Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 144: The Blood-Stained Mist

A breeze from afar blew into the sealed room, and as sunlight streamed in, everything seemed to become warm and gentle, dispelling the darkness and cold that had once hidden here.

He Yi and Du Kong Zhenren entered the room.

The room carried a strange odor, tinged with a lingering stench of blood. Du Kong Zhenren paused at the threshold, frowning as he waved his hand in front of him, “What’s that smell?”

In contrast, He Yi had no overt reaction. He quickly moved forward and opened the windows. As the light poured in, the scene inside the room was revealed.

It was blood-red!

The first shocking sight they encountered was the intense red color everywhere—on the white walls and the floor. It looked as if countless amounts of blood had been splattered around, creating a horrifying sight. The red was deliberately smeared to form various eerie and twisted patterns, resulting in complex and incomprehensible designs.

He Yi gazed at the blood-red patterns and formations on the walls. His pupils slightly contracted, and then he turned his attention to the center of the room. There, an empty space on the floor appeared to be shaped like a human figure.

He Yi turned to Du Kong Zhenren, who nodded and said, “The person died there.”

He Yi crouched down, examining the lines of gaps on the floor. The gaps, about the thickness of a finger, still held traces of the red color, though much of it had dried and turned blackish.

“What do you make of it?” Du Kong Zhenren asked from behind him.

He Yi’s expression was solemn. After a moment of contemplation, he said, “The blood patterns in this room are part of an array called the ‘Reincarnation Array,’ which is a highly advanced formation used in the Demon Sect. Ordinary disciples couldn’t set this up.”

His finger lightly traced the edge of a gap on the floor. The surface was unusually smooth, and every gap, regardless of width or size, was identical. One could imagine how terrifying it would be if blood were to flow through these gaps, creating a horrifying image.

“The person who set up this array, regardless of their level of cultivation, used a very authentic technique.” He Yi’s voice was low, but his eyes were exceptionally bright and sharp, as if flames were burning within them. “The array patterns, positions, angles, and spiritual energy—all aspects of the Reincarnation Array were arranged with extreme perfection.”

Du Kong Zhenren approached him and said in a deep voice, “What do you mean…”

He Yi replied coldly, “Such a formation cannot be faked. It must be the work of a core figure within the Demon Sect, someone of very high rank, to have such a refined and authentic technique.”

Du Kong Zhenren took a deep breath and said, “In that case, I will immediately report this to the Sect Master. Xiao Yi, I leave this matter entirely to you. I’m leaving you with the Sect Master’s order. If necessary, you can mobilize some of Kunlun’s undercover resources with this order. Additionally, all cultivators below the Golden Core stage must comply with your inquiries.”

“What about the Nascent Soul elders?” He Yi suddenly asked.

Du Kong Zhenren’s expression changed slightly as he looked at He Yi and asked, “What do you mean by that?”

He Yi’s expression remained unchanged as he replied softly, “I just wanted to inquire in advance, just in case.”

Du Kong Zhenren appeared hesitant, pondering for a moment before saying, “Dealing with Nascent Soul True Monarchs is indeed tricky. However, given the involvement of the Demon Sect and the serious nature of this matter… If you need to question any Nascent Soul True Monarch, report it to the Sect Master first. He will decide and make the summons. Otherwise, taking such actions on your own could easily offend people.”

He Yi nodded, “Thank you for your understanding, Master.”

Du Kong Zhenren sighed, glanced once more at the blood-stained room, and couldn’t help but mutter a curse before turning and leaving.

He Yi did not leave with his master. From this moment on, his primary task was to investigate the mysterious person from the Demon Sect.

He slowly walked over to the white walls, carefully examining the blood-red patterns. He leaned in to sniff and then gently wiped a streak of red residue with his hand.

Indeed, it was cinnabar.

He Yi’s eyes showed understanding but were soon clouded by a deep worry. With the Demon Sect in decline for many years, he hadn’t heard of such figures emerging recently. Could it be that some long-hidden demon lord had suddenly reappeared?

But if it were such a major figure, why would they target someone as inconspicuous as He Changsheng, who wasn’t even a formal disciple? And why set up such a horrifying Reincarnation Array?

**Chapter 144: The Blood-Stained Mist**

Is it worth it?

Not worth it…

He Yi stood in the room, his brow furrowed deeply, his gaze sharp as a sword. Slowly turning around, he looked at the omnipresent blood-red color surrounding him. For a moment, he had a strange illusion, as if he were enveloped in a dense mist of blood, with a tremendous secret hidden within its depths.

