Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 610 - 610. Yasenia’s Nostalgia.

Chapter 610: Chapter 610. Yasenia's Nostalgia.

Tatyana burst into laughter. It was rare to see her daughter making such a silly face.

Yasenia looked at her laughing mother and looked back at the familiar fifty faces, then she asked, still dumbfounded. "You summoned them?"

Tatyana nodded with a smile lingering on her lips. "That's right."

Yasenia was confused and frowned. "Why? Doesn't this make things much easier for me? It doesn't match your usual methods."

Alaia, the yellow dragon maid with azure eyes, flapped her wings and approached Yasenia.

Alaia could be said to be the leader of the mortal-ranked maids, so her taking the lead was not strange. Not to mention, Alaia's closeness to Yasenia was apparent, as many of her habits came from her.

Well, Yasenia was very close to all her personal maids.

As if to prove it, when Alaia hugged Yasenia, she pulled her down and buried our dragoness's face between her large breasts while kissing her forehead and asking in a distraught manner. "Young Miss, we've missed you so much! Are you not satisfied with our presence?"

Yasenia didn't struggle and hugged Alaia back with a smile. "Of course, I'm satisfied and happy. But it's a bit strange. Anyway, it's good to see all of you again."

Alaia released her from her hug, and the other forty-nine maids flew to Yasenia's side and began asking about her well-being one after another.

The first one asking was Alaia. "Did someone bully you, miss? We are here now, and we'll punish everyone who dares bully you!"

Yasenia smiled, her eyes shining with a soft light. "Well, I've had a problem with a few, but let's speak about that later."

The maids frowned, and thick killing intent emitted from them, making the spectating girls feel goosebumps and chills.

One said seriously, like a worried big sister. "You must tell us, young miss! If you don't want us to make a move, that's fine, but we must know who is bullying you!"

Yasenia nodded with a smile. Flora, the dryad, asked with concern. "Young miss, have you eaten well? Have you taken fancy of any other vegetables?"

Yasenia chuckled and spoke. "Yes. I've even become a Spiritual Chef. However, until now, there aren't tastier vegetables than yours, Flora."

Another maid smiled. "That's fantastic. A good diet is essential to make you grow healthy!"

Yasenia had already grown, but for these maids who still didn't know about the Trial, Yasenia was still in her twenties. Of course, even after they know about it, they won't change.

Clara, the tanned human maid with white hair and silver eyes, continued. "How is your cultivation, young miss?"

Yasenia answered. "I'm more than three-quarters into the seventh level of the Unification Realm."

The maids blinked and widened their eyes, and then they all puffed their chests with palpable pride.

Angel muttered with a laugh. "Cute."

What followed was praise flying left and right.

"As expected of young miss."

"She has become a talented and beautiful lady."

"Of course! Our miss is the best!"

"Humph, that's right. Those brats back in the Sky Continent are so arrogant, thinking they can even rival with a scale of my young miss's tail!"

Many of them bragged about Yasenia, making our dragoness feel like she had returned to her youth.

Although Tatyana had raised Yasenia, the personal maids had been with her since birth.

From the millions Tatyana overlooked and trained, only three hundred made it to become Yasenia's personal maids.

Moreover, about seventy percent of them were beast-humans or beasts in human form between them.

As previously mentioned, Tatyana concealed their race to avoid Yasenia gaining tender feelings for beast humans and avoid Yasenia getting too emotional when she saw other beast humans in slavery.

Tatyana's raising methods were extremely well thought out to create who Yasenia is today, but the maids also had a big part in her life.

They all were like Yasenia's big sisters since birth, and they took care, taught, and guided the dragoness when Tatyana couldn't.

To be fair, if Yasenia hadn't left her house to get a much-needed harem for her early cultivation levels, she probably would've chosen them as her harem members.

Yasenia looked around and tilted her head. "Where are Anna and Eve?"

