"Woah..." Valentina said as she grabbed the tissues and gave it to Tania. 

Tania took a deep breath and wiped off her mouth and looked at Valentina.


"What did you just say?" Tania asked.

"Huh? What did I say?" Valentina asked.

"Who is coming here?" Tania asked.

"Ahhh... That is Jason!" Valentina answered making Tania eyes wide.

"Mr. Ainstone?" Tania asked and Valentina nodded her head in yes.

"Yes... Jason is coming here... I told him to meet me and sent the address of this cafe... He should be here by now..." Valentina answered.

"What?" Tania asked as she got up from the chair making Valantina frown at her.

"What happened?" Valentina asked.

"Umm... Why didn't you say that Mr. Ainstone is coming here to visit you?" Tania asked.

"Huh? Why should I tell you that he is visiting me? Well... I just want him to meet us... And not only me... But why are you freaking out? It just Jason... No one else... I am sure, Jason is good with you, right?" Valentina asked.

"Of course, he is good with me. Why won't he?" Tania asked.

"Then there is no problem... We can have a good talk together." Valentina answered with a smile making Tania blink her eyes.

"Valentina... You are still my boss... And he is your friend... That means, he is my boss too... He or I can't be free with him like you do with me or with him? It just so wrong to do that!" Tania said making Valentina frown at her.

"Tania... I don't understand what is going on with you? Why are you scared to meet with Jason by the way?" Valentina asked.

"I am not scared... But..." Valentina cut off Tania in mid Sentence.

"If you are not scared then sit here and try to chat with us normally without getting uncomfortable!" Valentina replied making Tania frown.

"What?" Tania asked.

"What what? There is no what or if's and buts. Just listen to me and sit down. Right now!" Valentina answered making Tania sigh.

"Don't do this... You know, I can just leave right now... Before he comes... I shouldn't be here..." Tania said and Valentina got up from her chair and held Tania's wrist making her look up into Valentina's eyes and saw her looking inti Tania's eyes dangerously.

"Valentina... Please..." Tania requested.

"No... I am not at all leaving you. You getting it? I don't know why are you just scared of everyone? I don't understand you sometimes... You will behave good with me for sometimes... But if someone other person comes in between then you will be scared. Tania... Don't be scared... I am here with you. Jason won't eat you... He is a good friend. He talks well and is friendly... Trust me... He just looks like he is dangerous... But he is not... Not at all dangerous... He is just so good nx Valentina said making Tania.

'How should I tell you what happened between us, Valentina? Why are you so good with me? I did nothing to you... Yet, you gave me everything and giving me the love I deserve and giving me the names as your little Sister that I am no where to be deserve that... You are just an amazing person, Valentina.' Tania said to herself as she sighed. 

"Tania..." Valentina called making her bringing out of her thinking world

"Yeah... Yeah..." Tania replied as she looked at Valantina.

"What happened to you all suddenly? And why are you sweating all suddenly even when we are in open garden? Is something wrong? Are you alright? Did something wrong?" Valentina asked with a worried face and Tania took a deep breath as she knows that she is troubling Valentina a lot and she doesn't have any idea how will Valentina react if Tania says her the truth about her and Jason? 

It just making Tania scare that what if this was out? Their meetings and all? It's not like... There is a third person who can informs to Valentina about them... But still, Tania don't want to tell anything to Valentina because she knows that Valentina will be really hurt... As Tania wants Valentina and Jason to be one... Then, she should try her best to keep all this a secret... Only then this will work out for Valentina and Jason like Tania thinking! 

"Tania..." Valentina again called making Tania look at her.

"Yes?" Tania asked.

"What in the hell happened to you so suddenly?" Valentina asked and Tania shook her head in nothing.

"Please... Tell me? Are you alright?" Valentina asked and Tania took a deep breath.

"Yeah... I just need to use the restroom! Please excuse me... For a few minutes!" Tania said and just turn around when she bumped into the wall... Not wall. But a human wall... 

Tania closed her eyes and was about to fall down as she bumped into someone and was ready to hit the floor but a strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into something warm. 

Her body hit the warm chest of the person making her feel safe and warm at the same time. The arms around her waist held her so tightly to not fall down and hit the floor. Tania was scared to open her eyes as her heart started beating so fast because she doesn't have any idea who's arms are around the waist. She felt goosebumps so suddenly on her body and her heart is rasing so fast. 

She doesn't have any idea why she is feeling like that... But it's something that is making her want to go close to the body ever more and she grabbed the collar even though she doesn't know if the person will be rude for helding the collar of the shirt. 

"Tania..." A sweet male voice rang behind her ear that made her realise that she is still in the Someone's arms but suddenly she realises that the voice is someone's she... Knows...

The voice that she can never forgets in this life... That voice that made her love even more and more day by day...

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