"Brother, I will accompany you to persuade Raisa." Natali hugged Raka's hand, clinging to him.

Anya's gaze was fixed on the linked hand. Since when were Natali and Raka close?


Raka could see where Anya was looking and immediately pulled his hand away from Natali's embrace. As soon as he raised his head, his eyes met Anya's.

The woman immediately looked away, pretending that she didn't see anything.

After they left, Harris cleared his throat at Anya's side and called her softly, "Madame!"

"I don't see them. I'm just curious since when they got close." Anya hurriedly explained. She was afraid Harris misunderstood her.

Harris explained calmly, "According to my investigation, Miss Natali does not want to marry Mr. Aiden because she loves Mr. Raka."

"Natali likes Raka?" Anya's eyes widened in shock, "Since when?"

"Three years ago? Or maybe before that. Miss Natali is not close friends with Miss Raisa for no reason." Harris replied.

"Does that mean Natali is friends with Raisa because she wants to approach Raka?" Anya asked. She couldn't swallow this sudden information.

"Maybe." Harris replied. As soon as they finished talking, Eddy came back at them again.

"Madam, Miss Raisa agreed to apologize to you. Please come in." The lawyer said politely.

Anya nodded and entered to meet Raisa, along with Harris who continued to follow her wherever she went. Inside, Raisa glared at Anya when she saw the woman approaching her.

"Anya, you can do this only because of Aiden's support!" Raisa shouted angrily.

"Should I forgive you for being so aggressive like this?" Anya didn't want to continue to worsen the problem. But it seemed Raisa didn't want to admit her mistake at all.

"Raisa, I already know what happened earlier. Don't fight. Quickly apologize to Anya." Raka admonished his younger sister.

"Raisa, as long as you apologize, my sister will surely forgive you." Natali also advised her form Raka's side.

After Natali's words fell to her ears, Raisa became even more angry and shouted at the woman instead of apologizing, "Nat, are you stupid? This woman snatched your fiancé and injured you so badly. Have you forgotten? Don't call her sister!"

Natali glanced at Raka and saw the man frown in displeasure. Then, she said softly, "My sister is not that kind of person. There must be a misunderstanding." Natali's face looked sad when she said that.

Raka joined in with Natali's words, "Raisa, Anya wouldn't have done this to you if you didn't keep bothering her. You are the wrong one in this matter. If you don't want to apologize, I'll go. I won't care about what's going to happen to you in this place." He looked at his younger sister regretfully. When will his younger sister grow up and become mature?

Standing beside Anya, Eddy gave a warning to pressure Raisa, "Miss Raisa, as a violator of the law on the basis of defamation, the charge carries the threat of imprisonment for three years."

The threat of imprisonment was certainly not a very pleasant thing, especially for a spoiled girl from a rich family. How could she survive in prison? She'd already nag to go home on the first day.

"I'm sorry." Raisa muttered reluctantly.

Raka slammed his hand on the table while shouting at Raisa loudly. He could not stand his younger sister's attitude. It seemed that his family had spoiled Raisa too much to make her grow up to be a woman like this, "Is this your way of apologizing? I can't hear you clearly!"

"I am sorry!" Raisa shouted hysterically.

"You have destroyed my reputation in public. After hurting me, you can't solve it just by saying that you are sorry. Moreover, your apology is completely insincere. If you want to apologize, apologize in front of everyone, in front of the media. Give me back my dignity that you have smudged." Anya looked coldly at Raisa.

"You want me to apologize in front of the media? KEEP DREAMING!" Raisa shouted. She flat out refused Anya's request.

The footage of Natali being publicly humiliated and doused by Aiden had been circulating on the internet for more than a week. The Tedjasukmana family spent a lot of money to get the news down. The longer the news circulated on the internet, the more tarnished the reputation of their family company would be.

Raisa didn't want the same thing to happen to her as she was the only daughter of the Mahendra family. Her apology would probably stay on the internet for weeks, showing how lowly the Mahendra Family was in front of everyone. She would be very embarrassed if that happened! She would tarnish her family's good name!

"I asked permission to leave my current job and I must return immediately. When you decide to apologize in front of the media, I will drop my charges." Anya said as she turned and left.

"Anya, please don't go!" Raka immediately chased after her and stopped her.

Harris swiftly placed himself between Raka and Anya so that the man could not grab Anya's hand, "Mr. Raka, please be careful in your attitude!"

"Anya, Raisa has no bad intentions. I really didn't come home last night which made her panic and act beyond her senses. I know she said something that hurt you, but isn't telling her to apologize in front of the media too much? Raisa is still young. I will replace her to apologize in front of the media." Raka said.

Anya looked at Raka with a thin smile. She was currently dealing with Raisa, not him. She wanted her to pay for everything she had done to her so far. All the insults and accusations…

They had nothing to do with raka.

"Raka, do you think I'm exaggerating? You still feel your sister is innocent even though she insulted me in front of many people? Do you feel like I'm bullying Raisa because I have a different identity now?" Anya said while still smiling calmly.

Raka was stunned at Anya's words. He couldn't say anything.

"If that's what you think, you are right. Without Aiden's support, I wouldn't dare do this to Raisa. Maybe I will still be insulted in front of everyone, scorned and laughed at by everyone, while I can only stand still in my place without fighting back." Anya said with a laugh, "For the first time, I feel grateful to have a powerful partner who's willing to defend me!"

"Anya, I know what Raisa said affects your life. But understand that Raisa is young and too spoiled by my parents. She would not possibly be willing to apologize in public. I'm willing to replace her and explain everything in front of the media. Why do you have to force her to do it?" Raka didn't give up trying to convince her.

Anya looked at Raka with a strange look. Why did she have to force Raisa to apologize in public?

Was it wrong to hold someone responsible for a wrong they had done? If Raisa didn't insult her in public, not create a scene at work, would she have called the police?

Who didn't want to live in peace? Who wanted to go to the police station if they didn't have a problem?

Raka didn't feel the humiliation that Anya felt. He did not feel the scorn, ridicule and laughter of all those who looked down on her. He found it easy to go through and forget it.

This wasn't the first time Raisa had insulted Anya. Before this, Anya had always forgiven her for the sake of Raka. And now Raka was asking her why she asked Raisa to take responsibility for what she did?

The question was so ridiculous that Anya was speechless…

Raisa had been bullying her all this time because Anya had not done anything to repay her. When Raisa insulted her in front of Aiden's company, Raisa was also saved because she got help from Nico. Aiden also didn't punish her like she did to Natali, so Raisa felt that Anya was not that important to Aiden.

Because of all that, Raisa kept repeating what she did…

If Anya didn't fight back, Raisa would continue to do her as she pleased!

"Doesn't matter what you think. You can think of me as a cruel person. If Raisa doesn't apologize in front of the media, she will be in jail. Maybe being in prison can make her calmer and aware of her mistakes." Anya ignored Raka and turned away.

She left thinking, how could she have liked a man like him before. This man did not even feel that his sister was guilty even though she had insulted Anya in front of the crowd. Just how low Anya was Raka's eyes?

"Anya, how did you become like this?" Raka looked at Anya with a face full of disappointment.

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