Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 543 - 543. Hot Bath. (R-15)

Chapter 543: Chapter 543. Hot Bath. (R-15)

On the fifth day, a day before the Auction house event, Yasenia decided to fulfill the promise to her fans.

She had promised that she would take a bath with them as a reward for being able to survive and reach her side.

She decided on this reward because Yasenia understood that although it might not be romantic adoration, her little fangirls liked her enough to buy photos from Evelyn.

Moreover, if any of them were mentally damaged because something bad happened, she would take the time to help them relax and feel like they had escaped their nightmare.

Our dragoness knew that by chance, it was almost improbable not to meet an unfortunate fan that had gone through that because of this Continent's nature.

Also, opening their heart would be much easier while being naked and vulnerable.

There was also a little problem with the two first girls she saved sharing their experience and making the rest beg her for a bath, but the main reasons were the previous ones.

Since the S.L.U.T. members were from the Sky Continent, the other girls left with Yasenia and followed.

Evelyn muttered. "Say, do you think Yasenia will be attacked?"

"They won't unless they want to become popsicles."

Cecile's cold comment made them laugh.

Kali said seriously. "I don't think so. However, they will ogle her without reservations."

Andrea. "Do they know about your secondary sex, Yasenia?"

Yasenia shrugged. "I don't know. What about yours?"

Andrea shook her head. "Never spoke about it."

Evelyn commented seriously. "A new arc, the revelation of the dicks."

They looked at Evelyn, speechless.

After a short walk, they arrived at the reforming building. The construction had taken giant steps these last days thanks to the construction-related lamia that joined.

Yasenia expected one month until completion, but after the lamias joined, she realized that it would probably be done by tomorrow or the day after.

"She is impressive."

Angel nodded. "Big Sister Drasha has a lot of nice ideas and is very knowledgeable about formations! The other lamia should be at a similar level in their respective professions."

Kali, Evelyn, and Andrea agreed.

The one who felt it the most was Evelyn, who was the most novice profession-related.

Tatyana thought of something and smirked.

"What are you thinking about, Mom?"

"Well, you'll understand in a moment."

Yasenia didn't insist, and they entered the house.

After seeing them, the S.L.U.T.s gathered. They all knew why Yasenia had come today and were quite eager.

Esther smiled happily and approached. "Yasenia, we were waiting!"

Evelyn laughed. "I bet you were. I can see some of you already fidgeting."

Angel snickered. "I can see a few of you have put on make-up."

Those girls blushed a bit.

Esther laughed. "This is a good opportunity to flirt with Yasenia, after all... Hm?"

Esther looked at the red-eyed woman and blinked repeatedly.

The other girls followed Esther's gaze and comically froze while their eyes widened to the extremes.

Tatyana smirked. "Yo!"


"Sister, am I hallucinating or something? Did you mix something in my make-up?"

"Ha!? If I mixed it, I might have also ingested it because I'm seeing our Academy Matriarch!"

Esther hastily said. "What are you all flapping about!? Salute her!"

With Esther's shout, they all bowed ninety degrees while cupping their fists and saluting. "We welcome the Headmistress of the Rising Talent Academy!"

Luna was startled and stood up like a sore thumb because she was the only one who did not bow down.

Tatyana's smile widened, satisfied.

She had been purposely avoiding appearing before them to see this reaction. 'As expected, the reaction is amusing.'

Yasenia understood now why Tatyana was smirking before. 'Mom, Why didn't those two speak about you?'

'Because I told them to keep quiet, hahaha.'

Tatyana waved her hand and spoke. "Well, raise your heads. No need for formalities."


They all raised their heads and looked at Tatyana with pure reverence.

This woman before them was a legendary entity in their Continent.

Many said she was unmatched.

Many said nobody could beat her.

Many said the only reason she didn't rule more territories was her lack of ambition.

Master of Death and Fate with countless myths and achievements under her name.

She was the role model of billions and what most cultivators aspired to be, especially female cultivators.

Their feverish reactions refreshed our girls' memories of who was the person they interacted with.

She was usually humble and playful around Yasenia and them, so they eventually forgot about the "Death Empress," only remembering "Mom Tatyana."

Andrea and the others looked at Tatyana, and their usually relaxed gazes gained that almost fizzled-out trace of admiration.

Yasenia loved seeing this part of her mother.

Each time she saw how genuinely accomplished and majestic her mother was, she felt pride and joy surging inside her.

She admired the strong as a dragon, and Tatyana was the strongest in her mind.

Of course, unlike the other girls, Yasenia never forgot about it. Since their house was attacked when she was little, her objective has always been to become strong enough to walk side by side with Tatyana.

Tatyana commented. "Today is about bathing with my little treasure, so be yourselves. I wouldn't like to spoil the fun because of my presence. Act like usual, this body you are looking at is at the Unification Realm, so I'm not far from all of you."

It was a small white lie. Tatyana would probably be able to beat all the S.L.U.T. members by herself with her current body.

