Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 55: The Concubine is Angry

Chapter 55

Yuan Qingling smiled faintly, "Your Highness, I'm afraid His Majesty will not invite me to dine again."

"That's not necessarily so, we have to make plans," Prince Sun said.

"Your Highness must have enjoyed these imperial dishes frequently," Yuan Qingling said lightly.

"It's different. You don't know that His Majesty's chefs cook only for him. Can't you tell that the flavors are unlike other imperial dishes?"

Yuan Qingling shook her head. "I can't tell the difference."

"What a pity, a pity!" Prince Sun said with great regret, "You're letting fine cuisine down, letting fine cuisine down!"

He looked at the leftover chicken leg in his hand and sighed deeply. "Chicken legs and His Majesty's dishes are worlds apart. But still, I can't let the chicken leg down either."

Having said that, he continued gnawing.

Seeing him eat with such relish, Yuan Qingling thought none of Ming Emperor's sons were normal.

"Why is Your Highness eating hiding in the bushes?" Yuan Qingling saw he had no intention of leaving, and she really had nowhere to go, unfamiliar with the palace's paths, afraid of offending others. So she hoped Prince Sun would leave quickly.

"This king doesn't want anyone to discover me sneaking chicken legs." He ate attentively, but spoke with perfect clarity despite having food in his mouth.

"Sneaking food?" Yuan Qingling was puzzled. Did he need to sneak food?

"I'm on a diet!" As he spoke, he had finished the chicken leg. He flung the bone toward the lakeedge, splashing up water as it sank down. Wiping his hands, he looked at Yuan Qingling and waved his hand. "Let's go."

Dieting yet sneaking food? Yuan Qingling felt none of Ming Emperor's sons were normal.

She took a few deep breaths. Prince Sun had distracted her by asking about the imperial dishes, diverting her attention and easing her mood.

What was she angry about anyway? It was normal for him to believe Chu Mingcui. They were childhood sweethearts, innocent and devoted. If not for Yuan Qingling wedging in, they would have married long ago.

If she had a childhood sweetheart, would she believe him or a villain destroying her marriage? Clearly the former.

Watching the lake surface gradually calm, Yuan Qingling's indignation also dissipated.

At that last moment leaving the hall, the Retired Emperor's words echoed clearly in her mind.

He had told her to go fight.

The old man knew many things clearly. If not clear before, he would understand everything afterward.

With someone perceptive on her side, Yuan Qingling felt much more stable.

Consort Xian's Feast and Joy Palace

Lately Consort Xian had been unwell, stirred up by autumn winds. Her migraine kept recurring, confining her to Feast and Joy Palace for days without setting foot outside, even missing greetings to the Empress.

In recent days, with the Retired Emperor's illness, all the concubines listened for news. No one was willing to make a show of visiting her. Chu Mingcui's arrival injected a breath of vitality into Feast and Joy Palace.

Consort Xian was very fond of Chu Mingcui. The girl was virtuous and famous, while the Chu clan's power at court rose daily. If the Fifth Prince married her, it would greatly benefit his future prospects.

The Empress Dowager had said the Prime Minister Chu was shrewd, and would not concentrate all his power on the Empress's blood prince. If the Fifth Prince married into the Chu clan, he had much hope.

Unfortunately, all this was ruined by Yuan Qingling.

So Consort Xian still refused to see Yuan Qingling.

She hated Yuan Qingling deeply.

Today, seeing the Prince of Qi and Chu Mingcui strolling in intimate harmony, the perfect couple destined by heaven, her headache worsened, though she had to force a smile to greet them.

"Greetings to Esteemed Consort Mother," the Prince of Qi and Chu Mingcui bowed.

"Quickly, dispense with courtesy and sit," Consort Xian smiled.

The two sat down. Chu Mingcui looked at Consort Xian with concern, "I heard Esteemed Consort Mother's migraine flared up again. Have you summoned an imperial physician? Do you feel better?"

Consort Xian sighed inwardly. What a pity this girl had always been her favorite, the most filial, even exceeding the Fifth Prince.

"The winds are strong, headache comes naturally. I'm used to it, no hindrance," Consort Xian replied.

"Esteemed Consort Mother must take care of yourself," Chu Mingcui rose and went to Consort Xian's side. "Let me massage you."

Her gentle fingers skillfully pressed Consort Xian's temples. After a few kneads, Consort Xian exhaled in comfort. "Even Auntie Lu can't learn your technique."

She glanced at the Prince of Qi. "Seventh Prince, you have married a fine princess. Blessed indeed."

Inwardly Consort Xian was bitterly jealous, but having spent years in the palace she had cultivated restraint, naturally concealing joy and anger. So the insensitive Prince only heard praise.

He looked proudly at Chu Mingcui. "Esteemed Consort Mother speaks true."

Chu Mingcui blushed. "Alright, you go out. Let me chat with Esteemed Consort Mother."

The Prince had no interest in women's talk anyway, so he took his leave.

Once the Prince left, Chu Mingcui's eyes reddened. "Esteemed Consort Mother, you must take care of yourself. I can't always attend you here. If you disregard your health, it will always worry me."

Consort Xian held her hand, gently patting the back. "The Fifth Prince had no fortune, unable to marry you. Now nothing can be done."

"His Highness is well too. The Princess of Chu is favored by His Majesty. His Majesty rewarded her two strands of nanzhu pearls. She said she would offer them to Imperial Mother. At least she is filial," Chu Mingcui said.

Consort Xian was startled. "His Majesty rewarded her nanzhu pearls? Ordinary ones?"

"No, tribute from Ryukyu."

"His Majesty even rewarded her Ryukyu tribute nanzhu?" Consort Xian was somewhat surprised. "I recall His Majesty doesn't like her much."

"She served diligently during the illness, favored by the Retired Emperor, so His Majesty likes her now," Chu Mingcui smiled.

"Such a thing happened?" Consort Xian didn't know this. News from Rest and Health Palace was restricted. Only the Empress attended there, even the Imperial Concubine couldn't go near.

Unexpectedly Yuan Qingling had gained the Retired Emperor and Current Emperor's favor, even rewarded with nanzhu pearls. If so, it was a different matter.

Chu Mingcui saw Consort Xian's change of heart. Her eyes chilled as she sneered inwardly.

Esteemed Consort Mother, I fear you are rejoicing too soon.

After Chu Mingcui left, Consort Xian awaited Yuan Qingling's visit.

Rewarded with two strands of pearls, offering one to her would show filial respect. fπ—ΏπžewebnoπšŸπšŽπ—Ή.𝗰𝐨m

But after waiting half a shichen, Yuan Qingling still hadn't come. Consort Xian sent Auntie Lu to investigate. Auntie Lu soon returned and said, "Imperial Mother need not wait. The princess has already presented a strand to the Empress."

Hearing this, Consort Xian's heart chilled. After a long pause, she said coldly, "Of course, paying respects to the Empress is good. She is so sensible."

Auntie Lu couldn't help saying, "What is the Princess of Chu doing, currying favor with the Empress like this? She didn't even come pay respects after serving in the illness. Yet when rewarded she immediately thinks of the Empress. Why?"

Consort Xian already resented Yuan Qingling. Now her actions provoked even greater fury. She said coldly, "I wonder how His Majesty will feel when he learns his gracious rewards were used to curry favor with the Empress?"

Auntie Lu hesitated. "Imperial Mother, this won't do. It may implicate the Prince."

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