Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 534 - 534. A day in the office.

Chapter 534: Chapter 534. A day in the office.

After opening the spatial ring, Angel looked into it. Although they could see the general contents before solving the formation, a few hidden ones would not be revealed until it completely opened.

"Wow! Yasenia, there are a lot of interesting things."

Yasenia touched the ring on Angel's palms and used her spiritual sense to connect with it and look inside.

Long Baidi had many gains during the Secret Realm, and as he also was the most nurtured junior inheritor, he had plenty of items.

Mirrory commented. "It's not bad. Ignoring the purple crystals, his wealth at first glance should be forty percent of yours, Yasenia."

Yasenia nodded. "Well, the important is his highest-level items. Is there anything interesting?"

Mirrory nodded. "He has Light and Darkness attributed techniques. Evelyn and Angel can use the light-attributed ones, and that girl, Luna, should be able to use the darkness-attributed ones."

Yasenia lifted an eyebrow. "We were about to reveal her physique and attributes today. You can sense them?"

Mirrory nodded. "She has a Death, Darkness, and Water-attributed body. Her body is also extremely Yin and with hidden attributes. I can also see a very great potential hidden within her. Her aptitude for cultivation is not less powerful than Cecile's."

Angel and Yasenia were surprised. Yasenia frowned. "A random human I got had this kind of talent? Isn't it a bit strange?"

Mirrory lifted an eyebrow. "Why is it strange? You accepted only her among the tens of thousands of humans you've seen until today across the Distancia Continent. Probably, you knew instinctively, thanks to the [Monarch Intent], that she was worth recruiting, similar to your previous feeling with Ghana."

Yasenia nodded. "Monarch Intent is more of a passive intent than a combat one, right?"

Mirrory selected the strongest items in the ring as she answered. "Both. However, it is the least effective in combat among those you have. Monarch Intent boosts your general strength, aura, and oppressive presence while giving you a calm and firm mind. It makes you, as the intent is called, be the Monarch of whatever you are doing."

"The other thing that allows you to do is increase your instincts and rationale. With Monarch Intent, it isn't easy to guess your thoughts, and you will also have increased perception. It is a fascinating and versatile intent all around."

"Give me your ring hand, Yasenia."

Yasenia obeyed her, and she felt the cold touch of Mirrory's skin. Then, she felt a few items being poured into her spatial ring.

After observing them, she nodded. "Let's see what we have gained..."

"About twelve peak level Heaven Ranked items."

"Many cultivation and poisonous pills of heaven-ranked quality."

"Beds? Furniture?"

Angel laughed. "Will you use them?"

Yasenia rolled her eyes. "Obviously not. Why would I use them."

Mirrory was confused. "Why not? They have many self-cleaning and regulating formations. Even if you defecated on them, it would disappear without a trace in a few seconds."

Yasenia and Angel looked at Mirrory, speechless. Yasenia sighed. "It's a matter of feeling. It makes us uncomfortable because it would make our minds imagine someone we hate while having intercourse if we were to make love in those beds. However, we can definitively give them to human girls. After all, there are about two hundred different beds and other furniture."

Mirrory nodded, her green eyes pensive.

She called a worker, used a replacement spatial ring to put everything she didn't need, and sent it to the S.L.U.T. girls, including the cultivation techniques.

There was a locking formation in that ring that Yasenia could open from a distance. So, once the person returned and informed her of having delivered the item, she would command it open with a thought.

Angel suddenly realized. "Speaking of that... It has been a while since I went to the bathroom for that."

Mirrory shrugged. "Unless you eat a lot of junk, your body can process most things into liquids. Hence you only have to urinate occasionally. Unification Realm experts have already gained the ability to stop eating and sleeping without gaining physical imbalances."

Angel asked. "Even if I exercise all day?"

Yasenia laughed and hugged her baby tighter. "Baby, she is referring to normal living days. That's why you fall asleep after we finish at night. It is because you are tired."

Angel's ears became red, and muttered. "W-Well, I feel my whole body twitching all the time, and my mind feels tired after so many orgasms... I-It feels really good to be with you."

