Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 206 - 206. The price for opposing Tatyana. (End Of The Fourth Volume)

Chapter 206: Chapter 206. The price for opposing Tatyana. (End Of The Fourth Volume)

Tatyana stopped gathering energy and controlled it, asking. "What do I do with this energy? It seems like a waste letting it disperse just like that."

Lauren proposed, already dismounted from his dragon. "Maybe the Empress shall continue gathering energy and summon the venerable one? He may help us find those Demons, and we can ask him to help us in the near future."

Tatyana found that offer attractive and gave it a good thought. 'But... If I summon teacher, I won't be able to slack... What a dilemma!'

Tian Long said, "Blast the demonic side of the continent with it. They gave a nest to these disgusting demons who dared target the little princess! They shouldn't be able to live for this offense... Just thinking about it makes me want to go there and destroy cities all around."

Tatyana looked at Tian Long and was extremely tempted. 'I can't hear anything wrong with what he said...'

Ying Yue said, "I agree with Lord Long. These fools should be massacred for targeting our little princess. Even leaving one of them alive is an insult toward our little princess!"

Tatyana nodded, 'Right, Right. How could my little treasure be stranded who knows where if it wasn't because they let the Demons settle down? Moreover, they have also sent a lot of assassins my little treasure's way; I should kill a lot of families to pay for their sins and let their souls in the Underworld stop suffering.'

Hui Zhong said the most reasonable thing, "Empress, How about you let it dissipate slowly? You don't have any haste to do anything with it since the little princess is away, right? This way, you wouldn't need to massacre countless people because of something they didn't do. Although punishing those that attack the little princess is okay, we shouldn't kill indiscriminately."

Tatyana looked at Hui Zhong with a confused gaze, as if he had grown three heads and six arms. 'Is he speaking the same language as me? I can't understand his words, and it is not to brag, but I understand more than 10 000 languages!'

Tatyana completely ignored Hui Zhong and said with a sweet smile. "I like Tian Long's idea. Let's blast them to the Underworld!"

Hui Zhong shook his head and chuckled, "Well, whatever. I also wanted to punish them; I was just trying to speak common sense into the heads of these murder gods..."

Ying Yue made a fist with her hand, "Oh yes! Give them hell! Kill them all, Empress!" Hearing that with Ying Yue's naturally gentle and ethereal voice was something strange, to be honest. The tone was very mismatched.

Hui Zhong looked at her sideways and muttered, "Brute-"


"I'm extremely lady-like; who are you calling a brute?" Said the gentle-looking woman that just sent her companion blasting through ten mountains with one slap.

Tatyana looked at them, speechless. 'Well, whatever.'

She shook her head and flew high up in the air, surrounded by the destructive and chaotic Death and Fate energy flows. She looked at the tribulation clouds that didn't fall yet and said, "Hmm... Should I blast those away with the same strike? Yeah, why not."

Thankfully, only her summons were around, or the people hearing her would have had a stroke and died on the spot. 'Why is she taking the Tribulation Clouds as if they were a bug to splat!?'

When she was high enough that she could aim toward the Demonic Side of the continent thanks to extremely complex calculations, she locked onto an area where her intelligence network exposed one of the biggest main bases the demons built these months. 'That area still shouldn't have built a protective formation, thinking they are still hidden... That should be a good spot to kill some millions.'

Worry about innocent people? Sorry, but Tatyana didn't have the conscience to do so. In Tatyana's opinion, since their race is trying to invade this continent, for extension, they are agreeing to everything their leaders are doing, so they are indirect accomplices for their actions and deserve to die.

Children don't know anything about these things? They don't, but that doesn't mean that they will be safe after their parents have provoked someone as crazy, insane, murderous, and unfeeling as Tatyana. No matter how cute she acts in front of Yasenia or how logical she is with Yasenia's concerns, that is where Tatyana's sanity ends. For Tatyana, a rock on the side of the road or a person before her sword is valued the same unless Yasenia has an interest in them.

