"Nico, does your uncle know?" Anya asked in a low voice. She bent down to pick up the spoon, pretending to be calm.

Nico was stunned by Anya's question. If Aiden found out that he brought Raka to live in his house next to Aiden's, maybe his uncle would skin him alive when he got home. He must keep it a secret!


Nico didn't think that Anya would ask him such.

"Uncle doesn't know, Auntie. You can't tell him. Keep this a secret for me, Auntie!" Nico said, begging.

Anya stared at Harris, wanting to ask his help. But Harris looked indifferent and stared straight at her blankly.

Harris might just keep quiet because he was not part of the Atmajaya Family. But now Anya was Aiden's wife. How could she possibly stay silent when she found out that Nico brought a man to live in his house? Should she tell Aiden?

"Nico, tell your friend to go home. Sooner or later, your uncle will know." Anya said.

"I live in the house alone, Auntie. I'm so lonely and I need a friend. Before Uncle comes home, I'll take him home!" Nico said with a smile.

Friend? The man was his friend not his lover?

Anya looked at Nico worriedly. Meanwhile, Nico looked like nothing happened. He took the bowl in front of him and ate heartily. Then, he immediately left with the breakfast wrapped by Hana.

Anya looked worriedly at him from the door. She was worried about Nico. Hana winked at her son and told Harris to see what really happened at Nico's house. "Quick! Go take a look!"

Harris nodded and immediately followed Nico. After waiting for about ten minutes, Harris returned.

"Have you seen it? Is there really a man there?" Anya asked, excitedly curious.

"Yes, Mr. Nico is with a man." Thinking about the relationship between Anya and Raka, Harris decided to hide Raka's whereabouts at Nico's house. It would be better if Anya misunderstood like this.

Anya's hand went up, holding her chest. Nico had a lover!

As far as she could tell, Aiden's eldest brother had a son and a daughter. His daughter died three years ago, so Nico was the only son left.

Nico was the only heir in the Atmajaya Family. But right now, he had a boyfriend! If Aiden had found out about this, he definitely wouldn't let the man go away. This was not a good thing for Nico.

On the way to work, Anya kept thinking about Nico to the point that her face looked wrinkled.

"Are you all right, Madame?" Harris noticed Anya's expression so he was worried about her. The man didn't know what Anya was thinking, but it seemed that the woman was thinking hard.

"Do you think it's time to introduce women to Nico?" Anya suddenly asked.

"Mr. Nico is very young and has plenty of time to find his own girlfriend." Harris said.

"Hmm..." Anya nodded her head but in her heart she promised to ask Aiden to introduce a woman to Nico.

The car stopped in front of the mall entrance and Anya hurried downstairs to the Rose Scent.

It was raining lightly today, making the air feel a little cold. People decided to stay at home so the shop wasn't too crowded today.

Anya immediately did her job. She cleaned her workplace, filled coffee beans in the scent pot and studied the various spices used for perfume making. Around ten o'clock, Raisa suddenly came to the Rose Scent looking angry, "Anya, what did you say to my brother yesterday? Why didn't he come home last night? "

"If you want to find a missing person, you should just go to the police." Anya said coldly.

Seeing Raisa's face made Anya feel lazy. She remembered the check that was given by Raisa's mother, the check that ended in the hand of the woman in front of her. Apart from that, Raisa also tried to insult and humiliate her in front of Aiden's company. She had no reason to be polite in front of this woman anymore.

Previously, she still felt bad for Raka so that she didn't want to be in trouble with their family. But that didn't mean Raisa could just insult her.

"Why do you keep bothering my brother? Even though you have received money from my family. My brother didn't come home last night. Is he with you?" Raisa shouted loudly so that it attracted the attention of many people around.

What Raisa said started to cause suspicions. Some people said that Anya was having an affair with someone else behind Aiden's back.

Anya felt so angry hearing this. Anyone could insult her, but never Aiden!

