Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 622 - 622. Sect’s Star Tests!

Chapter 622: Chapter 622. Sect's Star Tests!

After sorting out the seniors, the dragoness focused on the disciples stepping up to the tests.

Her eyes fell on a middle-aged man, and followed the process.

When he arrived, the maid in charge of this line spoke calmly. "The first test you will go through is the Bloodline Test. As the name implies, we are measuring your bloodline and its growth potential."

The man nodded and stepped forward. 'These fairies give a very oppressive aura.'

The maids were wearing white dresses with white veils while a mysterious aura surrounded them, giving a very pure and sacred feeling.

Therefore, the people on site will name the fifty-maid group "Fifty Astral Fairies" in the future.

A nickname that Yasenia will take and use when they show their might in public.

The middle-aged-looking man was about one hundred years old, with a cultivation level at the middle level of the Spiritual King realm, the third body cultivation realm.

It was a cultivation level that was considered respectable for his age.

Moreover, he came from an above-average family background. He was quite a promising disciple that other sects would take very quickly.

The maid explained coolly. "You need to drop your blood on this water bowl. Use the needle you see there to prick your finger. The needle has been dipped in a medical solution to increase the accuracy of our test."

The man frowned a bit, and the maid said. "Don't worry about hygiene. The place where the needle resides has sterilizing functions. You can test it by placing any small item there if you want."

The dog man nodded. "I'll trust you."

The maid's eyes flashed with a slight contempt. 'How can you trust a new power that is telling you to pierce your finger with a needle dipped in medicine so easily? I've given you a chance to test, so you should at least test it. Are these people careless, or are there no records of sects using their entry exams for evil?'

The maid saw the man prickling his finger without any precautions and sighed. 'It seems that the extra preparations our young miss made are redundant.'

The drop of blood fell into the water bowl, and then it dissolved.

A pillar at the side illuminated from the bottom up, passing the one to five stars mark very quickly.

Then, it slowed down and finally stopped in the seven-star section.

The maid nodded and gave the man a jade card with seven carved on one of the five circles painted on the card's surface.

The maid said. "You can advance to the next test."

The middle-aged man was satisfied with seven stars. He has seen many who didn't even approach five.

After he went deeper, he reached a transparent crystal pillar. The fairy there spoke coldly. "Pour your energy into it without holding back. Also, place your hand here."

This maid didn't bother speaking further; she was only here to serve her lovely young miss's orders, and someone with a seven-star bloodline didn't deserve her attention. 'Sigh, I want to return home and make cookies for young miss and little young miss.'

The sound of the star meter stopping made the maid look to the side, and her face deadpanned. She took the jade card and spoke. "Here, three stars, go to the next."

The middle-aged man scratched his head with a bit of embarrassment and continued forward.

For those curious, of the one-hundred-star tests, all fifty maids were between 85 and 95 stars, with all of them having at least one 20-star test result.

They were a bit confused as to why their young miss would accept forty-five-star trash and above, but after their young miss explained her plans of creating a competitive environment, they all were on board and praised her.

The middle-aged man reached the third test. Here, a maid slightly livelier welcomed him. "Hello, please place your hand here and allow the treasure to send an energy wave across your body to measure constitution. It will feel a bit uncomfortable, but please bear with it until it stops."

The dog man smiled. "I will, thank you."

He placed a hand in the strange floating sphere, his hand sinking into it.

Then, he felt a pulse of energy invading his body. Reflexively, he resisted, breaking the fragile energy pulse.

The lively maid's voice cooled down. "There is no third chance. Allow the energy pulse to go around your body or receive zero stars. There are literally thousands of people behind you to be tested."

The man coughed and nodded. 'These tests are so different from other sects...'

The maid took his jade card and returned it. "Congratulations, you have a decent constitution at eleven stars."

The man smiled widely. 'Isn't this the highest until now?'

He moved along and reached a large obsidian rock where Potential was measured.

The maid there looked at him and spoke indifferently. "Like the soul test, place your hand on the rock and pour your energy inside. The difference is that you must try to destroy it as much as possible. Even if it explodes, it is all right, so go all out."

The man nodded and shouted after placing his hand on it. "Ha!"

His energy moved across his muscles and skin and burst into the rock, creating a few superficial cracks.

The star meter at the side moved upward, stopping at nine stars. The maid took the jade card and wrote the number nine. Then, she called behind the man. "Next."

The middle-aged man looked backward and saw a young woman waiting for him to move.

He moved a bit quicker and arrived at the comprehension test. The maid there was stern as she spoke. "For this test, a strand of energy will be inserted in your body. Try to expel it within ten seconds."

The man calculated his stars until now. 'First test seven, then three, then eleven, then nine, so a total of thirty...'

He frowned. 'I need fifteen stars on this test.'

The woman approached and gave him a white alchemy pill. "Eat it and place your hand on this crystal. It will illuminate when you unravel that strand. The pill is also a cultivation pill, so the more energy you unravel from it, the more you will benefit."

He was surprised. 'So, you receive a cultivation pill just for taking the test? They are so generous.'

The slight bad feelings that sprouted because of the cold treatment of a few of the fairies dissipated.

Yasenia had planned this last test to reduce the hatred any cultivator might have, leaving only the most shameless to complain.

Moreover, the rest would bash those who complain because they would appear ungrateful, so she had a "natural" defense against narrow-minded and petty people.

The man focused on it, and after eight seconds, he managed to unravel it in its entirety.

The star meter lit up quickly and shot upward. The maid nodded. "Congratulations, your comprehension stars are thirteen. The highest score until now."

