Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 969: [Soul Echo Dissolving Poison] and [Soul Anchoring Algae].

Yasenia lay on the bed and sighed. All the girls were around her while Kali checked on her. Kali softly spoke while looking at Yasenia's vitals to warn Flora or Valeria if something happened. "It's not your fault, love."

Yasenia murmured. "I know. But I was too careless."

"Open your mouth, love." Yasenia followed Kali's instructions and swallowed the [Soul Strength Recovery Pill]. 

Kali saw Yasenia's pout and kissed her cheek. "Love, your maids fought 200 High-Level Epoch Cores and 10 Peak-level Epoch Cores. Those who escaped during the war. Meanwhile, you only had 20 maids by your side."

The dragoness spoke again, her lips pouty. "Because I suddenly left, so only 20 of them followed." 

Kali rolled her eyes. She said. "Your maids could hold them back for a while. Long enough for the assassin leader to sneak up on you using his assassin techniques and poison you. You are not omnipotent or omniscient. It is normal that you fell into the trap."

Andrea spoke from the corner of the room, her voice tinged with laughter. "You are looking really adorable right now, you know that?"

Dawn giggled. "Mommy is cute!"

Yasenia sighed with a smile. "Okay, okay. But I am still poisoned. What do I even do? So much for wanting to go out to space. Now, I am stuck here."

Tatyana opened the door of the infirmary and entered. "Not necessarily." 

Yasenia blinked and looked over. "Hm?"

Tatyana crossed her arms and looked at Yasenia. "Valeria, Mirrory, or I can't cure your poison because we lack ingredients. There are a few in your ring, but they need around three more years of time acceleration in your ring to be useful. The poison that you've been inflicted with is a mid-level Transcendent Level Poison."

Yasenia asked, surprised. "Transcendent Level? How did he get his hands on something like that?"

"Who knows? I am going to interrogate him soon, so we'll learn eventually." Tatyana commented. "Regardless, according to Valeria, the poison you have is [Soul Echo Dissolving Poison]. It is a poison that's secreted by a venomous plant around it to protect its [Soul Echo Fruit]." 

Angel asked. "Do you lack the [Soul Echo Fruit] for Yasenia's cure?" 

Tatyana shook her head. "No, we lack [Soul Anchoring Algae]. The poison Little Treasure has ingested makes her soul resonate with the world around her, making it dissipate as it mixes with the energy in the surroundings. The reason you are so resistant to it is because you have [Celestial Energy], and your soul's strength is ridiculously high. If you were a normal Body Cultivator, you would be dead by now, as the assassin leader said."

Yasenia asked. "How did they know where I was?"

Tatyana crossed her arms. "Fate prediction, probably. Someone tried to predict your nearby future and knew that you were going to be out today at that hour."

Yasenia frowned. "Should I be careful about them?"

Tatyana shook her head. "Forget about that. She or he is probably dead by now. Predicting your future to that extent is frankly retarded." Tatyana laughed. "You have probably killed a Transcendent Cultivator without fighting! What a great achievement, isn't it?"

Yasenia rolled her eyes. "As if I am happy about that."

Tatyana laughed. "Anyway, as Kali said, don't blame yourself. This was utterly unpreventable. A Transcendent Realm cultivator actually gave their life to trap you." 

The dragoness crossed her arms and looked at her seriously. "Mom." Tatyana flinched a bit. Yasenia sighed. "Who even has the resources to do all of this? Sacrifice a Transcendent Realm cultivator to kill me? Who would go that far?"

Seeing everyone in the room quietly waiting for the answer, the Death Empress sighed and spoke. "Divines, probably."

The dragoness frowned. "So, their signal reached outside?"

Tatyana nodded. "Most likely, it did." She explained. "Divines rarely do the dirty work themselves. They just send their endless… 'Allies' and manage to beat their enemies even before appearing in front of them."

Yasenia leaned back and sighed deeply. "We really need to move Distancia from here, don't we?"

Tatyana laughed. "Okay, time for the big reveal." 

The girls blinked and looked at her, and Tatyana smiled, amused. "I can't move Distancia! This body of mine is too weak to move an entire solar system through formations." Tatyana explained as the girls looked at her with baffled expressions. "Distancia is not a flat world. It is a spherical world orbiting a star. Therefore, it is part of a solar system that has very delicate gravitational balances."

Tatyana continued explaining. "Moving just Distancia without moving its star is stupid. Of course, moving a solar system's star is usually the best way, as it is the most massive by far, and it will just drag everyone with it. BUT! I am too weak to move a whole star with my cultivation realm."

The girls blinked a few times, and Yasenia asked. "So… Distancia is doomed?"

Tatyana snorted. "As if I don't have other methods. What we will do is create a formation that covers the solar system in a mantle. Meaning we will hide this place from the outside world. Only by bumping into us will people be able to discover us."

Evelyn asked weirdly. "And that's possible with your current strength?"

Tatyana nodded. "It's not that complicated. These types of formations are simpler than small and intricate formations. Formations are just ways of telling the energy how to behave. You speak Heaven's language to tell energy what to do and what not to do. When a huge scale formation is used, you allow a very large part of the process to be created naturally using a chain reaction-style formation building." 