Therefore, with zero feelings of guilt, remorse, hesitation, or anything like that, Tatyana looked toward the distance as if she was looking down on the world. A red aura leaked from her eyes and grew exponentially, meshing with the accumulated aura in complex patterns.

That aura enveloped the [Underworld Gate] and lifted it to the air above the Tribulation Clouds. Since the [Underworld Gate] was literally invisible to the Heavens, they didn't react and let it hover over them with its obsidian gates wide open.

Then, she began chanting one of her strongest attacks, her eyes glowing crimson, and her voice sounded phantasmal. "For my power, I command. A terrible fate looms..."

On another place of the continent, millions of kilometers away, even if it was daytime, the sky suddenly darkened. All the creatures present looked up with curiosity, looking at the dark vortex that was appearing above them. The aura of Death around it was extremely thick, alerting some of the powerhouses present. However, none of the powerhouses were above the sixth realm, so they couldn't completely understand what was happening above them.

From that black vortex, an enormous door appeared, swung open, and showed the deepest of darkness across those doors. It was as if one's gaze would be consumed after looking through that mountain-sized door into that consuming darkness. The aura that leaked from that gate instilled an instinctual fear in every creature present; this fear was the same inborn fear all creatures had toward death.

Then, they heard a female voice across them. The voice was beautiful and elegant, yet accompanied by a terrifying phantasmal undertone that made them want to kneel in reverence toward the creature that was speaking through those terrible gates. But that doesn't matter, as the person speaking was unforgiving. "For my power, I command; a terrible fate looms. From the world, I demand; to bring these fools DOOM. [Death Empress Decree: Underworld's Condemnation]."

Then on Tatyana's side, all the energy she had gathered for the summoning condensed in a ball and exploded upward toward the [Underworld Gate] like a black-green pillar connecting the Heavens and the Earth.

The beam was impossibly wide, much wider than the [Underworld Gate]. This beam consumed everything in its way and reached before the Tribulation Clouds. With a world-shattering strength, the Underworld's Condemnation slammed against the Tribulation clouds, dispersing them in a circular shape, as if they were normal clouds against a powerful bomb.

The beam didn't even lose strength after shattering the Tribulation Clouds, rushing toward the [Underworld Gate]. Before it reached the gate, a suction strength coming from the gate absorbed the beam, like a black hole, shrinking and devouring the beam to a size that could go through it.

On the other side of the [Underworld Gate], the creatures there saw the deep darkness shine for an instant before something burst from it with trampling strength. That pillar of destructive energies shot from Tatyana burst from the door, instantly widening to its original width and covering the sky like an all-consuming darkness.

For all the demons and other creatures in that area, even those in the Demon Monarch realm, it felt like the sky was falling, like the World was ending, as if someone had sent divine judgment to all of them to pay for their sins. But this was not a divine judgment, but the condensed wrath of an angered mother toward a race that aimed to kill her daughter.

The beam inevitably fell silently and claimed what it came to takeā€”the lives of all living beings in this area.

Those below the Unification realm died from the pressure of the attack alone. They were flattened before they could feel anything from the beam's pressure when moving all that air downward. It was as if Gravity had suddenly multiplied thousands of times, killing everything with less than Unification realm strength.

Those between the Unification realm and the peak of the Dantian Spiritualizaton Realm became ash instantly as the heaven pillar touched them. Painlessly, silently, they disappeared from the world.

The low-level and mid-level Demon Monarchs had time to set some barriers and protect themselves. But it was futile as the beam didn't even slow down, breaking everything in its way so easily that the Demon Monarchs didn't even know when their defenses shattered and that falling darkness consumed them. The beam melted them like a candle exposed to the hottest fires, inflicting agonizing seconds of torment before the sweet release of death.

