Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 46 - You Are Having An Affair With A Married Man!

"What the hell?" Valentina and Jason heard a loud voice shouting! They both opened their eyes to see Xavier in front of his eyes! 

"Hmmm..." Valentina said as she rubbed hee eyes! 


"Xavier..." Valentina called as she saw him looking at her angrily! 

He turned his face and looked at the other side to see Jason on the bed beside Valentina! 

Jason immediately got up from the bed as he saw he was so close to Valentina!

"What happened?" Valentina asked looking at Xavier's angry face! 

Xavier grabbed Jason's collar and shouted at him!

"What the hell you are doing here?" Xavier shouted at Jason!

"Hey, what are you doing! Leave him!" Valentina said as she slowly tried to get up from the bed but she failed and falls back on the bed!

"Val..." Xavier and Jason said at a time! Xavier felt Jason and they both bend down in their knees to look at Valentina! 

"Can you call the doctor?" Xavier asked and Jason nodded but Valentina grabbed Jason's hands!

"No! Don't! I am alright!" Valentina said as she slowly got up from the bed and kept her head on the headboard with the help of Jason and Xavier! 

"Thank you!" Valentina said!

"No! I am calling the doctor! You said this last night too! I am not listening to you anymore!" Jason said and Xavier looked at him angrily!

"No, Jason! I am really alright! Just give me the hot soup you offered me last night!" Valentina said!

"Are you really sure? I don't think so... Let's call the doctor..." Jason said and Valentina again shook her head!

"No, Jason! I am really alright! I am just stressed! Don't worry! Please get me that soup please!" Valentina replied and Jason nodded his head! He walked out of Valentina's bedroom and closed the door behind his back!

"Are you really okay?" Xavier asked as he grabbed her hand!

"I am, Xavier! Don't worry! I am really okay! I am just stressed about the work! That's it! Nothing much! I will be alright as soon as I take more rest!" Valentina answered and Xavier kissed her knuckles!

"If you say so! Don't overwork, please! You get sick frequently... Please take care of your health!" Xavier said making Valentina chuckle!

"I will... I used to have you who look after me when I am sick but now... You are not! Maybe, that's why I am getting more sick." Valentina said making Xavier sign!

"Don't worry! I am not telling you to be here with me!" Valentina said!

"I would have but... You know right... How things are right now?" Xavier asked!

"I know... That's why, I am not at all asking you to stay over at my place and leaving you off to go to your wife!" Valentina answered as she sighed!

"Val... I am sorry!" Xavier said and Valentina shook her has in no!

"No! Don't be sorry! You have to take responsibility there right!" Valentina replied making Xavier take a deep breath!

"Why is Jason here?" Xavier asked!

"What do you mean?" Valentina asked!

"Jason! Why he is here?" Xavier asked!

"Why he shouldn't be there?" Valentina asked!

"I am not against him staying here but why he is in your bedroom?" Xavier asked and Valentina chuckled!

"You jealous?" Valentina asked!

"Of course, I am!" Xavier answered making Valentina chuckle!

"He is here for me! As he got to know that we are... Together again... He walked to talk!" Valentina answered!

"What does he want to talk about it?" Xavier asked!

"Xavier, I think... We should leave this topic here!" Valentina answered!

"Why?" Xavier asked and Valentina looked at him!

"Jason is one of my close friends! If you ask me who is more important to you between you both... Then I would have directly answered Jason! Because you didn't care about me when you were going to marry Rose! But Jason did! He took care of me and looked after me!" Valentina answered!

"So... He is more important to you than me? Am I nothing to you right now?" Xavier asked!

"You are! You are my life! You are my everything!" Valentina answered cupping Xavier's face I'm her hands!

"Then you are telling Jason is more important to you than me?" Xavier asked!

"Xavier, You very well know what you mean to me but still you are talking like this?" Valentina asked!

"I can't help it, Val... I can't help but think like this because... I am now another woman's husband! Not yours! I want you because I love you! But I don't think I deserve you now!" Xavier answered and Valentina shook her head!

"No, don't say that! You are mine! And you know that how much possessive I am about you!" Valentina said as she hugged him tightly!

"I love you, Xavier! I love you so much! Don't leave me, please. I can't leave without you!" Valentina said looking into his eyes and pressed her lips against his lips as he kept staring at her!

They both kissed each other passionately until they hear someone clearing their voice!

They both stopped kissing and turned towards the clearing voice and saw Jason on the door! 

"Sorry for disturbing you both but here is the soup! You need to have it before it's getting cold!" Jason said and Valentina nodded her head in yes with a smile! Jason handed her the soup and Valentina started drinking it!

