Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 537 - 537. Ebirah’s family arrives.

Chapter 537: Chapter 537. Ebirah's family arrives.

After the lamias left, Evelyn commented. "I think I can get along well with Fascia."

Andrea snorted a laugh. "She is a little bit strange. But well, she seems like a fun person to be around."

Yasenia was leaning in Andrea's embrace as she laughed. "When she saw sweetheart and Mom, she almost drooled."

Tatyana smirked. "The fanatic intensity she shows for good skin is as high as Evelyn's love for breasts, hahaha."

Cecile said. "I felt like she wanted to lick me."

Angel blinked. "She wanted to."

Cecile blinked back. "Eh?"

Angel laughed. "She had already licked Yasenia's arm the first time they met. She even called her wife and wanted to be hers."

Cecile looked at Yasenia, who nodded with a smirk. "I mean, a few licks on the arm in exchange for an Epoch Core Body Cultivator is very cheap."

Cecile moved to Yasenia's side and took out a towel to clean her arm.

Yasenia was curious. "Does it bother you?"

Cecile answered honestly. "No. This towel has anti-viral, parasitical, and many other healing and preventing properties. I asked Kali to create it since it is easy to make. The effects are less than pills, but the towel can be used to clean superficial wounds quite nicely."

"Fascia is a six-hundred-year-old senior, so we have to be careful."

Cecile's voice was placid as her entire being. Yasenia understood and allowed her arm to be cleaned while curling in Andrea's embrace. "You are right. Drasha was close to Angel, so I let my guard down for a bit. I'll be careful next time."

Angel spoke to Kali. "Can I be between your tails?"

Kali moved to her side and used her three tails to bury the little girl in a world of fluffiness.

Evelyn took a pastry that was left from the dessert tray and munched it calmly. "Say, Yasenia. Will you get those Spiritual Tattoos?"

Yasenia was relaxing as Cecile cleaned her arm when she answered. "Not yet. I need to see their effectiveness. I probably will ask Fascia to create an army-wide tattoo that can function in large groups to increase the strength of our combatants. Together with battle formations and harsh training, we are pushing them through. They should be able to fight against stronger people much easier."

Tatyana commented as her fingers caressed the peacefully resting Kaleina on her lap. "Moreover, we don't know how effective they can be in the future. If these things grow with the user, they will be a rather big advantage. But since the practice is not widespread, it probably has its faults. Or else, it would be a common practice all around the cultivation world to have the children Tattooed at birth."

Angel was leaning on Kali's shoulders, half asleep because of the comfort of being surrounded by the three tails.

Kali answered while patting her head. "There may be health or cultivation disadvantages. I've felt the tattoos on Fascia, and their energy circuits are astoundingly complex and meld with the body perfectly. However, I noticed a few of them about to break and disappear because the vitality and energy flow in those areas was murkier."

Evelyn hummed as she picked Yasenia's tail from the ground and groomed it. "If we can delete them easily without extra procedures, we should have them. Even if they won't be useful in the future, they can help us until then, right?"

Tatyana nodded. "Let's observe it for about a year or two. If you girls want, I can have a few of them on me to test how they react."

Yasenia turned her head and looked at the black-dressed elegant woman holding a cup with red liquid. "Mom, isn't that a bit silly?"

Tatyana lifted her eyebrow, her red eyes looking at Yasenia with confusion.

Yasenia smiled. "Testing it with your body when we have so many clan members and test subjects. It is quite silly."

The other girls nodded with smiles.

Tatyana smiled. "Well, that's true."

Evelyn teased. "Mother-in-law is so eager to prove her worth that she wants to use her body as a sacrifice!"

Tatyana rolled her beautiful ruby eyes.

Yasenia laughed with the other girls when suddenly a message entered her mind. 'Oh?'

Yasenia looked up at Andrea and kissed her chin. "Darling."

Andrea lowered her face and looked at the precious woman between her arms. She smiled and pecked her lips once. "What's wrong, my love?"

Yasenia commented. "Ebirah's family's entourage is arriving tomorrow."

The girls focused their attention on them while Andrea's body tensed a bit.

Yasenia's eyes softened, and she used both her arms to wound herself around her neck and kissed the corner of her lips. "Don't worry, darling. If we need force to deal with them, we are not powerless as long as we are inside this formation. Mom has already installed the Formation Core, and this place has become an impenetrable fortress."

Andrea's body relaxed and softened under such a tender kiss and encouraging words. She buried her face in Yasenia's midnight-black hair and took a deep breath. "I know, my love."

"Is little Ebirah sleeping?"

"Yes. She is about to make a breakthrough."

