Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 614 - 614. Setting up a stage.

Chapter 614: Chapter 614. Setting up a stage.

While Yasenia spoke with the five seniors, Tatyana approached Kali and Angel and tapped their backs.

Both of them felt a warm current entering their body, making them confused. However, knowing Tatyana wouldn't harm them, they asked calmly. 'Mommy Tatyana, what did you do?'

'Oh, don't mind it. I just returned something you lost.'

They were confused, but they didn't ask anymore.

Valeria, Tatyana, and Mirrory spoke with each other. Mirrory muttered. 'I didn't expect that human girl to have robbed a small part of their Fate. How did she do it?'

Tatyana said. 'Do you both know about otherworlders and their strange methods?'

Valeria and Mirrory nodded. Valeria asked. 'Are you speaking about those systems, special skills, and ability to fly through the ranks?'

Mirrory snorted. 'They are quite annoying. Moreover, if you try killing them, it is extremely annoying.'

Tatyana nodded and explained. 'The system inside that woman is a system that uses the Fate of others to enhance the host's luck. It is not too harmful, but since it had a bit of Angel's and Kali's fate, I just took it and returned it.'

Mirrory asked. 'Is that why I felt a few Fate Threads snapping between our girls and that woman?'

Tatyana shrugged. 'I don't know. My current body is not capable of observing Fate Threads.'

Mirrory asked, curious. 'How does it steal the Fate?'

Tatyana pondered. 'If I've read it correctly, I think it does it as the woman increases the affection of people close to her when their Fates are slowly interlocking, and using that connection to slowly suck away their luck and tie them to the host. Their feelings for her are probably heightened.'

Valeria frowned. 'Should we destroy it? It honestly sounds quite bothersome.'

Tatyana shook her head. 'Too troublesome. Moreover, it's not that bad. The people who fall in love with her will live happy lives unless something quite big happens. It's, in a way, an equivalent exchange.'

Tatyana added. 'Well, if I were here with my main body, I would've destroyed it. It's quite annoying having otherworlders running around. They always act rampant and reckless, as if the world revolves around them, trying to change everything to their moral standard without understanding the cultures they are transported in.'

Mirrory smirked. 'I bet that you would've reacted a bit differently if she had Yasenia's Fate.'

Tatyana's red eyes shone murderously. 'I would've given her a Fate worse than Death, fufufu.'

Yasenia caught their attention again as the five seniors were about to explode in rage.

Yasenia sighed. "Senior. With all due respect. Although your clans might be the strongest, I'm not fearful of you. Never was, and never will. Hence, this place will be my [Astral Sky Sect] territory. Also, your strength is not enough to intimidate anyone here. So, please either leave or ask your seniors to come. I will not repeat this again."

The Jade Thunderbird man laughed angrily. "Our strength is not enough? Hahaha, you dare speak such words with a measly high-level Ethereal Soul Cultivation level? Even if your aura is stronger, a fight is not about presence but strength! Then, oh so mighty Sect Leader, do you dare fight me alone!? You are a cowardly-."

Yasenia interrupted. "Sure."

The man stopped and blinked. "What did you say?"

The Jade Thunderbird man was confused. 'This is different from the information I received. Wasn't this dragoness junior hiding in a senior's clothing and fearing direct confrontation with Epoch Core cultivators? Or is she bluffing to make me retreat? If she is not and I lose, I will damage the reputation of my clan...'

Yasenia didn't mind fighting and showing her strength. If the maids weren't here, she would've used softer methods. However, since they are here, what's there to worry and act meek about?

She can finally fight those she wants!

Although her stay in Distancia has been highly fruitful, she always felt suffocated because there were no fights!

Yasenia was a bit of a battle junkie, so she felt as if her impossibly perfect muscles were atrophying when even if she lay in a bed for a century, she would still be as perfect as right now.

She pointed to an arena surrounded by one large formation that would later be used as a testing area and said with eagerness. "Let's fight there."

The Ocean Swallowing Mermaid interrupted coldly. "Junior, we are not here to fight. Can you truly take the responsibility of what would happen if you fought us?"

Yasenia's enthusiasm was cut by the mermaid, making her annoyed. 'Tsk. It is a blatant show of aggression if I ask to fight now. Although I don't mind facing them if they put it forth themselves, I don't want to act like a rabid dog. Since you are not willing to fight me...'

Yasenia thought a bit and provoked with a smirk. "Our conversation is going nowhere. So, I suggest this. I'll let you fight with my people." Yasenia pointed at her dears. "There are five, so If you win three of the five matches, you can have the basin. If we win, you will apologize and go your way. The stakes are heavily stacked against me since they all have less than your cultivation. This is also to give your clan a clear advantage for the seniority and power you hold around the continent. After all, I don't want one rotten apple to spoil my relationship with the whole tree."

Yasenia looked at them. "So... Like our ancestors did. Instead of continuing with pointless formalities, let's solve it with our fists."

Angel, Andrea, Cecile, Evelyn, and Kali were surprised.

Meanwhile, Tatyana, Mirrory, and Valeria felt amused. Tatyana almost laughed. 'What advantage? If they lose now, won't this slap resound much further and louder?'

