Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 893: Heart Demon Corruption.

Chapter 893: Heart Demon Corruption.

Sierra started speaking. "Fu Lang Zu…" She paused and smiled. "We can speak after you eat that."

Fu Lang Zu lifted an eyebrow. "What makes you think I will eat it? Something given by that dragon woman can't be a good thing regardless of the item."

Sierra laughed. "Well, I can't blame you if you think like that. Then, can I have it?"

The wolf patriarch threw the sandwich back to her, and Sierra easily caught it. Then, the Wolf Queen took a bite and munched slowly. "I must say, it is really delicious. Well, high-level meat is really nutritious."

Sierra looked at him purposely and quite deliberately, looking at his arm and leg a few times. Fu Lang Zu frowned when Sierra asked. "So, you've regrown your limbs. That's quite interesting."

Not wanting to play around anymore, Fu Lang Zu squinted at Sierra and asked. "What are your intentions? No, who are you to speak with me as you are? Are you even worth standing straight in front of me?"

As soon as he finished, his aura and bloodline pressure burst from him, trying to make her kneel. However, Sierra's bloodline was much stronger than his. Hence, even when he was trying, the result was not what he or the people by his side expected.

Sierra stood in her place, her back straight and with the same smile on her face as she ate the sandwich slowly. "You see, Fu Lang Zu. This sandwich is quite special. It was done with high-level meat, or, more specifically, your flesh."

The wolf patriarch was stunned in place, similar to the rest of the place. Sierra took a much more forceful bite, making some of the juices spill from the sides of her mouth. She slowly munched and smiled after gulping down the food. "It's a shame that you didn't cannibalize yourself. It would've been a very funny image to see you appreciate the taste of your-."

Sierra's pupils shrunk as Fu Lang Zu shot forward and punched at her with enough strength to level several mountains.


The place trembled, and violent winds filled the place.

However, nothing happened to Sierra, who had stood in her previous standing place with a grin.

In front of her, a transparent wall of glass created by Selena, the Lamia maid, stood strong and solid even after having absorbed the catastrophic blow. Sierra laughed. "Angry?"

Fu Lang Zu growled, his eyes filled with brutal killing intent. "I am going to kill you and everything you hold dear!"

Sierra grinned. "I see." Then, she took the last bite and ate the remaining sandwich in one bite, raising Fu Lang Zu's blood pressure to dangerous levels as a turbulent aura of pure and unadulterated danger swallowed them.

Fu Lang Zu looked at Yasenia, who was looking at them with a faint smile and growled. "Every time you do something like this, it makes your future grimmer. Do you really think you have impunity?"

Yasenia shook her head. "It seems that you are still not getting it. Call for her."

Fu Lang Zu heard someone suddenly scream, making their voice echo in the entire place. "It's time for the mate to appear!"

He looked at the caller with widened eyes, asking. "Why did you listen to her?" freewebnøvel.coɱ

The beast human ignored him and walked toward Yasenia's side. Then, he bowed. "Sorry, Sir Fu Lang Zu."

Fu Lang Zu's pupils shook as he realized that there were traitors so deeply inside his circle, and he hastily looked around himself with eyes full of suspicion. "WHO ELSE HAS BECOME THE DOG OF THAT BITCH!?"

Sierra smiled. "Language, Zephy is about to arrive."

Fu Lang Zu looked back at Sierra, his eyes already bloodshot as faint threads of miasma appeared around him. Something that many noticed, giving them a surprise.

Sierra looked at those black threads with a mocking gaze. 'As expected of Yasenia, as she predicted, Fu Lang Zu is already so deeply infected by Heart Demons.'

After a few moments of staring at each other, the silence in the hall was broken by the sound of the doors opening.

Everyone looked over and saw the gorgeous and sexy wife-to-be in her dress. The silver hair, perfectly proportioned body, and white and smooth skin provoked a reaction even in the most stoic in the hall.

Seeing Zephyrith's bewildered face as she looked around, Sierra felt like laughing but also a bit of heartache. She had noticed Zephyrith's face be as cold as ice before she noticed the oddity. 'Sigh. This woman is too… accepting of her Fate. I guess it has something to do with her affinities. I hope Tatyana can teach her a thing or two.'

Still, looking at that revealing dress made her feel a bit jealous, and when she called, Sierra looked colder than she wanted to appear.


Her calm tone was interrupted by Fu Lang Zu's bellow. "ZEPHYIRTH!"

Sierra looked at him with a disgusted expression. 'Why shout so loudly? Tsk.'

Then, Sierra heard Fu Lang Zu order in an intimidating voice. "Zephyrith! Come here before you learn about the consequences!"

After hearing that, Sierra turned toward Zephyrith and saw that the woman was looking at her in a somewhat dazed manner. Sierra sighed. 'If you look at me like that, I really get the urge to kidnap you out of here and pamper you.'

Sierra tried to control her tone as she said. "This is the last chance I give you, Zephyrith."

'The last chance to come to my side obediently before I forcefully take you away, Zephy.'

The Wolf Queen saw Zephyrith's pupils shake with her words, and she knew that Zephyrith had misunderstood her. However, she didn't correct the misunderstanding.

If Zephyrith remained stubborn and chose to sacrifice herself to Fu Lang Zu at this point in time, Sierra would just spank her in front of everyone until her honest feelings came out.

One look already told Sierra what she wanted to confirm. She didn't miss the hopeful light in Zephyrith's beautiful ruby-like eyes when she saw her for the first time.

