Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 647 - 647. Sierra Flirting. Angel’s eight level.

Chapter 647: Chapter 647. Sierra Flirting. Angel's eight level.

Evelyn stopped cultivating and stretched her body. Her level was very close to breaking through into the eighth realm, like all the others. "Sierra, how are you doing?"

The wild and elegant tall woman materialized wearing blue cultivation robes with white fur on the edges, highlighting her feral nature. Evelyn had to look up. Even though Sierra wasn't as tall as Yasenia, she was close enough.

Sierra asked. "How about we walk outside for a while?"

Evelyn nodded and smiled. "Sure!"

They walked outside by themselves and talked together. "How are you getting used to the human body?"

Sierra extended and then flexed her arm, making the smooth arm bulge and showing slim yet powerful muscles. "Feels nice, to be honest. I'm very satisfied with my body."

Evelyn gulped. "Each time you flex, you are truly a treat for the eyes."

Sierra laughed, showing her long fangs. "Is that why you asked me to do those poses in the bathroom?"

Evelyn nodded unabashedly. "Of course, the streamlined muscles that appear when you flex give that 'Wild' feeling around you that makes my stomach flutter." Then, she looked at Sierra's breasts. "Sigh, why aren't you bigger?"

Sierra was speechless. "Oy, you can't even hold one of my breasts with one hand. How am I small?"

Evelyn snorted. "It should be impossible to hold with BOTH hands."

The Wolf Queen rolled her blue eyes. "That would make my breasts even bigger than my head!"

Evelyn giggled. "That's the point."

Sierra suddenly stopped and looked sideways. Evelyn followed her gaze and saw a silver-furred wolfkin in the distance. Evelyn recognized her. "That's Zephyrith, right?"

Sierra licked one of her fangs, her blue eyes shining with deep emotions. "That's right. Do you want to come and go talk?"

Evelyn blinked twice and closely looked at Sierra's face. She opened her eyes wide and muttered. "Don't tell me..."

The Wolf Queen grinned. "What? Afraid?"

Evelyn burst into laughter. "Not at all. But... Isn't she a woman? You are searching for someone who can give you pups, right?"

Sierra nodded and squinted. "Yes, but... I have a feeling that she is not a normal woman."

Evelyn lifted an eyebrow. "Andrea or Yasenia?"

Sierra shrugged and smirked. "I'll have to lift her skirt for that."

Evelyn chortled. "Let's go and see your... skills. Also, if I go together, I might be a hindrance. Are you sure you want me to accompany you?"

Sierra snorted. "If my partner is reluctant to you, then they can go their way for all I know."

Evelyn's eyes softened, and she bumped her shoulder with Sierra. "Well, let's go see your courting skills, Sierra."

Sierra chuckled.

Zephyrith was walking and looking around with her Fate element when suddenly, she felt a predatory glance land on her. The gaze was quite overbearing, and her Fate element activated, making her body shudder, and her eyes widen while her heart skipped a beat. 'Huh? Not even the Patriarch can cause this reaction in me. Who...?'

She turned toward the source and froze for a second.

Zephyrith's red eyes met with a pair of piercing blue cold eyes from a tall and elegant woman. The facial features were sharp, with eyes that commanded respect and a beautiful "Queen" symbol marked on the middle of her forehead and above her snowy eyebrows.

The very long and prickly white voluminous hair added a feral touch to her beauty, and the natural smirk made her look predatory, while her confident gait added to her charm.

Her body was curvy, and her tall stature made the aura around her feel oppressive.

Unlike our girls, Sierra had been roaming in the wild for hundreds of years, which increased that feral aura in her, and with her current middle-level Divine Rank bloodline, her attractiveness index was off the charts.

'Where did she appear from...'

Sierra arrived before Zephyrith without breaking eye contact and smiled. "Lady Zephyrith, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Zephyrith felt fleeting shyness, but she quickly placed it under control. 'Dangerous...'

She looked at Sierra with an interested gaze and asked. "A pleasure, indeed. What's your name? I don't recall someone like you."

Sierra smiled. "It's not rare that you don't know about me. My name is Sierra, without a surname." Sierra extended her beautiful hand with long and slim fingers and asked. "How about going to the inn over there to chat?"

Zephyrith's red eyes moved to the hand and felt tempted. Her periphery caught another woman, and she looked sideways. When she saw Evelyn, something clicked in her mind, and she remembered where she read the name Sierra. 'Wait, Sierra... I've heard this name in a report. Isn't she the guardian beast of the Astral Sky Sect? I remember in the report that her relationship with Evelyn, one of Yasenia's main human lovers, was quite close.'

Evelyn smiled politely. "Lady Zephyrith, regardless of our clan disputes, how about we leave that aside and chat leisurely? You've probably been working all day long, and a small break would hurt nobody. Sierra here had been interested in you for a while."