Tatyana commented. "Although I could summon a few, I can't break this heaven's laws... Well, it's more like I don't want to break them. Anna and Eve are in the Transcendence Realm, so I couldn't summon them here. The number was also limited to fifty because of my limited cultivation and the maximum that the formation could transport."

Andrea asked. "Can't you create that formation again and summon all of them in batches?"

Tatyana shook her head. "You've seen the destruction I create with it. This world can't bear the strain of a formation of that caliber again. It must recover."

Yasenia asked. "How long?"

Tatyana smiled. "Long enough that it doesn't matter if you know. After all, we will probably be in another place by then."

Cecile tilted her head. "Couldn't you have summoned us back to the Sky Continent?"

Tatyana again shook her head. "The destination formation is quite simple to build. However, the "launching" formation is extremely complex. Especially when I'm piercing dimensions, I can't create it with my current strength. I need at least to reach Half-step of the Dantian Spiritualization realm or above, I'm not sure."

Mirrory, who had been silent, spoke, materializing and floating above Angel. "If you take into account the new fifty maids, you most certainly will need higher cultivation. They are all Dantian Spiritualization Realm cultivators, after all."

Yasenia observed their auras and could see improvement in their cultivation. "Wow. You have become so strong! A few of you weren't in the Dantian Spiritualization Realm before!"

The top five cultivators responsible for assisting Angel and the other girls were the dedicated maids assigned to each of them. Alaia, the yellow dragon maid, served as Evelyn's maid; Flora, the dryad maid, was entrusted with Kali's care; Selena, the red lamia maid, took care of Angel; Clara, the tanned silver-haired human maid, looked after Cecile; and Leila, the brown dog maid with droopy ears, attended to Andrea.

Alaia had a ninth-level Dantian Spiritualization Realm cultivation, Flora and Selena at the eighth level, and Leila and Clara at the seventh level. The equivalents of high-level Epoch Core realm cultivators.

The other forty-five maids were not as strong, with fifteen between the fourth and sixth level and the other thirty between the first and third level.

Kali was confused. "Mother-in-law, although the number is limited, why choose those with relatively low cultivation levels?"

The maids blinked and turned toward Kali. Kali coughed and explained herself. "I mean, with mother-in-law connections, finding fifty half-step Dantian Spiritualization people to teleport here shouldn't be that difficult, right?"

Tatyana clarified. "The reason I summoned them was not to place Yasenia as the top power of the continent. If my sources are right, the top powers of the continent have between one hundred to three hundred Epoch Core cultivators."

Tatyana continued. "Therefore, this summoning was to cut the waiting time for Yasenia by decades. In the end, the Distancia Continent is just a step. She doesn't need to build every single step from nothing."

Tatyana looked at Yasenia with pride in her red eyes. "There have been a few mistakes, but little treasure has managed to create a very solid foundation in a continent full of enemies. Moreover, this was all done while covering the fact that all of you human girls were slaves. This is not easy."

The Death Empress added. "In a land where they are looked down upon, slaughtered for no reason, and used as sex toys by many, Yasenia created a power where beast humans born in these circumstances began accepting humans, and she also created a connection with the top powers without making them suspect of her intentions."

She furthered added. "She managed to gain enough wealth to rival top powers, a working force, created an alliance, and next week, she will open a sect surrounded by natural defenses and a very powerful formation that would need quite a few peak-level Epoch Core cultivators to breach. What does this mean? Even if things go awry, Yasenia just needs to turtle in the formation and cultivate. In fifty years, who can stop her?"

"Furthermore, little treasure has made negligible enemies, and the offenses are not deep enough to throw everything out of the window and attack her with all forces. So, taking into account a scenario where a lot of high-level Epoch Core cultivators assault her power is nonsense."

"Taking everything into account, and many other achievements like the plethora of local techniques she acquired that I haven't mentioned, little Treasure has already managed to dominate the Distancia Continent. The only thing she has left to do in this Continent is to get a proper Body Cultivation for all of us."