"Yes, Headmistress!"

Yasenia looked at their excited faces and laughed aloud. "I think the reason for their excitement has changed."

Tatyana hugged Yasenia's arm and smirked. "Disappointed?"

Yasenia looked at Tatyana seductively and kissed her lips. "No, I almost feel aroused. Mom is so awesome that I can feel something inside tingling."

Tatyana laughed and walked toward the changing area while dragging Yasenia.

The bathing area was a huge hot spring.

Cecile and the rest followed behind together with the fangirls.

Esther was rather close with Andrea and asked. "Say, Andrea. How is the Headmistress in private?"

Andrea got thoughtful. "Hmm, elegant, insightful, but playful. Very arousing from time to time."

The other girls nodded. It was a good summary.

A S.L.U.T. girl sighed dreamily. "I have a few books about her in my house. I remember my mother reading them to me. Seeing the Headmistress right before my eyes is like meeting with a character from a book.

They reached the changing rooms and saw Tatyana begin to strip Yasenia's clothes.

Although Yasenia could absorb the dress inside herself since it was a part of her own body, she could also take it off.

Tatyana felt playful and decided to create a small spectacle for the fangirls.

Leaning extremely close to Yasenia, Tatyana kissed her neck and smiled seductively, making many people gulp. "I'm going to strip you, little treasure."

Yasenia understood her intentions and let out an amused chuckle. "Sure, be gentle, Mom."

In truth, the revealing blue dress had very little to unfold since it was strapless and sleeveless. It clung to Yasenia's breasts just above the nipple level and had an opening in the center that lowered in a thin gap that revealed a good part of her stomach.

Moreover, the dress clung to Yasenia's ridiculously attractive curves as if the dress was magnetized to her body..

When Tatyana's hand lowered from Yasenia's collarbone, it curved as it followed Yasenia's breast shape and entered into between the blue dress and the dragoness's creamy skin.

One side of the dress lowered, revealing the gravity-defying large breast of the dragoness together with the perfectly shaped nipple.

Yasenia used her hand to place the hair falling in front behind her head and glanced sideways.

The alluring sideways stare, seductive gesture, tempting smirk, and revealed breasts with a semi-unclothed dress while Tatyana's hand cupped the large breast was deadly.

The excitement made a few have nasal bleeding while others felt their heart about to burst in excitement.

Not all S.L.U.T.s were homosexual, as many were there because of the benefits and reverence for Yasenia. Still, they could feel their straight wills bending into a mosquito coil under the effects of such a ridiculously attractive woman.

Yasenia's deep and mellow voice was like a gentle breeze that caressed their hearing sense. "Why are you not undressing, hm? I want to see~."

She didn't need to say it twice as all the others began stripping, their ears getting rewarded by Yasenia's dreadfully charming laughter.

Even though Evelyn and the others had some immunity to Yasenia, even they felt their cheeks blushing this time.

Even while the others undressed, Yasenia still felt many eyes on her as her own clothes got lowered more and more.

The dress's back opened at the middle as it lowered, allowing her tail to pass through smoothly as the dress fell.

The rustling sound of Yasenia's dress falling made their little hearts tremble.

Yasenia's curvaceous body figure was revealed entirely, only leaving her panties behind.

Tatyana kissed Yasenia's body from the collarbone, passed her breasts, and followed her vest lines, finally reaching the underwear covering Yasenia's most secret place.

Then, while her red eyes looked at the others, she bit the edge of the seductive black panties and lowered them.

A few girls tightened their thighs as the feeling of dampness appeared between their legs.

Esther thought that her interest leaned more toward males, but her thoughts were being confused each second that passed of Yasenia's undressing.

Yasenia and Tatyana received many stares as Yasenia's underwear finally lowered, revealing everything.





A few exclamations were heard as the semi-erect member appeared above a beautiful, plump vulva.

'I want to lick her p-No! A DICK!?'

Although Evelyn has shared many seductive photos of Yasenia, she never shared a completely nude one. Maybe one with wet clothes or with a very revealing bathrobe, but a fully nude one had never been sold by her, even if she had a large stash in her ring.

Even then, a few in the S.L.U.T club knew about Yasenia having the two genitals, so between the exclamations of surprise, a few cries of awe were mixed.

Our dragoness's size wasn't the biggest by any means, but it looked perfect.

Yasenia hadn't bothered hiding her arousal after Tatyana's kisses, so it was pointing at the sky and making many blushes appear. Tatyana looked at them and kissed the tip of the penis. "What, surprised?"

Even if she was the Headmistress, she received a few gazes of healthy jealousy.

"Mom, do not kiss it, or I'll become fully erect."

Yasenia's tail swished and bonked Tatyana's head.

Tatyana clicked her tongue. "If you are against a kiss, a blowjob is a no, right?"

Yasenia was stunned. "You want to give me a blowjob in front of them?"

Tatyana smiled evilly. "I want them to squirm in jealousy and envy as they see me drink your delicious nectar."

