Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 481 - 481. Dangerous situation.

Chapter 481: Chapter 481. Dangerous situation.

They didn't walk too long before arriving at the location of the seniors.

Yasenia had been silent the whole way and didn't even glance toward the lion woman guiding her.

Once they arrived, the lion woman stood aside and spoke. "Lady Yasenia, you can walk inside whenever you want. The seniors are waiting inside."

Yasenia nodded and threw the lion girl a mid-level Parus, something the lion woman had to work for years to get one of.

The lion woman's eyes opened wide while the seniors inside lifted their eyebrows.

The tiger man commented before Yasenia pushed the door open. "It seems that she is not that arrogant."

The serpent woman snorted, but she didn't comment.

When Yasenia opened the door and stepped into the vast and luxurious room, a passive pressure assaulted her all around.

The weight of seven Epoch Core Body Realm Cultivators pressed on her from all sides, making her step stutter for a second before she moved her energy inside and regained her movement enough not to look anomalies outside.

However, walking felt like trying to move through a fluid, making Yasenia understand how distant their strength was from each other.

Yasenia internally tensed as her every sense stretched to the limit. 'I must not fuck up, or my life may be gone before I realize it.'

'One Epoch Core Body Realm cultivator is enough to kill all of us if we don't use the life-saving treasures. I have to act calm and strong.'

Yasenia's face didn't change as she stepped forward and sat on the chair prepared for her. Her dears didn't step up and stood on the side, showing respect for the seniors in the room.

However, their straight postures and indifferent expression made their respect to be shown without appearing weak.

Moreover, the second they entered the room, Tatyana and Angel began to mess with the formation in the room stealthily.

Tatyana commented. 'Angel should be able to crack it and override it within fifteen minutes. If a conflict arises, try to stall that much to see if you would've been okay without me. I can control it in forty seconds more, so be careful.'

'Understood. Mom, be careful with any defense mechanisms.'

Tatyana smiled softly. 'Don't worry. Mom can deal with the formation easily.'

"Hello, seniors. It's a pleasure being here." Yasenia decided to speak first and try to get a bit of a lead in the conversation. Speaking was a bit difficult with the natural pressure coming from the seniors. Still, Yasenia could maintain a conversation while someone sliced her arm, so it wasn't that hard to camouflage any discomfort.

The tiger man looked at Yasenia's calm and relaxed aura with interest. "Why do you not fight back? I wanted to feel that powerful aura you showed before."

Yasenia smiled calmly. "Senior, you all are people with influence. Since I can easily resist the auras, I will receive them and voluntarily place myself a step below. I hope the seniors have a bit of mercy on me."

The dragon man snorted and spoke condescendingly. "The matriarch of the Astral Sky Clan. A clan that has appeared out of nowhere. You have a conflict with the Fu family. Currently, you support the Harpy race, and they were able to steal Ghana from Fu Hao, the City Lord of a medium City. The Matriarch has a divine beauty few can match and is always accompanied by a group of similarly beautiful women."

Yasenia looked at him calmly and smiled. "Thank you for presenting me. I would love to know each and every one of the seniors here."

The ape-man lifted his bushy eyebrow and asked. "You are not surprised?"

Yasenia laughed and leaned back. "If you couldn't investigate and gather the information I've allowed the public to know, I would've been disappointed."

Their faces changed, and the serpent woman sneered, her tongue flickering. "You allowed all that information to leak? You are a bit careless, little Yasenia."

Yasenia smirked. "I would like to have the proper honorific, Elder from the [Five Fangs Serpent]."

The woman snorted, and Yasenia continued. "Also, I wouldn't call myself careless. As a new power, I've allowed you to understand so much that you realize I'm not a threat."

The elderly dog woman lifted her eyes and asked. "Do you think that's all we know about you?"

Yasenia smiled fearlessly. "If you've put a bit of effort into investigating the things I've placed a bit more hidden, I guess that the other things you've learned about us are related to our profession-related strength and a few of the items that will appear in the Auction two weeks from now. Am I right?"

They couldn't help but feel the momentum slipping from their fingers as if Yasenia was slowly gaining ground on them.