He slowly closed his eyes, standing in the silent and desolate blood-red room. Around him seemed to be silent waves, but he appeared oblivious, softly muttering to himself.

“Who are you?”

“What do you want?”


Lu Chen left the Liuxiang Garden, under the envious gazes of many, and headed toward Su Qingjun’s cave dwelling.

As the most prominent young prodigy of the Kunlun Sect, a newly advanced Golden Core cultivator with a powerful background, Su Qingjun’s residence was naturally extraordinary. It was located on the Spirit-filled Ziyun Peak, in a large cave dwelling carved out on a “Flying Goose Platform” halfway up the mountain.

Compared to the dormitories of the outer disciples, Ziyun Peak only had four cave dwellings. The Flying Goose Platform had only Su Qingjun’s dwelling on its side, giving the impression of an immortal’s paradise, with rolling clouds, ancient trees, and vines everywhere. The distant cries of monkeys and the nearby flight of birds made it a place of serene beauty, exactly the kind of heavenly abode every cultivator dreams of.

Standing on the Flying Goose Platform, Lu Chen couldn’t help but be amazed, remaining speechless for a while.

“Are you stunned?” A pleasant voice came from beside him— it was Yi Xin.

Lu Chen sighed, “Yes, people really differ too much.”

Yi Xin, surprisingly not engaging in their usual banter, looked at the picturesque scenery before her with envy and said, “Indeed, I was also dumbfounded when I first came here.”

With that, Yi Xin shrugged and beckoned Lu Chen, “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

Today, Su Qingjun was not at her cave dwelling due to some business. However, everything had already been arranged, and Yi Xin was just bringing Lu Chen to get familiar with the place. Later, when Su Qingjun returned, she would naturally speak with Lu Chen.

According to the prior arrangement, the person cultivating the fresh eagle fruits for Su Qingjun was to stay in her cave dwelling for a period. In reality, this “cave dwelling” term was somewhat inaccurate. The entire Flying Goose Platform actually belonged to Su Qingjun. Thus, walking on it meant being within her cave dwelling. However, Su Qingjun’s usual living and cultivation area was the spacious stone cave carved out on the side of the Flying Goose Platform against the mountain wall. The cave door was usually closed, and outsiders could not enter.

Lu Chen’s assigned area was a spiritual field cleared out near the side of the cave dwelling’s entrance, about ten or so paces away. Here, a fertile plot of land had been established, rich in spiritual energy. The Baicao Hall had transplanted the seven best eagle fruit trees here.

In the coming days, Lu Chen’s task was to take care of these eagle fruit trees. Once the fruits matured, he would need to immediately inform Su Qingjun in the cave dwelling so that she could consume them as quickly as possible, ensuring that the medicinal effects would circulate through her meridians perfectly, achieving a flawless Golden Core stage.

At the moment, Lu Chen was frowning, staring blankly at a newly built thatched hut beside the spiritual field.

“I’m supposed to live here?” he asked Yi Xin.

Yi Xin shot him a glare and said curtly, “Isn’t that obvious? Do you really think you’ll be staying in the main cave dwelling?”

Lu Chen shook his head, expressing his feelings, “I didn’t expect that, but isn’t it a bit too simple to just have a thatched hut prepared for me?”

“Hey, you’re just an outer disciple. Don’t act like you’re already a Golden Core cultivator!” Yi Xin retorted.

Lu Chen laughed and said, “You’re quite sharp-tongued, young lady. Be careful, or you might end up without anyone to take you!”

“Humph! Mind your own business!” Yi Xin spat, then walked over and opened the door of the thatched hut. After taking a look inside, she turned back and smiled, “Big Brother Li, it doesn’t look too bad.”

Lu Chen walked over with a smile, entering the thatched hut and looking around. The room was neither large nor small, with a bed and a table, quite simple and plain.

“Well, it’s just a temporary place,” he said with a smile. “A worker shouldn’t ask for too much.”

Yi Xin smiled and looked at the door, “Big Brother Li, your thatched hut is over ten paces away from Su Jie’s cave dwelling. Will it be too late to call her when the eagle fruits ripen?”

“It will be fine.” Lu Chen said casually, “As long as it’s within the time it takes for a cup of tea, the original spiritual energy of the eagle fruits won’t dissipate. It’s alright. Unless she leaves the dwelling, no matter how skilled I am, I can’t do anything.”

Yi Xin smiled, “Don’t worry about that. I heard from Uncle Yan that everything has been arranged with Su Jie. During this period, she will only be doing this and won’t leave the cave dwelling unless something major happens.”

Lu Chen squinted slightly and then smiled, “That’s great!” 

(To be continued.)

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