"Now, how do we get that Dendrobium?" Nico asked, looking at Aiden.

They didn't know how to get down and pick it up, but they couldn't allow the women to come down either.


"I'm the lightest. So I'm going down to get it!" Anya said.

"No!" Aiden's face immediately changed when he heard Anya's words. He would not allow Anya to descend into such a dangerous place.

Aiden wouldn't let Anya do it. Likewise, Nico wouldn't let Tara do anything dangerous. So, only Aiden or Nico could take that Dendrobium. 

"Come on." Aiden said with a deep sigh.

Because Nico's body was smaller, Nico would go down and Aiden would hold the rope to help lift him up.

"Nico, be careful if you go down. First of all, make sure you are safe. Secondly, this Dendrobium is so valuable that you shouldn't completely pluck out the roots. You have to leave the roots so that this flower can grow again later." Tara said.

"Okay. I'll be careful." Nico said.

While they were chatting, Anya walked towards the forest and picked up some plants. Aiden never took his eyes off Anya at all, making sure that nothing happened to her.

After that, Anya gave the plants she took to Nico, "Take this. Who knows you need it."

"What's this for?" Nico didn't understand but still accepted the plant Anya gave him and put the plant in his pocket.

"This plant brings good luck and can take care of you." Tara recognized the plant at once, but she didn't dare say that it was used to repel snakes.

What if Nico suddenly backed off and didn't want to come down?

After that, Nico tied the rope around his body. He followed Tara and Anya's advice to pray first. "Lord, I will take plants for my uncle's healing. Protect me because I want to be devoted to him."

The prayer made Tara and Anya chuckle. Nico was really innocent like a child who easily believed with all the stories they told him.

When finished, Nico immediately jumped down. Nico actively exercised and loved sports. One of the sports he liked was rock climbing so cliffs like this were like a game to him.

He stopped right where Dendrobium is growing. However, not only her saw Dendrobium but also found a beehive!

"Does anyone want honey?" Nico asked loudly.

Tara was standing on the edge of a cliff and looking down, "Hurry up and get the Dendrobium. Don't bother the bees. We won't be able to save you if you are surrounded by bees!"

"I can take the honey for you, but I don't think I can take Dendrobium. There's a snake in there." Nico just dared to look at her without approaching her one bit.

"What kind of snake?" Tara asked.

"Its back is dark brown, on both sides it has round spots. The top of the head is grayish brown with a black stripe from behind the eyes to the corners of the mouth. While the belly is white gray. What kind of snake is this? Is it poisonous? Will I die if bitten?" Nico asked carefully.

Hearing Nico's explanation, Anya immediately answered, "Do not come close. The snake is very poisonous."

"Quickly, bring out the plant that Anya gave you. Plants can repel snakes." Tara said.

Aiden watched the situation under the cliff while holding Nico's rope, "If you also want to take the honey, do two things. You can use a small stick and a match to burn the honeycomb hole and the bees will leave after the smoke appears. Then throw the snake repellent plant to let the snake go. I will immediately pull you up."

"I will try it. But I will be stung if the bees come out. Uncle, you have to grab me as soon as possible. Don't let me get stung by a bee!" Nico also felt a little scared when he saw the bees spinning in front of him.

What if his handsome face was swollen with bees?

"Don't worry..." Aiden said calmly. He told Anya and Tara to go to the car first so that nothing would happen to them.

After the two women were in the car and safe, Nico and Aiden immediately put their plan into action.

Nico threw the plant Anya had given him near Dendrobium to get rid of the snake and used his match that he brought to burn a small piece of wood. Then, he put the burned wood into the honeycomb hole.

Once Nico had done that, Aiden moved quickly, pulling Nico with only two or three strokes before he reached the top of the cliff.

They immediately turned around and ran towards their car park. However, before Nico could get into the car, his forehead was stung by a bee.

The sting made Nico scream in pain while the sting of the bee remained on his forehead.

After getting into the car, some of the bees still circled their car.

Nico immediately shouted irritably as he sat in the car, "Uncle, didn't you say I didn't have to worry? Why am I still being stung?"

"I haven't finished my sentence earlier. I mean, don't worry. It's impossible to burn a beehive without being stung." Aiden said calmly.

Hearing Aiden's words, Nico couldn't help but gawk. He just realized that his uncle was lying to him again.

"Uncle, you tricked me again." Shouted Nico irritably, "Help me remove this sting. Am I going to die?"

Tara walked over to Nico and saw the condition of his forehead, "You're so noisy. Don't move." As soon as Tara spoke, Nico was quiet and obedient. He didn't say anything and didn't even move at all.

"Tara, be careful. There is poison in the sting. Don't use your fingers to get the sting out. Use your nails to scratch it out." Anya said.

"Don't worry, I know how. Anya, can you find aloe vera for me? If not, dandelion flowers will make it too." Tara said.

"Looks like I saw it in the forest area over there. I'll take it right away."

Tara nodded while looking at Nico's forehead. She tried to remove the sting very carefully.

Anya immediately got out of the car to get the plants Tara asked for. Meanwhile, Aiden felt uneasy leaving Anya alone so he followed her into a forest area.

Nico sat quietly in the car looking at Tara's face in front of him. He saw that the woman in front of him was so focused on the sting of a bee that she didn't notice Nico's gaze.

This was the first time Nico had seen Tara from such a close distance. He could see Tara's eyes shining brightly. Her lashes were very long and curved, like two tiny fans.

"If you get stung by a bee, the sting will be left behind. The poison will get into your skin when you sting it and the residue is still in the sting. When you pull the stinger out, you shouldn't use your fingers to do it because you will only be expelling the poison. So you have to take it out with your nails, or take it out with a needle." Tara explained.

Nico didn't understand Tara's words at all so he just left everything to Tara. He kept looking at Tara's face intently, as if trying to remember Tara's beautiful face in his mind, "You are a doctor, I entrust everything to you."

"You know everything. But do you know what my Uncle and Anya did in the car before we arrived?" Nico asked.

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