Chapter 102 - Vicious Man and Woman

In the darkness, Lu Chen sat motionless, but Ah Tu stood up violently from the ground, staring at the direction of the window, and a roar with anger came out of his mouth. The cold wind blew past, and it was cold inside and outside the house.

One can't even see his own fingers inside the house, and there is a boundless black sea outside the house.

Lu Chen lowered his head and saw the darkness. There were two slightly green pupils beside him, flashing with a strange luster, as if they were transparent precious stones, and like a ghostly light with a cold chill, such as the quiet gaze of evil spirits.

Like feeling his gaze, Ah Tu also withdrew his eyes and looked up to Lu Chen. The eyes of a man and a dog met in the air and lasted for a moment before Lu Chen reached out and gently touched Ah Tu's head and whispered, "It's okay."

When Ah Tu quieted down, Lu Chen stood up and walked to the window, glanced outside, then expressionlessly closed the window again.

"With a snap, the world outside the house was once again separated from here.


The next day, the sun rose as usual, the people in Kunlun Mountain still went about their business as usual, each according to their own trajectory of life.

As the lowest-level handyman disciples in the Kunlun School, the disciples have their own lives, that is, they work hard every day, pursuing the hope of immortality in the future, even if that hope is very slim, but all the people under the sky, don't they all work hard for that hope.

The stories in the legends, from the counterattack of the lowest-level handyman disciples to the myths of becoming saints and immortals, are still circulated in the world today, and they have survived for thousands of years. Generation after generation of handyman disciples have dedicated their lives to this end.

When the sunlight sprinkled on the Shipan valley, Lu Chen brought Ah Tu here as well. There was no shortage of people who were earlier than him, so at this moment there were already working figures in the large spiritual field. As for Yi Xin, who swore yesterday that she would come back to play with them, she has not been seen yet, perhaps still sleeping in her warm bed.

Compared to last night's abnormalities, after a night's sleep, Ah Tu seems to have returned to normal today, following Lu Chen's side, limping around, sniffing and smelling, no different from normal.

Lu Chen also seems to just pretend that nothing happened last night, calmly doing his own business, to the spiritual field and then went down to the field, and did not care more about Ah Tu. Of course, he didn't find a rope to tie Ah Tu to the tree there like he said to Yi Xin yesterday.

At the beginning, Ah Tu was playing around the spiritual field of Lu Chen, but he was a little bored after just playing. Then, after looking around for a while, he called out to Lu Chen twice. Lu Chen didn't turn his head, as if he didn't hear it. After hesitating for a moment, he ran away by himself.

Nowadays, Ah Tu is very familiar with this part of the Shipan Valley, and the ridge of the field is not a problem for it at all, so it quickly ran out of the spiritual field and came to the edge of the mountain forest. As he walked, the woods appeared in front of him again, standing silently in front of the black dog.

Ah Tu obviously hesitated, hesitated for a while, got down and stood up back and forth on the same spot, and after going around several times, he finally walked into the woods slowly.

This piece of woods is very deserted, the deeper it gets, the quieter it becomes, and gradually it seems that even the chirping of birds can no longer be heard. It should be a forest full of vitality, but for some reason it gives people a feeling of frightening cold desolation.

Ah Tu walked slowly, the dog's eyes kept looking around vigilantly, with a cautious look. After walking for a while, it suddenly stopped and looked around, realizing that this was the place where it had met the mysterious little girl yesterday.

"Woof, woof ......"

Ah Tu barked twice.

The breeze blew quietly through the forest, and the bright green branches and leaves swayed gently, but no one gave it a response. Ah Tu waited for a while and seemed a little confused, but then as if relieved, turned around and prepared to leave the place.

Just at this time, suddenly from the depths of the forest came a low laugh.

The sound was crisp and pleasant, like a wind chime swaying gently in the breeze, but it was a beautiful painting without any person. After a while, the voice was soft, floating with the wind: "Puppy... come..."

Ah Tu's eyes widened, he looked at the dense and deep forest, and after hesitating for a moment, he still walked over.

A few fresh green leaves that have not yet withered, strangely fluttered down from the tree overhead, and the leaves swayed slightly. After a while, a beautiful and childish face of a little girl appeared from behind the leaves.

She looked at Ah Tu with great interest, giggling, her eyes shone with a strange glint, like the pupils of a snake, beautiful and dangerous.

Or, danger with a bizarre beauty.

Ah Tu suddenly stopped in his tracks and lifted his nose in the air and sniffed.

There was the smell of blood.

It was much stronger than yesterday.

"Can you smell it?" The little girl looked at Ah Tu, smiled slightly, then stretched out her tender left hand to wave to it, and said, "Come here, I'll show you something nice."

Ah Tu hesitated for a moment, staring at the little girl, but for some reason, did not continue to move forward.

The girl seemed a little surprised. After thinking about it, the smile on the corner of her mouth seemed to be a little bit more, and she didn't say anything more, but slowly pushed aside the branches and leaves in front of her.