Sierra patted Evelyn's butt with her fluffy white tail, but she didn't deny it.

Of course, Evelyn intended to be an excellent wingman for her partner, so she spoke as such.

Zephyrith saw the small interaction and found it amusing. "Sure, let's go talk." Then, she walked to Sierra's side and looked up at her with interest. "I might be able to squeeze some information out of you~, fufufu."

Sierra looked at her and grinned back without fear. "Try it, then. Let's see if you can squeeze hard enough."

Zephyrith hooked her arm with Sierra and laughed.

The three of them spent the rest of the day together, only returning when it was dinner time. Sierra invited her, but Zephyrith shook her head with reluctance. "Sorry, Sierra. But we are still of different factions. It was an interesting day, though."

Sierra nodded and stepped forward to hug her. Zephyrith was stunned when the tall body surrounded her. "See you later, then."

Sierra's mouth was at a perfect height to whisper in Zephyrith's wolf ear, making them twitch.

Then, the tall wolf-woman turned around with Evelyn and walked away with a straight back.

She naturally understood Sierra's intentions since the beginning, and she was interested in listening, but she didn't expect to feel so comfortable in Sierra's presence.

Zephyrith looked at Sierra's back with a complicated gaze and sighed, shaking her head. 'Such a shame... Sadly, our Fates might never interlock together...'

Then, like mist, Zephyrith disappeared.

Two days later, Yasenia was sitting cross-legged in her cultivation room, with Angel seated in the hollow of her legs and also cultivating.

She had heard that the secret realm was about to open.

Yasenia's cultivation level had reached the peak of the seventh level during the last five years, while all her other dears were also similar to her.

Andrea had lost her level advantage because she dual cultivated body and spirit. But her strength was not lower than the others.

During these five years, she had achieved the peak level of the Spiritual King body, showing extreme aptitude and talent for Body cultivation.

Peak-level Spirit King Body was equal to Half-step Mental Nourishing Realm. This meant that Andrea was on the verge of reaching the "Unification Realm" of Body cultivators while having increased her own cultivation to the peak of the seventh level of the Unification Realm.

Even Tatyana, Mirrory, and Valeria were surprised at Andrea's double cultivation speed. After all, unlike the Spiritual Path, where the girls had the seniors as guides to dodge running around in circles, Andrea was advancing without a teacher.

Moreover, she had been trying to activate both cultivation techniques simultaneously, her spiritual one and the body one, and she had some results.

It was not good yet, but with time and effort, Andrea was confident in eventually being able to cultivate both at the same time.

In their room, Yasenia and Angel continued silent cultivation.

Suddenly, Yasenia felt Angel's body fluctuate, and she stopped cultivating, using her arms and tail to hug her baby close and look at her.

Mirrory appeared and muttered. "She is entering the eighth level."

Yasenia nodded and kissed Angel's cheek with a smile. The energy around surged and was absorbed in massive waves by the petite woman.

Breaking through into the next level required extreme concentration and a proper ambit that could only be achieved in either an isolated room or in the middle of combat.

However, in rare cases like Angel, being beside their lover created better results. Angel was so trusting and dependent on Yasenia that the place she cultivated best was while being snuggled in Yasenia's arms.

That's why Yasenia didn't separate and kept hugging her baby as energy flowed wildly and crashed in Angel's dantian, pushing her strength toward the next level.

As powerful waves of energy gathered in Angel, Yasenia saw her beautiful blonde hair transform into a bright and brilliant scarlet. An event that happened when she broke through, her emotions became unstable, or she used her powerful berserk skill.

Yasenia asked the floating woman. "Why does her hair color change, Mirrory?"

Mirrory answered, somewhat used to her master's strange attitude when cultivating. It still made her eyebrow twitch to allow herself to be so vulnerable before another person, but Mirrory slowly learned to ignore it. "It is because the energy belonging to me mixes with her. Fu Jing Jing and my previous masters became white-haired, but because you mixed Blood Essence in my ritual, it must've changed the usual fate and meaning of my masters and my destiny. Most probably, from now on, my future masters might become red-haired instead of white-haired."

Yasenia frowned. "Maybe you'll have no next master."

Mirrory looked at Yasenia but didn't answer.

Yasenia changed the subject. "Either way... Is my Blood Essence that effective?"

Mirrory rolled her green eyes. "I don't know. This is the first time something like this has happened. The previous times someone tried interrupting my ritual, they all died."

Yasenia nodded. "Right. How is the absorption of Saint Fu Jing Jing's soul energy going? She left behind quite a large chunk, right?"

Mirrory nodded. "Not bad. She has absorbed twelve strands and strengthened her soul by a lot. Moreover, with the tenth strand, Angel understood the first level of Truth Intent."

Yasenia titled her head. "How many strands of soul energy are there?"

