Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 72: Chop the Man to Death.

Chapter 72

Yuan Qingling was sent back to Feng Yi Pavilion. The two mama and Lv Ya were startled when they saw her like this. Xi Mama quickly calmed herself and asked Lv Ya to prepare sobering soup, then inquired about the situation from Gu Si.

Gu Si said, "She got drunk in the Hall of the Retired Emperor. I already gave her sobering soup, but she threw it all up."

"She got drunk in the Hall of the Retired Emperor? My goodness, she must have angered the Retired Emperor to death!" Xi Mama exclaimed in astonishment.

"I don't know if he was angered to death or not, but Lord Chang's face was as white as a sheet," Gu Si said.

"Oh dear!" Xi Mama turned and looked at Yuan Qingling. She was sitting on the bed. Her mama wanted her to lie down, but she held up her hand and said, "Don't touch me, I'm dizzy!"

"Master Gu, you may leave. Thank you," Xi Mama said.

Gu Si looked at Yuan Qingling. Her face was frighteningly red, her eyes were also red, her hair was disheveled, and her clothes were wrinkled as if they had been pulled at. She looked an utter mess.

"Farewell!" Gu Si turned and left.

He didn't expect the usually quiet Consort of Chu to go into such a terrifying drunken frenzy.

When he first arrived at Qian Kun Palace, he saw her raising a stool, about to smash it. The Retired Emperor was curled up in the corner of the Arhat Bed, Eunuch Chang was vomited on from head to toe, stomping his feet in vexation over his new robes.

He had never seen Qian Kun Palace so...full of life.

He had also never seen the Retired Emperor show any expression other than dignity, such as looking like a frightened rabbit.

Perhaps he should tell the Prince about this. 𝘧𝘳𝓮𝓮𝓌𝘦𝓫𝓷𝘰𝘷ℯ𝑙.𝓬ℴ𝘮

Yuan Qingling sat in front of the bed. The room spun around her, objects alternately grew larger and smaller before her eyes, and cacophonous sounds assaulted her ears ceaselessly. She seemed to hear voices from very far away that had nothing to do with her, yet she felt like her head would explode.

She had to do something, otherwise she would be maddened to death.

"Consort, how much did you drink? Why are you so drunk?" Xi Mama sighed and tried to help her lie down.

Yuan Qingling grabbed her wrist tightly. She slowly raised her head.

Xi Mama saw a flash of murderous intent in her eyes.

Xi Mama slowly lowered her head. She really did have the intent to kill, but was held back by the Retired Emperor's status.

"Where is the kitchen?" Yuan Qingling asked softly. "Take me there."

"The kitchen? Why do you want to go to the kitchen?"

"Take me..." She hiccupped. Her face grew even redder, bordering on derangement. "Just take me there, what's with all the questions?"

"You should lie down..."

"Take me there!" Yuan Qingling let out a roar, frightening Xi Mama and the other mama.

Seeing the resentment in her eyes, Xi Mama thought of Lv Ya making sobering soup in the kitchen. She decided to go along with her wishes and take her there to drink the soup.

"Alright, this old servant will take you there. Can you walk?" Xi Mama supported her.

"I can walk, don't need your help..." She waved her hand dismissively. All these people had ulterior motives, she didn't want to touch them or have anything to do with them. After taking a step, the room spun around her even more, and she grabbed Xi Mama's hand. "On second thought, help me...help me!"

After stumbling two steps, Xi Mama finally steadied her. Yuan Qingling put all her weight on the mama, and Xi Mama nearly couldn't stand straight. The other mama came over to help support her, and the two of them half carried her out.

Yuan Qingling's steps were unsteady, and she mumbled to herself, "Carrying me again? What terrible luck have I had recently? Since coming here, I've been treated like a prisoner. When you need me, you beg. "

"Yes, yes!" The two mamas could only agree, not daring to say anything. They were puzzled about what exactly happened to the Consort, and how could Eunuch Chang let her drink so much?

