"You are the only one in my heart," Aiden lifted Anya's chin. Not caring for everyone around him, he kissed Anya's lips gently. "Don't listen to that nonsense. come with me and stay by my side. Don't go anywhere,"

Anya nodded and followed Aiden walking towards Maria's place.


Seeing Aiden and Anya coming together, Maria immediately welcomed them happily. Previously, she was worried Aiden would not attend Bima's birthday because Bima and Aiden's relationship had worsened.

But as it turned out, Aiden decided to come!

"Sister Maria, your dress is very beautiful. You look very charming," Anya said with a smile.

"Do you like it? I ordered it. You are also very beautiful today. It's nice to have such a young age. Your skin is still flawless and shiny," Maria said with a laugh. "Aiden, your wife is really beautiful,"

"Sis, don't tease me," Anya looked embarrassed. Her head rested slightly on Aiden's arm with her cheeks flushed.

Seeing Anya's shy appearance, Aiden smiled and hugged Anya's waist. "Sis Maria is right. My eyesight is good and sharp,"

They were chatting happily when a noise came from outside.

"Mr. Galih Pratama and Mrs. Indah Pratama, along with their daughter, Keara Pratama have arrived," said one of the servants.

The announcement took everyone by surprise. Not because of the arrival of the Pratama Family, but because of the arrival of their daughter who should have died.

"I will see them. You guys relax here," Maria immediately turned around, wanting to see the situation. Meanwhile, everyone in the room began to whisper at the arrival of the three people.

"Gosh, is that really Keara? Isn't she dead?"

"Keara should have died three years ago!"

"That's right, it's really Keara! Look at her coming together with Galih Pratama!"

"Oh God, is it really Keara who died three years ago? Did she come back from death?"

"Isn't this like a movie?"

With high heels and a smile on her face, Keara walked gracefully and casually with her father and mother. She was completely unfazed by the whispers around her.

Today, Keara wore a light blue dress with elegant floral decorations. The length of her dress reached her ankles, making her look taller. With relaxed steps, she looked very elegant like a princess.

All the women in the room, even the prettiest ones, were stunned to see Keara's arrival.

The prettiest woman in town who could turn any man intoxicated was back. After a moment of silence, everyone finally regained their senses and started whispering again.

"Oh God, I'm really stunned by her beauty?"

"Shouldn't Keara have died? Does she have a twin?

"I never heard Galih Pratama had another daughter. When they announced the death of their daughter three years ago, Galih Pratama and his wife burst into tears at the loss of their only daughter. Looks like they are not pretending either."

"Yes! When the news of the death was announced, everyone was sorry that the most beautiful woman in this city had died at such a young age. I heard that Ivan Atmajaya and Aiden Atmajaya also fell in love with Keara. Even now, Aiden is looking for a replacement with a face similar to Keara."

"They say, Keara first fell in love with Aiden. They got in touch. But how did Keara end up becoming Ivan's fiancée?"

"Where did you get the rumors?"

"I don't know. I heard from other people. We have been in touch with the Atmajaya Family for a long time. There's no way the gossip you hear is wrong."

"But Keara is very beautiful. Isn't it natural that Ivan and Aiden both fell in love with her?"

"I wonder, what will happen after Keara rises from the dead? Are Ivan and Aiden going to fight over her again?"

"Didn't Aiden bring his girlfriend today?"

"Heh, Aiden brought someone who looked so much like Keara. Isn't she just a replacement? Now that the real one has appeared, why keep the fake? Looks like we'll be watching an interesting show."

While everyone was whispering, Keara walked towards the main room where the event was being held. She approached Bima, as he became the prominent figure of today's event.

"Uncle, I'm back," when she said that, Keara's eyes turned red.

Bima stared at the familiar figure in front of him. His face looked surprised and his body trembled slightly. "Keara, is this really you?"

Keara stepped forward and gently took Bima's arm. "That's right. I just came back. I came to celebrate your birthday. Happy birthday, uncle. May you live long,"

Bima patted the back of Keara's hand. "I'm glad you came back,"

Maria saw Keara's arrival as she approached Bima. Her eyes widened at the sight. "Keara, you… You're not dead yet? What really happened?"

Maria's reaction matched Keara's expectation. She tried to explain patiently. "Sis, to be honest, I don't know from where to explain,"

"I'm very lucky to see all of you again. Today is Uncle Bima's birthday. I'll tell it to you next time," Keara held Bima's hand using a lace patterned glove, but Maria could still see that Keara was missing a finger.

"As long as you are okay..." Maria's voice sounded choked. She thought about her lost adopted daughter, Nadine. But she did not dare to ask for fear that Bima would be sad.

Not far from there, Aiden and Anya witnessed this incident.

Aiden frowned as if in thought.

Keara returned from the dead. After returning home for quite a while, she didn't contact anyone. But now she suddenly attended Bima's birthday party as if nothing happened. What was Keara's goal?

Meanwhile, Nico just arrived wearing a black suit with a shirt on the inside. He dressed in Korean style, looking informal but still polite.

Tara was seen walking beside him and immediately approached Anya, "Anya! You're here."

"Hmm… Sis Maria is busy and I'm bored. Luckily you came, so I have a friend!" said Anya happily.

As they were chatting, Nico walked over to Aiden with a glass of wine in his hand. He circled the contents of the glass and asked, "Uncle, Keara decided to appear in front of these many people. What does she really want to do?"

Aiden's eyes seemed to give off a dangerous glow as he said softly, "We have to watch her,"

"Nadine disappeared with her, but Keara returned from the dead alone. Shouldn't she have told us about Nadine's whereabouts as soon as she returned? Why did she hide herself and not show up at all until Grandpa's birthday party?"

At this moment, Keara didn't realize that Aiden and Nico were already looking at her with different views.

She appeared to be in a very happy mood today. No matter who came up to her and greeted her, she would smile and respond to them all with pleasure. Many of them were touched by Keara's response.

Most of the people asked and worried about how she had survived three years ago. Keara didn't answer the question, only smiling politely and elegantly.

In a somewhat hidden place, Raisa felt her breath short.

She looked at Keara with hatred in her eyes and asked with a sarcastic smile, "Keara survived a big disaster, she must be very lucky. People say that when we are on the verge of death, they will think of someone most important to them. Who did she really want to see at that moment? Ivan or Aiden Atmajaya?"

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