Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 113 - There Is A Girl In My Life...

Valentina nodded her head as she listened to Jason... 

Jason wiped the tears away and smiled at her.


"Forget about everything and go with where your life takes you too." Jason said and Valentina nodded her head. 

"Valentina... Jason... The dinner is ready... Let's have our dinner." Amelia said as she walked towards the living room.

Jason left Valentina as he saw Amelia walking towards them but Amelia already saw them and stopped in mid away.

"I am sorry... Am I disturbing you guys? Umm... I will just leave you guys alone... For a few more minutes." Amelia said and Valentina turned towards her with a smile.

"No, Mom..." Valentina replied and making Amelia frown.

"Huh?" Amelia asked.

"No... You aren't disturbing us... We were just talking normally..." Valentina answered.

"Are you sure?" Amelia asked and Valentina nodded her head.

"Umm... Because it's fine... I can wait for you guys in the dining room... Until you both done talking." Amelia said and Valentina shook her head again.

"No... It's fine... We can talk later after we are done with dinner." Valentine replied and Jason nodded his head in yes.

"Alright... If you say so!" Amelia said and they both nodded their heads and they all walked inside the dining room. Jason sat beside Valentina and Amelia sat opposite to Amelia. The maids served them and they all started eating in silence until Amelia break the silence.

"So, you don't have a girlfriend. Huh?" Amelia asked making Valentina look up at her with Jason too.

He cleared his throat not knowing why Amelia is talking about this topic again... He looked at Valentina and at the same time, Valentina looked at him. 

He cleared his throat when Valentina look down on her plate as if pretending to not knowing anything about him.

"Come on, Jason... It's good to have a girlfriend... It's not like you are doing a sin... Who is she between? Do I know her?" Amelia asked and Valentina moved uncomfortably in her chair... While Jason scratched the back of his neck nervously and Amelia noticed both. She smiled knowing that something is going on between them and thought to ask more about it to them. So, they can keep things out. 

"Umm... I told you, I do have one... Until now." Jason answered.

"Ohh... Come on... Do you think, I will believe it. You are handsome, rich with a kind heart... Every girl will fall head over heels for you... Isn't Valentina?" Amelia asked looking at Valentina.

"Huh?" Valentina asked.

"I think, you know if Jason has a girlfriend or not?" Amelia asked making Valentina frown and Jason looked at Valentina.

"Umm... I don't know... If he has one or not!" Valentina answered.

"Oh... Really?" Amelia asked and Valentina nodded her head.

"Ohh... I thought, you are best friends and share everything..." Amelia said making Jason sigh.

"Umm... No... I don't have any girlfriend." Jason replied.

"Oops... That's so bad... Alright... You are at your young age... Why don't you date anyone? Or... You know, you both can go out too." Amelia said making them to look up at her with their wide eyes.

"Ummm... I... I mean, if Valentina doesn't have anyone in her life..." Amelia replied making Valentina sigh. 

"Jason, you can find a girl easily... There are so many girls out there who are successful and are so beautiful... Anyone like Valentina would suit you better in your life." Amelia said.

"Umm... I am not thinking about dating right now..." Jason replied.

"Everyone tells that until you find the right girl as your partner..." Amelia said making Jason look at Valentina and she just pretended as of she isn't listening to anything about whatever Amelia is talking about and just concentrated on having her dinner. 

"There is a girl in my life." Jason said looking at Valentina making her stop eating. Amelia smiled as she saw Jason look at Valentina and as soon as he told her that he had a girl in his life, Valentina stopped doing whatever sge is doing and waited for him to continue.

"Wow... I knew it... Jason, tell me who is she? Do I know her? Oh my god... I can't believe it. She is really so lucky..." Amelia started blabbering with a smile as Jason kept staring at Valentina and she didn't dare to look up at him and just kept staring at her food. 

"Jason..." Amelia called breaking the comfortable silence between them. Jason looked up at her and gave her a small smile. 

"Who is she? Do I know her?" Amelia asked.

"Umm... Maybe..." Jason answered.

"Oh my god... What is her name?" Amelia asked making Jason just smile at her.

"Huh? What is her name, Jason?" Amelia asked again but Jason shrugged his shoulders?

"It's no use by telling her name, Aunt Amelia..." Jason answered making her frown.

"Why?" Amelia asked as sge looked at Valentina and saw her still looking at her food but didn't at all dare to look up.

"Valentina..." Amelia asked making Valentina look up at her.

"Huh?" Valentina asked.

"Did you heard he has someone in his life and you don't know about her?" Amelia asked and Valentina looks at Jason. He took a deep breath and looked at Valentina.

"No... I don't know her!" Valentina answered still looking at Jason. 

Amelia frowned looking at them not knowing what is going on between them and what is wrong between them? That they can't able to accept anything... But Amelia is sure that something is going on between them and she is ready to find it out. 

Jason and Valentina just kept looking at each other without caring about their surroundings. They early have an idea about what they are talking about each other but still, as if they are talking as they don't know anything. Jason very well knows that Valentina will never tell her mother about her and Jason and either she will not accept to herself in any way about Jason. He knows every little thing that Valentina is feeling right now... He knows that she knew that he is talking about her with Amelie but still playing as she doesn't know. 

"Umm... Why can't you tell her name to me?" Amelia asked breaking the silence between them and Valentina again started having her dinner without bothering about what her mother just asked to Jason. 

Jason took a deep breath and smiled at Amelia.

"Umm... She still didn't accept me..." Jason answered.

"What?" Amelia asked making Jason chuckle.

"Who is that girl that doesn't accept you?" Amelia asked.

He wanted to answer her that, she is her one abd only daughter that is sitting beside him right now as if she doesn't have any idea to her that who is that girl. But he controlled himself and chuckled. 

Amelia and Valentina frowned as he chuckled not knowing what's funny they just talked about?

"Umm... Who is she?" Amelia asked.

"Well... I don't want to talk about her right now... If she ever accepts me then you are the first one to know about it..." Jason answered making Amelia smile.

"Really?" Amelia asked and Jason nodded his head.

"I would be so happy if I am that first time to know about her!" Amelia said making Jason smile.

"Well... I would love to know her... And tell her that how good you are and how kind-hearted you are! You are just love, Jason... Whoever the girl you get married to is really will be so lucky... The understanding, the patience you have... Is such impressive... You are gonna be so happy in your life with the girl you love." Amelia said making Jason smile brightly.

"No... I will be so lucky to have her in my life... More than me... She is a woman that every man wanted to have. That grace, the beauty the power, and all... She is just an outstanding woman a man can ever get!" Jason said with a smile makes Valentina look at him.

"I hope she is as understanding as you and loves you as much as love you. I hope you both marry each other and live with each other until death does you guys apart." Amelia said.

"Hope so!" Jason replied making Amelia smile.

"She will accept you soon. Don't worry." Amelia said and Jason nodded his head with a smile and looked at Valentina and saw her looking at him. 

Amelia smiled as they both looked at each other knowing very well that something is really going on between them just then, a maid walked towards them. 

"Excuse me, Ms. Jackson." The maid called making Valentina look at her.

"Mr. Xavier Avalanzo is here for you!" The maid said making Valentina, Jason eyes wide while Amelia frowned.

"Xavier?" Valentina asked.

"Yes, Ms. Jackson. He is waiting for you in the living room." The maid answered. 

Valentina hurriedly got up from the chair and ran out of the dining room making Jason sigh and he got up and followers her making Amelia follow then too. 

Valentina stopped in the midway as she saw Xavier look up at her.

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