Only those high and peak level Demon Monarch managed to resist enough not to die instantly. However, this time, it was more a curse than a blessing, as the catastrophic attack enveloped everything around them, leaving them no other option than to resist the attacks with their bodies after their defenses collapsed. The feeling of their life being eaten and stolen away was terrifying as if countless hands were dragging them to a place where their most terrible nightmares were going to be realized. They only lasted ten excruciating seconds before they joined the unavoidable fate of all living beings in that area.

Tian Long and the others looked at the abyssal chasm that Tatyana created and nodded in approval. Tian Long said, "You haven't lost your touch. You aimed to the place where most people would die. Good job. If the forces of this continent and the Demons were on par, it would have been a devastating attack that would signify their complete defeat. I don't think the Demons will attack other places in a short while."

Tatyana snorted and crossed her arms before her. "I've been training these last months. And well, this could be a warning toward that Demon Empress and Emperor. They should know that if they want to run the next time, they should be prepared to sacrifice some people."

Tatyana looked toward the secret realm portal and flashed before the soul strand of the transparent old man. The old man looked at Tatyana and asked, "Is something the matter?"

Tatyana looked at him for a moment and asked, "Why didn't senior stop the Demon Empress from tampering with the portal? I'm sure that whatever she did won't only affect the juniors that enter through this portal but also the others."

The old man rubbed his white beard and said, "What that woman did, didn't interfere with the trials inside. All the juniors will be able to enter and exit the portal without anything happening to them or damaging them directly in any way. Therefore, it wasn't my responsibility to stop her."

Tatyana said indifferently, "Wouldn't it be a shame if the inheritor died just after leaving the portal because of what she did? Even if the harm isn't direct, it will surely affect them. Her objective has always been weakening our continent's strength, so I'm 90% sure that what she has done will be harmful."

The old man looked at Tatyana and said, "Then, if the extra obstacle that the woman placed is the end of the inheritor, that would have been their destiny."

Tatyana looked at that old man with rage, "A senior has meddled with a junior's affair, so it is clear that they had influenced all their fates! This isn't their original destiny, but a forcefully changed one!"

The old man said, "There isn't a forcefully changed destiny; all things are predestined. It was the fate of the juniors that went inside this secret realm to overcome the challenges that this will generate."

Tatyana gritted her teeth and almost punched the old man, "Everything is predestined!? IT ISN'T! My fate and my daughter's fate will be snatched from the Heavens by our hand!"


Tatyana looked up at the tribulation clouds and punched toward them with her fist glowing with white energy. "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR BULLSHIT!"


Her punch shattered the sky and destroyed the tribulation clouds with an enormous explosion. The old man was surprised for a moment, but he didn't say anything else.

Tatyana looked at the man one last time, shook her head, turned, and left. 'I will have to begin being more proactive to create a safe haven for my little treasure....'

Her summons, still living allies, and people that wanted to ally with her mounted the enormous battleship, and they began flying back toward the academy. Then, looking at the disappearing portal, her face became a little melancholic. 'Will a lot of time go by until I see her in person again? Little Treasure, I hope you don't forget about mommy waiting for you here to return home...'

Thinking about that situation was enough to make Tatyana angsty and nervous. She was about to use her fate skills to know how much time would pass before they see again in person but decided against it. 'Be patient, Tatyana. Focus on what you must do, and then worry about my little treasure. I will have to create a searching squad to find where she is in this vast world. Moreover, she has the [Green Black Glass Heart] with her...'

Tatyana looked at her subordinates and summons. Then, she spoke, her voice carrying imperial might! "It is time to come to the surface! Our main base will be the academy, and we will expand from there! Let's take over all that was meant to be ours!"

Countless howls, screams, and roars filled the world, making it tremble and announcing the end to Tatyana's spectator stance. Therefore, from this day onward, Tatyana's reign in a big part of the Sky Continent and the surroundings began, officially becoming the third power besides the Righteous and Demonic sides.

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