Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 502 - 502. Fight against Five Beast Human.

Chapter 502: Chapter 502. Fight against Five Beast Human.

Valeria's aura increased everyone's strength multiple times, so the ensuing battle became much more on one side.

All battles happened simultaneously as they massacred the apes.

Cecile approached one of the Apes at tremendous speed and appeared below him.

The Ape looked down and saw Cecile's cold and indifferent gaze.

He lifted his thick arm to punch downward, but Cecile was much faster as she kicked up and slammed into his stomach.

The human-shaped ape with fur on the arms felt Cecile's foot sinking into his stomach, and then the kick's momentum transferred to him, sending him flying. "Gah!"

Cecile tensed her bow as the Ape flew, and everything around her instantly froze. Then, she chanted, her breath creating a small but visible cloud. "[Lunar Freezing Catastrophe]."

The action was quick. As Cecile tensed her bow, the phantom image of a giant silver bow materialized behind her. In it, three arrows were locked. One was silver, the other green, the last one black.

Cecile released the bowstring, and the three arrows flew off the phantom bow with a powerful shockwave. They combined mid-air, tearing through space and arriving before the Ape who had just landed from her kick.

The silver arrow with green and black markings impacted him and exploded in a massive hurricane of Wind, Moon, and Spatial energies.

The ape-man shouted as his body was torn apart chunk by chunk by Cecile's potent attack. Cecile did not stop her attack.

She knew that these body cultivators were highly resilient, so she flapped her large silver wings and flew high up into the air. She locked on him and mercilessly chanted the name of one of her innate skills. "[Moon Phoenix's Lonesome Elegance]."

It was a battle dance skill that allowed Cecile to move at high speeds while firing a barrage of one of the most potent arrow skills she knew at that moment. This time, it was a barrage of [Flashing Moon Arrows], a high-velocity attack that used Spatial and Moon attributes to tear apart her enemies.

Cecile's body flashed in the air as her arrows looked like silver laser beams flashing down to the Earth.

Before the ape knew what was happening, he felt his body lighter and looked down for one last time. The final image in his retina was the sight of his body, which was filled with giant holes.

Cecile shot one final arrow, erasing his head with it. Her indifferent eyes looked around at the battle around her.

Kali saw how Cecile kicked the Ape away from the ground and then shot a terribly strong arrow, creating a giant hurricane of energies far away from them.

She also didn't lose time, as her eyes shone while Wood, Nature, and Life energies gathered around her.

She summoned a robust and sturdy vine that latched around the leg of one of them and threw him away from the group. Then, Kali used her innate three Tail skills.

Her large rightmost tail tapped the ground behind Kali as she focused on the area around the Ape.

"[First Tail: Nascent Life]."

The ape was quick to react and charged toward Kali, but the forest around him came to life as every plant lifeform followed Kali's command and attacked him.

He was quickly tangled and roared in frustration. "Release me, woman!"

Kali ignored him as she focused on the movement of energy inside her meridians, which were currently working at their limits as they moved waves of energy inside her dantian around her body.

"[Second Tail: Blooming Life]."

Kali's second tail gently tapped the ground behind her, creating a ripple that spread far out.

The Ape ripped apart some of the plants latching onto him when the ground around him trembled, and all the plants grew nonsensically fast.

The strength increased, and he began feeling his body being more and more constricted.

He wanted to shout, but a tree used a thick branch to latch around his neck and squeeze hard, making breathing almost impossible.

"[Third Tail: Developing Life]."

As Kali used almost a tenth of her total energy pool, all life plants Kali was currently feeding transformed quickly, gaining thorns, mouths, poisonous spores, and many more evolutions.

The silently resisting ape man suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs as every plant creature became a fearsome predatory monster and began devouring him.

Kali tapped the ground with the tip of her foot and chanted one last time. "[Overgrowth]."

The plant life roared and created a low and terrifying sound as their strength increased many folds and tore the ape into pieces, consuming him and leaving nothing behind.

Kali deactivated her skills and nodded.

'That's really powerful, Kali.'

Cecile's indifferent voice echoed in her mind, making her smile gently. 'Thanks, let's help the others if they need to.'

Valeria saw how Kali and Cecile chose their opponents, so she stopped hovering above the battlefield and swooped down like an eagle. "[Ethereal Blossom], eat one of them. Leave the last one to the group of human women."

Valeria landed before the third ape, making the floor crack like a spider web because of her strength.

The ape-man had to look up because of Valeria's height, but that didn't deter him from punching at her without holding back.

Valeria extended her arm and placed her palm before the fist.


