Chapter 67

However, Yuan Qingling only drank millet porridge and did not eat osmanthus cake. She generally did not eat sweet things in the morning.

The osmanthus cake was served and left on the table, untouched.

After drinking the millet porridge, Yuan Qingling stood up and said, "Second Madam, please excuse me!"

The Second Madam looked at her kindly and said, "Go ahead, your father is waiting for you."

Yuan Qingling nodded and walked straight out.

As soon as she stepped out the door, she heard the shrill, sour voice of Mrs. Luan, "What arrogance! As if we don't know her situation in the Prince's manor. Without our Marquis manor's support, I dare say she couldn't even afford millet porridge. I've heard that the Prince either beats or scolds her. Did you see the wound on her forehead? It must be from being hit by King Chu. She's been married for a year and still hasn't consummated the marriage. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at?"

Yuan Lunwen's wife, Mrs. Cui, said, "I heard they consummated it. But I also heard it was under pressure from the Empress Dowager that King Chu had to take medicine to consummate the marriage. It shows King Chu has no interest in her whatsoever."

"Alright, stop it. While it's fine for outsiders to gossip, we shouldn't chime in. Let's disperse." The Second Madam righteously said, though her face betrayed a hint of smugness. Having to take medicine just to consummate the marriage showed just how little the King thought of her.

How laughable that she thought consummating with the King meant he would look upon her differently and allow her to put on airs as his consort upon returning to the manor.

Shallow, ignorant, foolish and vulgar.

Although Yuan Qingling had just come of age, she knew a thing or two about affairs between men and women. Hearing these words, she frowned, then hurried to catch up.

She grabbed Yuan Qingling's sleeve roughly, "How useless you are! You're already the Prince's consort yet you still haven't gained his favor. Everyone is laughing at you."

Yuan Qingling shook her off, her gaze tranquil, "What does others laughing at me have to do with you?"

"Of course it concerns me. Everyone knows what a useless older sister I have. Laughing at you means laughing at me too. Can't you do better?" Yuan Qingping said angrily.

Yuan Qingling looked at the fifteen-year-old girl. She still didn't understand that not everything in this world happened according to one's own will. Did being capable mean one would definitely get what they wanted?

She said nothing and walked past her.

Yuan Qingping stomped her foot in anger. She had never met someone so useless.

When Yuan Qingling arrived at the study door, a servant had been waiting. Seeing her arrive, he bowed and said, "My Lord is waiting for the Consort inside. Please go in, Consort."

Yuan Qingling nodded, told Lv Ya to wait outside, and entered alone.

The room was dimly lit. A row of bookshelves stood against the east wall. A middle-aged man in black robes stood before them, a book in hand, his expression extremely impatient.

His gaze was fierce, exuding a ruthless air. His brows were locked in a frown, chin slightly raised, the lines on his face sharp and cold. His eye bags sagged heavily, making him seem old and stern.

Seeing her enter, he quickly put the book back on the shelf and said coldly, "What took you so long?"

He swiftly went to sit in the official hat chair behind the desk, resting his hands on the tabletop, looking ready to interrogate her.

"I was having some porridge outside!" Yuan Qingling said, walking over slowly. It seemed he had been waiting for her ever since she entered the manor gates.

Marquis Jing looked very impatient. "What porridge? Don't you know I have urgent business with you? Let me ask you, did you go to the palace?"

Yuan Qingling did not like his tone. Her brows furrowed slightly but she endured and said, "Yes."

"Who summoned you to the palace?" Marquis Jing asked. He knew no one in the palace liked Yuan Qingling. Even the Empress Dowager only tolerated her for King Chu's sake and would not give her the cold shoulder. But generally no one would specially summon her there.

"The Retired Emperor!" Yuan Qingling replied.

Marquis Jing abruptly stood up. "The Retired Emperor?"

He looked quite shocked. This was nearly the most unlikely person to summon her. The Retired Emperor had practically withdrawn from all affairs.

"What did he summon you to the palace for?"

"To serve him."

Marquis Jing's expression softened a little, turning somewhat more amiable. "The Retired Emperor actually had you serve him? Then you must seize this opportunity and ingratiate yourself with him. Get him to like you."

Yuan Qingling felt uncomfortable seeing his anger instantly vanish as he began plotting and planning. "I can't ingratiate myself. I offended the Retired Emperor and he chased me out of the palace."

Marquis Jing slammed the table. "How useless you are! Such a rare opportunity, wasted by you! What good are you? Why did you offend the Retired Emperor? Did you slander the Princess Consort in front of the Retired Emperor and His Majesty?"

"You could say that." Yuan Qingling didn't want to explain too much. She already felt estranged at heart. This parental home was frigid and malicious everywhere. She did not wish to linger.

Marquis Jing said angrily, "You dared to oppose the Princess Consort? I really misjudged you. If not for you saying you could gain King Chu's favor, how would I have arranged your marriage into the Prince's manor? And offended the Chu family in the process."

Yuan Qingling reminded, "I brought Lv Ya back. She carries the Prince's orders. My every word and deed in my parental home, and anything my family says or does to me, must all be reported to the Prince. Father, it would be best to mind your words with her right outside."

"You..." Marquis Jing wished he could spit a mouthful of blood on her face. A misguided investment, too late for regrets. And now she had offended the Princess Consort in the palace. Wouldn't the Chu family treat him like a thorn in their side?

He said he was asking for the Minister of War position but he knew well, just retaining his vice minister position would be good enough. Now it seemed even that was out of the question.

"Tomorrow you will go to the Princess Consort and apologize." Marquis Jing ordered. Mindful of Lv Ya outside, he lowered his voice somewhat.

Yuan Qingling shook her head. "I cannot apologize to her."

Marquis Jing's anger flared up violently, his eyeballs nearly shooting out flames. "Do you want a way out or not? Do you know the consequences of offending the Chu family? Don't think you're just an out-of-favor consort. Even if you gained King Chu's favor, the Chu family is not someone you can afford to offend."

Yuan Qingling did not wish to hear more. She bowed and said, "I'll go see Grandmother first. I told the Prince this trip was to see Grandmother's illness."

With that, she turned and left.

Marquis Jing was furious. "Stand right there!"

Yuan Qingling acted as though she couldn't hear and told Lv Ya outside, "Let's go, I'm going to see Grandmother."

Lv Ya looked inside. That angry shout was frightening to hear. But the Consort's expression was as if she didn't care at all.

Lv Ya had accompanied the Consort back to Marquis Jing's estate several times. She knew the Consort was always extremely respectful to everyone in the manor because the manor would support her with money and gifts to improve her status in the Prince's manor and buy people's hearts.

But today the Consort seemed not to care anymore?

Following the original host's memories, Yuan Qingling came to the old Madam's courtyard.

This was the place closest to the back wall in the entire manor. Of all the Marquis manor, this was the quietest and most secluded spot.

The once prominent county lord, who possessed decisive and ruthless authority, could now only live in obscurity here, quietly waiting for death.

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