"Raisa! What evidence is there that I received money from your family?" Anya shouted back loudly.

Raisa was seen glaring at her. She didn't think Anya would dare to fight her. When she insulted Anya in front of Aiden's company before, the woman in front of her was silent. 

"Did you forget that you accepted the check my mother gave you? You accept it on the condition that you will not approach my brother again. But now that my brother is back in Indonesia, you tease him again so that he didn't come home last night. You cheap woman!" Raisa yelled.

Anya's emotions continued to rise, but she tried to stay calm. She was fed up hearing Raisa accuse her of accepting money from the Mahendra family, even though the money ended up in the woman's own hands. Not to mention Raisa tried to instill a misunderstanding in the crowd that Anya had an affair with Raka while she was still Aiden's lover.

If this news reached Aiden, Aiden would misunderstand her...

If this news got out, Aiden's name would be tarnished… The man wouldn't believe her anymore…

"Raisa, have you ever seen that I was teasing your brother? If you have no proof, don't talk nonsense. Do you think I'm easy to bully? I have recorded all your words. If you can't prove what you said, I will sue you on the basis of defamation." Anya took out the cell phone in her pocket, the one that had recorded their conversation from the start.

"You cheap woman. You teased Aiden on purpose, making Aiden dump his fiancée. Now you tease my brother and ask him to stay the night with you. I've never seen a woman as low as you!" Raisa overstepped her boundary and couldn't help herself. She kept swearing while running towards Anya to snatch the cellphone in her hand.

"Watch your mouth!" Anya said coldly. She stood at her place trying to stay calm. Her hand went up, keeping her cell phone away from Raisa's reach. The cell phone was her only weapon at the moment. She must not lose it.

"You cheap woman! You bitch!" Raisa shouted angrily.

Anya just sneered seeing Raisa rampaging like a mad woman, "Keep screaming, keep insulting me. Every word that comes out of your mouth will be proof of your crime. I can't wait for you to be thrown and locked behind the prison!"

"There's no use scaring me. The police won't help you. Who wants to help a cheap woman, a homewrecker like you? You bitch. How many men have you teased? How many men have you slept with? Why are you still pretending to be pure, even though you have cheated on Aiden with my brother…" Before Raisa could say any further, Natali rushed over to her and covered her mouth.

"Raisa, don't talk anymore. Let's go quickly!" Natali pulled Raisa in panic outside the shop.

"Nat, don't get in my way. This whore really is shameless. Why should we be afraid of her? " Raisa was determined to stand her ground. She would ruin Anya's work and destroy everything that belonged to her.

Anya just picked up her cell phone quietly and pressed the emergency call. The other shop clerks were shocked, not expecting Anya to really call the police.

While Raisa and Natali were still busy tugging, the police patrolling the nearby area had arrived.

"Mr. Officer, This woman has come to my workplace and publicly insulted me. They deliberately want to defame me. I will sue them." Anya said without the slightest hesitation. Her eyes were cold as she said that.

"Anya! You bitch…" Raisa couldn't hold back her anger and insulted Anya right in front of the police. Meanwhile, Natali was still trying to hold her back and shut her mouth, "Raisa, stop!"

"Sir, I want this matter to be processed legally. I want to settle it in court."

After saying that to the police, Anya turned to look at Raisa and said, "Three years ago… That check… Do you still think I don't know who cashed the check? I don't hold a grudge against you, but you continue to destroy my reputation. Do you think I'll just shut up and let you do what you want?"

"Y-… You…" Raisa didn't expect the question to come out of Anya's mouth. She could not hold back her frustration and wanted to run to yank Anya's hair, scratching her.

She had liked Aiden for years. But after Aiden canceled his engagement to Natali, it was Anya who managed to get him instead. Her brother Raka also still couldn't forget Anya until now.

How could she hold back when this woman took everything she had?

"Anya, hand over your cellphone to me! Otherwise, don't blame me if I leak your scandal!"

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