The man's expression sank as he sighed. "Forty-three stars..."

The maid said. "Try to find pills to increase your soul level, and next year, you will be accepted without problems. Next!"

The man smiled and looked at the maid. "Thank you, senior fairy."

With a tilting head, the maid looked at the man in confusion, and her white wings flapped once. 'Fairy? But I'm a swan-kin... Well, whatever.'

Yasenia, who had observed everything, nodded when she saw the effect of the last test. 'It's working as intended. Very nice.'

Angel was snuggled in Yasenia's embrace and asked. "How long will we stay here?"

Yasenia smiled and patted her butt softly. "I'll stay here until all of them have taken the test. You girls can return if you feel bored."

Andrea summoned a couch and patted it. "How about we sit instead?"

Yasenia shook her head and giggled. "I need an image to maintain. If I sit on the same sofa as darling, I'll end up sprawled all over you without my knowledge."

The girls chuckled, and a few of them took Andrea's offer.

Yasenia kept observing and saw a really good but strange seedling suddenly appear. "Hm? Thirteen stars in the five tests?"

The maid who brought the news nodded. "Yes. It's strange, to be honest. I think she has eaten a treasure or something to have everything at a similar level."

Yasenia commented. "Those are sixty-five stars, right? Almost the minimum requirement to become a core disciple in mom's sect."

Tatyana commented. "It's exponentially more difficult to increase the star level, so the distance from 20 to 25 is not the same as from 65 to 70."

Yasenia nodded and landed on the stage, looking at the small and cute woman. Yasenia smiled. "Congratulations, you are the first genius cultivator that has appeared."

The petite woman became flustered and blushed when the dragoness landed before her in her elegant and solemn grabs. 'S-So beautiful'

Yasenia smiled and was about to continue speaking, but her brows suddenly frowned. 'Wait... Is she a human? Moreover, she has a very high cultivation level. At least, sixth-level Unification Realm. Someone from the Sky Continent?'

Meanwhile, the girl's little heart jumped around like an excited little deer. 'C-Calm down, me! You have Sarah already! Kya! But she is so beautiful! Look at those curves, gulp.'

Yasenia commented. "Your cultivation level is very high. You will enter as a core disciple. However, you can become an elder if you do the extra tests. Do you want to be guided toward them?"

"I-I want to wait until my companions pass the exam."

Yasenia nodded and flew back to her position. 'I'll need to keep an eye on them. I'll ask Esther later.'

Sarah looked on from a distance and became thoughtful. 'Sixty-five stars. All of us should be able to do it then. Even if I don't have the system, most of the talent-related benefits are integrated with me, so scoring above forty-five should be easy.'

Another maid approached. "Lady Yasenia, another girl with an all-thirteen-star score."

Yasenia was puzzled. "Another? Are they related?"

The maid nodded. "As soon as she finished, she went toward the girl you just spoke to."

Yasenia waved her hand. "Go back to your post. Thank you for the report."

The maid smiled softly. "That's what I must do."

Yasenia observed the new woman. Tall, black hair, dark eyes, and a cold and gloomy face. 'Another human? They are hiding it very well, but the formations we set up around here are nothing to scoff at.'

Another maid arrived, and Yasenia asked. "Thirteen stars in all tests?"

The maid blinked and nodded. "Were you looking, Young Miss?"

Yasenia explained briefly, and another maid approached when she finished speaking.

Our dragoness and the other girls were stunned. Evelyn commented. "I mean, one person having all same-star tests is not that rare, but so many and with an identical score... Something is up, no? Do they have an artificial means to increase their talent?"

Yasenia pondered. "I can't think otherwise. Have you realized? Quite a few of them are humans."

Tatyana blinked. 'Is that system girl involved in this?'

Yasenia heard a total of ten reports with the same star level, making her feel a bit numb. 'What is happening?'

Yasenia kept observing with her dears by her side, waiting for a new "thirteen-star" girl to appear, but her attention was stolen by someone else. 'Honey colored eyes, brown hair, girl next door beauty... Isn't that Sarah?'


Yasenia: Everything is going very smoothly~.

Evelyn: I'm curious about those thirteen-star girls...

Andrea: Agreed.

Kali: It's very unnatural to have such a symmetric score.

Yasenia: Hm... We'll see.

Author: Yep, I'll summon you!

Randomplant: Hello!

Cecile: Um.

Randomplant: I want to ask Sarah something.

Author: Okay.


Saraha: Huh? Where am I?

Randomplant: Hello, Sarah. Answer one question, and you can leave.

Sarah: W-What question? What is happening?

Randomplant: To obtain resources, you require objectives to conquer. Which becomes part of your harem. As you complete more missions, you get more lovers and require more resources..... If everything continues like this, your harem will have at least four digits before you become a goddess. Do you have any idea what you will do to keep a harem like this? I mean, keeping the harem happy and such? And have you thought about how you would react if one of them decides to leave?

Sarah: W-What kind of question is that? My girls will never leave me!

Randomplant: So, you haven't thought about that option?

Sarah: Why would I? No, what's happening? Where am I?

Randomplant: What about the point problem?

Sarah: Listen here, I don't know who you are. Why am I answering your questions?

Author: Answer that, and you are free to go.

Sarah: System!

Author: I didn't summon it this time.

Sarah: ...

Sarah: Well, having intimacy with them also gives me points, so I can keep up with it, I guess? Is that enough?

Author: Yes. Sorry for the abrupt summoning. Bye!

Randomplant: Thanks!

Author: En, thank you for asking, dear. And this is all for today, little lurkers.

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