Seeing their thoughtful faces, Tatyana tapped the floor, creating a formation that filled the area with the Solar System. "These are the planets that make up this Solar System. As you can see, the star is in the middle. Then, there are two planets orbiting here and here. Then, there is Distancia, and beyond that, you can see another three planets."

Tatyana smiled. "I will place a formation node on each of these planets and throw the formation core into the star. Then, activate the core remotely, and using the star's energy as a source, a massive concealing formation will be applied. It is a very simple one. However, simple formations of these scales are terrifyingly strong."

Angel asked, confused. "Why? The strength of the formation should not have changed because it is very big." 

Tatyana smirked. "You are right. Why are they stronger, then?"

Angel frowned deeply, and Evelyn smirked. "Angel, it is a perspective situation. The formation might be the same strength. However, what about people trying to locate this place? What are they using?"

Angel's frown disappeared, and she exclaimed. "Ohh! An 'average' formation is actually incredibly strong because people's ability to look deep into space is weak. It's like defending against a leaf being blown by the wind with a glass window."

Tatyana nodded. "This formation will shorten the lifespan of that star for a few million years, but… meh." Tatyana shrugged. "This system's star has a few tens of billions of years to live. What are 100 million years in comparison, right? It's not even one percent of the star's lifespan!"

The girls' lips twitched. 'If someone were stealing a bit less than one percent of your lifespan, they would go directly to the Underworld and have a horrible end.'

Yasenia asked. "So… Now that we've solved the Divine situation and that we've also caught a few leaders of the remaining enemies… Why did you say that I will need to go out?"

Tatyana commented. "Of course, we are going to these planets in the surroundings to see if we can find this plant growing in any of them."

The dragoness deadpanned. "Distancia doesn't even have Transcendence Realm things growing. Why not wait three years, I get cured, and we leave?"

The Death Empress nodded. "That would be nice if you didn't have two years before the poison starts doing permanent damage."

Yasenia almost spat blood out of indignation. "You should've started from there!"

Tatyana laughed. "Don't worry. If we don't find the thing, I can just use the teleportation formation again and call a few more of your maids to come with the antidote."

The dragoness asked. "Hm… Wouldn't that hurt Distancia quite a bit?"

Tatyana smiled coldly. "As if I care. If this little World needs to die to save you, well, it should bow down to me and say thank you for being used in such an important task."

The girls looked at Yasenia, who worked so hard to conquer this world, with pity in their eyes. The dragoness stood up and said. "Well, time to go out… Oh. I almost forgot to ask. Are there intelligent species in the surrounding worlds?"

Tatyana shrugged. "I don't know."

Yasenia asked. "Why not use those other worlds to call the maids?"

Tatyana shook her head. "Their Heavens are not injured, facilitating spatial travel." 

The dragoness sighed. "There is really no other option?"

Leaving her joking attitude aside, she spoke seriously. "Yasenia, your poison is effective even in some Transcendent Realm cultivators. We really have no other option. If Kali could reach the Half-step in two years, then Valeria would be able to heal you without the need for powerful medicine. However, Kali is just in the fifth level. You are dead if we really don't find the [Soul Anchoring Algae]." 

Yasenia stood up from the bed and nodded. "I understand that. I can feel my insides burning, to be honest. It is a faint feeling, though."

Tatyana sighed, looking at the dragoness with a bit of a sentimental gaze. The dragoness looked at her and smiled softly. "Don't worry, if we really have to give up this world, then we will. I've worked hard to get it, but I treasure my life more than it."

Tatyana shook her head. "It's not that." Tatyana smiled a bit sadly. "The pain you are currently suffering should've let you almost immobile, yet you say it is faint." 

The girls around felt a pinch of pain in their hearts, and Yasenia opened her mouth and sighed. She smiled and looked around. "Don't be sorry because I am accustomed to bearing pain. Let's move out and make this dragoness feel nice and comfy again~. We will divide into different groups. I'll go with Tatyana. My maids then will divide and follow all of you as we separate to look around quicker." 

Yasenia pointed at one of the planets and commented. "This planet is in the habitable zone, right? It is the most likely to have life other than Distancia. Therefore, Tatyana and I will go here while you girls look at the rest of the worlds. When you are done, come to this world and meet with me. Use the communication devices we've improved so much over the years."

Andrea asked, curious. "Why do you say the maids will come with us?"

Yasenia hummed. "Well, our children will be safer that way, right?"

Cecile blinked. "We are carrying our children?"

Yasenia nodded. "Why not? It's a good experience, no?"

Kali asked. "Isn't it a bit too dangerous? I think they are at less risk staying here."

Yasenia pondered. "Okay. Only Tatyana and I will leave then. The rest of you can stay back."

The girls almost slipped. However, looking at Yasenia's gaze, they thought it over and found that it was the best solution. Kali spoke. "However, I am going as well. Valeria and I need to be with you, just in case."

The dragoness clapped. "Sure! Let's go explore~!" 

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