Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 454 - 454. Marketing Decision. A rude superior.

Chapter 454: Chapter 454. Marketing Decision. A rude superior.

When they finished registering all the items, Carbira was numb. Her vertical eyes were spinning with dizziness after registering the one hundred and seven powerful treasures.

Especially the last three, which were peak-level Heaven-ranked. They were a two-handed Axe, a powerful shield, and a gorgeous blue cultivation dress.

In Carbira's opinion, these three would become one of the main attractions of the last day of the auction. One Transcendence item eclipsed them, but besides that particular item, they were in the top five quality-wise.

Kali asked curiously. "Carbira, do you know about this Transcendence Item?"

The woman nodded and shook her head. "Yes, but I'm clueless about its use. Who would be willing to sell one of the most powerful treasures if it wasn't because they felt it was useless."

Ghana asked. "What is the name of the treasure?"

Carbira answered. "[Rain Storm Meteorite]. It can create rainstorms, but just that. To be honest, I don't know why it is a Transcendence Realm Item."

Yasenia and our girls didn't say anything, but a guess formed in their hearts.

Yasenia changed the subject while asking. "Carbira, do you think presenting all these items is wise?"

Carbira looked at Yasenia and got thoughtful. After careful deliberation, she answered. "I'll be honest with you, Lady Yasenia. I would be delighted if you allowed us to deal with these items. We'll create man benefits, after all."

"However, it is true that auctioning all of them at once is a bit of a waste. If you sell all of them in our upcoming auction, they may fetch far less than marketing them individually and over time. The main reason is that powers will be tight on capital while fighting for so many of them, and they won't feel as pressured to get them."

"in short, if we create artificial scarcity, we can increase value, prestige, and the top power's interest in your clan much better."

Carbira saw Yasenia's thoughtful look and suggested. "How about this? We can sell them slowly instead of selling them in a single batch. We can use the top ten items from the whole batch for the upcoming auction, making your house earn a name."

"These ten items will also give your power enough capital to last at least five years unless you are wasteful. A single peak-level Heaven-rank item can support a second-rate power for twenty years. I'm guessing Lady Yasenia's power to be a first-rate power since you can easily give so many treasures, so I've reduced it to five years."

Yasenia internally chuckled, but she didn't interrupt and maintained an attentive expression.

"Then, for each monthly auction, we can use a powerful item and nine lesser ones to continuously spread your house's fame and make it seem like you could create these items."

The harpies didn't say anything, but they knew that it was not a hypothetical situation whether they could create these items.

Yasenia also didn't correct her. She didn't want to become too famous too quickly. She wanted the powers to begin spreading their Astral Sky Clan name, but without feeling threatened by them.

They kept conversing, and after careful consideration, Yasenia decided to place on auction twenty items.

Ten low-level Heaven-ranked treasures and her top ten ones.

She reached a deal with Carbira to sell five of those low-level Heaven ranked each of the first two days, creating a foundation for when the big reveal occurred.

Powers should prepare more funds if they knew that someone was willing to place Heaven-grade items in the lowest ranks.

This meant that the treasures she would sell later must be better.

Then, she would leave the remaining items to slowly sell across the continent using Brilliant Auction House as a medium.

This would make it so that their shop would be welcomed once it arrived in other cities.

As long as the number of top-level items they sell is small and they don't saturate the market, something Yasenia found improbable, other powers won't make it too difficult for them.

Some altercations are commonplace, and Yasenia was already preparing for them by helping Angel design a golem formation that would work independently.

Yasenia turned toward Carbira and smiled. "I think these plans are good enough. What do you think?"

"Ah? Oh, yes, yes. It is good enough."

'These one hundred and seven items are my ticket to becoming a top manager. It's almost set in stone as long as I keep cooperating with them.' Carbira couldn't help but feel like she was in a dream.

She turned toward Ghana, Hanna, and the other three harpies and smiled widely. "Thank you. You could've directly asked the Leader with this capital, but you've trusted me with them and allowed me to meet Lady Yasenia."

Hanna chuckled and commented. "I know you are outstanding. You just needed an opportunity."

Yasenia leaned on her hand and commented. "I hope the trust they placed in you is rewarded."

Carbira nodded heavily. "I won't let you down."

While they were finalizing the contract, the door smashed open. "Carbira, you dare hide over here!? It took me a while to find you. Which guests were the ones who broke the measuring crystal?"

The person on the door was a middle-aged lizard wolf woman, similar to the person they had previously encountered but with a furry tail instead of a scaled one. She was also much shorter, similar to an average woman.

Yasenia and the others instantly guessed. 'A relative from that lizard-man?'

Carbira stiffened, and without delay, she signed the contract presented by Yasenia.

She still had some points to read, but she was more afraid of being unable to sing than any traps Yasenia could've placed on it.

The lizard wolf woman frowned when she didn't receive an answer and screamed. "How could you ignore me and not inform me about such an important guest? As a mid-level manager, you have certain responsibilities that you seem to have forgotten."

Yasenia saw Carbira stiffen, and she was annoyed. "Can't you speak normally? Screaming like someone killed your dog is very annoying. A little more, and my eardrums may pop."

Carbira also answered. "Why did you enter so abruptly? Can't you see that I'm dealing the esteemed guests?"

The woman's hair stood on its ends because of anger, and the slit eyes also thinned to lines. "Are these unimportant people as important as someone who broke a measuring crystal!? Where are they?"