Mirrory nodded and commented in her flat and indifferent voice. "I connected myself with her, and the orgasms she receives are incredibly mind-touching."

Angel's face went red in less than a second.

Yasenia laughed and continued sorting the items. "Is there any transcendental... oh? There is one."

Yasenia retrieved a strange golden nail the size of a palm and frowned.

Mirrory muttered. "That's a refined nail of a Demon Emperor. It can be used for many things. But Long Baidi already spent much of its internal power to save his life from your attacks. It's quite useless. You might as well make it a powder, mix it with your breast milk, and feed it to Kaleina."

Kaleina, who was called, lifted her head and squeaked adorably.

Yasenia smiled softly and used her tail to lift her from the ground onto the table before her.

"Mix it as is? Won't it upset her stomach?"

Mirrory shook her head. "It won't. Moreover, it will help her develop her human form faster."

"Any other effects?"

Mirrory listed them. "Higher strength, better development, impurity resistance, refinement of the body, better eyesight, more powerful soul, and her scales should become sturdier. Right, her affinity with her spatial element will increase too."

Yasenia lifted her eyebrow. "So good? Will there not be any bad side effects like pain, effects on her personality, or something like that?"

Mirrory shook her head.

Someone knocked on the door, and Yasenia saw Tatyana entering the room.

"Hm? Angel, you've dealt with the ring already? Good job."

Angel smiled proudly from between Yasenia's arms.

Tatyana saw the nail and lifted an eyebrow. "Oh? An excellent thing for our baby dragon."

Yasenia was ninety-nine percent convinced before, and she was one hundred perfect sure after Tatyana's comment.

Yasenia took out a few tools and followed Mirrory's instructions.

Tatyana commented on the things she came to deal with in the meantime. "We've decided on a day a month for Angel, Andrea, Kali, and Evelyn to perform publicly. You know, make an exhibition performance for those in our clan."

Yasenia took out her breasts and a bottle and asked Angel to milk her while she looked at the documents. "Hm... I see. I have no problem with this. Will it be free? I think that making it cost Astral Sky Points will be nice."

Tatyana nodded. "Here are the prices."

Yasenia skimmed over it and smiled. "As perfect as always, I have no objections."

Mirrory asked. "It's a bit cheap, right? Why not make it more expensive?"

Yasenia smiled. "We are not trying to squeeze our clan members dry. We want to create incentives to win Astral Sky Points. These points can only be gained when doing things for the clan, so it is a win-win situation. They work harder, gain more points, learn, and benefit our clan."

Mirrory nodded.

Yasenia realized the bottle Angel filled with her milk was almost complete and pecked her hardworking baby. "Good job, dear. This is enough."

Angel nodded with pink clouds on her cheeks and stealthily licked her stained fingers, something that nobody in the room missed.

However, they didn't comment on it and allowed her to think she was sneaky.

Meanwhile, Kaleina was drooling while looking at the bottle, and her tail wagged rapidly, creating tapping sounds against the table.

"Mom, how is the merchant group going?"

"That's the other thing I came to say to you. We were doing a few things here and there, but today we have officially launched the Astral Sky Merchants. They'll focus on slave trading the most to find any of the girls. We'll also buy normal female slaves and train them to become "high-ranking" slaves. This will give us a competitive edge since our only current competitor will be Jorey. We won't be able to quench the demand even then, avoiding the situation of us getting at odds with Jorey."

Yasenia nodded as she powdered the Demon Emperor's nail. "Anything more?"

Tatyana thought and nodded. "Here are the reports of the information gathering group. The group is growing and spreading around nicely. We'll soon leave Koran City and expand to neighboring cities."

Yasenia saw the plans and progress and was impressed. "Very quick. How did you expand it so fast?"

Tatyana didn't hold back and explained everything in detail, teaching Yasenia how to set up and expand intelligence networks.

By the time Tatyana finished, Yasenia had mixed the milk and the nail, giving the white substance a golden glow.

While mixing it, Yasenia used her Alchemy and Cooking proficiency to increase the effectiveness by twenty percent.

