Chapter 70

Yuan Qingling was thinking that the matter of the Prince taking a concubine had been brewing for several days now. Moreover, there were rumors circulating outside that she was infertile. Being summoned to the palace today must be about being put aside.

She asked her wet nurse if anyone from the palace had come by last night or today.

Her wet nurse said, "Master Mu Ru came in person."

That confirmed it. The Emperor must have asked Prince Hao again about his intentions of taking the daughter of the Chu family as a concubine. How could he not be willing? It was his heart's desire.

Yuan Qingling felt at ease. Since the imperial family wanted to put her aside, they would definitely compensate her generously, enough that she wouldn't have to worry about making a living afterwards. At worst, she still had an IOU that she believed could be exchanged for a small house.

With a feeling of finally being set free, she stepped onto the carriage.

At the palace gates, she lifted the curtain of the carriage, looking at the endless golden glazed roof tiles and upturned eaves. She thought to herself that this was probably the last time she would enter the palace. 𝐟reew𝗲b𝐧𝚘𝐯𝐞l.c𝚘m

In her heart, she felt an indescribable joy and comfort.

With this feeling, as she got off the carriage and walked to the Imperial Study on foot, she took in the scenery of the palace with a positive attitude.

The Northern Tang imperial palace was truly magnificent, not with the kind of elegant pavilions and towers of the south, but a breathtaking grandeur. Tall towers stood erect, halls were majestic, columns were painted with gold lacquer, displaying imperial power everywhere.

Arriving at the door of the Imperial Study, she saw someone emerge from inside.

This person wore a green Confucian robe, with a red gemstone embedded in his official hat. He appeared to be sixty or seventy years old, with white hair and beard, and sunken, bony cheeks, making his face look shriveled and small. But his eyes were extremely sharp. As he walked out, with a casual glance, his eyes fell on Yuan Qingling's face, seeming to shoot out two beams of lightning that made her involuntarily feel awed.

She recognized this person—it was the current Premier Chu, who held half the power of Northern Tang in his hand, inferior to none.

Premier Chu's eyes lingered on Yuan Qingling's face for about a second before looking away. He didn't greet her, but walked away via the corridor on the left side.

Just that one second his eyes were fixed on Yuan Qingling made her feel like snowmelt flowing down a mountain peak, chilled and a little bloody.

She had never seen someone with such a frightening gaze before. Just a cursory glance made her feel as if she was faced with thousands of troops and horses.

No wonder Marquis Jing was willing to sacrifice even his own daughter to curry favor with Premier Chu. But who had given him the courage originally, to let the original owner Yuan Qingling snatch the prince that the Chu family had its eyes on?

Marquis Jing also had the heart of an ambitious hawk. Unfortunately, he didn't have the ability.

After being defeated, the ambitious hawk became a dog with its tail between its legs.

Just as she was thinking this, Eunuch Mu Ru walked out. His complexion was somewhat pale—clearly things had not gone well inside.

"Consort, you've arrived. Please go in, His Majesty is waiting for you," said Eunuch Mu Ru.

Yuan Qingling respectfully entered.

Emperor Ming Yuan sat on the dragon throne, holding two jade beads in his hand. Seeing Yuan Qingling come in, he slowly put them down. His body was visibly relaxed. Seeing this action, Yuan Qingling guessed he had just been in a state of high tension.

"Your humble daughter-in-law pays respects to Father Emperor!" Yuan Qingling went forward and knelt down in greeting.

"Rise!" Emperor Ming Yuan's voice carried exhaustion and frailty.

"Thank you, Father Emperor!" Yuan Qingling stood up with her hands by her sides.

Emperor Ming Yuan stared at her. "I remember asking you last time—you don't object to Fifth Brother taking a concubine, right?"

Yuan Qingling said, "Yes, I'm happy to see it happen."

"Happy to see it happen?" Emperor Ming Yuan's voice grew increasingly stern. "I sent Mu Ru to ask Fifth Brother, but he said you were firmly against it. He was considerate of your feelings, unwilling to cause disharmony between husband and wife and become a laughing stock. What do you mean by contradicting yourself like this?"

Yuan Qingling was struck dumb.

At the time, Prince Hao hadn't asked her opinion at all.

"Are you implying that Fifth Brother doesn't respect you?" There was gloom in Emperor Ming Yuan's voice.

"No, that's not what I meant..."

This was completely different from what she had imagined. She had thought she only needed to firmly say she didn't object, then wait for the annulment decree before packing up and leaving. After all, the rumors outside were paving the way for her to be dismissed.

"The answer Mu Ru got was that after being married for only a year, it's inappropriate for you to take a concubine so soon. I remember you also promised to soon give the imperial family a child. Your words are inconsistent—what exactly do you mean?"

Yuan Qingling was at a total loss.

At the time, she had just said what needed to be said for the occasion. Where did thinking about follow-up matters come in?

"Do you agree or disagree?" Emperor Ming Yuan asked sternly.

Yuan Qingling opened her mouth, the word "agree" on the tip of her tongue. But Eunuch Mu Ru said, "Your Highness, choose your words carefully, do not commit the crime of deceiving the ruler unknowingly."

Yuan Qingling was exasperated. Crime of deceiving the ruler?

But how could she answer without committing that crime? Agreeing or disagreeing, she would be deceiving the ruler either way.

Eunuch Mu Ru reminded: "Didn't Your Highness say you agreed for the sake of the Prince having offspring? As long as you give birth to a prince within a year, you need not worry about that, right?"

"This is..." Yuan Qingling was at a complete loss.

To say no would mean her promise to continue the imperial line was just empty talk. Matters concerning heirs could indeed constitute deceiving the ruler, since he was the Emperor after all.

But to say yes would be equivalent to acknowledging she disagreed with Prince Hao taking the second daughter of the Chu family as a concubine. Wouldn't the Chu family flay her alive and devour her? Moreover, Marquis Jing must have already told Premier Chu about his willingness to be put aside. In that case, she probably wouldn't be able to return to her maternal home anymore either.

A surge of anger suddenly rose in Yuan Qingling's heart. Yuwen Hao, damn you! If you don't want to marry her, why use me as a scapegoat? Taking shelter behind a woman, how righteous!

"Cat got your tongue?" Emperor Ming Yuan's voice came crashing down.

Yuan Qingling could only slowly say, "Father Emperor, please forgive me. Actually...I don't wish for the Prince to take a concubine so soon."

Emperor Ming Yuan snorted. "Then why did you say so readily that you agreed?"

"I was afraid of committing the sin of jealousy," Yuan Qingling said remorsefully, having long cursed Yuwen Hao a hundred times in her heart.

"A woman's thoughts, how could I not understand? If you didn't agree, just say so directly. Would I have forcibly wedded Fifth Brother to a concubine?" Emperor Ming Yuan's expression had also softened considerably, his tone no longer stern.

Yuan Qingling looked at Emperor Ming Yuan, and a thought suddenly flashed in her mind—perhaps the Emperor also didn't wish for Fifth Brother to marry the second daughter of the Chu family. But forced to this point, he had no choice but to bring it up.

No wonder he hadn't been genuinely happy when she had agreed back then.

And when Yuwen Hao used her as an excuse to refuse the marriage, the Emperor was actually relieved instead.

Yuwen Hao lost his reputation as a virtuous prince, while she was branded as jealous, petty, narrow-minded, and unable to tolerate her husband taking a concubine. She had offended both her natal family and the Chu family.

No wonder Premier Chu's gaze towards her was so icy earlier.

The fiery anger in Yuan Qingling's heart exploded over and over like fireworks.

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