Nanpu Street was a lively avenue in Fengtian’s capital city. The people would frequent it during the day and visit the Great Stone Bridge’s night market in the evenings. The Gu brothers were busy guarding the borders all year but also had a chance to visit here. Rows of shops lined the streets, which were bustling and filled with people. Both brothers sighed internally. It still looks the same as always. Yu Xiaoxiao’s eyes were almost popping out of her sockets. She never thought Fengtian could have so many people during the daytime too. Weren’t they supposed to be busy working and earning money?

Gu Xingnuo escorted his brother and sister-in-law to the doors of the old candy shop before leaving first. The two younger ones could stroll around, but he had to update the old patriarch at home first so he wasn’t stuck fretting as he waited.

“Big brother, I’ll buy some candy for you to eat at home, just wait,” Yu Xiaoxiao shouted after Gu Xingnuo as he got on his horse.

Everyone on the street stared at Eldest Young Master Gu. A grown man like him enjoys eating sweets? Sure, it was normal for women and children, but they had trouble accepting the image of a manly man munching on candy.

Gu Xingnuo’s body swayed on his horse before he turned to reply, “Take care and come home soon.”

“Mhm,” Yu Xiaoxiao agreed happily. What else was she supposed to do if not go home?

Gu Xingnuo brought the Gu Clan guards with him and galloped away.

Xiao Zhuang ran out of the old candy shop. As a youth with strong lightness techniques, he had already surveyed the entire store and went to whisper to Yu Xiaoxiao, “Princess, the inside’s full of candy!”

Xiao Wei felt that Xiao Zhuang’s brain was a lost cause. This store is called The Old Candy Shop. What else could it sell but candies?

Gu Xinglang only felt a headache coming on as he stared at the store. Perhaps the owner had just finished boiling sugar, but the air in front of the doors was filled with the scent of candy. It was so sweet that it seemed almost cloying to Third Young Master Gu, who disliked sweets. There was no comparison to the faint sweetness that had lingered on his wife’s lips.

Yu Xiaoxiao stood in front of the entrance and took a deep breath. She loved the smell. Gu Xinglang was too afraid to take big breaths. He placed a hand under his nose and said, “Let’s go inside.”

Before Yu Xiaoxiao could reply, the sound of banging gongs and yelling came from up north.

“Grand opening of an artisan workshop, selling high-quality goods at cheap prices. Everyone, don’t miss it if you pass by—!”

To Gu Xinglang, an artisan workshop that sold furniture, farming tools, and weapons was much more appealing than a candy shop. He looked towards the north with a yearning gaze.

Xiao Wei was a shrewd one, so he knew the Royal Son-in-Law wanted to go. He told Yu Xiaoxiao, “Princess, let’s buy candies while the Royal Son-in-Law checks out the artisan workshop.”

“What does an artisan workshop sell?” Yu Xiaoxiao asked.

“They should have people selling swords,” Xiao Zhuang replied.

Yu Xiaoxiao wasn’t too interested in swords. She’d yet to meet anyone in this world who could match her in a fight (conveniently forgetting about Master Chen Qi). Moreover, it’d be fantastical to expect He Royal Highness to love weapons again after getting used to firearms.

Gu Xinglang completely missed Xiao Wei’s good intentions. No matter how unwilling, he had to keep his wife company, so he said, “We’ll buy candy first, then go to the artisan workshop.”

The Old Candy Shop’s proprietress had already spotted the guests and was waiting by the entrance before the couple approached. Now she quickly greeted Yu Xiaoxiao and asked, “Madam, what kind of candy would you like to buy?”

“Pine nut candies,” Yu Xiaoxiao replied.

“Then madam, please come in,” the old proprietress invited Yu Xiaoxiao to enter.

Once inside, Yu Xiaoxiao sighed as she saw the walls full of goods. “You have so much candy here, ah.” She felt a twinge of heartache when she recalled her old drillmaster fighting for chocolate again.

The proprietress stilled. “Would madam like anything?”

Can I taste them? Yu Xiaoxiao thought. The streetside stalls were small businesses that she couldn’t wrangle deals from, but this store was so big that she’d feel sorry for herself if she didn’t snatch some deals. Before Yu Xiaoxiao could open her mouth to request some samples, Gu Xinglang spoke up first.

“Please pack up a little of everything for us,” he said. His wife’s appetite was like a bottomless pit, so Third Young Master Gu felt that nothing would be enough to fill her stomach.

When the proprietress realized she’d made a huge sale without doing a thing, she smiled broadly at Gu Xinglang and was just short of giving him kudos. On the other hand, Yu Xiaoxiao was displeased. Who buys stuff like that? Looks like Little Gu’s the type to dissipate the family fortunes!

Gu Xinglang asked Yu Xiaoxiao, “Do you want anything else? We can buy it all at once.”

The proprietress spoke up, “Sir, we have pastries here too.”

“Xiao Zhuang, Xiao Wei,” Yu Xiaoxiao said, “You two should take Little Gu to the artisan workshop to play.”

“You’re not buying any more candy?” Gu Xinglang asked.

Yu Xiaoxiao only urged her guads, “Hurry, take Little Gu to the artisan workshop.” Then she turned to tell the proprietress. “He doesn’t have any money. I’m the one who’s buying.”

Xiao Wei understood. The princess was fretting over the expenses. He dragged Xiao Zhuang to run over and carry Gu Xinglang out. What? Guard the princess? Xiao Wei would only chuckle. Does my family’s princess need any protection?

Once outside the shop, Gu Xinglang looked at Xiao Wei and asked, “Did something happen?”

Xiao Wei muttered back, “Royal Son-in-Law, you’re too lavish with your spending.”

Gu Xinglang felt that there was no logic in this world. My wife is a princess and she thinks I spend too lavishly?

“Let’s go to the artisan workshop,” Xiao Wei added. “Royal Son-in-Law, you can see if there’s something nice to buy for the princess as a gift.”

“What?” Gu Xinglang glanced at him. Does my wife want for anything?

Xiao Wei felt that it was very difficult to work as a pageboy. He leaned in close and lowered his voice. “Royal Son-in-Law, you haven’t gifted the princess anything since you’ve wedded, right?” Things like betrothal gifts were something even shadow guards understood, but not this Royal Son-in-Law? Xiao Wei only felt more worried as he stared at Gu Xinglang. One of them doesn’t understand romance while the other has no idea that word even exists. How are these two supposed to spend the rest of their days together?

Gu Xinglang gave Xiao Wei a penetrating look. “I never knew you understood so much, Xiao Wei.”

Xiao Wei turned ruthless and declared, “This is what Wang momo said.”

“The momo again?” Gu Xinglang wondered. To him, Wang momo had already become an omniscient being.

“Right, ah,” Xiao Wei affirmed. “Royal Son-in-Law, what are you planning to gift the princess?” Please don’t tell me it’s food, he privately prayed, Otherwise, their life together will be impossible!

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