Then, she threatened, not giving Carbira a chance to oppose her. "You must give them to me. Even if you've signed a contract, you must break it and present them to me. Otherwise, I'll make sure you live a miserable life."

Not to mention Angel and our girls. Even the harpies' eyes became cold and indifferent.

Yasenia thought that if it were not because she wanted to sell her items here, her torture room at home would be pretty fitting for this woman.

Carbira observed their reactions, and her lips minutely arched. She didn't clarify instantly because she knew this person's temper.

'Ha! You've offended the people you are searching for. Let's see if you can steal this customer this time.'

Carbira could continue to play stupid, but it would be too deliberate and may make the powerful dragon woman feel like she was using them as a tool for personal revenge.

Therefore, she clarified right away. "Miss Fu, they are the guests you are searching for. I just told you I was dealing with the esteemed guests."

Yasenia and the others saw the facial expression of the woman who entered freeze.

Angel was previously angered, but this sentence and reaction almost made her burst into laughter.

Yasenia was not amused. "Miss Fu, right? What do you want from us?"

The cold and cutting tone, coupled with the thinning golden slit eyes, made her heart beat erratically, not in a good way.

The woman knew that the first impressions were already impossible to remedy. Therefore, instead of retreating, she kept pushing her logic. "Miss, our Auction House has the policy to give important guests to superiors. I'm sorry if I sounded rude, but Carbira here made a big mistake by handling things herself. She should have informed me to give the customers the best service possible. After all, upper management will always have a better understanding and connections, making it easier and faster to sell everything you want for a better price."

Yasenia was impressed by the ability to turn black to white and reverse the situation.

Yet, she understood that even if the policy was not bad for the customer. It made it doubtful to know if the "superiors" were more skilled or not.

If a new employee started from the bottom, this kind of policy would make it virtually impossible to climb the ladder as long as the superiors didn't want to.

Auction houses were based on merit, selling volume, and the ability to increase prices. If the best customers were stolen, it was easy to see how lower-ranked people would find it almost impossible to rank up.

Yasenia crossed her long legs and said calmly. "Miss Carbira has been of great help. How about you evaluate her work and see if she made a mistake? Instead of redoing the whole process, we can all save time that way. If there are no troubles, I'll continue working with her. How about it?"

This way, Yasenia guaranteed to get the best service whether what the new woman said was true.

This response surprised almost everyone. They thought Yasenia would directly throw this rude person away.

They failed to consider that Yasenia's positive impression of Carbira may not be the only important factor. If Carbira neglected to mention that Yasenia had lost access to better services and channels, it would be unwise of Yasenia to overlook those negatives and only focus on the positives.

As a person working there, it was her duty to inform of all the services the Auction House provided.

Thankfully for Carbira, she had not mistreated Yasenia and even explained things the new woman failed to comment on.

In short, it was all rubbish.

Yasenia dealt with everything efficiently and left the Auction not much later.

In the end, Yasenia chose Carbira as her manager for her items.

During this whole time, Miss Fu tried to use soft and hard approaches, but Yasenia effortlessly weaved through everything, getting what was best for herself. In this case, it was to have Carbira as the person responsible.

One of the reasons for many was that Carbira's management level was of a lower rank than hers. Still, the service was similar. Hence, Carbira could invest more time and effort into her order because the higher quality order can allow Carbira to leave her other responsibilities aside and focus on this one.

The surnamed Fu woman was speechless after a while. She could only congratulate Carbira with gritted teeth and leave angrily.

Yasenia ignored it and appointed one of the harpies as the contact between the two parties.

After leaving a few orders, she returned home with her girls.

When they exited the Brilliant Auction House, Cecile, Andrea, Evelyn, and Sierra were already waiting outside.

"Did everything go well?" Cecile asked.

"Everything is okay on our side. You are here, so you should've prepared everything I've told you."

Cecile nodded and commented. "Unless the Brilliant Auction House wants to have five of the Nine sects right behind them, they'll treat us very fairly and won't allow internal troubles to occur."

Yasenia smirked happily. "Perfect."

Hanna was too curious and finally asked. "I may be rude, but what did you send Lady Cecile to do?"

Yasenia turned and commented. "I asked her to inform the sects of the top three items we'll auction. I also told Cecile to be vague with the others but to tell them they are also outstanding. In short, too many people will be looking at these items, making it almost impossible to scheme, rob, or make illegitimate claims."

They couldn't help but find the decisive action excellent. Everyone will be too eager for these items; if a power tries to steal or mess with them, there will be trouble.

From here on, the importance of Yasenia's Astral Sky Clan for these top powers will only grow, slowly but surely becoming an integral part of them.

Yasenia smiled happily as everything advanced steadily, giving Cecile, Andrea, and Evelyn a kiss as a reward. "Good Job."

The soft and juicy lips were like sweet candy, making them feel warm inside.

Angel pouted and pulled Yasenia's hem.

After seeing her baby pouting, Yasenia ended up kissing all of her dears on the lips once, and even the harpies received a kiss on their cheeks.

Seeing their happy faces, Yasenia laughed and felt sweet inside. 'We are about to finish packing the times we owe to the Nine sects and the City Lord. Then, after delivering it, everything will be finally on track, and we can refocus on ourselves.'

Without any delays, Yasenia and the others reached home.


Author Note: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yasenia-andrea-r-82896665 <- Progress on the R-18 YaseniaxAndreaxAngelxEvelyn illustration. (Chapters 98-99) It is looking really good. (O////O)

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