Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 222 - No Idea About Things.

Xavier gulped down his saliva as he saw Valentina introgating the things about him with his mother...

He knows that Elizabeth has no idea about the marriage and just everything happened so fast that no one expected that this is going to happen... Right now! 


It was really a shock for everyone... The only thing that everyone knows that, Xavier and Rose love each other. 

But no one has any idea what happened between them and what had happened between them! 

Everything is so mysterious for everyone... Only George, Xavier and Edward knows what happened between them and What Edward was and is doing with George and Xavier. 

Everything was did by George and Xavier is just someone who should accept his father's fault and accepted to do whatever Edward tells him... 

He was so angry with the thing that George did... He was so ready to go tell everything to Valentina. The truth about what George is keeping it from years... But his father... The one who said he loves him more than anything... Blackmailed him that, he wants to live and see him live happily... He accepted that whatever he did was wrong... But he couldn't help it at that moment. He shouldn't have do that but he was just angry and did that things that came to his mind at that time. 

His father did a crime that made him suffer a lot more than him... 

And now, Xavier thought, it would have been good if he didn't fall for the father sentiment and told everything to Valentina about his fathera and whatever he did. 

But he didn't... He didn't... He chooses to make eveyone's lives so hard by keeping one truth away from the love of his life... 

He never imagined that things wilk turn this badly... He knows that things will be hard but he never thought it would be just so bad and he would have to go through all these right now... 

"So, it was just so sudden talk for you?" Xavier heard Valantina ask Elizabeth and she nodded her head at Valentina.

"Yeah... I thought to ask Xavier and George about this alot... But Xavier never answered my questions while George just shouted at me and told me to not to ask anything and just enjoy my son's wedding... But how can I tell him that he is my son and I care about his future... I don't want that woman to take care of my son... While I knows that she would never suit my son... And she can never get that place as my son's wife... But unfortunately, she is his wife now... I couldn't do anything and just accepted the things that happened!" Elizabeth answerered making Valantina sigh.

"Do you hate Rose?" Valentina asked and Elizabeth shook her head in no.

"No..." Elizabeth answerered.

"Why don't you when she is a woman who doesn't at all suit your son?" Valentina asked.

"Well, she is my son's wife now... Even though, I hate her... I could do nothing to her... Neither I can change her... But still, she is a woman... It's her wish to be how ever she wants to be... I got to told that, he loves her... Then, I should accept her however she is... Maybe, that is why, People call Love is blind... They can't see anything in other person when they are just in love with the other person? But yeah... I still don't like Rose honestly... I told that, she won't suit for him... And I still say that, she won't suit for my son... My son had standards but I don't know where he got wrong in choosing his life partner!" Elizabeth answerered as her eyes got teary and Valentina and Amelia took a deep breath. Valentina wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly while Elizabeth hugged her tightly too.

Seeing and hearing all these, Xavier wanted to go hug Elizabeth so tightly and want to say her everything that happened to him and what he did to save his family... And wanted to tell her that, she is so right about him... He had standards in choosing a girl and that is why, he choosed Valentina but she never became his... But some other woman has been his... With the situation that George creates him for and that made his life a living hell. 

He won't ever forgive his father for whatever he did to him... And he would never ever agree to do something like this that he told him to do... He would never... He has no idea about what is going on with his life... His father is the one that ruined him... His dreams... And everything. 

Everything taht he wnated in his life... With just one mistake that he never thought that his father would do something like this... That can make his own son life a living hell... 

A life he always craved for... And wanted... He losed it... And there are no hopes that all that would come back to him... He lost trust in his father with just one mistake he did in his life... And he was just so shocked how his father kept the truth away from him all these years and also shocked at how he pulled an innocent act character infront of everyone...

He believed his father on this and on his innocence character but when everything was out infront of him... He still tried to play an innocent act infront of him... He was never ashamed of whatever he did and did to a few people...

Someone lost her husband... And other her father... But still, he didn't felt any guilty seeing them and infact, tried to take away their companies from them...

A chuckle escaped from his mouth as he thought bout how cruel his dad is and had been... He always thought he had a father who loves him even though, he doesn't show his love to him... But he never thought he would do something to someone... For nothing? 

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