three years ago when an accident happened to them. Now Keara is back, but I still don't know if Nadine will come back," Maria said with a sad look.

"I'm sorry, Sis. I really don't know," Anya said, comforting Maria.

"It's okay," said Maria. Then she turned and looked at Keara. "Keara, don't you really know where Nadine is?"

Anya was silent when she heard the question, also waiting for Keara's answer. Did Keara really not know? Or did she refuse to say it?

"Sis, I really don't know where Nadine is. When I woke up, I was already in the hospital. The doctor told me that someone took me to that hospital. But now that person is dead," Keara said.

"I'm really grateful that you came back. Can I ask for information about the hospital and the doctor, as well as the person who saved you?" Maria said calmly.

"When I returned, I immediately gave that information to Uncle Bima. Did he not tell you?" Keara was surprised while looking at Maria. "My father also helped find Nadine, but there is still no news until now,"

Maria's face immediately changed for a split second. But she pretended to remain calm and said, "I know dad is also secretly looking for Nadine's whereabouts. But I also want to find her. Can you give me that information? The more people looking for her, the better,"

"Okay, I'll send it to you," Keara seemed to have prepared everything. She immediately sent the information to Maria's cellphone after getting her number.

"Sis, I will also send this information to Aiden and ask for his help in finding Nadine," Anya said.

"Alright," without thinking, Maria immediately sent it to Aiden.

After getting that information, Aiden didn't answer Maria. But he sent a message to Anya instead.

[Aiden]: 'The information is fake.'

Anya was silent for a moment. Aiden had only seen it for a while, but he already knew that the information was fake. No wonder Bima didn't tell anyone after getting that information.

Why tell everyone if he got false information?

Anya immediately replied to Aiden's message.

[Anya]: 'What was Keara really hiding?'

[Aiden]: 'Nadine's disappearance has something to do with Keara. Help Sis Maria to buy time and keep talking to her.'

Anya immediately replied back, 'Alright.'

"Are you chatting with Aiden? How intriguing," Keara said with a laugh.

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