Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 597 - 597. FIGHT!

Chapter 597: Chapter 597. FIGHT!

A few moments ago, Yasenia was approaching the fighting place silently while hiding her presence. 'Mom said we should run, so I must be careful. However, this is a rare chance to see a high-level battle.'

Yasenia summoned [Starry Sky], accumulating stars just in case, and pondered as her body flashed through the forest. 'Moreover, I should be able to defend myself in a dangerous situation. My strength has become much higher. If I see that the fight is too much for me, I can always turn and run. My speed is not small with my new movement technique, the [Heavenly Constellation Steps].'

Yasenia was impressed by this technique; it had many layers, and on each layer, Yasenia unlocked a [Constellation], and with it, the general steps also became faster. She had entered the first level, allowing her to make her speed sixfold. New constellations were unlocked from the second step onward.

Once she came close enough to see the battle, Yasenia slowed down and observed the battle situation.

She couldn't help but show a stunned expression. 'What are those things? They are actually resisting Mom, Valeria, and Mirrory. Although they can't really fight back, they are very resilient and fast.'

Yasenia frowned and decided to take more distance and look from further away. 'I really can't join.'

The sickening howl of pain from the one punched by Mirrory reached her ears, making her soul shudder.

'Even with its back ripped open, it can still fight...'

Her eyes moved toward the second creature that was being besieged by a swarm of plant and undead creatures. 'That enormous eye in its chest is quite terrifying.'

A massive shockwave from the battle made Yasenia's aura destabilize for an instant, making her frown. 'I should leave.'

Yasenia turned around, but although these Abyssal Horrors were monstrous, they were not mindless.

Quite the contrary, intelligence and perception were very high, especially for the one with a massive eye in the middle of the chest.

Therefore, the slight aura fluctuation was caught by the two Abyssal Horrors and the three seniors.

It was at that moment that Yasenia turned to leave that her entire body erupted in chills as her instincts shouted danger.

Yasenia's muscles tensed as every single skill to reinforce her body exploded in a massive aura burst, and her figure became a blue streak, shooting into the distance.

Tatyana's desperate shout reached her while she turned around and activated her auras. "YASENIA, RUN!"


A massive explosion accompanied by a malformed aura exploded from the big-eyed monster and locked onto Yasenia.

With a turbulent purple aura around it, the creature burst with monstrous might and exploded the swarm, trying to delay it, shattering the encirclement and rushing toward Yasenia.

Yasenia's face became solemn as she looked back and saw the thing follow behind her.

It was not that Yasenia was weak, not at all. For her level, Yasenia was extremely strong. Put Ghana, for example, at 300 years. She previously was in the middle level of the Ethereal Soul body realm.

What kind of cultivation will Yasenia have at 300 years? It was clear that it would be much higher, basically incomparable.

However, these creatures were from [The Abyss], a high-level plane. Moreover, they had bodies that were comparable to dragons of a high-level bloodline.

Therefore, Yasenia, even if massively talented, would not be able to fight against a creature like this that was in the equivalent of the Dantian Spiritualization Realm and knew a high-level intent.

In the other fight, Tatyana saw the intentions of that monster, and her red eyes glowed with pure, unadulterated wrath. "DON'T YOU DARE!"

The Death Empress turned and wanted to stop it, but a dark grey tentacle suddenly tangled her leg, and she was thrown flying in the opposite direction, making her eyes widen.

'Did these filth planned it!?'

Valeria also took her chance and stopped fighting the creature at the same time as Tatyana, rushing to aid Yasenia. The same happened as another tentacle hurried toward her.

However, it had much less strength, as the creature had focused its efforts on delaying Tatyana, the one it thought to be more problematic.

Therefore, the Spirit Nature Empress was attentive and quick enough to dodge the second tentacle and quickly fly toward Yasenia.

The creature made a strange sound, feeling disappointed that its plan didn't work.

It was about to follow Valeria, but Mirrory fell from the supporting position. "You are going nowhere, insect. [Eternal Intent Level Nine]."

Her punch landed on its head, and the Eternal attribute increased the might exponentially.

Angel, far away, felt as if her dantian was being sucked from all the energy inside. This punch consumed about twenty percent of her total energy, leaving her with less than half.

