"Do you still feel like they don't get along?" Anya asked while looking at Nico and Tara who were laughing together.

"Don't interfere with their relationship," Aiden replied in a low voice.


Tara and Nico did have a very suitable character. It's just that, their family backgrounds were not commensurate.

The Atmajaya family was not as calm as they seemed. Anya could marry Aiden because the man was currently in charge of the entire Atmajaya Group. That's why Bima decided not to interfere too much.

In addition, Bima also thought Aiden was still blind so he let him do whatever he wanted even though he didn't like his son's choice.

If Aiden married Anya after his eyes recovered, Bima would have never agreed to it. Even though they had officially registered their marriage, Bima would use various methods to expel Anya from Aiden's house.

When he married Anya, Aiden could be considered a man with disabilities. Aiden was blind and needed help from others.

On the other hand, Anya was young and beautiful. She was considerate and willing to take care of Aiden voluntarily. Why should Bima oppose them?

Aiden didn't hide his condition from Nico or Maria, but he still didn't tell Bima. He didn't want Imel to know his recovery. And more importantly, he wanted to protect Anya.

Once Bima knew Aiden had recovered, Anya would be no longer useful in his eyes.

Bima never considered Anya as the Atmajaya Family's daughter-in-law. To him, Anya was just a woman who took care of Aiden and helped him to recover for free.

Anya's days were still peaceful and calm because Aiden protected her from the storm.

But Nico didn't have the ability to go against his family. He didn't have the ability to protect Tara, just like Aiden protected Anya.

Nico's father died. If he were to secure a stable position in the Atmajaya Group, he needed strong supporters. That was why he needed a wife with a good family background.

Tara was not the right candidate. Not only did Bima dislike her family, Aiden also thought that Tara's family would not be suitable for Nico.

Anya leaned on Aiden's shoulder and asked, "Are you still going to tell Nico to get engaged to Raisa?"

"If Nico is willing, I will not oppose," said Aiden.

"Your family is very rich. Can't we ... "

"There's only one exception in the Atmajaya Family," Tara interrupted. Even though she was joking with Nico, she could still hear Anya and Aiden's conversation.

Anya's face changed slightly, she understood what Tara meant.

She was that exception. Though Aiden protected her, she wouldn't be able to get the approval and recognition from the Atmajaya Family.

Tara understood the situation Anya was in right now so she didn't have the courage to follow in Anya's footsteps. She did not dare to take risks even though no one knew what would happen in the future.

"Don't worry, Aunt. My mother and I will always support you," Nico said with a serious face.

"Nico, do you think I can get your grandfather's blessing?" Anya looked at Nico with a smile.

Nico smiled too, but his smile was mischievous as he looked at Aiden. "Uncle must have expected it more than me."

"Even if we can succeed, it doesn't mean you can do the same. If you can't give reassurance to the woman you like, don't make them wait," even though Aiden said so covertly, Tara was smart enough to understand what he meant.

Aiden was warning them, for Tara and Nico's own good.

Nico wasn't strong enough to protect her. He wouldn't be able to give Tara a happy future.

If something untoward happened, the relationship between the Atmajaya Family and the Dartha Family would also be damaged.

Tara had no parents. She only lived with her grandfather and they had nothing.

It didn't matter if Nico married the wrong woman and got divorced. He was still the eldest grandson of the Atmajaya Family and his future was still very bright.

But Tara was just a woman. Her situation was different.

Therefore, for the good of both of them, Aiden asked Anya not to interfere in their affairs.

"Uncle, you are saying as if I will betray my partner." Nico laughed and glanced awkwardly at Tara.

"I think Aiden is right. Many men like to seduce women and cheat on their partners nowadays. There are lots of irresponsible men out there. Nico, you can't be a jerk. Or else I wouldn't think of you as my brother," Tara said jokingly.

Nico pretended to be calm and said with a smile. "Am I a man like that?"

"No, no..." Tara laughed. Before this, she would never have dared to laugh in front of Aiden like this. All thanks to her being friendly with Anya that now she could be calmer in front of Aiden.

When she saw Tara's laughter, Anya felt sad. She knew Tara was hiding her sadness with a smile.

"I am hungry. Why isn't the food coming out yet?" Anya asked, deliberately changing the subject. She didn't like this awkward atmosphere.

Aiden glanced at Nico and without waiting any longer, Nico got up and walked out of the room. He shouted loud enough at the front of the room. "Please quickly serve the food. We're starving already!"

The manager who greeted them immediately approached them with soup. He replied frantically. "Sir, the soup has arrived. Please eat it first to warm your stomach. I will tell the kitchen to prepare the food faster."

"Hurry up. My stomach hurts from hunger," Nico said on purpose.

Aiden immediately poured the soup into a small bowl and gave it to Anya. "Eat this first."

"Hmm..." Anya nodded obediently.

Their dinner was great. Nico and Tara were food lovers so they enjoyed their dinner very happily. Seeing the people around her eating heartily, Anya also ate a lot, making Aiden feel happy.

After their meals were served, the manager gave them wine made by their restaurant themselves. Anya tried it and the taste was sweet and delicious!

One glass turned two, and two became three...

When Anya was about to drink the third glass, Aiden immediately took Anya's glass and invited Nico to toast him.

Nico immediately welcomed his uncle's invitation with joy. He poured wine into his uncle's glass and then into his own. "Uncle, I want to toast to you. Thank you for taking care of me all this time so that I'm not stupid anymore."

"I don't think so," Aiden said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Nico was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Aiden meant.

"It means, you are still stupid," Anya said on purpose.

"Uncle, you can't do this to me. How can you be this cruel even though I really admire you?" Nico grabbed his chest and pretended to be hurt.

Tara glanced at Nico while the man was holding the right side of his chest. "Is your heart growing on the right?"

"Uncle, my heart hurts!" Nico's hand moved and pressed the center of his chest.

"No wonder your uncle said you were stupid. You don't even know where the heart is. Hold the upper part of your stomach, under the ribs, slightly to the right," Anya said, shaking her head.

Nico moved his hand again, "Is this correct?"

Tara nodded. "Now, please continue your acting. You can pretend to be hurt now."

Like an actor getting a signal for his acting to begin, Nico stared at Aiden with a pitiful gaze. "Uncle, I will be hurt if you continue to treat me like this. Tell me what you don't like about me."

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