The fresh air outside did not make Yuan Qingling feel better. On the contrary, the wind made her dizzier, but the chaos in her mind kept churning up.

She was simmering with anger in her belly, and this pent-up anger made her very uncomfortable. Why didn't a single thing go smoothly? If Yuwen Hao wanted to call off the marriage, he should have said it directly instead of using her as a scapegoat. Was she that easy to bully?

Now she had offended so many people that her head was tied to their waistbands, just waiting for them to take it whenever they pleased.

Name is as insignificant as grass, name is as insignificant as grass, she chanted this line to herself repeatedly. If she were to die, she would at least kill the culprit first.

Driven by this obsession, she persevered all the way to the kitchen, shook off the two women and dove right in, spinning around wildly and scaring Lv Ya half to death. "Consort, what are you looking for? Tell me and I'll find it for you."

Yuan Qingling saw it. She pounced over and snatched up a large kitchen knife, waving it menacingly at Lv Ya. "Whoever wants to harm me, I'll kill them first."

This terrified the two mamas and Lv Ya. She kept brandishing the knife, not that she was afraid of accidentally injuring anyone, but rather she was afraid she would injure herself.

"Consort, let's talk this through!" Xi Mama fiercely signaled Lv Ya with her eyes to go find the guards.

Lv Ya understood. She wanted to find an opportunity to run outside, but Yuan Qingling noticed her intention and kicked over a small stool, sending it flying to block the door. "Who dares to go?"

Lv Ya quickly stopped in her tracks and raised both hands. "I won't go, I won't go. Consort, don't get agitated. Put the knife down. The Prince will be angry if he finds out."

Upon hearing the words "Prince", murderous intent flashed in Yuan Qingling's eyes. She ground her teeth and said, "I'll kill him first."

Brandishing the kitchen knife, she charged out. Drunk and disorderly, her whole body was filled with power. She ran swiftly, her legs weak with fear, Lv Ya only managed two steps before stumbling. The two older mamas couldn't run fast either, so they could only cry out hoarsely at the top of their lungs, "Quick, stop the Consort!"

An armed and drunk frenzied woman could not be stopped by anyone. Yuan Qingling ran unimpeded all the way to Xiaoyue Pavilion.

Xu Yigang had just come out from inside when he saw Gu Si arrive, and Yuwen Hao told him to have people prepare wine and dishes.

He had just stepped down the stone steps when he saw someone rushing in impetuously, a silver gleam flickering in their hand, filled with killing intent.

On instinct, he lashed out with a flying kick, then seeing clearly it was Yuan Qingling, immediately pulled back. But his explosive power was too great, forcing him to abruptly restrain it caused backlash, and he threw himself forward, collapsing at Yuan Qingling's feet.

Yuan Qingling was running very fast. Suddenly a person threw themselves in front of her, and she couldn't stop her momentum either, directly trampling over the back of his head.

When she stepped on the back of his head, it was too slippery. Her foot slid sideways along his ear, and Xu Yigang only felt like his ear was crushed into mud.

Then sudden force was exerted on his waist, and he heard a crisp "crack" as her feet slid off his butt. He reflexively curled up to avoid getting his ancestral hall trampled. By the time he stood up gritting his teeth, Yuan Qingling had already charged inside.

The run had broken out a sweat all over Yuan Qingling, and she was slightly more clear-headed.

When she burst into Yuwen Hao's room brandishing the kitchen knife, she was aware of what she was doing, but did not want to think about the consequences.

An arrow fired cannot be retrieved. She needed to stand up for herself, and could not allow herself to be bullied like this all the time.

Her grandmother's words echoed in her mind. If she had to die, at least she would not let others humiliate her wantonly.

Gu Si was the first to jump up. Seeing the dark kitchen knife in her hand, he said solemnly, "Consort, put down the knife."

"Unrelated people, get out!" Yuan Qingling narrowed her eyes and blew aside the stray hairs, exuding a domineering aura. As her blown hair fluttered and settled back down, her eyes grew even more sinister.

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