The serpent woman spoke coldly as she sent a small wave of pressure toward Yasenia. "I also learned how compassionate you are to humans."

Yasenia felt it and had to use twenty percent of her own aura to prevent the furniture below her from collapsing. 'Crap, they are just pressing a bit, and I feel it so harshly.'

Even then, Yasenia leaned on her hand and sneered. "We all know where you are going with this, so I'll ask you not to place a pot in my yard that's not mine. I'm being respectful, but I will now allow you all to frame me for something I'm not."

The serpent woman looked behind Yasenia and smiled coldly. "Then, how about those behind you? You care quite a bit about those little toys. Would you attack me if I were to kill them?"

The girls felt a wave of killing intent engulfing them, and they all held their breaths for a second, maintaining their stance while all their muscles tensed.

Yasenia calmly looked at her and spoke while allowing a strand of her own killing intent to smash against hers. Cultivation aura, she was not a match, but on other aura comparisons, Yasenia was not afraid.

The girls felt the aura from Yasenia slamming against the other and eliminating it, surprising them. 'Such a heavy killing intent.'

Tatyana commented. 'She must have killed tens of thousands in that War and seen the death of millions to accumulate such a heavy killing intent.'

Yasenia counter-argued. "Are you telling me none of your people have human slaves? You would not feel angry if one of your pets got killed for no reason? Don't make me laugh."

Yasenia saw her face becoming ugly and smiled. "They are my talented little cuties. Is it wrong to pamper them when they bring me profit and I share the same bed? A person would give birth to affection for a dog after being together for some time, not to mention a more intelligent race like a human, and not to add humans I have sexual relationships with."

The old dog woman frowned and looked at Yasenia with disgust. "You share a bed with humans? You are quite deranged."

Yasenia lifted her brow. "They are good with their tongues and bring me pleasure, is something wrong with using the slaves I've bought to the maximum, especially when they are so cute? Not to mention, they are good furnaces."

They couldn't help but become surprised. Meanwhile, Angel asked. 'Mommy Tatyana, what's a furnace?'

Tatyana explained. 'A furnace is a Dual Cultivation partner used only to increase cultivation by absorbing their cultivation. The main person would absorb their Yin or Yang and their vitality, using them as literal cultivation furnaces and eventually killing them. It's a common sight with demonic Dual and common cultivators and beings; some righteous cultivators also use them.'

Andrea was surprised by the last detail. 'Righteous cultivators also use them?'

Tatyana nodded. 'Righteous cultivators usually buy criminals and use them until they die, but there are black sheep everywhere. There have been cases of someone framing someone only to buy them later, and you can imagine the rest. It's one of the few practices I actually despise.'

Mirrory snorted. 'It's not like your cultivation method is much better.'

Tatyana commented. 'Although I absorb those I kill, at least my victims die swiftly. I do not fuck them repeatedly while they feel their beings being sucked slowly until they die a slow and torturous death.'

Angel was horrified. 'That's quite a bad fate for those who become a cultivation furnace.'

Evelyn joked. 'Well, little Angel. We seem to have become our dear dragoness's furnace.'

Angel's face became tangled. 'Well, if it's Yasenia... No, no, no, even my Yasenia can't do something like this! Maybe for a bit?... She definitely can't. That's not a good thing... But if she needs it....'

Mirrory was speechless. 'Angel, your love for her sometimes is too much.'

The others just chuckled. Even if Angel were willing, she would have to see if Yasenia agreed first.

'Probably not.' Evelyn commented.

'Definitely not.' Kali affirmed.

'I think it's impossible.' Andrea followed it.

'We should be worried if someday she starts doing the reverse thing while we don't realize it.' Tatyana chuckled.

'A valid thing we have to take into account.' Cecile agreed.

Meanwhile, Yasenia and the serpent woman had been going back and forth while discussing Yasenia's closeness to humans.

After a while, the woman smiled coldly and clapped twice. "You are so sure about your stand. Let's test it."

Yasenia heard the door opening, and everyone looked to the side.

