Chapter 125: The Sacred Eternal Life Temple

Gu Xingnuo rested a hand on the osmanthus tree next to him. It looks like it’s really difficult for my royal sister-in-law to stay on topic. “Princess, you’re saying that you’re the one who got Junior Master Fenglin poisoned?”

This is the main point, alright?!

Yu Xiaoxiao nodded. She was the one who changed the soups, so of course she was the one who poisoned Wen Fenglin too. Gu Xingnuo felt lightheaded as he stared at her. Can you maybe not nod your head?

Yu Xiaoxiao said, “You look like you’re about to fall over, big bro. Are you okay?”

Gu Xingnuo sighed and groaned, then smiled at Yu Xiaoxiao. He was a military man, so the worst that happened was he died fighting on the battlefield. However, it was unclear whether His Majesty could keep living at this rate.

Yu Xiaoxiao thought it over. She had failed in her mission to eavesdrop on Wen Fenglin, so she should have Eldest Brother Gu explain things to her. Thus, Her Royal Highness asked, “Big bro, tell me why a nation has to fear a monastery of monks? This isn’t scientific.”

Gu Xingnuo didn’t even want to ask her what “scientific” meant anymore. “Princess, is this monk monastery you’re referring to the Eternal Life Temple?”

“Right,” Yu Xiaoxiao nodded. “Shouldn’t the emperor be the mightiest one?”

How was he supposed to explain? Before Gu Xingnuo was born–perhaps even from generations of the Gu Clan in the past–the Eternal Life Temple had been a sacred, lofty existence in this world. Ordinary people could only kneel at their feet and didn’t dare to blaspheme them.

When Yu Xiaoxiao saw Gu Xingnuo looking tongue-tied, she asked, “Big bro, you don’t know what the Eternal Life Temple does, either?”

Gu Xingnuo said, “Princess, don’t be anxious. Let me think it over.”

What’s there to think about? Just tell me what Eternal Life Temple does. Yu Xiaoxiao tapped her feet and said, “Alright then, big bro. You think, I won’t be anxious.”

Even if you’re not anxious, I’m plenty nervous. “Eternal Life Temple,” Gu Xingnuo began after some thought, “Princess, let me put it this way. That place has the world’s best doctors, craftsmen, and rice fields. They have the best medicine and their monks have penned most of the greatest books in our world. They have wealth equivalent to an entire nation, and many emperors learn how to administer and run a country from their membres. Plenty of generals learn their martial arts there too, while court officials study from their books. Eternal Life Temple contains the best academy in this world as well. Most importantly, they say the most pious people can gain immortality with them.”

The best hospital, pharmaceutical company, rice paddies, civilization and culture made wholesale, first-class schools for nobility and the military, the richest bank… Yu Xiaoxiao summed it all up in her head and finally grew stunned. What kind of stupendous existence is this?

Gu Xingnuo saw Yu Xiaoxiao remain speechless and added, “Esteemed Empress was a follower of Eternal Life Temple, so how could you not know so little about them, princess?”

Yu Xiaoxiao fell silent. I don’t even know what the esteemed empress looks like, even now.

Gu Xingnuo murmured, “I heard Xinglang say that you seem displeased with Eternal Life Temple somehow?”

Yu Xiaoxiao mused for a bit before asking, “Then what about you, big bro?” Before she figured out Eldest Brother Gu’s attitude towards Eternal Life Temple, she thought it’d be more tactful to keep her opinions to herself–such as her desires to tear the temple down.

Eldest Young Master Gu raised his head to look at the gradually lightening skies. “It’s not fair,” he said simply.

“Whaa?” Yu Xiaoxiao asked. Weren’t they talking about Eternal Life Temple? What did that have to do with fair or unfair?

Gu Xingnuo lowered his head to look at Yu Xiaoxiao. “Princess, you know it too, right?”

“Urk,” Yu Xiaoxiao had no idea what he was saying, but nodded so they could keep the conversation going. “Right, I’m clear on that.”

“Every year, my Fengtian sends half of its grain and 70 percent of its taxes paid in silver to Eternal Life Temple,” Gu Xingnuo continued. “Eternal Life Temple has wealth to rival a nation, but what did Fengtian’s people gain in the end, after working so hard day after day?”

Things like taxes existed in all time periods. Even in the apocalypse, taxes were collected as an important part of the social system to support the military and scientific research institutions. Thus, Yu Xiaoxiao understood what Gu Xingnuo meant by collecting grain and silver. Under his scrutiny, she guessed, “They starve to death?”

Gu Xingnuo gave a long sigh. “Eternal Life Temple is too greedy and insatiable.”

“Big bro, have you gone to Eternal Life Temple to study martial arts before?” Yu Xiaoxiao asked.

Gu Xingnuo nodded. “I have, but Xingyan and Xinglang haven’t.”

“Oh, so it’s like that,” Yu Xiaoxiao replied. “How come? Didn’t a lot of generals study there?”

Gu Xingnuo’s voice grew even lower as he replied. “Eternal Life Temple isn’t as good as the rumors claim. Princess, it’s right that you dislike them.”

“What’s so bad about that monastery of monks?” Yu Xiaoxiao pressed.

Gu Xingnuo didn’t want to continue the topic. Instead, he asked, “Princess, did Junior Master Fenglin said what he’d do next?”

“I saw that he was almost dead,” Yu Xiaoxiao admitted, “He didn’t say anything else.”

“Then the State Preceptor?”

“I don’t know, ah. When I was leaving, he said Wen Fenglin wouldn’t try to kill him again.”

“Princess,” Gu Xingnuo bent down until they were meeting eye-to-eye. “Let me ask you another very important question: did anyone see you while you were switching the poison?”

“No one,” Yu Xiaoxiao vouched immediately. How could she let anyone catch her stealing food?

“Then did you leave behind any evidence?” Gu Xingnuo asked.

Yu Xiaoxiao’s mouth hung open. She had no idea if the people in this world could prove things with fingerprints. Wouldn’t she be exposed as soon as Wen Fenglin checked his bowl?

“You have?” Gu Xingnuo asked when she didn’t answer.

“Big bro,” Yu Xiaoxiao began, “Have you ever heard of dactylograms?”

“What?” Gu Xingnuo asked.

“Then there’s nothing to fear,” Yu Xiaoxiao guaranteed. “No one can ascertain my guilt.” Worse comes to worst, I’ll take another trip to Safeguard Temple and bring that bowl back home.

“Don’t tell anyone else about this,” Gu Xingnuo exhorted her. “Grandfather’s getting on years and Xinglang’s still injured.” He was certain the old man wouldn’t be able to take it, while Gu Xinglang was better off not being provoked while he was still recovering.

“Sure,” Yu Xiaoxiao agreed. Even if I don’t say anything, wouldn’t Wen Fenglin talk all the same? Since everyone’s gonna find out eventually, I don’t need to waste the effort to tell them.

“Go back to your rooms and rest,” Gu Xingnuo said as he broke into a smile. “If Xinglang finds the princess missing when he wakes, he’ll worry about you.”

Yu Xiaoxiao imagined Gu Xinglang worrying about her and found it a very effective image. She waved at Gu Xingnuo and said, “Then I’m going back. Good night, big bro.”

Gu Xingnuo could only shake his head. It’s already light out, so where’s the ‘good night?’

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