Herald of Steel

Chapter 1082 Fearless Captive

"Put on your clothes now, or I will have the guards forcefully robe you."

This grievous threat seemed to last put the lady in a dilemma, as she paused to think for a while.

But only for a while.

"*Snigger! If my lord thinks that is what you should do, then go right ahead."

As Miss Linda responded to Alexander's insidious threat with such candid abandon, proving once again that this lady was immune to any type of coercion.

'The planet would crack before the guards did'- as they say.

And not only did the other side not flinch at Alexander's threat, not once, not twice, but three times, but she even confidently dared Alexander to go with the threat- throwing the ball onto Alexander's court.

The balls on this woman.

If Alexander was not so enraged, he might have actually felt impressed by the tenacity on display here.

Needless to say, it was not easy to remain this cavalier when you were a woman, captured by our enemy and they had your son.

Alexander would frankly confess that if he was in Miss Linda's shoes, he could not act so brazen.

He might not have been shaking in his boots, but he would be also careful to toe the line, and not do anything that would incite the other side.

Who knew what his captors could do in a moment of rage?

But that did not seem of any concern to the lady, who not only incited him but even dared him to come at her, continuing to look at him with that hateful, smug smirk.

Alexander's eyes blazed with anger at being defied like this, as he then gritted through his teeth,

"Are you so confident at the 20,000 men that your husband has? Do you think they can come to save you here, past all by men?"

"Or are you doing this because you think I am too soft and would not dare to harm you? Would you bet your son's life on that? That I would not dare to throw you out to the wolves and have you violated by half a dozen men here and now!"

His voice was hard and invective, and the last words were a statement, not a hypothesis, as he emanated a furious aura.

If Miss Linda dared to take the deal then Alexander truly intended to do so, because by that point he would have judged her to be clinically insane or at least completely delusional.

No sane mother would bet her infant's son life at the hands of her captor over such a foolish bet.

"Hehehe, won't dare, won't dare, won't dare!"

So it came more of a relief to actually Alexander that Miss Linda managed to see reason, as now he would not have to go through with it.

The clever lady was too at last able to realize that things might not go well if she continued to poke the bear, so decided to cleverly back off for now, flashing both her palms in a surrendering gesture and chuckling the answer Alexander wanted.

"You are my captor and I am your captive. So of course you can have me gang raped if you wish. Hehehe… that's surely not a problem for you. I would not dare tempt fate."

However, although the words she spoke were grave, the voice Miss Linda used was devoid of any fear or respect, only containing amusement and even mild sarcasm.

She was obviously tempting fate, but at least for too egregiously.

It was not a full blown taunt, so despite not being sincere, it at least worked well enough that the man simmered down.

And taking advantage of this momentary lull, the lady decided to poke the man again, and this time even more fiercely, as if to make up for this slight retreat, for she added with a mocking sneer,

"Or if that is how you want to have me, then please my lord, by all means, go ahead. I never knew you had such… exotic tastes. Is that why you have been rejecting me all this time? Because you wanted your friends to join in too?"

"Hehe, my apologies. I had forgotten your Adhanian culture. You must practice such things a lot!"

Miss Linda very animatedly slapped her forehead while once again bringing up what she had said about Cambyses a few days ago, only in a bit more roundabout way.

"........" And it once again made Alexander incensed.

He had never met a woman he hated this much.

Not even the extremely unruly Mikaya was like this- you know the one Alexander had half the city freely use.

But this here was like Mikaya 2.0- a highly ungraded, extremely deadly version.

She could not only go toe to toe with him, but even beat him, and beat him soundly at that.

Such as now, when she had taken his threat and turned it on its head, using his own strength against him.

What sublime technique!

If Alexander was not once again so angry, he would have marveled at this divinely gifted orator.

The lady could put everyone Alexander had met up to now to shame.

But for now, his face only turned livid with rage and his body screamed to be given the permission to jump on this innocent brat and strangle her to death.

Alexander no longer wanted to fuck her- he directly wanted to kill her.

Of course, the man held himself at the last minute, exercising immense patience as he did.

But even then he had a hard time maintaining his voice, as he squeezed out the words that sounded like it was being emanated from the depths of hell,

"I should have your tongue ripped out for even daring to say that!"

The threat naturally had zero effect on its intended target, as taking another small sip, the lady Miss Linda mockingly chortled,

"Heh heh, and what good would that do? I would not be able to suck off all your men then."

Unabashedly saying such a shameful thing, the lady then suddenly turned to face Alexander with an intrigued face, before curving her thin lips into a very sexy sneer,

"And your men seemed to very much enjoy the service I provided them last time! Would that not be a waste?"

The accusation came a bolt out of the sky for Alexander.

"Wha.. what!" And suddenly all the acrimony he had regarding Cambyses was pushed all the way down by this surge of curiosity, as he stammered so out of shock.

He could not believe it.

Sure he knew most of his men committed these crimes, to which he admittedly shamefully mostly turned a blind eye as he was unwilling to antagonize his trusted men over an act that was sadly very common in this time period.

But even then, that was that, and this was this.

Alexander personally knew the two men he had posted to guard Miss Linda's chambers because she was that important, and believed they had a good idea of who they could eat and who they could.

And Miss Linda was certainly one of those they could not.

"Lies!" Thus Alexander burst out at these unfair accusations laid towards his men, feeling personally offended by it, and thus sought to fully fight to defend both their and his honor.

Miss Linda however only amusedly sniggered at the man's overreaction, feeling very pleased to be able to make the man dance to her tone.

She however did not bother to defend her claim and assert the men's guilt, but only chimed out,

"Heh! You can believe what you want my lord, how can I dare to hope to change that? I am after all but a lowly prisoner. What do my words mean?"

The voice was low, sad, and self depreciating.

But then suddenly, it changed to curious and intriguing, as she turned to meet Alexander's eyes,

"But who do you think made me stay naked like this… in winter? Heh heh, Be always ready to be fucked, the two masters commanded."

And then, even before Alexander could get over the shock of this absurd turn of events, Miss Linda once again changed her voice, now like that of a charming, mischievous cat who had just gotten the milk,

"Well, that is one version of the story. The other one is that I opened the doors like this and invited them in. Heh heh, how long do you think they resisted?"

Alexander did not need to be a genius to understand what was going on.

The first claim was simply a joke created by Miss Linda to mess with him, while the second was the true event.

And unfortunately, Alexander did not think those two guards managed to come out of that event 'alive'.

They had surely been eaten.

After all, even he nearly fell victim to her, someone who slept with queens and princesses on a daily basis.

So what chance did these poor lads have?

All of this led to Alexander pronouncing only a single word, "Why?"

To him, Miss Linda fraternizing with men of such low status had no benefit, but lots of risk.

She was a married woman after all.

"What do you mean why? Do you mean why I was raped under your order?"

There was your why.

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