A crimson light flashed in front of him in an instant, and the smell of blood became more and more thick.

"Come over here, don't you like the taste of blood the most?" That beautiful young girl whispered as if with an inexplicable temptation, and said, "Do not be afraid, you were born to drink blood, come over, come over ......"

Ah Tu's body began to tremble slowly, and the strange lights in his eyes flickered non-stop, but at this moment, suddenly, on the other side of the forest, someone suddenly snorted coldly, and suddenly a black shadow flashed past, like a ghost in a blink of an eye, he swept into the back of the bush, and it was Lu Chen.

A cry of shock came from behind that bush, and Ah Tu was also stunned in place, frozen as a wooden chicken, as if for a moment he was also dumbfounded.

But in this short period of time, only low and dull sounds were heard again and again, and it was unknown what happened behind the bushes, but after a while, there was another roar suddenly, and a big tree broke down in the middle, and a bush fell down with a crash.

The incomparable blood smell instantly came, crimson blood rose up in the air, only to see on the ground behind that bush, lying on the ground, it is difficult to identify the shape of the beast, at this moment it has died, tragic is this body is covered with scars, also do not know how many wounds were cut out, and blood was flowing everywhere.

Two figures came out from behind the bushes and got entangled with each other. They suddenly started fighting. It was Lu Chen and the little girl who seemed to be just over ten years old. What is astonishing is that these two people are in the middle of the square, and their shots are extraordinarily fierce, locking their throats, digging their eyes, hammering their chests and teasing each other. Each move each style is running for the vitals to go, but one by one by the other to be defused, and then the opponent will usher in a tougher and more terrifying ultimate move.

This kind of fight lacks the splendor and elegance of a normal cultivator, and it doesn't even have half of the legendary gods and goddesses temperament.

This is not in the cultivation of the famous Kunlun Mountain, this is clearly the most vile and vicious killers in the mundane world, and one of the surprises is that the little girl is obviously not very old, but she is so vicious that it is outrageous, even no better than weak Lu Chen.

But in the end, it seemed that Lu Chen had finally gained the upper hand, not because of his ruthless methods, but because in this kind of weird but extremely dangerous close combat, after the little girl's strength had been sustained for a while, he finally had the upper hand and she was weakened.

The beast's blood stained their bodies, and even the girl's beautiful, dusty face had blood droplets, looking more than a little hideous and vicious. She gasped viciously, her hands were grabbed by Lu Chen, and she screamed suddenly, but she directly lunged up and with her teeth she bit Lu Chen's throat.

This time Lu Chen was caught off guard, and he groaned in pain. He only felt a pain in his neck, and with a roar, he lifted his foot suddenly and hit the girl's abdomen hard.

The girl lost her voice and shouted, and her whole body was knocked into the air, but she floated in the wind for a while, trembling at first, then quickly suppressed it, and landed directly on a tree trunk like a feather, and then noiselessly slipped down.

Like a fierce and incomparable young beast, with blood on her face and killing intent in her eyes, she panted heavily and looked at Lu Chen coldly.


Lu Chen stretched out his hand to touch his neck, it was wet to the touch, and when he put it in front of his eyes, half of his palm was covered with blood. He looked up at the girl not far away, then tore off a piece of robe without changing his expression, wrapped it around his neck, and tied a knot.

"You're meaner than a dog." Lu Chen said.

The young girl slightly narrowed her eyes, the depths of her eyes flickered with a dangerous light, suddenly, her body was like a spring, and she shot out, but not to pounce on Lu Chen, but bizarrely rushed towards the black dog Ah Tu, who was standing aside.

The sound of the wind was harsh, and its momentum was like a knife, as if it was about to tear Ah Tu into pieces in the next moment, causing the black dog to curl up and back away in panic.

At that moment, Lu Chen's figure violently stepped over from the side again, bumping away the scary girl in mid-air, while shouting under his breath: "Run away, Ah Tu!"

Ah Tu, stunned, subconsciously pinched his tail, turned and fled, and in a flash ran far away, disappearing in the middle of the forest. But perhaps too panicked, the stupid dog ran in the wrong direction, not to the outside of the forest, but rushed deeper into the forest.

The figures in the air landed separately, and both of them groaned in pain at the same time. Blood flowed from Lu Chen's neck again, and the cloth that had just been tied disappeared, revealing the terrible wound and adding three shocking scratches. It was sneak attacked by that girl at that moment just now.

But after the girl landed, she staggered back three steps in a row, her beautiful eyebrows were tightly frowned, she took a deep breath, and tightly covered her lower abdomen with her hands.

Between the fingers of the white jade-like hand, crimson blood slowly seeped out, and in the bloodstains under the clothes, a bloody wound appeared faintly.

That was a sword wound.

It was a wound that had been ruthlessly stabbed by a sword with an unforgiving killing intent.

Amidst the blood, her face turned pale.

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