"By summoning the maids, I can avoid wasting little Treasure's precious time on useless things like politics by giving her trusted and capable subordinates so she can relax and focus on improving her cultivation without neglecting and even accelerating the inevitable ascension of her Astral Sky Clan."

While being stared at by all the girls and maids with gawking expressions, Tatyana shrugged and finished by saying. "In short, me summoning the fifty maids only accelerates Yasenia's ascension to supremacy in this continent. She has already done all the foundation building."

The girls and maids couldn't help but feel a wave of admiration toward Yasenia.

Everything happened so gradually for the girls that they didn't really understand the extent of Yasenia's achievements until now when Tatyana laid them bare before their eyes.

Although they had helped her in many aspects, they knew that more than fifty percent of the work to make the Astral Sky Clan what it is today came from their dearest.

Thus, hearing everything summarized in a sentence was impactful.

The maids who came here without prior knowledge of what happened didn't know what to do with their surging feelings.

They were delighted and proud that their young miss reached such heights in four years. However, they also felt their heart prickling because managing to achieve all of this meant she had to suffer.

Yasenia smiled and spoke. "Well, if it weren't for my dears and your presence, I wouldn't have managed to do all of this, Mom."

Tatyana chuckled and didn't deny it, even if she felt otherwise. 'It is true that she had committed a few mistakes, but didn't most problems stem from the fact that Yasenia had to cover for us because we were humans? Were she alone, she would've managed similar achievements.'

Of course, she wouldn't discredit her own and the other girls' efforts, but it was an achievement Yasenia should be proud of.

Yasenia presented Kaleina to the maids, and a wave of squeals, hugs, and kisses fell on the young dragoness.

Kaleina was very fond of receiving affection if the people were trusted by her Mommy, so she purred in happiness as fifty new aunts pampered her.

Time passed after they returned to the Astral Sky Sect, and Yasenia put them all up to pace.

Not only that, Yasenia prepared many core positions to be passed on to them.

Since Tatyana's formations had concealing arrays ingrained, nobody knew about the arrival of the fifty maids.

Yasenia also didn't inform anybody, so they were kept hidden for a while as they prepared to "honestly" climb the ranks and "fairly" snatch the top places in their young miss's power.

Then, in the fourth year of Yasenia's arrival to the Distancia Continent, the [Astral Sky Sect] finally opened its doors to the outside world.


Tatyana: I think I've covered all bases as to why they've arrived.

Author: Humu, I also think so. I wonder what the dears think?

Evelyn: By the way...

Author: Yes?

Evelyn: *While being squeezed between a pair of large breasts* Why are they here?

Alaia: Hoho? You don't want me here, little Evelyn?

Evelyn: Not at all!

Angel: Selena is also here!

Selena: Of course, little Angel. Come here, I miss hugging you.

Andrea: *pats her head* Welcome, Laila.

Laila: Thank you, lady Andrea.

Cecile: Lets spar later.

Clara: Hahaha, so eager!

Kali: I need to present to you someone, Flora.

Flora: Oh?

Valeria: Hello, child~.

Flora: M-Mother?

All: Eh?

Author: Either way, I summon you!

Evelyn: No, no. Explain-.

????: Hello!

Kali: Wait, anonymous, we need to ask the author something!

?????: Why can't I hear them?

Author: No worries, what's your question?

?????: Humu. Strange. Anyway, in some stories, dragons reproduce by dividing their energies. The female lays the egg and the male fertilizes it with his energy. Is it possible that Kaleina's egg was an unfertilized egg and that Yasenia is actually her father?

Evelyn: Argh! I need answers!

Author: So, who do you want to answer your questions?

?????: How about, Valeria?

Evelyn: I want you to answer, Author!

Author: Valeria it is.

Valeria: The reason of what you said is not possible boils down to one thing.

?????: Which is?

Valeria: Yasenia didn't use her sperm but blood. Hence, it was a fertilized egg.

?????: I see.

Author: And that's all for today. Bye-bye, little lurkers~.

The rest: Author!!!!

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