Tatyana smiled. "I'm tempted to steal it and drink it myself. It looks quite nutritious."

Yasenia rolled her eyes. "Don't steal the food of the child."

Then, her tone softened as she took out a straw-like device and called her dear. "Kaleina, my love. Come here."

Kaleina slithered forward, helping herself with her two frontal arms, and was quick to snuggle in her mommy's embrace.

Angel leaned back a bit to leave the little darling more space.

Using one arm to cradle Kaleina, she used her arm going around Angel's waist to approach the straw and let Kaleina drink.

Yasenia was curious and asked as she fed Kaleina. "Mom, have you met with the Academy girls?"

Tatyana shook her head with a mischievous smile. "I've been avoiding them and using formations to dull their perspective. I want to see their reactions when I appear before them."

Angel chuckled. "You are so naughty, Mommy Tatyana."

Tatyana smiled seductively. "Little Angel should know how naughty Mommy is, right?"

The sudden Mommy attack surprised Angel, making her hiccup while blushing madly. 'Kya! Mommy Tatyana speaking with that tone is unfair!'

Yasenia suddenly realized. "It has been a while since I had a threesome. I've been giving individual time to all of you until now."

Angel looked at Yasenia and muttered. "I... um. I really like the one on ones with you, Yasenia. It feels more intimate."

Yasenia smiled and kissed her lips softly. "Okay. Let's allow nature to take its course. Since we are six people, it only takes about four hours to visit all of you at night."

Yasenia felt the bottle lightening and looked down only to see it empty. "So fast?"

Mirrory, who had been observing the young dragon, let out a small chuckle. "You should've seen her eyes. They were shining as if she was drinking the nectar of the gods."

Yasenia frowned. "She won't dislike my breast milk later, right?"

Mirrory was speechless. "Is that a concern to have?"

Yasenia was indignant that something like it was a question. "Of course, it is a problem! I want to feed her my milk even when she is one thousand years old!"

Angel chocked. "N-No, Yasenia. That's a bit too old."

"Old? She will always be my baby and drink from mommy's breast whenever she wants!"

The other three were speechless.

Tatyana reassured her. "Don't worry, little treasure. This will make her like your breast milk even more."

Yasenia's indignant face became excited. "Where can I get more Demon Emperor nails?"

A thought passed their minds. 'She wants to get her addicted!?'

Yasenia, naturally, wasn't thinking of that. She just wanted her milk to taste the best for them to enjoy it more.

Mirrory lifted an eyebrow. "Oh? Look at this."

Tatyana saw the purple peach with pink dots and was stunned. "He had one of these? Yasenia, eat it."

Yasenia was confused and took it in her hand. "What is this?"

Tatyana smiled. "That's something you would like. It will enhance your body to make all your fluids taste better. A [Flavorsome Breast Peach]. That's the name of that thing."

Angel was confused. "Why does Long Baidi have one of these?"

"It also makes the taste of semen better."

Yasenia shook her head. "I want my taste to be natural, not enhanced by something."

Mirrory asked. "Didn't you take a beauty pill in the past? Then, the beast pill?"

Angel reminded her. "She was on the verge of dying, Mirrory. Then, she needed to regain her human form. They were necessities."

Yasenia nodded. "That's right. This thing will make me think that they like my flavor because of the peach and not because of me."

Mirrory kept being confused. "What's the difference between the Demon Emperor Nail and this?"

"The Demon Emperor is something very good for them. Moreover, I know the only thing that does is make the milk that I know is delicious better. Is a matter of perspective more than anything."

Tatyana. "Well, you shouldn't worry because these high-level things change your genes. It doesn't add anything but changes your body at a basic level and improves your taste. It's still your flavor but enhanced."

Yasenia asked. "Does it give me any other benefit?"

The seniors shook their heads, making Yasenia stunned. "A plant with such a specific use exists?"

Mirrory smirked. "This is not even strange. One plant in the higher realms gives males flexibility on their genitals. They can extend it and move it like a tentacle after eating it. It's rare to the point that only one appears every thousand years, but it exists."

Even Tatyana was stunned this time.