Yasenia's penis twitched, as the offer was very attractive, but she decided to deny it. "Maybe another time."

One girl was friends with Angel and stood beside her, hugging her arm. "My gosh, Angel. It is so big and beautiful."

Angel coughed and commented. "It is not fully erected yet."


Angel blushed and spoke. "She is a quarter bigger than that size."

Her friend blinked and asked. "Does it fit...? Huh?"

Angel asked. "What's wrong... Ah."

She followed her gaze and saw that Andrea had just disrobed, revealing her perfectly sculpted body and well-developed genitals.

A few girls almost let out a sound after seeing that explosive and agile looking body.

The heroic and handsome female face, marked but lean muscles, and above-average curvy body, coupled with the dick and balls, made the uterus of a few of them twitch.

Yasenia approached Andrea and fell into her embrace. "Darling, let's go to the water?"

Andrea laughed helplessly. "Love, if you do this..."

Yasenia blinked when she felt something slowly rising and touching her own shaft. Her heart pounded at the feeling of her darling's hardening dick against hers.

She looked at her seductively and laughed. Then, she tip-toed and whispered with a voice that dripped with allure. "I'll help you in the water. Come with me."

Thankfully, Andrea had light brown skin, or her blushing face would be easy to discern.

It was redundant to say the S.L.U.T. members that barely recovered from Yasenia's display were smacked again by Yasenia's and Andrea's hug.

Yasenia grabbed Andrea's hand and slowly dragged her toward the hot spring.

Her hips sashayed deliciously, making her entire body jiggle as her long tail dragged Kali, Cecile, and Tatyana behind her.

The sight of those plump, round, firm, but soft butt cheeks jiggling with her breasts was the finisher that created spurts of blood on those barely resisting.


Tatyana: Heh, do you feel your mouth dry? Maybe you need a change of underwear?

Author: Quite a seductive chapter~.

Evelyn: Hm....

Author: What's wrong, Evelyn?

Evelyn: I want to get double dicked again soon.

Author: ...

The girls: ...

Evelyn: Please? Make the threesomes return!

Author: Sure.

Evelyn: Eh? That easy?

Author: If you heard Yasenia's words closely, you would've realized that she gave the green light a few weeks ago.

Evelyn: EEHHH?

Yasenia: Fufufu, I did. Didn't I say that if you girls want to be together, you can wait for me in the same room?

Evelyn: Andrea!

Andrea: Sup?

Evelyn: I'm going into your room this night!

Andrea: Sure.

Angel: Um... Andrea.

Andrea: Yes, yes~. You can come whenever you want, little Angel.

Angel: Yay~.

Yasenia: You are quite popular, darling~.

Andrea: Silly girl, come here.

Yasenia: Yes~.

Author: Well, while Andrea pampers Yasenia and hugs her, let's invite today's dear. I summon you!

Aries uy: Hello~.

Author: Hello!

Aries uy: So my ques-

Author: Hm? What are you looking... oh.

Aries uy: Ugh... Yasenia purring and wagging her tail in Andrea's embrace is too much for my heart.


Author: ...

The girls: ...

Tatyana: Don't worry, I'll resummon them. I summon you!

Aries uy: Yo!

Angel: Um, are you okay?

Author: Don't worry. Although a second has passed here, more time has passed on their side, so they are completely recovered.

Aries uy: Well, let's move on to my question. This is for those who feel like answering.

Aries uy: How did you feel about Sarah when you guys heard about her from Angel, Kali, and Yas, and how will you deal with her in the future?

Andrea: I feel like there was a similar question before.

Author: I think there was...

Andrea: Well, it doesn't matter. Our feelings for that woman are one of a stranger. Even after hearing about her, we thought of her as a strange woman who loved Yasenia.

Cecile: Nothing new.

Evelyn: There are tons like her, after all.

Aries uy: I see.

Tatyana: Aries, remember that they don't really understand what is special about Sarah.

Aries uy: Oh, I almost forgot. They don't know there is a system in her.

Yasenia: A what?

Aries uy: ups.

Author: Don't worry, the knowledge they and you earn here is not permanent unless I want to. For example, I can even say *Spoiler* *Spoiler* *Spoiler* *Spoiler* *Spoiler* *Spoiler* *Spoiler* *Spoiler*

Aries uy: I didn't expect that... I though *Spoiler* *Spoiler* *Spoiler* *Spoiler*

The girls: Wow...

Evelyn: Wait, so Tatyana *Spoiler* *Spoiler*?

Yasenia: That sounds *Spoiler* *Spoiler* *Spoiler*!

Andrea: Even them!?

Author: Hahaha, *Spoiler* *Spoiler* *Spoiler* *Spoiler* ~.

Kali: To think that something like this will happen...

Tatyana: Well, let's end it here. Goodbye, little lurkers~. They are already talking about things three arcs away.


Author Note: https://www.pa tre on.com/posts/tatyana-anime-87147545 (Tatyana Anime Style Sketch)

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