"You should have called me last night... I would have come here..." Xavier said and Valentina looked at Jason!

"Umm... I thought you might be busy..." Jason said!

"Really?" Xavier asked easing his eyebrows!

"Yeah..." Jason answered and Xavier just kept staring at Jason with an angry face!

"Xavier..." Valentina called and Xavier turned towards her!

"You didn't tell me why you are here?" Valentina asked!

"I just want to meet you before going to the company..." Xavier answered and Valentina smiled!

"You miss me?" Valentina asked and Xavier smiled at her while Jason turned his face away from them! 

Xavier looked at Jason from the corner of his eyes and smirked! Xavier moved close to Valentina and cupped hee face and kissed her on the corner of her lips!

"I do!" Xavier answered making Valentina smile!

"I love you!" Valentina said!

"I love you too!" Xavier replied and they both hugged each other!

Jason getting so angry seeing them together and seeing Xavier he knows that he is deliberately doing all these to keep him away from Valentina! 

"Why don't you just divorce Rose then?" Jason asked with anger!

"What?" Xavier asked!

"Why don't you divorce Rose and marry Valentina? I don't even understand why did you even marry Rose in the first place if you love Val!" Jason said!

"Jason..." Valentina took his name sternly!

"What, Val? I am just asking him fair questions! Why should he have to cheat on his wife? What did that poor soul do to him? It will be good right if he divorces her and marries you?" Jason asked making Valentina sigh!

"You don't have to know about it! You are no one to me to answer you!" Xavier answered making Jason chuckled!

"It's hasn't been even a week since you got married but you are already having an affair! Shame on you for cheating!" Jason said!

"Hold your tongue!" Xavier replied!

"Why should I? Who are you to me? I am hee best friend! I have every right to question you when it comes to Val!" Jason said and Valentina frowned!

"Jason... Stop please!" Valentina replied!

"Val... Please don't trust him! He is just playing around with you! He will learn you sooner or later! He is cheating! Can't you see that? You can get a better man than him, Val! Trust me, he will be more than good than this Xavier!" Jason said and Valentina sighed!

"You don't have to all these, Jason! He has his reasons!" Valentina replied!

"Reasons? And you are believing him?" Jason asked as he chuckled!

"Tell him to tell us what are those reasons! I will trust him!" Jason said!

"Who the fuck are you, dude? I am not at all answering anything to you right now! I hope you give us some space right now!" Xavier replied making Jason roll his eyes! 

"Val... Don't trust him please!" Jason said and Valentina sighed!

"Jason, what happened to you? Why are you talking like this?" Valentina asked!

"What? Don't ask me what happened to me! Ask yourself what the duck happened to you, Val! You are so blind in his love that you can't even see the other side of his world! Do you even have any idea what the society will name you once they get to know that he is already married to Rose Morton?" Jason asked and Valentina took a deep breath!

"No! You don't! They will name you as his mistress! You aren't living for that name! Are you?" Jason asked looking deeply into Valentina's eyes!

"No! I am not!" Valentina answered!

"Exactly, Valentina!" Jason replied and looked at Xavier!

Xavier looked at Valentina! They both stared into each other eyes! 

"Val... I will not you get that name! Trust me!" Xavier said making Jason chuckled!

"You can't do anything, Xavier Avalanzo! You can't do anything! Valentina is so innocent and her heart is so fragile! I don't understand why you want hee when you left her without telling hee anything by just leaving your 9 years of relationship!" Jason said and Xavier looked at Jason angrily!

"Just get the fuck out of here and let us talk! You don't at all have to interfere in our business when you are no one to me! Ohh... Wait... I forget! How can I forget that you are romancing with my wife?" Xavier asked to Jason!

"What?" Jason asked and Xavier chuckled! 

"What what? Do you think I don't know that you are meeting my wife behind my back?" Xavier asked making Jason frown!

"What? Are you crazy? How can just say that without knowing anything?" Jason asked!

"Right! How can you just talk rubbish until now without knowing anything?" Xavier asked making Jason sigh! 

"You are just unbelievable, Xavier Avalanzo! How can you just blame me with your wife? And how can you say we are romancing and meeting behind your blog back?" Jason asked!

"Well... Knowing about Rose's nature... It's nothing much to think about all these! Maybe, you don't know about her but Val and I know about her so well!" Xavier answered making Jason take a deep breath! 

"I don't understand what is wrong with you! How can you just get on to conclusions without knowing anything?" Jason asked making Xavier chuckle!

"I know everything! I know you both are talking frequently with each other on calls and thinking to plan for an another date!" Xavier answered and Valentina looked up at Jason with hee wide eyes! 

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