The creature was also too preoccupied with not allowing Tatyana and Valeria to follow up with its partner, so the hit took it with its guard down, and it could only move the head to the side and allow the impact to land on the shoulder of the disproportionate arm.


The body of the Abyssal horror burst like mud being punched with massive force, and the arm flew away, detached from its body.


It was already mangled, and this hit was enough to make fighting almost impossible.

Naturally, Mirrory didn't lose her chance. "[Divine Truth Battle: First Form, True Strike]."

Angel's body became utterly limp as all her energy rushed out of her body.

Energies gathered around the red-haired woman's fist, making the world around her bend to her will for a single moment.

The punch was unavoidable, as it used the Truth concept to make her strike land, no matter what.

So, although the creature moved, intending to dodge, Mirrory punched and didn't even change the direction.

Her fist was like a shooting star, landing on the chest of the Abyssal Horror with such force that the front part of the creature sank as the regenerated back burst open, spewing inner organs and even bones.


It flew away, its life and death unknown. Mirrory clicked her tongue. 'Tsk, I have very little energy to work with. If I could make that strike at its full force, that thing would've exploded.'

Mirrory rushed after it, not intending to let it escape.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Yasenia saw the distance between them quickly shrinking, and she prepared to counterattack. After all, if she just ran once it caught up, it would be able to kill her if her skills were not deployed. 'I'll have to hold back for a while one way or another!'

From the start, she had never wanted to participate in the battle, but she wanted to see how far apart she really was from her objective while looking at it from a safe distance.

A stroke of bad luck uncovered her position, nothing more, nothing less.

Yasenia knew she had to avoid being instantly killed or taken hostage, or everything would become a mess.

During these almost two years, Yasenia had advanced quickly and reached the peak of the fifth level of the Unification Realm. She was about to break through into the sixth level.

Under the tutelage of Tatyana, Mirrory, and Valeria, she also increased her fight mastery and skill control exponentially.

Her experiences in the trial were absorbed thanks to their guidance.

With the creature coming her way, Yasenia's cultivation and auras burst forth with enormous momentum.

She naturally knew her predicament, so she held nothing back.

First, her [Celestial Dress], [Empyrean Cosmos Dress], and [Draconic Waning Moon] deployed, covering her body in an elegant full-body dress with a star-shaped cleavage and a silver glow.

Then, the stars she had accumulated with [Starry Sky] were absorbed inside her with one of her innate skills, [Star Dragon Body].

A white glow burst forth from her, her strength increasing many times over.

[Empyrean Dragon Authority] and [Monarch Intent Level Two] surrounded her next, increasing her mental sharpness and making her rushed thoughts calm down. 'Two seconds more until it arrives. I have plenty of time to go all out.'

Her Dantian's energies worked overtime, and the [Celestial Energy Star] in the middle increased its rotating speed.

Together with it, the [Primordial Energy Core], [Celestial Pearl], [Draconic Heart], and [Empyrean Galaxy Domain] glowed with celestial radiance.

To add to all of this, her [Celestial Field Master] skill, a skill that made all her attributes stronger and weakened everything that wasn't Sun, Moon, or Star attribute, exploded from her with all of the things before.

Her dress and hair flew around with her energy release, her meridians pumped energy crazily, and every single cell in her body was strengthened to a point it hadn't before.

Yasenia declared with unwavering resolve. "IF YOU THINK I'M EASY PREY, YOU ARE MISTAKEN!"

Her massive sword appeared in her hand, the large core in the middle glowing with celestial light.

Her surroundings became a phantom world under her command, and then Yasenia deployed her third and second strongest buffs: [War Intent Level One] and [Day and Night Cycle].

Yasenia's eyes glowed with defiance as the monstrous creature arrived right before her.

[Draconic Heart] glowed powerfully.

In this instant, Yasenia didn't care about her body but about resisting until Valeria or Tatyana came to her aid.

Therefore, without any concern, Star, Sun, and Moon energies were used simultaneously. Not only that, [Celestial Energy] was also thrown into the mix.

At this moment, her aura made her surroundings collapse because of the weight of her aura.