The rest of the day went by quickly as they organized their new treasures.

Angel and the others changed a few of their low-level heaven-ranked equipment to mid- or high-level heaven-ranked equipment.

Yasenia also gave each of them ten thousand purple crystals of the 500,000 in the ring.

Purple crystals are the currency of Sky Continent, much more valuable than the one here, as each crystal was worth about 10,000 Flawless Parus.

Naturally, exchanging those crystals was like telling other people from the Sky Continent that they were here, so they decided to keep this large fortune and use it only if necessary. Their business was gaining profits, so it wasn't urgent to convert the currency.


Author: Many things are getting done~.

Kaleina: Squeak! (I am more strong!)

Yasenia: Baby~. You are always the strongest in Mommy's heart.

Kaleina: Prrr~. (Mommy's embrace is the best~.)

Tatyana: Hmm, she is becoming smarter. She will probably begin to understand and learn words soon.

Author: So cute~.

Angel: I feel that my position is in danger-woah!

Yasenia: How could that be, baby? You are my dearest.

Angel: Mewl~, Yasenia's embrace is the best~.

Author: Cough, let's summon today's dear. I summon you!

Arfa42: Hello!

The girls: Hello~. Welcome back!

Arfa42: What a nice welcome~.

Author: So? What's your question?

Arfa42: Well, I'm asking all of you. If I remember correctly, the author describes Evelyn as the only one who initially liked women, and other members became Yasexual. Then, if there are no Yasenia, would all of you be hetero?

Author: Oh~? That is an interesting question. What do you girls say?

Andrea: Well, did you forget that my previous partner was a girl, Author?

Author: Hm? Isn't Arfa42 referring to the pure girls?

Andrea: Is he?

Arfa42: No, no, you are included.

Author: Then, I made a mistake~. Oopsie. Andrea, let's start with you.

Andrea: Sure. I'm honestly comfortable with both genders. Man or Woman, I would have been happy if they hadn't minded my particular body.

Evelyn: Being offended by that mighty cock and balls you have is a sin!

Andrea: ... Thanks, I guess? Hahaha. What about you, Evelyn?

Evelyn: As Author said, I'm a titty lover. If I have a woman that can sit on my face and rub her pussy in my mouth, then bury me in her tits as her finger caress my body, I will die with no regrets!

Everyone: ...

Kali: You are more bent than a mosquito coil.

Evelyn: I'm as malleable as rubber, and you can bend me as you want!

Everyone: ...

Evelyn: Cough, anyway. What are your thoughts, Kali?

Kali: I would probably accept anyone that treated me moderately well...

Evelyn: Oh, right. Sorry, you have been so cheerful lately that I forgot how you were at first.

Kali: *smiles gently* En, don't worry. However, Yasenia is my light now, and I'm extremely happy and would not change this for anything.

Angel: What a contrast, hahaha.

Arfa42: Your turn, little Angel.

Angel: Me? Well... I've always admired tall and confident women, but I never thought of having a relationship with one until I met Yasenia.

Angel: I probably would've found a man that would have treated me nicely and be with him. Or if any tall woman would've come to me and seduced me, be with her.

Cecile: Hm. I agree. I didn't even know females could have a relationship with each other. So I most likely would've ended with some powerful, talented man who could keep up with my fighting pace.

Yasenia: I remember your ignorance, hahaha. You were so cute back then~.

Yasenia: What about you, Mom?

Tatyana: Hm? Without you, I would probably be dead by now.

Everyone: ...

Author: Well, that's what would have happened if Yasenia hadn't caught her little dears. However, now they are all hopelessly trapped in our dragoness's sweet and pampering embrace~.

The girls: Umu.

Author: Well, bye-bye ~, little lurkers.

Tatyana: New way of calling them?

Author: Nah, I've been calling them like that for a while. I'm just able to use it more regularly now, hahaha.

Tatyana: It's quite cute~.

Author: Um... Cough. Bye!

Yasenia: Oh? Are you shy?

Author: Why is it not ending!? I said bye-bye!!

Tatyana: Well, let's forgive the teasing. Bye!

Arfa42: Bye!

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