Then, everyone in the room looked on as Zephyrith lifted her feet and walked forward toward the middle of the room with no apparent direction.

On the usually elegant face of the Fate Wolf, a small smile appeared, and in front of everyone's eyes, she turned left and stopped in front of Sierra. "I guess… I can't say no to the chance you gave me."

Sierra grinned, showing off her handsome fangs and wild charm. "Foolish girl, it was your last chance before I took you forcefully for myself."

Zephyrith's eyes widened, and then a blush spread on her cheeks. "I-I see."

Meanwhile, Fu Lang Zu looked at what was happening in front of his eyes with an utterly bewildered expression. His mind was already chaotic after seeing Sierra eat his actual cooked flesh, and now, the mate he had been anticipating for centuries was smiling shyly at another wolf.

There was no creature in the world who could bear such deep public humiliation in a place where "face" was as important as it was.

'They deceived you because you are weak.'

Fu Lang Zu saw the world around him stop as the voice spread in his head. 'What?'

'She left you because you are weak.'

Fu Lang Zu didn't know why he felt intimidated by this voice, but he tried to answer with a steady tone. 'Wrong! She hasn't left me. She was just a traitor since the beginning that I should've taken by force!'

'By force? Hahaha. With your laughable strength, you would've been squashed quickly. Weak, weak, weak. So pathetically weak.'

Fu Lang Zu's mind crumbled when extremely clear sensations of helplessness enveloped his body. Then, he heard the voice of the last person he wanted to hear.

It was a charming and seductive voice that could ensnare mortal men and women with just a laugh, yet, for Fu Lang Zu, it sounded as strident as nails dragging on a piece of metal. 'So pathetic and easy. Honestly, I expected you to give me more trouble. But this is everything you are. A weak and pathetic wolf whose ego has been inflated by his strength.'


Yasenia's mocking voice echoed in his mind. 'With what strength?'

Then, the initial androgynous voice asked. 'How about you take my strength? Together, we are stronger. Together, we are kings! TOGETHER WE CAN DEVOUR THIS WORLD!'

Fu Lang Zu's face twisted into an ugly and vicious grin, and he spat in a distorted tone as his aura increased severalfold. 'Together, we win.'

Then, time began ticking again.

BOOM! ƒгeeweɓn૦vel.com

Fu Lang Zu's body burst with incomparably strong energy, and a thick and deep miasma stained patches of his body, like a dark oil bursting from deep within."RAAHHH!!!"

Yasenia looked at him with analytical eyes. 'Ho~? So, this is what happens when someone succumbs to their heart demons.'

Then, she asked Alaia at her side. "How much stronger is he compared to before?"

Alaia looked at the snarling man who was coughing black substances and commented. "Hm. He should be a bit stronger than me."

The dragoness blinked in surprise. "Huh? The person you could probably kill in a few seconds is now stronger than you? Is [Heart Demon Corruption] that significant?"

Alaia nodded and added. "Not only that. Since he has assimilated the Heart Demon in a conscious manner, that black miasma is quite dangerous, and your own Heart Demons can feed on it. Honestly, he is quite dangerous right now. Should we deal with him?"

Yasenia rubbed her chin. "Why is he not attacking anyone and just coughing? What happens if we attack now?"

Alaia commented. "Well, his senses are confused, so he doesn't know what to do now. The [Heart Demon Corruption] is also taking its time to take over completely. The longer it goes on, the stronger it becomes. Of course, with limits. But, the thing about people who are willingly corrupted is that they usually can grow as they infect others. There was a case of an entire world falling prey to a single heart demon that played cleverly."

Yasenia nodded. "That's interesting. If I fight him, what are my chances?"

Alaia honestly said. "To win? Probably none, Young Miss. He has half-step Dantian Spiritualization strength. However, since Young Miss has no heart demons, you might be able to exchange a few blows before he wastes your entire stamina."

The dragoness hummed. "So, I would lose because of lack of stamina."

Alaia nodded. "His energy is just much more concentrated compared to yours, Young Miss. It is like comparing a cloud of air with a ball of steel."

The dragoness could accept this outcome. The reason she has yet to challenge Tengliu in the first place to administer her due punishment is that she is unsure of her current strength.

"Well, it's a good training partner- Oh."

Alaia blinked twice and smiled wryly. "Well, Young Miss, it seems that you will need to choose between saving your enemies or attacking Fu Lang Zu to train."

The dragoness looked on while Fu Lang Zu actually lunged toward his own people instead of Sierra with a stunned face. "Is he crazy?" Yasenia paused and rephrased it. "I mean, he has gone crazy. So, the real question is… Is he retarded?"

The girls around coughed to hide their bubbling laughter.

The dragoness rubbed her forehead. "What a way to start a war, defending my enemies."

Then, Yasenia took a step forward, and her aura burst with terrifying pressure. Fourteen stars appeared around her, and [Pegasus Gallop] activated.

Yasenia disappeared and reappeared several hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye, [Draconic Heart] descending on Fu Lang Zu's head.

The Wolf Patriarch turned around and punched toward her with terrifying strength.


Yasenia took ten steps back while Fu Lang Zu didn't move from his standing place. The dragoness's lips arched while feeling her sword trembling after the collision. "Well, creature with the peak strength of Distancia Continent. Shall we proceed with our first dance?"


With a terrifying howl-like roar, the dragoness began her first clash against one of the strongest creatures of the Distancia Continent.

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