Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 643 - 643. A Day In Tatyana’s Life. (R-15)

Chapter 643: Chapter 643. A Day In Tatyana's Life. (R-15)

'Oh? Little treasure is waking up?'

The person between her arms moved a bit and slowly opened her beautiful golden eyes.

Her hand tenderly caressed the naked back of her while the voluptuous woman snuggled in her arms and hugged her tightly in a pampered manner.

"Mom, good morning~."

'Fufufu, she is so cute. I really want to go at it one more time.'

The red eyes of the woman scanned the waist area and saw the soft member. 'Well, I'll forgive her for now.'

"Good morning, little treasure. You slept for two hours."

The girl between her arms rubbed her eyes and looked up with surprise, the usually seductive facial features looking soft and cute. "So long?"

'Sorry, my love, you are just too delicious, and I can't help but squeeze you to the limits.'

"Yes. Did you have to do something?"

The dragoness between her arms blinked her golden eyes and shook her head. "No, I'm just surprised."

"Well, you might have been tired. After all, you've been without properly sleeping for almost nine months already."

Her cutie nodded, agreeing with her words. 'So cute~.'

Not holding back, she leaned down and kissed her lips. 'So soft, so sweet~. Sigh, how can my little treasure be so perfect?'

She couldn't help but feel her heart filling with love and obsession for her lover.

The woman between her arms used one arm to lift her upper body, sitting in a mermaid position that highlighted the absurdly ridiculous curves and large naked breasts. The woman saw her blink and sigh.

"What's wrong, little treasure?"

The woman shook her head. "Nothing. I was thinking about the first layer of the [Heavenly Constellation Steps] and the [Celestial Bodies and Spirit as One] layer of my cultivation technique. I feel I'm about to understand the Constellation steps' first layer, but the fourth realm of my cultivation technique is just a fog." The seductive girl looked at her and pouted. "I don't even know where to start."

Hearing that, she couldn't help but feel heartache for her little treasure. 'Ugh, should I tell her everything on how to cultivate up to becoming a demigoddess? No, resist it, Tatyana. You must allow her to learn by herself!'

She hugged her in her arms again and kissed her face all over. "Oh dear. Don't worry. I trust that you will eventually understand it."

Her eyes caught the very thick and long dragon tail wagging, and right after, she saw a smile on her beautiful face. Her own heart bloomed with contagious happiness. 'She is so cute~.'

"Do you want to cuddle a bit more?"

When she asked, she saw a struggling expression suddenly appear on her little treasure, making her feel amused. 'Her struggling expression is so cute~. I know you want to stay in bed with me, and probably, you want to be pampered until you purr uncontrollably, right? However, you will say no because you have to do things for the sect~.'

"Let's go do things, Mom. I wouldn't mind staying in bed with you, but I can't be lazy."

She chuckled. 'As expected. I know everything you are thinking about, after all. Fufufu, she is so cute~.'

The voluptuous dragoness between her arms reluctantly separated and slowly left their private bed. Without any shame, she ogled how her body jiggled as she put on the clothes. 'This sight would probably make a mortal ejaculate by just looking~. Speaking of which... I still haven't shown my true beauty to her, right? Well, I needed to hold back, or she would've probably died from an orgasm by just looking at me. When we return to the Sky Continent, I might be able to release a bit of my true aura.'

Of course, even if her daughter was not blood-related, her innate beauty was not inherited from nothingness. Tatyana had had her in her womb for ninety years, so she had inherited many of her qualities.

Beauty was one of them. 'Before I disappeared from the public eye, I was called the most beautiful woman of the Continent... Well, whatever. It's not like I appreciate those titles. Many bugs appear with that title.'

A flash of deep and unhealthy obsession crossed her red eyes as she looked at her little treasure. 'When I reveal it, you will become more and more addicted to me, little treasure~. To the point that your only thought will be making me pregnant~. Moving your beautiful waist and hips and squeezing your delicious semen out until one of your healthy and powerful little soldiers fertilizes one of my eggs~.'

While she deeply looked at her little treasure, the girl, now fully clothed, turned and looked at her with a beautiful and radiant smile. "Why are you still in bed? Thinking of something?'

