Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 527 - 527. Conversation at the infirmary.

Chapter 527: Chapter 527. Conversation at the infirmary.

After thinking for a while, Ghana looked at Yasenia with a serious expression and asked. "Are you sure there aren't any traces left to clarify your participation?"

Yasenia nodded. "I'm confident we acted perfectly regarding the situation and managed to avoid all suspicion."

Ghana sighed and frowned. "So... What about Fu Yu?"

Kali answered. "Unless a miracle happens, he should be dead in about a week at most."

Ghana was confused. "Why are you so sure? I don't believe you have poisons strong enough to resist all antidotes from the Nine Herb Fragrance Sect."

Kali lifted the corners of her lips, making her scars twist slightly. Then, she spoke after taking out a single pill. "But I do."

Ghana's feathers stood on their edges as her eyes landed on the squirming pill between Kali's fingers. "What's that?"

Kali asked curiously. "How do you feel when you land your eyes on it?"

Ghana subconsciously hugged Yasenia closer as she tried to keep her calm. "I feel all my instincts shouting not to touch that thing."

Kali hummed and asked. "Right. Which intent did you have?"

"[Perception intent]."

Kali realized. "No wonder you can sense its danger when it should be concealed. Hum, I need to be a bit more cautious in the future."

Yasenia asked curiously. "What's that, honey?"

Kali stored the pill in a modified pill jar and returned it into the spatial ring. "Its name is a [Plague Erosion Horror Devouring Bug]. My only peak-level pill created from the..." Kali looked at Ghana and paused for a moment. "... Special plants. I made it by chance since all my other attempts had been low-level Heaven-ranked until now."

Tatyana and Mirrory observed that pill with curiosity. Tatyana asked. "Hey Valeria, are my eyes deceiving me, or does that pill have the strength to kill Epoch Core Realm Cultivators?"

Valeria answered. "Naturally. However, controlling what it does after killing the cultivator is impossible for now. So it is more like a mass destruction pill that spreads without control. Unless they are enemies we hate too much, we should avoid using it since Kali also gave the pill's 'special herbs,' the ability to grow."

Our girl's felt their skin crawling.

Ghana coughed and asked, trying to deviate the conversation into something else. "So we can confirm Young Master Fu is dead?"

Kali nodded again. "As I said, I'm ninety-nine percent sure. Only a miracle would be able to save him. Yasenia just explained that the poison strengthens the more healing the person receives, right? After ingesting so many healing pills and also ingesting the one we gave them, the poison inside him should already be unstoppable. Then, once he returns, he will probably keep ingesting more healing pills, so not only will it become unstoppable, it will gain a small spreading power."

Kali smiled with anticipation. "I wonder how much damage it can create? It will be a good experiment."

Ghana looked at Kali with hidden fear and realized that this fox was more than a talented alchemist and medical practitioner. She was a poison master of the highest degrees.

Wanting to change the subject quickly, Ghana began making small talk. "By the way, Kali. When did you grow a third tail? It looks lovely."

Kali's strange and menacing aura dissolved, and her gentle and tender self reappeared. "Thank you. It happened yesterday night."

Ghana was stunned. "Just like that?"

Kali laughed. "Just like that, hahaha."

Ghana was confused, but she didn't ask anymore. 'This fox woman is too mysterious.'

Yasenia patted Ghana's plump butt and smiled. "Do not overthink. We'll take things one step at a time. For now, let's prepare for our participation in the auction house event. Ghana, you'll come with me. The others that will come will be Tatyana and Cecile."

Evelyn lifted an eyebrow. "Only them?"

Yasenia nodded.

Following her confirmation, Angel threw herself into Yasenia's embrace, not caring about Ghana.

Our dragoness grunted while her arms became full, and Angel collided against her.

Ghana was also pressed into Yasenia's arms, feeling the heavenly sensation of Yasenia's soft curves basically molding with her body.

'My heavens, is Yasenia made of jelly or something? She is ridiculously soft.'

Angel protested. "I also want to go!"

Yasenia laughed and used an arm to secure Angel properly. Then, she coaxed softly. "Have you forgotten that you are injured for the outside world? How can I take you with me, baby?"

Angel kissed Yasenia's cheek and acted cute. "Uhh. But I don't want to separate from you! I want to always be with Yasenia~."

Yasenia felt her heart melt with Angel's soft whines, but she lowered her head and kissed her lips softly while continuing to refute her. "I know, love. But you must understand this time."