Mirrory smirked. 'Right. Those conditions appear good for their clans, but it's a complex trap laid by Yasenia. Not only will this do the opposite of what the five top clans want, but it will also make Yasenia's sect spread around the continent like a wildfire in a dry land.'

Valeria smiled with soft eyes. 'Little Yasenia is really cute~. I can already imagine people saying things like, "The Five elders of the top clans defeated by juniors in the Ethereal Soul Body realm." Hahaha.'

Tatyana added with a chuckle. 'Don't forget there are people who know Andrea, Evelyn, and Angel are humans. Moreover, since Yasenia has built her "persona" around accepting only "talented human females," people won't suspect her.'

They both remembered and laughed. 'So devious.'

Meanwhile, the five seniors looked at the five women and focused on them, trying to decipher their strengths. However, they all wore cultivation-concealing formations, so it was impossible to tell.

Yet, the Devil Smashing Ape senior reacted after remembering something. 'Wait, aren't those three humans? I heard Yasenia has strong humans that follow her everywhere, but...'

He was about to speak up, but the Deep-Sea Shark woman snarled. "Just five juniors! Are you really underestimating us so much!? We naturally accept!"

The Devil Smashing Ape remembered the short temper of the shark race, and his face darkened. 'Now, if I say that I retreat and then they lose, I will be looked at suspiciously, and if they win, our clan's piece of cake of this land will also disappear. Shit, I'm trapped between a rock and a hard place.'

He could only minimize the disgrace by choosing a beast human. 'At least, being beaten by a beast human junior is a thousand times better than being beaten by a human.'

He descended the first and bowed toward Kali. "Lady Kali, I've heard from my peers from you. Please accept this old man's challenge."

Kali and the girls exchanged a glance with Yasenia and saw a flash of cunningness when the Shark woman accepted, so although they didn't understand the benefits of fighting, they didn't doubt their dearest.

Kali descended like a nature fox spirit, accompanied by a soothing aura. "Elder, excuse this junior for being rude during our fight."

Cecile descended toward another arena and asked coldly. "Who is the strongest?"

The Jade Thunderbird Elder landed on the arena with all his strength, wanting to destroy the floor to make himself imposing. However, after the loud bang, the floor under him only cracked slightly, showing impressive sturdiness.

His face and the face of everyone watching gained a surprised expression.

The sound was like a meteor falling, creating powerful gales. However, the arena was mostly unharmed.

'What kind of materials did they use to create that?'

He looked at Cecile and squinted. "I'm the strongest."

Cecile nodded. "Good. I hope you are a challenge."

The Ocean Swallowing Mermaid looked at the three women left and pointed at Angel. 'She looks the weakest...'

"You, fight me."

Angel blinked cutely and smiled. "Okay, pretty big sister."

The Mermaid blinked, and her face softened slightly. "Don't worry, I won't harm you permanently."

Angel tilted her head with honest confusion. 'Harm me? Mirrory, isn't she a bit weak to harm me?'

Mirrory stifled her laughter. 'Leave her a bit of face since she was honest enough to tell you such words.'

Angel snorted. 'Okay... I'll listen to you even though I wanted to splatter her around for yelling at Yasenia...'

Mirrory smiled, her eyes having a touch of gentleness. 'Use it as a practice match and try applying everything we've learned together.'

The Shark woman looked at Andrea and pointed at her. "You look like a warrior. I want to fight you."

Andrea descended, changing her robes to full-body black armor and equipping a dragon-like helmet. "It will be my pleasure."

Evelyn and the Sky Scale Dragonman landed on the fifth arena. Evelyn bowed in courtesy. "A pleasure to fight you."

The dragonman had been feeling restless and scared after Yasenia's bloodline aura burst, so he just nodded to hide it.

In the sky, Yasenia saw the damage the Jade Thunderbird elder did when landing and smiled. 'Very strong. Sweetheart will love the fight.'

The Jade Thunderbird Elder said imposingly. "We'll fight first."

Andrea asked mentally with worry. "Yasenia, isn't this a bit reckless? What if we antagonize them too harshly?"

Yasenia shook her head. 'I'm already allied with those I want to. From now on, it's not a matter of speaking but a matter of whose fist is stronger. The possible alliances have been made, and the rest are just neutral powers that can become enemies when interests cross. We don't need to give them any face if they don't give us any. Don't worry, and fight to your heart's content. With Flora here, unless the damage is in the dantian, she can bring back almost anybody from a half-dead state.'

The message was spread to the five of them, so they nodded.

The situation was different from usual, but they didn't dislike it. With the foundation built by their dragoness's, now they could finally be proactive with a comfortable net below them in case they failed.

"I'm Cecile Dravory. It is a pleasure fighting you. Please excuse me if I injure you heavily, as I'm not holding back."

The man's wings flashed as a bolt of green lightning surrounded his body.

His low-level Epoch Core cultivation flooded the arena like a pressure wave. Then, he looked at Yasenia and sneered. "I hope that if she dies, you won't use that as an excuse to fight me in a group."

Yasenia said coldly. "I wouldn't put it on you, don't worry. But if you speak like that, I hope your power doesn't react badly."

Cecile didn't lose any more time, and the fight started.


pa tre on.com/posts/sierra-wolf-90955586 Sierra in her beast and human forms. Sketch!

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