She chuckled. "I was thinking of you, fufufu."

Thanks to her words, she saw her healthy white cheeks gaining a slight shade of pink and her uterus throbbed while an impulse to throw her back to bed appeared. 'If you do that face, I'll want to throw you to bed again and make your throat hoarse, my little treasure.'

Her little treasure suddenly said. "Oh, right. Today is the day we take the last [Elemental Pills], right?"

'Oh, that's true. I was so invested in how cute and lovely and adorable and beautiful and sexy my little treasure was that I almost forgot.'

She suggested. "Then, gather all your girls, little treasure. I'll go when I absorb all of this."

Her hand caressed her bloated stomach, and she squinted. 'The seed of my little treasure~. Fufufufu, sadly, I can't go outside like this, looking like a pregnant lady. Speaking of which... This body will get the first pregnancy from her... Well, it would be ideal that I would have the first child with the other body, but it doesn't matter. What name should I give our child? Hm... I also need to think about the names of the next one hundred children~.'

"... Mom, are you listening?"

'Oh, I got distracted while imagining my beautiful and colorful future with her. Let's see. [Past Fate Resonance].'

Her eyes flashed with a white light, and she observed what her little treasure had just said. 'I see, she has asked about where to ingest the pills. Her suggestion is not bad, but to maximize the possibility of an element mutation occurring...'

"Of course, little treasure. When have I ever not listened to you~. How about the tribulation plaza? It has been used a lot during the last months, and the tribulation energy there could be good for all of you."

The eyes of her little treasure glittered like the most dazzling Sun, and she nodded. "That's a great idea~."

"I'm glad you liked it, fufufu. You are so cute~." 'Ops, I said it aloud.'

Her cute darling tilted her head. "Cute? Well, if Mom says so. I would describe myself more as beautiful, though. Anyway, I'll be going. See you later!"

'Of course, but sorry, love. You are just the cutest in existence for me, no matter how seductive you are.'

Her little treasure approached and gave her a deep kiss, leaving right after.

She licked her lips, savoring the remaining aftertaste. 'Delicious.'

As soon as the door closed, she looked around with her red-colored eyes, and her face quickly became indifferent. 'Without her, this room is quite... flat. Well, more than this room, the World is just tasteless. Sigh, I really want to tie her to me and take care of her during each second of the day... Well, I mustn't. After all, my little treasure's happiness comes first, even before my own life~. Fufufu.'

Moving the energy in her meridians, she floated upward, and her uterus digested all the Yang energy in an instant, making her stomach beautifully flat again.

Then, while floating in the middle of the room, she instantly wore a beautiful black dress her little treasure gave her a few months ago. Then, using an extremely high-grade movement technique, she disappeared and flashed through the sect like a ghost, appearing in her office a few kilometers away in just a second.

"Daily report."

As soon as she arrived, her cold voice filled the room with an oppressive and regal aura. The lovely and soft feeling around her little treasure was gone, replaced by frosty indifference and authority.

Every secretary of hers in the room just felt an unknown pressure and a subconscious respectful feeling toward the black-haired, red-eyed woman sitting on the armchair, resting her face on her fist.

They all bowed deeply, not minding at all that she was a human, and one of them answered.

"Lady Tatyana, we've received reports of four small third-rate clans badmouthing Lady Yasenia. There have been three juniors who mocked her. Also, our shops near Dolgor City have been slightly sabotaged by local powers."

She looked at the harpy reporting and stated coldly. "Slaughter all of them. Call the Assassin group led by Florrie... Ah, forget it. They were killing the high-ranking officers of that city a few hundred kilometers North. Then, call Doriel."

The harpy bowed respectfully again, not at all phased by her order. "Yes, Lady Tatyana."

From the looks of it and the harpy's calm reaction, it wasn't the first time something like this occurred.

Doriel was one of the seven high-ranking maids that came over, an eight-level Dantian Spiritualization human maid.

The attributes of this maid were Darkness and Death, and she specialized in assassination. Of all the maids, Doriel was the most lethal.

A few seconds later, a shadow materialized, and a white-clothed woman with hair as dark as the night and completely black eyes appeared. Her ghost-like white complexion and strange eyes gave her a very eerie feeling. "Lady Tatyana."