Yasenia then laughed as she felt a certain bird's body temperature increase. "Also, stop squeezing Ghana into my embrace. Her face is so red that it is starting to worry me."

Angel looked at the side and saw that Ghana had slipped in Yasenia's lap and her arms were pressing her head between Yasenia's breasts.

The ruffling of feathers made it clear the current mood of this woman.

"S-Sorry, Ghana."

Angel allowed her to escape Yasenia's embrace.

The harpy flapped her wings and quickly stood up, moving to the side with rosy cheeks.

She sat on a chair at the side and elegantly crossed her wings before her chest. However, her reddish face and twitching nose, probably smelling the lingering scent in her nostrils, didn't deceive anyone.

Andrea was near her and laughed lowly. "Was it comfortable?"

Ghana chided with a higher-pitched voice than usual. "Don't say silly things, Andrea. It was an accident."

Andrea, Kali, and Evelyn giggled.

Meanwhile, Angel hugged Yasenia like a koala and showered her face with kisses. "Please. I want to go with you, Yasenia. I don't like when you are away."

Kaleina saw Angel's actions from Cecile's lap, and since Cecile was sitting right next to Yasenia, she jumped and climbed Yasenia's body.

The image of her home, Yasenia's breasts, being squeezed against Angel's was not something acceptable for Kaleina!

Angel yelped as she felt Kaleina's bite on her tits. Angel and Yasenia looked down, and Angel chuckled. "Kaleina, don't bite. I can't produce delicious milk like your mommy."

Evelyn smirked. "I think she is not asking for that. You've bothered her napping home with your tight hug."

Angel blinked and used her hand to caress her little head. "Oh! I'm sorry. Did you want to go there?"

Kaleina snorted, but she felt Angel lifting her body and then pushing her between her mommy's tits, instantly placating her.

She was so comfortable that she had her tail and head poking out while squinting.

Yasenia scratched her head and used her tail to pick her up from there. Then, she curled the tail to create a nest and placed Kaleina there. 'Sorry, baby Kaleina, but I want to receive my other baby's tight hugs a bit longer.'

Kaleina was surrounded by her mommy's scales and purred in comfort.

Yasenia then hugged Angel closely like before. "Angel love, as I said. You can't come this time."

Angel blinked and pecked Yasenia's lips and put on a pleading face. "Please~."

Yasenia's heart slowly softened, but this time she couldn't agree.

Our dragoness placed her lips on Angel's and slowly kissed her little girl as she spoke. "Baby, I'm not even leaving the city. I'll be able to come back at night. So please listen to me this time, okay?"

Then, Yasenia explained it more in-depth, and Angel finally understood.

The cost of understanding was Angel's body becoming a blob between Yasenia's arms after the slow kisses and soothing low voice that tingled her ears. The slow and tender continuous kisses made Angel's brain melt in comfort.

Yasenia smiled and gave her one last kiss. "At night, I'll even spend extra time with you, okay, love?"

Angel buried her face in the dragoness's neck and purred. "Okay~."

Cecile and the others laughed.

Evelyn commented. "Yasenia's love has defeated Angel."

Andrea smirked. "Not that you would survive something like that."

Evelyn did not deny it. Those slow kisses looked delicious.

Yasenia smiled. "We can have our moment at night, don't worry, dears."

Tatyana asked. "There are six days until the Auction. What are your plans until then, little treasure?"

Yasenia pondered. "No plans. Continue our development. I need to speak with the slaves Cecile gathered and see if they are worthy. Moreover, Ebirah's clan should arrive during this time period. I need to prepare."

Ghana commented. "How about letting us the slave work, Yasenia? We can easily supervise the thirty women you've caught."

Yasenia made a pondering expression, even when she was going to disagree. "I want to oversee it. I'm less biased than all of you toward humans. Even though you've become respectful to my girls, they are an exception. Moreover, I want to train this first batch myself, as I did with your group, Ghana, so they serve as seniors for future slaves."

Ghana thought and agreed. "You are right. That's an excellent idea. Moreover, besides our ladies, we look down on other humans."

Yasenia looked toward the window and observed the setting Sun. "We'll go as discussed. Ghana, I'll leave you the responsibility of informing the other harpies. Tatyana, accompany her in case she forgets something."

Both of them agreed.

Angel asked. "Right! Why can Mommy Tatyana go with you and walk out?"