Mirrory shrugged. "I don't know, a few million? Maybe more."

Yasenia's lips twitched.

Mirrory commented. "Angel is quite talented, to be honest. I think her purity in thought and honesty with herself has helped her a lot in this regard. The more I am with her, the more I understand why she was deemed so fit to become my master. If nothing strange happens, she will probably be my strongest user to date."

Yasenia smiled happily, her tail wagging as she saw Angel breaking through. "That's great!"

Mirrory smirked. "You should worry about her leaving you behind. The advantages of Fu Jing Jing's inheritance begin showing in later cultivation realms. Instead of slowing down, Angel will keep accelerating."

Yasenia nodded with a smile. "I know. I'll never allow her to feel lonely and keep up with her."

Mirrory nodded silently.

After twenty hours, Yasenia and Mirrory felt a profound fluctuation of energy, and the red-haired Angel opened her eyes, showing beautiful emerald-colored irises.

The aura around her body burst, coating the entire room in a deep and profound presence that gave Yasenia some pressure.

Her expression was somewhat aloof, giving a feeling of distance.

However, completely unafraid, Yasenia smiled and nuzzled her cheek with hers, kissing the corner of her lips softly once. "Congratulations, baby. You did it."

Angel's aloof expression disappeared as her entire being melted into a puddle of sweetness. "Hehehe, thank you, Yasenia~. I love you~."

Angel turned around and started kissing Yasenia's sweet and creamy lips as she clung to her like a koala.

Mirrory was accustomed to her master's utterly pampered personality when Yasenia was near, so she didn't say anything.

Yasenia used her fingers to touch Angel's beautiful knee-length red hair. It looked like threads of ruby crystal cascading down, giving her an ethereal beauty that made even Yasenia feel a bit flustered at her baby's charm. "It looks really good on you, my love."

Angel blinked and smiled happily. "Really? Which one do you prefer more, Yasenia? Blonde or red hair?"

Yasenia laughed softly and placed their noses together. "I prefer whatever my baby is wearing. When you are blonde, then blonde. When you are red-haired, then red-haired. I love everything about my baby."

Angel blushed with happiness. If she had a tail, it would be wagging at supersonic speeds.

Mirrory asked. "Did your innate skills change?"

Angel turned her head and denied it. "No, but they are stronger!"

Mirrory nodded and smirked. "Yasenia, from what I can feel, I think Angel is slightly stronger than you."

Yasenia smiled as she puffed her chest. "That's only natural. My baby is super talented!"

The tone was so full of pride that it left Mirrory speechless.

Angel felt so sweet that she jumped onto Yasenia again and rained kisses on her.

Things escalated because twenty hours had passed while being so close to each other, and Mirrory was witness to her master moaning to the high heavens one more time. She didn't mind at all. After all, dual cultivating was very beneficial, particularly good when used to consolidate their cultivation.

Yasenia knew it and always "attacked" her dears after they broke through without holding back and pouring Yang energy until they fainted, leaving them to the point that their bodies involuntarily twitched while sleeping, and their bellies bulged.

Mirrory saw Angel's eyes roll up to the point of only showing whites, and her body tensed, and then, after a howl-like moan, Angel fainted, buried below the dragoness.

Yasenia breathed in alluringly and looked at Mirrory with an utterly sensual gaze that dripped with seductiveness. "Even if she is stronger, she might never win in this aspect, fufufu~."

Mirrory rolled her eyes and lightly smiled. "You succubus dragon. I can only let her concede in this aspect."

Yasenia laughed.


Evelyn: Gulp, I need to break through soon.

Yasenia: *Hugging her from behind* There is no need to wait until then~. Fufufu, come with me.

Author: Well, while those two go away, let's call today's dear. I summon you!

Arfa42: Alo~.

Andrea: Hello again. What question do you have today?

Arfa42: Well... Seniors, is Yasenia's tail feature of both sexual organs a unique feature for her, or is it a unique feature for dragons? If it is a dragon feature, can Kaleina do that?

Tatyana: It's Yasenia's own... "Evolution." I've heard of a few dragons with lust-related bloodlines being able to do something similar, but to my knowledge, it's very, very rare.

Valeria: I agree.

Mirrory: In the higher heavens, it is even rarer since strange creatures like these unusual traits usually get caught before they can mature by powerful dual cultivation sects.

Arfa42: She is an all-in-one pack, then?

Mirrory: Why would I be interested in her otherwise? She has basically five sexual organs.

Arfa42: Five?

Mirrory: Penis, Anus, Vagina, Tail Penis, Tail Vagina. Five of them.

Valeria: She is such a wonderful being. I really want her children~.

Tatyana: Tsk, these two oldies are aiming for the child.

The rest: ....

Tatyana: Cough, anyway. That's that.

Author: Yep, that's all for today! Bye-bye~.

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