She looked at Doriel and spoke. "Take this list and kill everyone. If it is possible to capture them without getting discovered, do so and give them to my daughter-in-law. I think she is running short of high-level experimental subjects."

Doriel looked at the list once, and then a dark aura rotted it, disintegrating it. She had remembered every name and location in just a second.

Thinking of this maid's past, she asked, curious. "By the way, how are you getting along with little treasure lately."

Doriel's indifferent expression suddenly melted, and a soft smile appeared on her lips. "As always, Young Miss always praises my eyes and chats a lot with me, wanting to learn how to kill more efficiently. I'm more than happy to serve her until my bones turn to dust."

A small chuckle left her mouth. "So, do you regret becoming her maid? You were doubtful at first."

Doriel shook her head firmly, and her black eyes seemed to gain a pearly soft luster of adoration. "It's the best decision of my life. I love Young Miss from the bottom of my heart, like every other of us."

Satisfied with the honest answer, she ordered. "Go. Those people you've read have insulted her."

Doriel's expression became terrifyingly cold as her black eyes became a swirling vortex of darkness. "None shall escape."

Then, she melded with the shadows and left the sect.

'Now that I've dealt with the important matters let's overlook the progress of the sect for a bit.'

Quickly shifting through the documents and finding nothing wrong, she left the office to find her little treasure again.

Once she arrived, the whole group was gathered. 'Oh, I'm the last one to arrive.'

"Mommy Tatyana!"

She saw the blonde girl rushing toward her, and she caught the short girl in a hug. 'Hm. This little girl is still in love with me. Well, it will eventually shimmer down.'

"Hello, little Angel."


"Mom, you've arrived. Perfect. Let's ingest the pills, then. Please, seniors, look over us."

She nodded toward her little treasure and sat at the side.

A swirl of Life energy appeared at her left, transforming into a three-meter-tall woman with green skin and a very curvy body. "Valeria."

"Hey, Tatyana. Have you thought about letting me be with your daughter at night? I'm starting to feel a bit jealous of Kali..."

'Tsk. So much for the Original Spirit of Life. She can't understand that I'm not letting her participate because she lacks love toward her. How would I otherwise allow the maids to copulate with my little treasure and not her?'

Without any expectations, she asked. "Have you thought about why I'm not allowing you to participate?"

Valeria blinked and shook her head. "I really can't think of anything."

A sigh left her mouth as she looked at the tall woman. 'As expected. I know she has a liking for her, but until you love her, forget about it.'

She answered with a sigh. "Then, keep thinking. You might eventually understand and be able to be with her again in bed."

A tiny fluctuation appeared at her right, and a woman with bright red hair and green eyes who didn't lose in beauty with her own materialized. 'Hm? Quite rare for her to materialize.'

"Tatyana, how many of them do you think will gain an evolved attribute?"

She was thoughtful for a moment and answered. "None."

Mirrory nodded. "Yeah, probably none. Well, the benefit in energy affinity, quantity, quality, and depth is more than enough. They are quite nice pills for their level."

She nodded, and Valeria also agreed. "They are at least three times stronger after ingesting them. It's a really good bonus."

'Oh, they are starting.'

Energies of all kinds flowed toward the six of them when they ingested the [Attribute Enhancing Pills], creating a giant vortex.

The girls absorbed the energies into them and digested them through their meridians into their dantian. The pure medicinal energy from the pill also flowed from inside them, combining in a strengthening effect.

Their energies purified further, their energy pools became more vast, and the quality of their energy increased.

However, as Tatyana and Mirrory expected, none developed a mutated attribute. Even then, they all got at least twenty percent more powerful.

Valeria chuckled. "It's so nice to see them become stronger."

She couldn't help but agree. 'In just a few years, my little treasure has gone from a little weak darling to who she is today. The path ahead is still long, but she has gone far and done it admirably.'

Her dear looked at her with a smile. "Mom, I've become stronger!"

A smile lingered on the side of her lips, her red eyes looking soft and tender. "Good job, Yasenia."

'Come quickly, my little treasure. I'm waiting for you to catch up.'

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