"If that is right them we are not letting anyone go so easily... We will hunt everyone who is behind this... But until we get sure of things, we can't think of doing anything... First, we need to know about the lawyer that signed on these documents..." Jason said making Valentina and Tania nod their heads.

"Yeah... We shouldn't rush too... One mistake will cause us a lot..." Tania got cut off in mid sentence making them all to turn to the sound.


"Can I know what that problem is about?" George asked making everyone turned towards him.

Tania looked at Valentina and saw her looking at George.

They all got up from their chairs as they saw George walking towards them.

"Hide the documents." Jason whispered and Tania grabbed Valentina's bad and kept the documents inside as George kept staring at Valebtina who is staring back at him... That made her easy to hide the documents in her bag. 

"Uncle George, you are here?" Valentina asked.

"Yeah, sweet heart..." George answered as she smiled at her and she knows there is a reason behind that beautiful evil smile that he was giving it to her. 

"Ohh..." Valentina said.

"How are you, Valentina?" George asked as he totally ignored Jason who is opposite to him.

"I am doing really great! How about you, Uncle George?" Valentina asked.

"I am good too..." George answered with a smile and Valentina nodded her head with a fircef smile and turned towards Jason.

"Ohh... Mr. Ainstone... How are you and you are here with Val?" George asked.

"Hello, Mr. Avalanzo... I am great. Thank you. How about you and yes, we just wanted to meet. So..." Jason answered as he shrugged.

"Ohh... Yeah... I am great too!" George replied.

"So, you are just meeting with your friends... Umm... Good. You didn't invite Xavier and Rose? They would have joined too?" George asked making Valentina Chuckle.

"Sorry, Uncle George... I don't want nonsense while we are meeting each other." Valentina answered making George making uncomfortable and Tania, Jason smile sheepishly with her sarcastic behaviour that she shows towards George. 

"Umm... I know, How Rose can get on nerves... But... She is good girl... If you try to understand her... She will really get along well..." George said.

"Well... I would be happy if she gets along with you guys first!" Valentina replied with a shrug as she looked into George eyes and he sighed and nodded his head.

"Umm... I guess, Xavier would be busy to meet you though..." George said.

"Of course, he will be... At last, you made him turn into a money making Machine... I mean... A Workaholic." Valentina replied and George wide his eyes with shock as she saw him thorws the sarcastic replies on him.

"Ummm... I didn't make him turn into anything... You know, how he is from the start..." George said.

"Yeah... Yeah... He is a way energetic person, who used to be so happy even though, how hard his day is... And would have been make everyone's day happy with his beautiful smile but... You married him... To someone... That doesn't look after his happiness... Heck, she doesn't at all care about him... And so, he buried his head in that name of work." Valentina replied with a smile.

"Umm... I think, we need to talk about that..." George said.

"Well... You have said same something like this same... And called me to your home to ask a help... I don't think, I would want to meet you again if you are going to ask me any help." Valentina replied and George cleared his throat as he looked at Jason and Tania.

"Umm... We will leave you both alone..." Tania said and Jason looked at Tania.

Tania nodded her head at Jason and he sighed nodding his head and they both walked away from them. 

George looked at Jason angrily as he and Tania disappeared from his eyes.

George turned his face towards Valentina and saw looking at him with a smile.

"Val... I think, we can talk about this... Right now if you are free?" George asked.

"Well... You can see I am out with my friends..." George cut off Valentina in mid Sentence.

"Please... I will clear a few things for you..." George said as he looked into Valentina's eyes.

"Are you sure you want to talk to me right now? But... I am not serious about not doing any help to you, Uncle George!" Valentina replied with a smile making George take a deep breath.

"Well... Fine... First, listen to me... Then we can talk about any other thing." George said making Valentina raise her eyebrows at him.

"Trust me..." George said making Valantina Chuckle.

"Should I, Uncle George?" Valentina aksed.

"Of course, Sweet heart..." George answered making Valentina Chuckle again.

"If I do, I would have dommed a long back ago... Better, I don't trust anyone... It will be good for you... And me too!" Valentina replied as she looked into George eyes challening him to say that can irks her but he is in his limit, while Valentina is making sure that he gets irritated with her talks... But it getting hard for her... He doesn't at all look irritated for her... Well, he is... But he is way good at hiding things from everyone with his beautiful evilly smile. 

Valentina is getting to hate that smile on his face... This is a sudden chance that she got in her hands... She wants to use it perfectly without letting go of this chance and wants to see what he wants to talks to her and see what will he ask her later? 

If that is the case... Then Valentina really wants to know what he really wants help with her? And wants to know, why he is behind her to ask this help and in return, it looks like he is ready to tell about few things about the marriage of Xavier and Rose. But Valentina knows that she can't atball trust George with any of the things that he is going to tell her right now. 

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