Hell's Consort

Chapter 253 - The Unseelie Courts

Chapter 253 - The Unseelie Courts


Vampire King Apollyon


"Not all crimes related to blood were related to Vampires." Apollyon reminded him sternly, and Prince Aspen's face expressed a hint of remorse. "Have you ever tracked down the Unseelie Courts yet? You should consider those Faeries as your enemies instead of me."

Apollyon heaved a deep breath as he longed for his wife's touch and all those nights where he made her shiver in a passion-- passions he had long denied every night as he reminisced on the warm scent of Luna's skin and the satin feel of her lips.

He couldn't defile his wife's body when she was asleep because he was sure that was a crime.

That would be too similar to mating with a corpse, and he wasn't that desperate.

Yet.? "I am busy finding out ways to get my Empress' soul back to the Vampire Realm."

The Throne Room doors suddenly opened, and Cederic emerged from the entrance while two servant girls pushed a small handcart.

The military general had led them to the table as he glanced around, looking for them.

It took Cederic seconds before he found that they were at the opposite end of the walls across him.

Cederic squinted, probably wondering why the Faerie Prince had leaned into the wall while Apollyon covered him, his back facing Cederic and the servants.

Turning his head, Apollyon had met his military general's gaze.

Cederic had raised an inquisitive eyebrow, watching them from head-to-toe.

He had stared at them like they were doing something hush-hush, and Apollyon can only glower back at him.

Well, not having sexual congress with his wife for years hadn't turned him into a sodomite if that was what Cederic was curious about.

Apollyon cleared his throat awkwardly as he motioned the Faerie Prince to get back to the table to continue this conversation.

Prince Aspen followed as they strolled back to a small mahogany table prepared for the visitor upon meeting the King.

The maidservants curtsied while Cederic bowed as they approached and Apollyon and Aspen acknowledged them in a nod.

The servants pulled the chair for them.

They sat comfortably in front of each other while Cederic stood behind Apollyon, simply observing them with pursed lips.

The maidservants kept their head low as they laid organic food and desserts specially made for the Faerie Prince, setting down bowls of red velvet, honey and strawberry shortcakes.

The servants sure knew what Prince Aspen liked because they didn't need to be told that the Faerie had preferred milk in his brandy.

Cederic had poured Apollyon his brandy and spilt Luna's blood vial in it.

He inhaled its aroma before taking a sip of his goblet.

A delicious tremor raced through him.

The taste alone made him remember how tempting Luna's kisses were, and so was the thought of nuzzling her slender neck.

His cock twitched in a flare of false anticipation.

Mayhap, he could turn into a unicorn, find his wife in Hell and suckle her breasts, but Apollyon was the reason why his wife wasn't a virgin anymore.

Apollyon allowed the burning spirit to slowly slide down his throat, appreciating its smoky flavour along with his beloved's blood.

He had done this many times.

He was used to the splitting headaches and the vomiting when he woke up from these bottle-aches due to excessive blood-drinking and alcoholism.

It wasn't satisfying as passions of the flesh, but it will do if he preferred to drown himself in oblivion instead of sorrow.

"You had claimed that Archdemons had taken her and I didn't believe you before." The Faerie Prince began after taking a sip of his own, "Only an Archdemon can kill unicorns on a massive scale. I don't think Faes from the Unseelie Court had the capacity to kill unicorns and extract their blood every three months."

"The only thing the killers need was the silver blood of the unicorns because of its magical properties. " Apollyon replied a matter-of-factly. "This demonic cult could have been created from the Unseelie Court, Aspen. See how they didn't even bother hiding the dead unicorns because they wanted to do such malevolent acts in the open."

"They have taken pride in such a horrendous crime." Prince Aspen seconded.

Swirling the mixed brandy in his goblet almost absent-mindedly, Apollyon said, "Their crimes might be out in the open, but the Unseelie Court had remained hidden in the dark because they do not like the light."

"Yes but my theory still leaned towards demons. Members of this cult might have worshipped demons and made the blood of the unicorns as offerings in exchange for something in return. I wouldn't rule out that most of the cult members were part of the Unseelie Court who recruited Faeries from the Seelie Court for an unlimited source of power where they didn't have to follow the rules. Afterall, the unicorns can only be found in the Seelie Court's territories." Prince Aspen's fingers tightly clenched the wine goblet. "You know how the Faerie folk works, King Apollyon. Nobody could tell if we are inherently good and bad and if given a chance to do something to gain leverage over the other, they wouldn't hesitate."

"That doesn't only apply to Faerie Folk, Prince Aspen, but also, most creatures."

"It would be a full-scale rebellion, and I am afraid that they would be successful in overthrowing the Royal Family." Aspen closed his eyes in a faint sigh. "These monsters forming cults had lurked in the shadows, having access to forbidden magic of ancient demons."

As Apollyon polished off the last of his brandy in three gulps, the dangerous heat had threatened to rise once again, and the Empress wasn't around for him to spill his seed.

He shook his head to get himself together and remarked, "The Unseelie fae are often merciless and are likely to be aggressive without provocation."

As if he was given a divine inspiration--a brilliant idea, he snapped his fingers.

"How about the Shadow Realm?" Leaning forward, he asked the Faerie Prince eagerly, "The Shadow King Zephyr was here during the Marriage Auction and the Coronation of the Empress. Haven't you asked him about this?"

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