"We have arrived, my dear heroes!"

My inner unrest was interrupted by a familiar, hoarse voice.

"On behalf of the master of this house, I welcome you!" The old man threw his hands toward the sky. "Welcome to the manor!"

After the greetings, he ushered us out of our carriages and into the building.

Though cautious, my countrymen complied with his every word, probably due to the fresh trauma created by the attack earlier today.

In a disorderly line, we proceeded up a small flight of stainless stone stairs to the mansion's interior.

The manor's doors were a far cry from the moldy counterparts that resided within the tower we started in.

They were painted pure white and lined with depictions of golden feathers. Impressively, they effortlessly opened at even the slightest touch.

When we entered, I instinctively averted my eyes away from the extravagance.

Decorating the wall, like paint on paper, were polished treasures that endlessly amplified and reflected any light.

From golden-framed paintings to ornamental artifacts on velvet pedestals, the place was more like a museum than a house.

Wherever there wasn't a picture or relic stood white marble statues depicting various creatures and people.

Most of the carvings were pretty forgettable, but one caught my eye for some reason.

It depicted a man that knelt on one knee. His face was chiseled and handsome, with two fixated eyes that stared past me to some unseen horizon.

You couldn't see most of his body; it was blocked by two massive wings patterned with marble-cut feathers. Notably, the limbs highly resembled those of the strange bird statue outside as they protruded from his back, wrapping around to his front.

'Is that supposed to be an angel?' I pondered to myself.

Walking up to it, I read an inscription.

[Behold! The Savior of Blackwood, the Oppressor of Demons, the Slayer of Shamane, and the Master of Flame! Long live the Hero of Ash! Long live the Flame Baron!]

'Blackwood, is that this town's name?' I had no idea what the other lines meant, but it would be safe to assume this guy was a huge deal.

On the other hand, he might have been just rich and largely arrogant, the more likely of the two possibilities, if I had to guess.

Hearing a series of loud gasps from my countrymen, I proceeded through the entryway into the manor's main hall.

Below us was a red-painted path leading in various directions to the left, right, and straight ahead to a marble staircase. Along each side of the trail was a perfectly constructed line of maids and butlers.

They bowed and spoke in perfect unison. "Welcome to our lord's manor, Masters and Mistresses! We hope you enjoy your stay!"

I could only stare at them.

The straight-cut, black tuxedos. The frilly bonnets and laced white aprons. I couldn't even imagine wearing something so…subservient.

I suppose I wasn't one to talk about subservience. As a soldier, I was nothing more than a puppet to the strings of politics.

Someone from our group shouted in approval at the outfits. "Woah, real maids! I've only ever seen fake ones in cafes. They're all real cuties too!" I couldn't see them yet, but I could guess.

I looked over to the source. As I suspected, it was Tachibana.

He approached the maids, along with his entourage, with what I could only call ulterior motives.

"Hey," he pitifully flexed, "how're you girls doing? Are you excited to meet the ones that'll defeat the Demon King for you?"

For the briefest moments, the maids and butlers shared the same expressions of dejection the villagers had. Their artificial smiles of gratitude and joy were replaced by genuine grimaces.

"Hmmm, is something wrong, girls?" Tachibana inquired.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ As quickly as it happened, the servants reverted back to their default masks of cheer. "No, not all master heroes! We're all elated that you'd take the time to speak with us!" A meek-looking maid frantically replied.

"You know," he inched closer, "I'd really like it if we could take the time to get to know each other. What do you say?"

The maid blushed, though I could tell that even that was simply service. "I sincerely apologize, sir, but we servants are quite busy with our daily duties to engage in any extra activities with our guests.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Please forgive us!"

The maids all bowed profusely.

"Aww, that's a shame. Perhaps next time then…." Tachibana relented, and his clique returned to the group.

The maids gave awkward smiles of affirmation before returning to their default poses.

After Tachibana's return, the old man strode up to the bottom of the marble staircase. "Now, my dear heroes, I know I already stated this, but I must say again, welcome to my lord's grand residence!

The maids and butlers bowed to us once more. This time, however, they performed a perfect flourish and exited the hall.

Now devoid of any servants, the old man continued. "Fortunately, it is time to announce the order of tonight's festivities. I'm sure all of you are absolutely starved from today's events, so my master has prepared the grandest feast to enjoy!"

The mere mention of a luxurious banquet bought the trust of my countrymen. All of their unrest and wariness were transformed into starving salivations.

Bringing a hand to my stomach, it rumbled to the touch.

I was pretty hungry too. Still, I refused to let myself be bribed off by some food. I wasn't a stranger to hunger; I could last a while if needed.

"However," the old man continued, "before we adjourn to the dining hall, I'd like it if you'd all allow me to formally introduce myself." He brought out his right arm and laid it across his chest. "My name is Albert Weiser, and I'm the head magister of this household. Now," he beckoned, "right this way!"

If the promise of food wasn't enough to captivate my countrymen, displaying wealth and indulgence did the trick.

As we walked, all I could hear were impressed gasps and satisfied banter.

I felt a tinge of disappointment at the sight of them happily chattering.

'You've all been won over, huh?' Disappointment and regret; those two sensations were what I felt most at that moment. I was saddened to realize I was the only skeptic left.

Then I felt a tugging on my vest.

I turned to see a subtly distressed Agawa.

"Hey, Sato?" She called out, making eye contact with me. Her golden eyes were clouded with doubt. "I'm feeling kinda uneasy about this whole situation. What do you think?"

I know I shouldn't have been happy about someone feeling worried, but her insight restored my faith, if only a little.

Although this girl was a bit 'snappy,' she had a good head on her shoulders.

"I think you're right, Agawa," I responded, "but we should play along for now. It'd be good to see what we can learn from Weiser. Until then, let's avoid suspicion, okay?" I tried to ease her anxiety. It'd be troublesome if this girl raised a fuss by being reckless.

"Yeah, "she paused in hesitation, "yeah, you're right. We should pull Kamida and Takagi aside at some point, though. You know, to discuss things with them too."

Though they were civilians, having more minds and bodies in a fight could never hurt. With that thought, I was reminded of the words Kamida had said. The ones about "having capable allies."

"I agree," I nodded, "we'll talk to them soon."

"Thank you. "Agawa's unease gave way to a warm smile. "It's reassuring to know that you feel the same way."

Our conversation concluded; she left me and joined the rest of the advancing group.


Like the trees lining the road outside, the similarity between the hallways was unreal. No matter where one looked, you'd almost think you never moved in the first place.

'I swear... I've seen that same motif painting twelve times by now.' The further we walked, the more bothered I became, growing increasingly irritated with each repetition.

Given the symmetry, it would only be possible to navigate this place with intimate knowledge of its floor plan. In fact, you might even get lost then!

Whether that was intended or a side effect of the lord's eccentric tastes was something I had yet to be sure of at this point.

Several hallways and staircases later, we arrived at large, gaudy doors of golden wood.

'This must be it….' I gulped anxiously, dreading what the inside would look like.

When the doors finally opened, I was shocked to my core.

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