Sierra got along quite well with this young lobster, so she suggested. "Lady Yasenia, how about using her breakthrough as a card for her to keep being with us?"

Yasenia got thoughtful. "You mean to use her progress as a bargaining chip, right?"

Sierra nodded.

Yasenia said. "It's not a bad idea. I also have other ideas in mind."

Sierra smiled. "If you've thought of something, I'm not worried."

Evelyn looked at the giant white wolf lying at the side and smirked. "You have quite a bit of confidence in Yasenia."

Sierra smiled. "I would be silly not to have it. Lady Yasenia has proven herself time and time again. This time should not be different."

Evelyn nodded while sinking her fingers in the dragon tail's tense muscles. Feeling them softening, she was satisfied. "Mhm, I understand that feeling. Speaking of transformation, how is yours progressing?"

Sierra shook her giant wolf head. "I'll take a bit of time. My bloodline is much worse than theirs and still has to increase. Thankfully, your soul is incredibly nourishing. The Natural Treasure and your inheritance are enriching your soul very rapidly."

Yasenia looked at the night sky and commented. "Let's skip today's dual cultivation and sleep. Tomorrow we may have to battle if things go south."

Yasenia reluctantly stood up from Andrea's cozy embrace but walked happily toward Tatyana to pick up her little dragon girl.

Kaleina felt herself being lifted and groggily opened her eyes. She saw Yasenia's face and purred. "Mommy~, sleepy."

Yasenia has been teaching Kaleina many words today, and the dragon's intelligence showed as Kaleina learned most of them.

Yasenia kissed her snout and nuzzled against her softly. "Go sleep with Mommy, okay?"

Kaleina licked her cheek lazily and went back to the land of dreams.

Then, they all went to bed without a fuss and surrounded Yasenia.

The night was peaceful, and they woke up right at dawn.

Yasenia felt lazy in the morning and sprawled over them while receiving their caresses.

Her body melted as her chin, scalp, belly, tail, and legs were massaged and kissed by her dears.

The sight of their seductive lover in an utterly vulnerable position, wearing a thin and revealing black sleepwear while wagging her tail lazily and with a sweet expression, was highly deadly.

Half an hour later, they all got up with smiles. The mornings when Yasenia decided to be a pampered blob were all lovely.

Yasenia did her morning cultivation routine, in which she added a short time window to teach Kaleina words and went to the entrance of the clan.

'I'll spend twenty minutes teaching Kaleina, and since she is with me the rest of the day, I can teach her more leisurely during those times.'

Usually, she would wait for people to come to her office, but Ebirah's parents sent these people, so she thought of being respectful and welcoming from the start.

Down the street, she saw an enormous lobster that rivaled her dragon form in size, accompanied by a large and luxurious entourage.

The auras coming from these people were not a joke. 'At least three Epoch Core Realm Cultivators. One of them might even be at the middle level. That's a top powerhouse only outdone by Patriarchs, matriarchs, sect leaders, and top cultivators from the most prestigious groups.'

'Even then, a person can walk sideways in the Distancia continent with a middle-level Epoch Core escort.'

There was a middle-aged man with sleek purplish hair that led everything. This person had the strongest aura, and his face was stern but handsome.

Yasenia could see a few passersby becoming infatuated right away.

The man saw Yasenia patiently waiting for them, accompanied by three lamias, three harpies, a phoenix woman, a fox woman, and a tall light-brown-skinned female human.

The only people he sensed to have a dangerous aura were the lamias, but the complete lack of aura coming from Yasenia made him wary.

He decided to speak first. "Matriarch of the Astral Sky Clan. As we made our journey here today, we've heard a lot from you and your group. My name is Finnegan Clawthorne, third Elder from the [Sun Engulfing Ore Lobster] clan."

Yasenia made a respectful greeting and answered calmly, her mellow and rich voice spreading around. "Third Elder from the prestigious [Sun Engulfing Ore Lobster] Clan. My name is Yasenia Dravory, a dragon who has recently created the Astral Sky Clan. The reputation of your clan is something known across the continent. Hence, singing the praises you've heard a thousand times would be redundant."

The Elder was expecting Yasenia to treat him less cordially since he knew that she had never shown fear toward other groups, so it was a pleasant surprise.

This show of respect was clearly the Astral Sky Clan taking a step back and allowing them to lead the conversation.

His initial cold and stern tone became calmer, and his cadence also became slower. "I would like to exchange pleasantries, but since you are so cordial with us, I know you should not have much to hide from us. Please, lead us to where our princess resides. Her absence has been a blow that has made the Empress sick of worry for a long time."

Yasenia smiled and motioned them inside. "If the senior that's in their beast form can transform back, we would be thankful. If it is not possible and you want to keep a combat-ready stance, we have a recommended place for you to stay. What do you say?"

