"He loves you? Why do you think he loves you? Ask your father for money to take back Mother's garden and immediately divorce Aiden. Or you will experience the same thing as me ten years ago," said Diana with great emotion.

"Mother, you just woke up. There are many things that you don't know. Aiden is completely sincere to me. He…"


"Aiden is Imel's son!" said Diana.

"What?" Anya's head was buzzing when she found out. "Aiden is Ivan's brother?"

"Imel has taken over Amore, smashed my face, took away my sense of smell so I can't make perfume again for the rest of my life. If you marry Aiden and become Imel's daughter-in-law, I'd better die!" Diana shouted.

"What an insolent child! Why did you even marry the son of your mother's enemy? Aiden asks you to use the park as collateral because his Atmajaya Group development project requires the land. All this time I always refused to sell it. Now he tricked you and got the garden easily. Just wait for the garden to be leveled!"

Anya felt like she was struck by lightning. She married the son of her mother's enemy. Aiden tricked her just for her mother's flower garden.

Aiden had lied to her…

"Mother, isn't there a misunderstanding? How could Aiden be Imel's son? They are different…" Anya couldn't speak anymore. In her mind, she thought about Aiden and his half-brother, Ivan, the son of Imel that she knew of.

Come to think of it, their faces did look similar…

"How dare you say Aiden doesn't look like Ivan? Divorce him right now and return my garden to me, or I will never forgive you." After shouting it out, pain seemed to stab into Diana's chest. One of her hands was holding her chest while the other was pointing at Anya. Her mouth had become speechless as she did that.

"Mother, what's wrong? Doctor ... Doctor!" Anya rushed out and screamed in the corridor.

After being overly emotional, Diana fell into a coma again and was sent to the ICU.

Anya knelt in front of the ICU room's door with a face covered in tears.

She blamed herself. She regretted what had just happened.

She really wanted to kill herself…

All of this was her fault. This was her own stupidity. Aiden had lied to her and she had made her mother angry like this.

She thought Aiden loved her. But now she knew that all Aiden did was to get her mother's garden.

He wanted her mother's garden to run the Atmajaya Group's project. He also said that he would help Anya to get her mother's perfume recipe. After getting the recipe, would Aiden give it to Imel?

'Aiden, I hate you. I really hate you.'

"Madame, don't kneel here. If Mrs. Daiana found out, she would be very sad. I'll take you home so you can rest. If Mrs. Diana wakes up again, the doctor will tell us," said Abdi as he approached Anya.

Anya struggled to get up, but her legs were numb from kneeling too long.

Abdi immediately helped her. "Madame, are you alright?"

Anya's eyes still look red. She said in a low voice, "Take me home."

During the trip home, Anya did not say a word. Her gaze wandered out the window. No tears flowed as if she had used up all the tears she had.

Every now and then, Abdi would look at Anya, wanting to make sure that his Madame was alright.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of Aiden's house. When Hana saw Anya's arrival, she rushed out to greet her. "Anya, you are home! Do you know that your mother is awake?"

Anya's eyes became hot again and tears began to trickle down her face.

"What's the matter, Anya?" Hana looked confused.

"Mrs Diana fainted again and was taken to the ICU," Abdi whispered from the side.

"How did it happen?" Hana looked at Anya.

"Mrs. Hana, thank you for your attention so far. I want to go." After saying that, Anya turned and headed towards the second floor. As soon as she entered her room, she immediately packed her things.

Hana didn't know what happened. She immediately called the hospital and heard that Diana woke up and had a big fight with Anya. Diana scolded Anya for marrying Aiden.

When Anya came home, she said that she was leaving the house. It seemed Anya was blaming herself for putting her mother back in a coma.

Hana didn't dare delay and immediately called Harris, "Harris, are you with Aiden?"

"I just got news that Mrs. Diana is in a coma again. Mr. Aiden already knows," Harris said over the phone.

"I just looked at Aiden's room. Anya is packing her things and wants to go," Hana replied.

Aiden immediately grabbed Harris's cellphone. "Mrs. Hana, use whatever means you can to stop Anya from leaving until I return."

"Yes sir." Hana immediately went upstairs and looked for Anya to buy time.

She walked into the room and saw Anya packing her things. She tried to look calm and asked, "Anya, do you want to go to the hospital again to look after your mother?"

"Go home," Anya said while still packing her things.

"Why don't you wait for Aiden to come home?" Hana asked again.

Anya's hand stopped moving. Tears rolled down her face again. "When Aiden comes home, please let me know. I'll come with the divorce papers."

"Divorce?" Hana was surprised. "Anya, what really happened? Why do you want to divorce Aiden?"

"Aiden is a liar. He married me because he wanted my mother's garden. Harris is the biggest accomplice in this plot. I'll make money and come back to divorce Aiden. I will never let their plan succeed," Anya replied.

Hana immediately stepped forward and hugged her gently. Although she didn't know what happened, she was sure that Aiden would never lie to Anya.

"Anya, calm down first. When Aiden comes home, you can ask him directly and ask him for an explanation. If Aiden and Harris work together to hurt you, I will defend you," said Hana while patting Anya's back.

"Mrs. Hana, not everyone in this world is as good as you," Anya replied in a choked voice.

"Anya, don't be reckless, you can't leave. How about you take back the letter of agreement?" Hana suggested.

Anya seemed to be awakened by Hana's words. "I don't know where Aiden kept that letter."

"There's a safe in Aiden's study, but I don't know the password," Hana said.

Anya immediately stopped packing her things and went to Aiden's study. She circled the room, checked all the bookcases, but still couldn't find the safe.

"Where did Aiden put the safe?" Hana followed Anya to Aiden's study.

Anya went to Aiden's desk and sat on his chair. She saw a small cabinet under the table and opened it. She found Aiden's safe!

She tried to enter her birthday password, but it was wrong. When trying to enter Aiden's birthday, the password was incorrect again. She tried over and over, even using their wedding date, but it was still wrong.

Anya kicked the safe in disappointment and decided to forget the agreement letter.

If Deny refused to lend her money, she would try to ask Raka for help. Either way, she had to get her mother's garden back!

Anya returned to her room and continued to pack her things. As soon as she was ready to get off, she saw Aiden coming through the door.

"Where do you want to go?"

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