Valeria's long green hair was blown with the wind produced by the attack, but her body stayed in place. Not even the floor below her was further damaged. "Hm, not bad. You are physically stronger than all of our children but Yasenia. Hm? Why did you stop attacking? Continue."

The ape man's face was filled with horror as he looked at Valeria. "W-Who are you? Why are you defending these women?"

Valeria said indifferently, looking directly into his soul. "Is it important? Attack me or die."

The Ape man felt that Valeria's gaze was infinitely profound, and he began attacking out of pure terror.

Valeria stopped his attacks easily with one hand and got thoughtful. 'I see. We may have overestimated their strength a little bit. Either way, Epoch Core Realm Cultivators should still be out of bounds. However, as long as our little girls reach the third or fourth level of the Unification Realm, they should be able to face any Beast Human in the Ethereal Soul Body realm.'

After receiving attacks for twenty seconds and not moving from her standing place, Valeria nodded.

The Ape was shouting with despair as he attacked with everything he had. "WHAT ARE YOU!? WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?"

"It is irrelevant to you. You can die."

Valeria spun her ancient and elegant staff and lightly smashed the back against his chest. "[Divine Spirit Empress Arts: Decay of Life], [Decay Intent Level Nine]."

Her luxurious wooden staff seemed to harmonize with the world around Valeria as it smashed the ape's chest, creating a sonorous bang.

The ape's chest caved inward because of Valeria's monstrous strength, and as blood poured out of his mouth and eyes, he flew away.

The ape's body began decaying the next instant, and he quickly became a rotting corpse.

While Valeria used this one as an experiment, [Ethereal Blossom] had sneaked behind the fourth Ape and tangled him with its vines, while the grotesque mouth opened and it began devouring him alive.

While he was devoured alive, the ape's sounds were terrifying.

[Ethereal Blossom] saw the ape fighting Valeria flying away and ran after it while delightfully munching the one in its mouth.

It didn't care that it was rotting as it also poured into his mouth, mixing the semi-alive and rotting corpse into a mess that made [Ethereal Blossom] delightfully squint.

The way of dying was gruesome, to say the least.

The last ape reacted and jumped away with pure terror, trying to escape.

His speed was the highest he had reached in his life. "What kind of monsters did I encounter?"

Cecile and Kali looked over and hovered around. Valeria appeared behind them while carrying the again cute-looking [Ethereal Blossom].

"You won't help them?"

Cecile shook her head. "If they can't deal with him quickly, I will have to educate them when we return."

Kali laughed. "It should be a quick death. Oh, he stepped into the trap."

The last ape man suddenly saw two human women appearing with their swords at hand and slashing their swords while creating wind hales and ice pikes.

He didn't dare stop and placed his arms before him to use his sturdy body to push through.

The attacks collided, creating gashes and making blood bloom like roses. However, the wounds weren't strong enough to make him falter.

Yet, stopping him was not what they aimed for. When he lost his vision and lifted his arms, ten of them appeared from the sides and released a barrage of elemental attacks.

The spiritual sense range of Body Cultivators was smaller since the size was related to soul strength. However, the perception inside was connected to the body's strength, so they were a small but highly efficient spiritual sense. Perfect for combat.

He felt the wave of attacks near him and used a skill to harden his body and continue running.


His body's skin and bones cracked, but that was far from enough to make him stop.

The twelve girls didn't even follow and looked at his back indifferently.

When the ape-man stepped into a glade, the remaining twenty women were waiting for him.

They had charged their most powerful attacks and released them without mercy.


The ape-man couldn't dodge the massive attack created by twenty Unification Realm Experts, and it landed on him in a gigantic explosion.

The power of the attack basically disintegrated the beast human and left behind only a deep crater.

Valeria nodded. "They could've attacked him in waves and killed him quicker, but they planned a situation to create an attack that would one hundred percent kill him. I think they are very good."

Cecile nodded. "Let's recover the rings of the three other apes. The one with mine and that one didn't survive the blast."

Kali opened her hand. "They are here already."

Cecile landed before the thirty women and said indifferently. "Good job. However, next time you are in a situation like this one, be quick to inform others if you can. The way you joked around instead of telling us the situation right away was not something you should've done."

The leader of the group, a gorgeous black-haired woman, nodded. "Sorry, girls. I was too excited. I took into account our chances of winning while doing so. However, I know I'm wrong. It won't happen again."

Cecile nodded, and she couldn't help but find this woman familiar. However, she didn't have time to ask for names and presentations. Without delay, she began giving orders.


Author Note: Well, these are the results after one day. Kaleina's popularity took me off guard, to be honest, hahaha. (It is in the Paragraph comment)

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