Four men and three women, filled with bruises and barely covered, entered through the door.

All of them were exceptionally attractive, but none had a higher strength than a mortal. The men were also well endowed, and the small cloth on their waists was insufficient to cover their members.

The men were different in build, as there was one that looked childish with a slender frame, one that was handsome and tall, perfect all around, another that was scholarly looking, and a tall and bulky one.

The three women were also different; one looked too young, another was tall and slender, and the last was muscular and curvy.

Yasenia was curious about how they managed to maintain some of their bodies, as mortals tended to lose their physique quickly without exercising.

Yasenia's heart, however, didn't even change rhythm when she saw these otherwise attractive-looking people.

The woman smiled and commented. "Lovely beauties, are they not? Don't you want those thick members deep inside you, Lady Yasenia? Maybe you prefer the women going on all fours and licking you all around."

Yasenia looked back at the serpent woman and spat. "You are quite a boring person. Didn't I make it clear that my standards are high and that I only like women?"

The woman seemed to expect that answer, so she laughed aloud and smiled. "Then, kill them."

Yasenia lifted an eyebrow. "Pardon?"

The woman's smile widened as she said. "Kill them, and I'll believe you. Of course, the option to save them and add them to your collection is always open."

Yasenia sighed and did not bother hiding her disappointed expression. "I thought you would have more brains than such a stupid test. Did you think I would hesitate? Did you really think I would follow your orders? How about you think about whether you can force me to do so?"

Yasenia sneered. "Do I have something to prove to you? Do I need to be asked by a bunch of seniors I don't know to prove my empathy toward humans?"

Yasenia leisurely waved her hand, and the young-looking boy and girl instantly exploded into a meat puddle. 'They are too young, and at least they won't suffer much more.'

Yasenia could see that these two were still scared and traumatized as their eyes were darting around, unlike the others, who were expressionless and with dead eyes. Therefore, Yasenia decided to end their lives before their minds were broken.

Was it the correct action?

Was Yasenia someone who had the right to judge their life and death?

Yasenia didn't think so for a moment. However, she felt that instead of letting them live in hell on earth, she would send them to the reincarnation cycle and hope they were born in better conditions.

The woman's cold smile froze. The others also squinted.

Yasenia sneered. "Not only are you sick for bringing children here, but you are also ill from thinking this would deter me. I really don't understand the joy of trampling so much over another race, even if they were our past arch-nemesis. Isn't it better to extinguish the human race instead of waiting for a second Distancia to appear?"

Yasenia saw their eyes being shaken and continued. "Either way, do you have anything more to speak to me? If not, I would love to leave and spend the rest of my time with my dears."

Feeling that this person had slapped them for too long, the dragon man spoke. "You are too arrogant!"

Then, with him leading the others, the seven Epoch Core Cultivators unleashed their aura against Yasenia without holding much back.

Yasenia expected this outcome, but she still underestimated the pressure of their combined aura.

The second they released their pressure, she felt like the sky fell on top of her, and her whole body felt like a mighty claw was constricting it. Breathing became difficult as every organ inside her was squeezed harshly.

Even if her bloodline was many times stronger, the obvious strength difference made it difficult for Yasenia to resist.

However, on the outside, Yasenia kept the same languid posture and expression. Even when her organs were about to rupture and explode, sending brutal signs of pain to her head, Yasenia's eyes became colder and colder.

Tatyana and Valeria frowned as killing intent gathered in their eyes. They decided to interfere if these seven people didn't stop in a few seconds.

The other girls weren't that proficient in resisting showing their aggression, and the seniors felt their intentions to kill.

They turned their eyes and looked at the women at the side.

The dragon man sneered and shouted. "A human dare to look at me like with killing intent? Die."

He waved her hand, and a powerful shock wave of pressure rushed toward Evelyn, Angel, Andrea, and Tatyana.

Yasenia's eyes which were cold and emotionless, changed as if a drop of blood fell in her iris. The golden was rapidly consumed by a bright red color as something bubbled in her dantian with seemingly infinite potential.

'You asked for it.'

Then, the world fell silent.

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