"I don't... I mean, I really didn't think that you will try to understand me... Our last fight was just... I don't know... I thought you don't at all want me to be your friend anymore... I... Just... You know..." Valentina was blabbering something as she looked away from Jason's eyes.

"Valentina..." Jason called as he cupped her face and made her look into his eyes but she still kept looking away from his eyes.


"Look into my eyes." Jason said as he looked into his eyes but she didn't but kept looking down.

"Please... Just look up into my eyes... Please..." Jason said as he took a deep breath and Valentina slowly looked up from down to his eyes.

"We never fought..." Jason said making Valentina frown.

"We never fought for anything, Valantina..." Jason said making Valentina frown deeply.

"What do you mean? We found last time... Right?" Valentina asked.

"Maybe... It looks like you fought with me last time... But I really didn't take it as a fight between us... I really didn't... And I will never will..." Jason answered making Valentina take a deep breath.

"Jason..." Valentina called making Jason take a deep breath.

"Valentina... As I said, you are the most important person in my life... And will always be... Yes, I love you... And I want you in my life... And with whatever happened between us last time... I was... Um... Little disappointed... But no, that was not at all a fight... Between us! I can never fight with you... You just wanted to share with me things... As a best friend! But I irked you... It was really my fault... I should be sorry... With whatever I did. I am really so sorry... I just didn't cleared any of your doubts but irritated you with..." Valentina cut off Jason as she held his wrist and made him look into her eyes with a frown.

"No... Don't tell sorry... It's really not your fault, Jason... I was just a crazy woman... Who doesn't know what she wants... Maybe... I do... But not anymore... I am just so confused with everything..." Valentina replied as she took a deep breath and Jason wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly pulling her close to his warm body and making Valantina her his heartbeat.

"I am really so sorry..." Valentina said as she hugged him back and Jason caressed her hair. 

"Stop saying sorry always..." Jason replied as he made her Look into his eyes.

"Don't say sorry again and again... It doesn't at all suit your personality..." Jason said as he tried to controlled his laugh. 

"Nope. It does suit my personality only When I only tell sorry to you... It doesn't at all when I say sorry to anyone... Other than you..." Valentina replied as she chuckled.

"And why is that?" Jason asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Umm... I don't know... It just... Umm... Maybe, because you know me well... Umm... Well, it will only when I was wrong with you! Umm... Even now, just look... I called you because I need your help... If not, I won't have called you... Will I?" Valentina said but it mostly came out as a question for herself. Jason sighed as he saw her questioning herself. 

"Valentina... Why are you thinking so much about this? You need my help and because you called me... That's it and I told you the reason why you only called me too! I didn't at all took it negatively... You are not all selfish... I took it all positively and I also told you that I was just sad... At whatever happenend and I needed time... It was really fine with me... You shouldn't think much about this... If you do, it will only increase more doubts in you... But it won't help us in anyway... It will only create distance between us. Try to understand this. You trust me foe the help you need me. And I am here... I am just so happy that you are asking me a help with whatever you want a help with and trusting me with this. I just hope... You don't just bring up this topic again... This is done and just let it done... I juts don't want to discuss about this again and again... You are just dragging this topic when I don't want to do it... Why are you behaving like this? I just want you to behave like the Valentina I know... Please. Stop all this." Jason said and sighed as he left her shoulders and turned around sighing and trying to take a deep breaths.

Valentina took a deep breath and nodded her head.

'I am really becoming a drama queen... Why can't I just let of these things and behave normally with him?' Valentina asked herself as she again took a deep breath.

'Valentina... Get a grip on yourself... Please... Try to behave like a normal friend with Jason... Maybe, until thing are alright...' Valentina said to herself and again nodded her head and took a deep breath before stretched her hand and held Jason's wrist making him turn towards her.

"I am sorry. I won't do it again..." Valentina said as she grabbed her ears and apologized.

Jason kept staring at her as she made a cute puppy eyes at him that made him smile at her.

Valentina smiled as a smile spreads on his face. That smile just looks so cute on him and Valentina just can't get enough of his cute smile everytime he smile. 

"You look so cute... I miss these puppy eyes a lot..." Jason said making Valentina make a face.

"I miss this expressions too! This groaning face looks cute on you that your puppy eyes..." Jason teased Valentina that made her groan at him again.

"Sorry... I am just trying to pull your leg." Jason said making Valentina Chuckle.

"It's fine... Have a seat now... Let's order something..." Valentina said with a smile and Jason nodded his head with a smile.

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