Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 87 - Happy After So Long.

Rose opened the eyes as light falls on her eyes. 

She opened it as she rubbed her eyes and saw the sunlight is falling on her. 


She felt a heavy weight on her body and got frowned. 

She looks aside and saw a man beside the sleeping. 

Her eyes widened with shock but she just kept staring at how handsome he is... She saw herself naked and the guy naked and she looked around and saw the sex toys and ropes and many more around the room. She shook her head and tried to get up from the bed but his legs intertwined with hers. She slowly got up but her lower abdomen started aching so badly and she is so sore down there and it hurts her so badly... She slowly grabbed hee dress and wore it... She looked at his face again before walking out of the suit to the Elevator. Her heart started beating so fast as she got inside the elevator because... She doesn't know what she did when she is drunk... She saw at her ring finger but didn't as where a ring on her finger. She frowned and sighed as she remembered that she kept her wedding ring on their bedroom table and didn't wear it at all. 

She walked out of the elevator with soreness and walked inside her suit.

She looked around but she couldn't find Xavier anywhere. She closed the door and falls down on her knees as tears roll in her eyes.

"What did I do?" Rose asked herself with tears.

"I... I... I had sex with another man?" Rise asked with tears in her eyes.

"A stranger..." Rose said.

"How can I do this?" Rose asked as her hands go through her hair with nervousness.

"What if Xavier gets to know about this? Dad... Dad will kill me..." Rose said.

"I told him, I am only into Xavier and will not go around other guys but Xavier... He believed... I can't do this right now..." Rose said as tears started falling down from her eyes. 

"But... It felt so good after so long... I feel much more alive than I am... I didn't feel this much good when I had sex with Xavier...sube because it's a forceful one..." Rose said as sge got up on her feet. 

She walked towards the restroom and walked inside. She got under the shower thinking about it.

"What if I continue this?" Rose asked as she started looking at herself in the mirror. 

"Will I be happy?" Rose asked herself.

"Of course, what else a girl wants other than making a guy beg for her? After all, I am the real beauty..." Rose said as she touched herself down there but stopped as she felt pain as soon as she touched herself there.

"Ouch..." Rose said to herself as she pressed her breast. 

"I don't care about anyone's feelings... I have my own feelings to take care of right now... Let everyone go fuck themselves." Rose said as she grabbed the robe and wore it. She walked out of the restroom to see Xavier sitting on the bed waiting for someone...

Xavier looked up at Rose as she walked out of the restroom. 

He wants to talk to Rose but looking at her, his face falls down making her frown. Knowing very well that she had made him a mess all these days since he confessed his feelings to Rose about Valentina. She didn't stop and walked inside the walk-in closet. Sge opened the wardrobe and took out a yellow summer dress and wore it... She did her makeup and hair making sure that she can flaunt her day by just looking beautifully ever. She smirked at herself looking into the mirror and walked out of the walk-in closet just to see Xavier still sitting there without talking anything. 

She ordered herself her breakfast and sat on the couch grabbing her iPad and going through it.

"You were not here... Last night?" Xavier asked and Rose deliberately laughed out loud seeing into the iPad without caring about Xavier or his question.

"Rose..." Xavier called.

"Ohh... Were you saying something?" Rose asled.

"No..." Xavier answered and got up from the bed and walked towards her looking into her eyes.

"I am asking you something!" Xavier said making Rose frown.

"You were not here in our room when I woke up... I checked around but you are not here for sure... You went out last night... Didn't you?" Xavier asked.

"And who are you to ask me questions?" Rose asked making Xavier take a back.

"What?" Xavier asked.

"Who are you to ask me?" Rose asked.

"You're husband." Xavier answered making Rose laugh out loud.

"Husband?" Rose asked making Xavier frown.

"Stop laughing... You are on a honeymoon with your husband. You are my responsibility... If anything happens to you... Then..." Rose cut off Xavier in mid-sentence. 

"You will be dead!" Rose completed the sentence making him look at her.

"You will be dead in my Dad's hand." Rose said with a chuckle making Xavier sigh. 

"Look..." Rose cut off Xavier in mid-sentence.

"Shut up..." Rose said making Xavier look at her.

"First answer me who the fuck are you to question me as a husband when you already lost that value of a husband?" Rose asked making Xavier look away from her.

"You listen here to me... Very well..." Rose said as she got up from the couch and stood in front of him.

"I waited for you for the whole 4 days to talk to you but every time you are coming here... You are drunk... I didn't ask why are you drinking because I know why! But... You got out of limits this time... You are getting on my nerves for the past 4 days... I felt irritating seeing you..." Rose said and Xavier sighed.

"You lost the right as a husband along the back... I know how to take care of myself... You don't have to bother about it... And just leave me alone right now before I lose my patients." Rose said making Xavier frown. 

"Rose..." Xavier again started taking making Rise pissed.

"Shut the fuck up now, Xavier... Don't... Just don't talk anymore... Whatever you talked abd did is enough right now... Not anymore... This is messing up only because of you... If you think, it's me and not you... Then I think, you need to go to the doctor's and should get a check-up." Rose said irritatedly. 

"I think, you forget whatever I told you last night... Let me repeat to you again and again for you. First thing... You are nothing to me... You are nothing... I am sick if you getting drunk from the day, you confessed to me that you love Valentina... I didn't tell this to anyone this... But now, thinking about it... I think I am such a fool that I didn't tell anything to anyone... If anyone knows that you love Valentina then it's me and my Dad who will suffer a lot in this... Thats why I didn't tell him anything... If he sees you hurting me like this then he will do something, you will regret later... Are you getting it? And You yelled at me. My parents or anyone didn't at all yell at me until now... Then who the fuck are you to yell at me like you yell at your servant and maids? Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do and what not to do... I will do anything... You don't have any right to point your fingers at me... Heck, you don't even have any right to talk back at me... Or else... I will show you who the boss is here... I didn't hurt you until now because i don't want to see you sad but this is getting out of limits... You need to make your limits with me right now because your father is in my dad's hands... He will play the things as my dad tells him... And you are just nothing to anyone... But a money-making machine..." Rose said as she chuckled. She told every little thing as she talked last night... Exactly the same way... Because she wants to make him remember the thing she told to him again and again.

"Money making machine?" Xavier asked making Rose smirk.

"Of course, yes..." Rose answered as sge caressed his cheek and he nodded his head at her. 

"You dear father is so sick of money... He made you as a money-making machine... He did many things behind you and you know all the everything... I don't have to tell you anything about it I guess..." Rose said and he nodded his head in yes. 

"Yes... You don't have too... I am really sorry for whatever I did and made you feel like... It's fine with whatever you think about me abd my dad... I can't change anyone's mindset... So easily..." Xavier replied making Rose smirk.

"But you will face a lot more than this, Xavier... Just wait for it." Rose said as she walked away from him. 

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