Yasenia explained. "She didn't participate in the battle, so her injuries will naturally be much lighter. It would be strange if she rested for as long as you. Six days are enough for a 'weak' human like her to recover with our high-quality pills."

Andrea picked Angel from Yasenia's lap and nestled her comfortably. "Little Angel, let her go for now. Do you want to study together?"

Angel put her arms around Andrea's neck and smiled. "Yes! It has been a while since we did something together, Andrea!"

Evelyn and Kali joined.

"Let's do a group study session!"

Kali nodded. "Sure. It is comfortable having others around while learning."

Andrea commented. "Right, I can share my experience when learning my Intent. It might help you."

Evelyn nodded. "That would be nice. I also recently learned mine, so I can also help."

Yasenia stood up and blinked. "Didn't I explain it to you?"

Evelyn rolled her eyes. "Love. We, mere mortals, can't understand how our super genius dragoness got the Intents. Your explanations are too vague and strange. What do you mean by harmonizing Yin with the constitution while using the soul's experiences to create an explosion of understanding?"

Yasenia wanted to cry. "But I had really tried! What do you not understand there? It is quite simple!"

Andrea was exasperated. "Didn't we tell you before? What do you mean by an explosion of understanding?"

Mirrory blinked. "Her explanation is quite clear, tough."

Tatyana rolled her eyes. "Yasenia's way of explaining it is shitty. That only works on supper geniuses like Cecile and maybe Angel."

Tatyana looked at them and smiled. "Share the experiences, and don't care about this silly dragoness."


Yasenia fell onto her knees, defeated. "Not even my mother is my ally."

Kali leaned forward and patted Yasenia's head. "Sometimes, trying your best is not enough."

Yasenia almost teared up for real. "Ugh, that's a critical hit. Not even my honey is on my side!"

After messing around for a bit, Yasenia approached her four girls and shared a kiss with them.

"Don't overwork, dears."

They all smiled and bid her farewell.

Then, with Kaleina between her arms, Yasenia said. "Ghana, Tatyana, Cecile, let's move. We need to calm down the nervous clan members."

Yasenia left to meet the S.L.U.T girls.


Author: The auction house event is approaching!

The girls: ....

Author: What's wrong?

Yasenia: Does your face not hurt?

Author: *Flinch*

Tatyana: Well, it seems yesterday's beating hasn't healed yet.

Author: You are a bully, Tatyana.

Tatyana: Hahaha, I proudly am one!

Author: Whatever, I summon you!

Sarah: I'm here- Woah! What happened to you?

Author: Don't mind it. *Ingests Ultra Mythical rare pill that was just invented*

Author: Aaaand, I'm healed!

Sarah: Being the author is truly convenient.

Tatyana: By the way, you.

Sarah: Me?

Tatyana: No, no. You, the reader.

Readers: ???

Tatyana: This Sarah is not that System Sarah. They are a reader with the name Sarah.

Readers: !!!

Tatyana: How did I know you were questioning that?

Readers: !?

Author: Stop mind-attacking them! Also, you'll make fourth-wall-chan cry again.

Fourth-wall-chan: Sniff, she doesn't respect me.

Author: Oh no, don't cry, baby!

Sarah: Tatyana is scarier in person...

Yasenia: So, what's your question?

Sarah: Well, I wanted to ask Kali and Cecile a question.

Kali: Oh? Go ahead, we are listening.

Cecile: Hm.

Sarah: How much do you talk about your relationship with Yasenia when she's not around?

Cecile: I guess... As much as normal lovers do?

Kali: No. We don't.

Cecile: Hm?

Kali: We speak quite a lot about Yasenia when she is not around. Like, there will be times when our conversations just revolve around her.

Cecile: Isn't it normal to speak ninety percent of your words about your lover?

Sarah: ...

Kali: ...

The rest: ...

Yasenia: Sweetheart, you are so cute~. I love you.

Cecile: *Blushes as her wings flutter with happiness*

Sarah: Crap, I wasn't expecting that cuteness attack.


Everyone: ...

Author: Well, since Sarah disconnected because Cecile's shy smiling face with reddish cheeks and fluttering wings was too much, we are ending the [Celestial Theater] here. Goodbye~.

The girls: Just like this?

Author: I mean, there wasn't much more to explain either way. You all speak a ton about Yasenia.

Kali: Well, that's true. Bye-bye ~.

The rest: Bye-bye ~.

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