The gigantic lobster nodded, indicating that he was going to keep his form.

Yasenia didn't find it rude. If the roles were reversed, she might not be as polite as these people were.

While guiding them inside, the elder asked. "Lady Yasenia, may I ask why you did not come out with Princess Ebirah?"

Yasenia smiled. "Let's talk inside. There is something that you must know."

The middle-aged man frowned, and Yasenia relaxed him. "Do not worry. I promise it is not a bad thing for Ebirah. It is a blessing in disguise, so I hope that seniors can listen to my words calmly and allow me to explain everything."

The man looked a bit upward at Yasenia's calm smile and serious eyes and nodded.

Even though his man was tall, Yasenia was a little bit taller, and her voluptuous body made her physical presence larger.

Yasenia realized that after a few glances of appreciation, they didn't look at her again. It didn't surprise her. 'The higher the cultivation realm, the calmer they can be before my beauty. I guess that seduction tricks I used in the past will soon become useless.'


Author: Little Ebirah, your family is here!

Ebirah: Yay! Uncle Finnegan has come to see me.

Andrea: Do you like Uncle Finnegan, little girl?

Ebirah: Of course! He plays with me a lot and teaches me many things about diplomacy and politics. He is super intelligent ~.

Andrea: Oh? Love, you are in trouble.

Yasenia: Don't worry. I have a super trump card that will make him accept it!

Andrea: Do you?

Yasenia: *Cough.* Potentially

Andrea: ...

Author: Well, Andrea. The worst-case scenario is Ebirah leaving your side for a while.

Andrea: Ugh.

Author: You've become quite fond of her, hahaha.

Andrea: She is like my little sister.

Ebirah: Really?

Andrea. *Pats lobster head* Of course!

Ebirah: Yay! Big sister Andrea!

Andrea: Fufu~, you are so cute.

Author: Well, let's get to the questions. I-

Ebirah: Can I do it?

Author: ...

Andrea: *Side stare*

Author: Sigh... Go ahead.

Ebirah: I summon you!

Aries uy: Here I am!

The girls: Hello!

Ebirah: A new person!

Aries uy: Hello, little Ebirah. How are you?

Ebirah: Happy!

Aries uy: You are such a cutie.

Author: Well, ask away.

Aries uy: Sure! This question is for Kali and Valeria.

Valeria: Oh? Go ahead.

Kali: We are listening.

Aries uy: Have you thought of a path for how you are gonna develop your parasites? If so, will you go the zombie route and have the host continue the infections, or will you have them die gruesomely and spread that way?

Kali: That's an interesting question. Let me think...

Valeria: What's a zombie?

Kali: I think it is a creature controlled by the parasite.

Aries uy: Well, close enough.

Valeria: Hmm. Control parasites are very, very difficult to create.

Aries uy: Oh? Why?

Valeria: Well, you have to make many assumptions for them to work.

Valeria: First, they can bypass the natural defenses of a cultivator without damaging his meridians too badly. Similar to trying to restrain a cultivator with ropes.

Valeria: Second, they must retain the strength they had.

Valeria: Third, they must have minimal intelligence and the ability to control organs and the dantian to keep the cultivator's body functional.

Valeria: Fourth, the parasite knows when to stop and when it is in control. Moreover, the parasite must keep the "body" alive while eating away the "person."

Kali: Remember that since the parasite uses this method for transport, the parasite should evolve to powerful techniques and be sneaky enough not to be noticed in the incubation method.

Aries uy: Um... Isn't it easier to eat the brain and then control the body via the spinal cord?

Valeria: Hm? But the brain is not all that controls the body. A cultivator in the transcendence realm can survive having the head blown apart if the soul is not mostly destroyed with that strike. The chances of soul damage not happening with such grievous wounds are challenging but not impossible.

Kali: Well, that's an exception, hahaha. We are trying to say that it's much easier to create something that uses the hosts as "energy batteries" and then spread around stealthily. It would be as deadly without having to develop so many intricate gimmicks.

Aries uy: It would make sense to have some of them die more naturally so people don't learn about the parasites.

Kali: That's right. It's similar to... Why use a super sharp and powerful giant pen in combat when you can pick up a spear?

Kali: The pen may have more utilities besides combat, but if we are in a war, spears would be easier to craft and more comfortable to use with basically the same effects.

Aries uy: That's an interesting way of putting it, hahaha.

Author: Well, that's a fascinating discussion. What do you dears think?

The girls: Us?

Author: Not you, our little lurkers!

The girls: Oh!

Author: Hahaha, well. With this, I say goodbye.

The girls: Bye-Bye~.

Aries uy: Bye!

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