Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 77: Wind of the Chu Family

Chapter 77

The anger on Premier Chu's face slowly faded away. Sitting in the prime minister's chair, his expression was still gloomy. "This is the last chance. If you don't speak, then forget about being the Qi Prince's consort. The Chu family has many obedient girls."

"Grandfather, please listen to your granddaughter. I certainly didn't mean to..." She cried softly, with tears sliding down her cheeks. She looked so pitiful that anyone seeing her would soften their heart.

Unfortunately, Premier Chu was clearly not one of them. He never believed in tears.

"Stop your tears and get out!" He said coldly.

Chu Mingcui's face finally showed fear and regret. She pleaded, "Grandfather, I was wrong, it was my mistake. I shouldn't have taken advantage of Xi Mama's relationship with you. It's true that I asked her to poison the Retired Emperor's medicine because I was afraid he would get better and King Chu would regain power. I was thinking about the big picture!"

"How did you know about Xi Mama's relationship with me?" Chu Shoufu's voice was cold and gloomy. His whole person was immersed in murderous air.

Chu Mingcui had never seen such a terrifying expression on her grandfather's face. She was so frightened that her lips trembled and she confessed everything. "It was Grandmother who said it. She also ordered this matter. She said that Xi Mama was indebted to you, and as long as you gave the word, Xi Mama would give her life even if it meant losing it. I didn't believe it at first, but when I said it to Xi Mama, she agreed."

She then quickly added, "Grandfather, Xi Mama would never admit to poisoning the Retired Emperor, much less implicate you. Don't worry."

Chu Shoufu closed his eyes, with no expression on his entire face, as if he had turned to wood.

Chu Mingcui felt uneasy, twisting her handkerchief, not knowing what to do.

After a long while, Chu Shoufu finally opened his eyes. They were calm, "What do you think about King Chu taking your younger sister as a concubine?"

Chu Mingcui quickly replied, "Absolutely not, Grandfather!"

"Why not?" Chu Shoufu asked coldly.

Chu Mingcui hesitated for a moment. "She is a daughter of the main wife. How can she be a concubine?"

"Marquis Jing can ask Yuan Qingling to step down from her position. Then your sister would become the proper consort."

Chu Mingcui paled in fright. "Marquis Jing would say that?"

"However, since the Queen of Chu opposes it, His Majesty said he would respect her wish. So your sister's marriage with King Chu is called off."

Chu Mingcui breathed a sigh of relief. "It was forced, so less trouble is better during this critical time."

Chu Shoufu indifferently said, "Indeed. So I have decided your sister will serve Prince Qi together with you."

"What?" Chu Mingcui fell to the ground, her face ashen.

She quickly knelt up and said firmly: "No, Grandfather. Marquis Jing will agree to it. He cannot disagree. I guarantee King Chu will be able to take my sister as his proper consort."

Chu Shoufu said expressionlessly, "This is your last chance. I don't care how you do it, but it must be clean and neat. Of course, I hope everyone is happy with the outcome. If you don't handle it well or cause any trouble, hand over your position as Prince Qi's consort."

In other words, he hoped Yuan Qingling would voluntarily withdraw. But if they had to take action, there must be no traces left.

Chu Mingcui serenely said, "Don't worry Grandfather, I will definitely handle it properly."

Chu Shoufu waved his hand wearily. "You may leave."

"Granddaughter takes her leave!" Chu Mingcui bowed and exited.

After Chu Mingcui left, Chu Shoufu immediately summoned someone in and said lightly, "I don't want to hear anyone mention Little Xi again. Send a bowl of medicine to the Old Madam."

The man was tall and gaunt, with a clean complexion. Hearing this, he lowered his eyes. "What about the Princess?"

"She's a smart woman. After seeing what happens to her grandmother, she'll keep her mouth shut tight." Chu Shoufu closed his eyes, hiding the murderous intent in them.

After leaving the study, Chu Mingcui didn't immediately leave, but went to her younger sister Chu Mingyang's room.

Chu Mingyang had just come of age this year. Her appearance was quite similar to Chu Mingcui's, but Chu Mingyang was more unrestrained and arrogant, unlike Chu Mingcui's calm patience.

When Chu Mingyang was born, her grandfather had just recovered from illness and received a promotion. As a result, Chu Mingyang had been doted on since childhood, no less than the legitimate eldest son of the household.

Chu Mingcui even suspected that her grandfather had never intended for her sister to become King Chu's concubine. If her sister married into King Chu's estate, she would eventually obtain the position of proper consort.

Therefore, she absolutely could not let Chu Mingyang marry Prince Qi as a concubine. That would directly threaten her position as proper consort. Her grandfather favored her for her steady nature. Now that she had caused trouble, it was uncertain whether her grandfather would discard her.

Thinking of this, she became even more worried. But upon seeing Chu Mingyang, she still put on an affectionate smile of the elder sister.

"Sister," Chu Mingyang was very happy to see her return. She pulled her arm and walked inside. Her pretty face was flushed, evidently she had not rested idly in the room. "Let me show you my new plaything."

Chu Mingcui smelled the scent of blood. She already knew about her younger sister's hobbies. She feared it was another poor victim this time.

Sure enough, when pulled inside, she saw a young maid kneeling on the ground. The girl was only thirteen or fourteen years old. She had a bowl balanced on her head, filled to the brim with clear water.

Seeing the arrivals, the maid shifted slightly, spilling a few drops of water. Chu Mingyang immediately whipped her and shouted, "Kneel properly!"

The girl winced in pain and slowly knelt upright, her face flushed red, with tears welling in her eyes but not daring to fall.

There were already a few broken bowls on the ground, and the floor was wet. It seemed she had already suffered quite a bit, with several whip marks on her face.

"Fun, isn't it?" Chu Mingyang looked at Chu Mingcui coquettishly, proudly showing off.

Chu Mingcui indulgently said, "As long as you find it fun."

Chu Mingyang sat down and tossed away the whip. "Actually it's not fun at all, but I'm so bored. Grandfather won't let me go out."

She glared at the maid. "Get out!"

The maid seemed to have received amnesty. She quickly took down the bowl and hurried out.

The other maids cleaned up and served tea and snacks before closing the door to let the sisters talk.

Chu Mingcui considered for a moment before asking with a smile, "Younger sister, do you know Grandfather intends to arrange a marriage for you?"

"I know!" Chu Mingyang's pretty face turned cold. "But I don't want to marry out so early."

"Grandfather's words have always been impossible to defy." Chu Mingcui sighed lightly. "Does Sister wish to marry early? I'd rather stay to accompany Grandmother more, a jewel of the household. But once married out..."

"What do you mean? Is Brother-in-Law not good to you?" Chu Mingyang pricked up her ears and asked.

Chu Mingcui gave a wry smile. "That's just superficial polish. But being an imperial daughter-in-law, where's the freedom? There are many rules in the household, and officials watching for any improper behavior to immediately report to the palace. The Empress Dowager would fiercely scold me as soon as she heard. "

Chu Mingyang was shocked. "Is it so strict?"

"Of course. Suffering yet unable to tell Grandfather, he can't intervene in imperial family matters."

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