The creature punched, and a purple glow that seemed to pierce everything and corrupt it was thrown toward Yasenia.

She activated her [Heavenly Constellation Steps] beyond her limits, making the meridians in her legs feel like they were bursting, and she multiplied her speed almost tenfold.

With a burst of incredible speed, Yasenia narrowly dodged the first attack, her movements minimal as the attack grazed her cheek.

Without any mercy, she swung her sword, her voice echoing with an otherworldly majesty. "DIE! [EMPYREAN COLLAPSE]!"

A skill born not long ago manifested in all its strength. It was part of the Sun, Moon, and Star Collapse series. A skill that used everything of one attribute in her disposition to create a massive attack that defied all logic.

This time, however, she used her three attributes simultaneously, creating [Empyrean Collapse].

Yasenia's golden eyes transformed, changing into a mesmerizing dark blue tone with starlight as, for the first time, she activated her most powerful skill.

[Celestial Intent].

Her mind was never this clear as she understood the reason for the use of Celestial intent. Until now, she had avoided using Celestial energy in combination with more than one attribute out of fear of self-damage. However, Celestial Energy was meant to be used as a link between all her attributes, not an addition.

Hence, when using every single energy inside of her, [Celestial Intent] finally manifested.

A noble, ethereal, distant, and profound aura burst from her. Her body glowed like a brilliant celestial constellation.

A small galaxy seemed to be born in Yasenia's sword as she slashed toward the horror.

Celestial light inundated the basin for a second.

It felt like the birth of something powerful, radiating a blinding radiance.

Yasenia's attack had effectively reached Dantian Spiritualization Realm standards. The power to level mountains, raze cities, and create rivers.


The monster's defense seemed not to work as the Celestial Energy ripped its skin layer, muscles, and internal organs while Draconic Heart sank into it.

Without any power to resist effectively from being blasted flying, the Abyssal Horror's leg transformed into a tentacle and latched around Yasenia's leg.

Because of the strength of her [Empyrean Collapse], both of them were sent flying like a shooting star.

When they landed, Yasenia felt every single muscle and vein in her body hurt, as a few of her internal organs had slight ruptures not only because of the massive strain but because the strength at which she was sent flying with the Abyssal Horror was enough to create internal damage.

Yasenia quickly tried to stand up, but her leg was still firmly held, making her face sink. "[Draconic Sunset]!"

She raised her sword again and slashed down, but her body could not gather as many different energies, so when she struck down, although the strike was devastating, it couldn't cut the leg, making her stomach sink.

The Abyssal Horror didn't lose this chance. Even while heavily wounded, their ability to take punishment and vitality was unbelievably high.

Its arm swung toward Yasenia's chest with a deafening screech of rage, as if it was insulted that a low-level person like Yasenia could hurt it.

Tatyana and Valeria hadn't stopped running toward them for a single moment. Valeria shouted. "YASENIA, PROTECT YOURSELF!"

Tatyana, whose speed had reached record speeds for Unification Realm cultivators, shouted with a phantasmal tone that carried the wrath of a thousand evil ghosts. "I'M GOING TO TORTURE YOUR SOUL FOR ETERNITY IF YOU DARE!"

Yasenia's spiritual sense caught the attack, and she prepared for impact.

She placed her giant sword before her as a shield and tightened every fiber of her body. "[Draconic Full Moon]!"

As she saw the attack coming her way, Yasenia's heart felt heavy. She knew that this was far from enough to resist it.

Her Moon Energy created a compressed and circular silver shield, but when the grey arm wrapped in purple energies hit, it collapsed and exploded, barely slowing the attack down.



The powerful impact was similar to a beast carriage hitting a mortal, as it was accompanied by the sound of bones breaking.

The feeling of her arm bones snapping, her chest bones shattering, and her muscles and internal organs rupturing was agonizing as her leg slipped from the strong grip because of the massive strike.

Spitting a mouthful of blood, the dragoness didn't even have time to grunt before her body disappeared from her standing place.

Her body flashed across the forest like a meteor, obliterating through a row of trees until she finally stopped almost five kilometers away, her body bloodied and motionless.


pa tre on.c om/posts/infernal-knight-90152664 (Andrea wearing full armor)

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